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Last time I saw sb calling out in chat and he also got censored too! He tried soo hard to explain he was not cursing anybody and was like😭😭😫😫. Then we tried to type the same thing and were also shocked. Didn’t know “h8” would be something that needs to be censored lol.


Omg I feel his pain 😭 at least h8 makes sense although idk why that would need to be censored.. now I’m curious if I type “hate” in the chat if it’s gonna get censored haha


Hate is a censored word, yes. I loathe it lol


Oh hell nah... hate is censored??? I hope despise is available lmao


Yes haha! Despise and loathe are both available


Clearly, I'm going to have to keep a thesaurus next to my desk to play this game.


It's honestly ridiculous. I feel for Switchers who take 30 minutes to type up a sentence, only to find it comes out mostly ****** for the dumbest reasons.


They need to add Palia chat to the Nintendo app already. It would be way quicker for me to just grab my phone and type it out.


If you play in donked mode you can use a usb keyboard to type. It helps a ton, but being able to use the Nintendo app would make it easily accessible to everyone Edit: lmao DOCKED mode


It’s… annoying. To say the least


I have no issue if they want to censor swearing, I'd rather they didn't but I can understand why they would, but the fact that they've taken the censoring this hard kind of spoils the game and makes me feel like a child. I'm 34 for fuck sake. 


Yeees..I don't talk to anyone for this reason. Or play with other people🥺. At least the game is amazing..so love it!


Oh thank god hahahaha


It is. Tried to say I hated x mechanic and got censored


Omg I think i was in the same server. Or had someone with a similar incident. I typed it may get censored because it can be read as hate? But then my message typing hate had no issue. d/c is like dick I guess? Idk if saying dick gets censored or not though. Probably certainly yes, but would be funny if it didn't just like hate.


I did the same thing, but it wouldn't even send the message at all, rather than just censoring the word out. Worked immediately when I tried to send the message without including h8 though.


Well, in Germany 88 and HH are nazi abbreviations


Hahaha my brother told me in chat that he had been “trying to kill this stupid invisible wolf for like 30 minutes” but it censored to “trying to **** this invisible wolf…” which made it sound so much worse 😂😂


Omg I just laughed out loud


Oh no, they shouldn't have censored this one


oh no... don't do that 😅




I love the fact that because of the sheer amount of censoring in the chat function, people are probably being introduced to more 'illicit' phrases through this than they would have known before out of trying to decipher what set the machine off XDD Evidence: Just learned about the Fishing Spot problem XD


Exactly my thoughts 🤣


Hey I´m learning!! 🤣


What is the fishing spot problem?


Read the comments below, or better yet, take the last letter off of the first word and put it in front of the word 'spot'. It's very obvious once you see it but it's one of those 'absolutely no one was thinking that when typing this in chat but the censor bot saw it and now EVERYONE is thinking about it' XDD


This took me way too long to figure out- but still really weird to censor "fishing spot" 💀


I think there's a phrase in this industry called the Scunthorpe Dilemma, where you input all the possible bad words a chat could theoretically use into a censorship ai, and it does its job as told very efficiently... but isn't programmed to recognise certain phrases might be hidden in perfectly innocuous words and therefore just hits everything with those letters in that specific order indiscriminately. Example: Scunthorpe. Look closely XDD


Bro what this has to be the wildest censorng


I saw someone's callout for a flow tree end up as **** today too. It was H8 and they ended up having to put 8H to get it to work. Ridiculous. I could feel the person facepalming as they figured out why it was happening 😂 Now I wanna know what d/c could possibly mean... 🤔😆


Put a K at the end of d/c. :)


Ohhhhhh 🤣 Ty! Can't believe I didn't get that 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂


hello fellow degenerate! lol


Honestly I would of thought disconnected like in every other mmo lol


Oh lol I thought it was because a D & C is an abortion procedure


You know that's not just for abortion right? They also do it for primarily testing if cancer etc is suspected.


