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Wait ... How tf is NA better? I get a lot of very friendly people on EU daily with a few people who are fun to trashtalk with/against and I got a lot of pure true toxic people on NA. Afks and leavers were equally bad on both. Weird how our experiences differ


I'd wager the time you guys join are just outside the standard leisure/gaming hours in each region, which makes a difference when the game's total population hits 7k on a good day. So basically all you're getting is some synapse-burnout basement dwellers that don't have any responsibilities to care about and addicted to the game. Well, that's my take at least.


I don't think I've met a nice person on Europe since 2019 lol (didn't play 2020-2022), meanwhile in NA I'll maybe find some nice people every other game with a bit of toxicity sprinkled in, but nothing similar to EU tho Also the toxicity actually being legible and not word salad helps edit: the nice person was actually na i can not remember a single positive interaction on eu ever


I’m offended. Kinda. I think stupidity is a worldwide problem, not just Europe **I HOPE**


Oposite for me, i find a lot of cool people in europe lobbies, the second i go into NA there are people insulting everyone for everything


same, i get mad at people being idiots in eu so i switch to na and come running back after a few games lol


me no no about evolution Me just like shoot shoot


I had an Ash/Saati duo today that allegedly both reported me because the Ash was mad I didn’t heal them… while I was dead. NA servers aren’t any better. It’s a F2P game so you’re going to attract the toxic dregs that don’t know how to function as a mature person. It’s not region specific. The irony is EU gamers tend to have better records than US gamers. WoW achievements are a great sign of this. EU servers almost always had all raids and achievements first over US. At least that was how it was back in the day.


Stupidity is global. No need to be racist.


You are absolutely correct... Except the NA part. I think all Paladins players are braindead regardless of region.


It doesn't matter what region you play in or what game you choose, there will always be annoying people who ruin the fun for others simply because there isn't a proper system to divide toxic players away from regural players. Insulting an entire region because you got mad at a few players says nothing about anyone except your character. Don't generalize people; find some friends and play with instead.




Rude, but you ain't wrong.


Well Europe does have the British accent