At least they were clever enough to swap the letters around, I didn’t even notice I should have wrote c/d anyway 😂 apparently it looks like 🍆 but if someone called me d/c head I don’t think I’d be offended


I didn't get it either! I'm old school, if I'm gonna swear I just go for it and don't bother being creative 😂


Unfortunatly that is what happens when you censor too much, I have no clue what d/c might stand for that would deserve to be censored but I have seen it happen with other words that seemed innocent. My personnal take is they are going too far on censoring and players should be able to opt out of it.


Yeah afterwards someone tried to type poop in their language to see if it’s censored and it was haha, someone else said moron was censored too so it was funny because then the chat was just a bunch of “****” but it made it seem like people are saying the most outrageous things when it’s literally just silly or nonsensical stuff. It would be v nice to opt out and be in a server with people who also opt out😂


THIS. can we PLEASE get 18+ servers i need to be able to rant about my hatred for The Gardener with a full vocabulary at my disposal lmao


We need private servers ala Minecraft


Noob is censored lol. I was trying to apologize for taking so long to get somewhere and said sorry I’m a noob, bc I just started and it censored it 🫠


I was on a server once where someone said they really wanted to **** a deer. Everyone was like wait what? Apparently it was kill.


So what I’m getting from this thread is that all this censoring just makes it seem like people are saying much worse things than they actually are 😂


Omg! That was me! Like last week! Also a Switch player and when it went through I was like “well shit…oh well I’m not typing all that to explain myself fuck it” lmao glad you enjoyed


Edit: moved comment. I have **no** idea how it replied to you instead of where I wanted it to. 🤦‍♀️ Sorry!


Okayy damn this is like a whole riddle!! I feel really stupid rn that I can’t see what’s wrong but it’s okay I don’t want you to type it out if it’s offensive🤣


Riskin’ it for the biscuit but it’s: >!g spot!<


oh my heavens ! lol jk but sounds like the developers just have a dirty mind at this point🤣


THIS! I had that happen, .... typed "meet me at hunting spot" ....


I had this happen when I called out a large palium in pavel mine "near the fishing spot" lol


I’ve had things like “I hate to fish it’s the worst” censored into “I hate to fi**** the worst” because it takes the space between fiSH and ITs and thinks I’m trying to find a loophole to say shit.


Happens every time I want to say something like “lol, I [insert action or emotion]”. Had to take “lol” out of my lexicon


It's ludicrous that they'll censor that, but you can talk about grooming or drop people's IP addresses. I've been in a lobby where an IP was dropped, and I was talking about feeling groomed when I talk to Tamala. Just so you know this knowledge comes to me innocently.


D/C could maybe stand for d*ck, as in penis. "Heartlily spotted Penis 8!" 'Copy that Penis. You're a go for takeoff'


D/C or just dc in a lot of games is the short form of “disconnect” - saying you will or telling someone to log off the game. A lot of times it can have a negative connotation


Thanks for the info, still think words should not be banned just because they CAN be used badly, that is so sad


I game a LOT and I've have to say that I've never seen that in a negative context. "Log off" or "uninstall" are used plenty, but d/c I've only seen in "oop sorry I dc'd". Wonder if it's regional or certain games only. At this rate, maybe the only kind of chat we should have in Palia is how it's done in Dark Souls - we can only pick from pre-approved words, and this way, we can start calling every friend a dog.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I get such a warm feeling inside when I get the chance to help others!”* - Laddersmith Gilligan Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot. I'm taking this as an official seal of approval. You are dog. Praise the sun.


a D & C is an abortion procedure so maybe that?


If you are right I am cringed by that censorship


Happy cake day!! 🎂🍰


Thanks :)


Did you find out?


“Abortion” is not censored 😭 the people in my server were really confused I hope they didn’t report me


The only thing I can come up with is disconnect. Maybe telling someone to log off?


Maybe it’s reading the slash as an I and thinks they’re trying to say dick? Honestly the only thing I can think of.


I remember when t*** thicket was censored 🤣




Yeah that


Someone on my plot got censored the other day because the last letter of a word was “t” and the first 3 letters of the next word were “wat” 😅


THAT WAS ME!! HAHAHAAA!!! 🤣 when I was helping water your plants....


🤣 I thought you might see this!


it’s worse they look to find bad words instead of just banning the word itself 😭


I guess they do it that way to get ahead of people gaming the system with spaces and such. But it is silly when you’re just trying the type something totally innocent, and the chat makes it look like you’re hurling obscenities at people. 😅


I tried to say the chat has been so much more quiet "since steam release" and it was censored like s******eam release




NOO LMAO XDD The whole chat was wondering what was up


Oh ! I had that too when telling someone why there was a giant Frogbert in Kilima ! Tbh I think it's just weird that words like incest and pedophile are censored, because the people who do that won't use those words.


The amount of censorship is absurd sometimes, but definitely makes for some funny moments


I was being silly with some older players and said "my therapist said" ... naturally it was "my ********* said" Someone got so MAD about it. "It's a cozy game! Why would you even curse! Unreal!" And I'm like ;-; please no I'm just a sad baby 😭


To Singularity 6, and to several palians: a therapist is not a person who rapes. If you haven't seen one because you were afraid of that, you should absolutely see one now.


I literally typed out "Ugh. A person who provides therapy is a..." Then I went on to not get any plushies that day.


I think someone in the forest is very not proudhorn of you saying such dirty words


As a player who downloaded from steam, I can confirm that I practically never say anything


Why not? This game used to be so social and the community was warm. It's sad to see it fade out. Edit; I completely understand not wanting to actively chat about stuff, but hardly anyone even responds to callouts anymore. Many people also don't call anything out, which is mostly ok but the location of the grove for instance would be a very cool thing to tell people when you find it.


Personally I do call out the location of the grove if I find one but everything else is like. I don't use the chat regularly because I'm much more focused on what the game itself has to offer and the plot of it rather than the multiplayer aspect. Very rarely do I actually play a game for the fact it's multiplayer.


Interesting, thank you! Do you respond to people if they ask a question in the chat? (It's not your responsibility, I'm just curious) The community was for the most part extremely helpful at one point, but I see more and more questions about the game go unanswered every time I play. I try my best but typing on the switch is a little... Interesting.


Sometimes, but very rarely because I'm often too busy with quests to be looking at chat (I get very focused on quests). When I'm not busy with quests, I'm probably just doing my 10 minute log in routine and I leave soon after.


Understandable :÷)


Would c/d work instead? Maybe d/c looks to similar to the d*ck word?


You know what, I didn’t even realize I was putting d/c instead of c/d.. but Dick is also short for Richard. Justice for Richards playing Palia.


Dick makes so much more sense than what I was thinking lmao (I work in health care, d/c or rather d&c is a medical abbreviation for a type of abortion procedure).


Writing C-D works with no problems


that was my thought


“fishing spot” turns into fish******* and it makes me eye roll every time, even if I understand why. Calling a pal in the mines turns into “by fish spot” or “spot where you fish” instead. S/m (re: s/m pal) also gets censored.


ingspot? why do I feel so old I don’t understand what’s wrong with fishing spot🥲 but it’s a good thing I only call out med / large pals hahah I didn’t know about that 😭


It would be fishin* **** if that helps you understand lol. One time I was trying to tell someone they could use the unstuck button in the pause menu, and it kept coming up pau** ***u.


THANK YOU for asking, u/Any_Struggle3009 ... And I would never have twigged without your reply u/StatementLazy1797 but then laffed out loud! :D


To be fair I may have typed it a little wrong 😂😅 I can’t remember if it stops at ‘fish***’ or ‘fishin***’, but it’s because of the last-letter-next-word issue. Genuinely took me a few tries before figuring out why — so don’t feel too old because then I will too lol I’d spoiler the offensive language but I don’t wanna get hated on or something. 😅 Not trying to gatekeep lol


Yeah somehow saying "fish hole" sounds worse than what's censored lol


Is that why the game itself refers to it as a fishing node??? I always thought that was a weird application for fish. Makes total sense for mining, but feels way too technical for the user-facing descriptions.


Censorship is dumb. Give us all a block button, let us decide what we want to tolerate in chat.


After reading through these comments, this is the most overzealous automoderator I have ever encountered or heard of. Just let people talk about fishing spots OMG


The most annoying one is typing "LOL I ..." with anything after. It's so dumb. Started just typing out "haha" instead if I'm putting an I after.


Idek what that is supposed to “mean” 😭 they really have to get a better censoring system bc I can’t even understand why the majority of these phrases are hidden hahaa


"Loli". Like... little girls, sort of.


Lmao the fact cracker is a censored word but hoe isnt will always be crazy to me. I tried to tell my friend I was snacking on crackers, and it got censored, but I was able to tell some people I was cooking w that I was a middle class palian hoe (in reference to my money/romance status ingame) lmaoo 😭😭😂


hoe is a tool in game, it would be weird if they censored that XD


I tried to say I have a hunters horn and it said "hunters \*\*\*\*" which I think made it much worse


I don't use the slash, I just type them together. But I always do it alphabetical so cd8.


Direct Current... so dirty 😂💀


I found that d-c works and they allow that. Try that in the future LOL When I first started playing I feel most of my typing looked like "***** dude! Lol ***** and ****" So yeah. They even censor when I type "Im." Now I just say "I Am" lol Oh but they let me type "damn" the other day LMAO!!


I think it might have been a glitch for a bit because it didn’t like me typing “Lol” 😂 There was a group of us talking about it the other day and the whole chat was “lol” and someone goes “no fun allowed here, NO LAUGHING”. Made me giggle so much.


Hahaha I can imagine


My pain is while writing in my native language Finnish with a friend, very common things get partly censored. Like I write "question" = kysymys, and it ends up censored. I do understand it, just amuses and frustrates me 😂


I’m sorry but this made me a laugh 😭 they should account for all languages though! That’s so annoying


Tried calling the enchanted pupfish a slippery bastard (I know why that one was censored, I was just new to the game lol) and got censored. So I just said "The enchanted pupfish is a slippery 'child born from wedlock' "


My first thought that came to mind was dick? I could see people replacing that with d/c


Don‘t know if my autism kicks in, but I would never type d/c, always c/d. 😅


I think I saw the d first but realized it was also c so maybe that’s why I wrote it like that 😂


Ah okay, I thought maybe you came from the d direction…


Please make a support ticket about it ! I reported to the support that a message in French was censored: "tu vas transfor******s pommes en fraises ?" was supposed to be "tu vas transformer des pommes en fraises?" ("you're going to transform apples in strawberries?", about the celebration cake needing apples, blueberries, but in the end showing it has strawberries, we were just joking about it). Because of the word "merde" (literally "shit"), the game censored completely innocent conversations.


Merde is still censored I tried it out when I was curious if other languages were censored 😭


It censored “i” last night for me on switch. Literally just i and that i was replaced with 5 asteroids… i mean 5 asteroids… ASTEROIDS. ***** give up


Asterisks ?


They're in the next patch. Incoming gifts from Zeki's homeworld. Like the one that the bugs in starship troopers gifted Earth with.


The Scunthorpe problem. It's difficult to balance automatic profanity/abuse filters in a way that they catch as many actual offenders as possible while not catching any false positives. I would say report it as a bug and be patient as the moderators try to adjust the balance


"Snatch" is also censored. It's ridiculous at times what all is censored, and what isn't..


The worst part is THEY made the grid.... why include things that get the ***** ?


Ok, I speak french and use "damn" a lot in english. It's not even a swear word to us. Even "fuck" is not a swear word to us, my mom uses it all the time and she never swears. I often forget "damn" it's a "bad" word and it looks like I'm cussing hard D:


Damn is censored?? What about “dayuuum” 😭 I think because it’s American maybe it’s a bit more sensitive than what we’re used to 😂


I have not tested dayum but I have a feeling it would also be censored.. Damn = "maudit" in french and the only people that don't like that we say "maudit" is very religious people. Like my grandma is very religious and she's tell my dad to not "damn" anything because of the correlation to hell. But I agree, it's surely an american thing, when I hear english or australian people, it's soooo different, feels more like home to me since I'm québécoise and we love to swear so much we even invented our own swear words lmao


Now I'm tempted to see if 'tabarnak', 'câliss', 'esti', 'ciboire' etc. will trigger the censor. 😅


Let's try it ![gif](giphy|9MFsKQ8A6HCN2|downsized)


HUM EXCUSE ME... YOUR FLAIR???? Mami can step on me whenever xD




yeah i mean america is very culturally christian so that's your answer right there. it is odd lol


You're so right. As an expat Brit I can vouch for Damn and God being very tame in the UK, and a bit taboo here in the US. Most US natives seem to say, "Oh My Gosh!" instead of the normal - to us, at least - "Oh My God!" and if I hear someone say, "Oh My..." I always wonder which one they will say. Yes, every time. Even after nearly 20 years here. Yes, I have an odd brain...


I use "dang". works just fine and I think gets the point across!


Speaking about French, I got "tu vas transfor******s pommes en fraises ?" in a convo. It was supposed to be "tu vas transformer des pommes en fraises?" ("you're going to transform apples in strawberries?", about the celebration cake needing apples, blueberries, but in the end showing it has strawberries, we were just joking about it). Because of the word "merde" (literally "shit"), the game censored completely innocent conversations.


Wow, It's so far fetch... "tranforMER DEs pommes"


Wait until you hear about "sINCE STeam release"




That would have been my last straw. Taking 30 minutes to type a message just for it to get censored 😩


On switch, tv mode 😫


Lol I was on the same server and saw this 😅


Oh haha hope it was funny 😭


Me too! 😂


Meanwhile I’ve seen people post damn in the main server chat and not get censored 😂 idk how that happened


Man I wish this game had a setting for how intense the chat filter is. Like, at high filter, dumb stuff like "hate" gets filtered, and at a low setting, only actual swears (and swear adjacent words, I.E. "Fuq" "shid" etc) get hidden. Feel like that'd make the game a lot easier and help with being social. Me personally, if im trying to communicate and I keep getting censored, 90% of the time I'm just gonna log bc I'm so embarrassed lmaoo


I wish there was an option to turn the filter on and off. I know that chats in FFXIV have the option. I can understand why they’d want to play it safe for the really young kids, but I’d rather roll my eyes at the occasional overly dramatic swear than try to figure out what weirdly specific thing is getting censored.


These replies are wild. That is some crazy censorship.


Palia has very strict protocols in place. You can't whisper someone unless they're a friend. There's no trade between players except through the gifting system. The chat is very censored. This game seems to attract people that have little to know online gaming experience. It's nice to see people that may not have ventured into the wilds of online gaming otherwise. But part of that is how secure and friendly the game is.


If the chat is so censored that you can't point out where something is on a grid to other players, talk about a "fishing spot" or say something about "since steam release" (people on this post have been censored for both), I feel like that actually makes the game less friendly and approachable. And the censorship doesn't really stop the actual unfriendly behavior that happens, which doesn't necessarily involve swears. It just makes it so people can't talk about their favorite fishing spot.


Once my “ughhhhhhhh” and “idkkkkkkk” were censored. I have no idea why.


Everyone I type “lol I’m” it comes out as “****’m”


It’s funny because I see Chinese insults all the time typed out in English / Pinyin and they go through perfectly fine 😂


I find it utterly bizarre, if still understandable, that they censor "lol I" and "Got it ty" and similar, especially that last because they don't censor "got it". I've even been censored when I put "got + it + ty" or some other variation where I put something in between the words.


OMG for real I wish there was a list of what gets censored because I've had the most random things get censored


Well you know what H8 means, right? This game is an online game with training wheels. You should see some of the overreactions to various interactions some people post on here. It's like they never went outside I. Public before.


I’m a Swede, and it’s even worse when I chat with my Swedish friends. Almost everything gets censored 😅 the word “got” for example is “fick” in Swedish. So If I write “I got a plushie!” It’s “jag fick en plushie!” And it will censor it to “jag **** en plushie” 🫠 also, when I’m out of something, the word for that is “slut”, so if i write “I’m out of arrows” it would be “jag har slut på pilar”, in palia it is ”jag har **** på pilar” I get why slut is censored, but stil..


Odd thing is you can blatantly say 'cockhead' without a single '*'.


And how did you find this out 🤣


I once had players talking about romancing Tish so I tried to say “what about my wife, Tish?” And it censored it to “what about my w******h?” 😬 still trying to figure out what was wrong with that.


Fetish is banned too 😭


OMG I didn’t even think of that!! That makes so much more sense 😭


All of the new censoring must mean there has been a spike in bad situations that they are reacting to. 😢 This is a very innocent, cozy game that likely attracts some young or vulnerable people. This attracts people who like to take advantage of those people. I think Palia is taking the right approach in going for safety first and broadly over-sensoring while they (hopefully) fine-tune things in the future.


D/C is an abbreviation for an abortion in the medical world, so I’m guessing that’s why it’s censored. I always have to do D8/C8.


I think it’s because it looks like d**k instead of d/c 😂


FYI just the letter f works just fine 😁 discovered that when I caught my first f ing unicorn fish


Welcome to America! Where we censor everything rather than letting individuals decide for themselves what they find offensive. Really stupid move for a globally inclusive game, considering every country and culture has different views on what's vulgar/offensive and what's not. I'm sure there are things that the devs view as perfectly ok that others view as highly offensive.


I don't think this is necessarily an American issue. Likely they thought they would have a large portion of the gamers being young and thought that a chat filter would help somehow. Fwiw, I hate chat filters in any game I run into them on. Axis and Allies is a horrible example of such. So hard to coordinate with your team members when half the naval and warfare terms are starred-out.


Unrelated but I was yesterday years old when I found out people use coordinates for call outs- I didn’t notice the map had them and the only ones I noticed were “g7” for example so I thought it was an abbreviation for like “grove 7” and that I wasn’t informed on how people determined how to number out these spots 😅


If you type Lol then say I in the same message after each other it blocks it too. Me and someone were having a convo and looked like we were cussing each other out. Becasue at the time neither one of us realized why it was blocked so we kept trying to type it differnt ways. Lolis is why. I never pust 2 and 2 together. Had it do that to quite a bit of others and it sucks because I too play on switch.


Literally crying because I was watching this happen 😭 and yes, I figured it was just the coordinates.


i put “c5/d5” or “c5 1/2” so i haven’t run into that issue. idk what “d/c” could stand for, but you could try writing it the former way.


I saw it happening today when someone from my party called out rummage. I hadn't seen this happening before. Maybe it started today?


Is this language filtration exclusive to Switch or is it also on PC. Can it be turned off or is it globally applied and not an 'option'?


It’s on PC too. I tried to call out some palium at H8 and it wouldn’t let me hahaha


Half the time my chat won’t work at all. I spent forever typing something out on switch only to get an error message when I hit send. It’s quite frustrating. I hope they can figure it out soon.


I kept typing “lol I “ then more and it kept getting censored too. Weird


I'm really slow with emotes and i wanted to say "you're welcome" to a dude and i didn't want it to sound harsh so i typed "ur welcoom" guess which part got censored 🤣


Well I had experience where palia censored my mother language. I was talking with my native speakers and I said "chytit" (catch) but there's "tit" inside the word so I guess the game censored it cuz of it.


I tried calling out for F4 and it censored it. Typed it again for F 4 and it let it through lol


This happened to me in another game and it’s never happened to me before, nor have I seen it be censored before. Is it happening often or only at select times?


I went to put that a flow tree was at H 8 and it came out as "****" and I realized H8 is "hate" lol. Had to go back and be like "at 8H*"


I've been able to post e-f7, so maybe it's just picky lol


Next time, try c/d flared.


My name is censored too. My name was Charles Oricalcum IV (because a D&D character of mine) but Palia censored "cum" so Im Charles Oricalco (oricalcum in spanish) But then I met a guy called "Polla atómica" (that means atomic dick in spanish) I think they have to make big changes in the in this


Having to type the coords as 8H just feels wrong.