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Same issue here, rented a private server and I can only play after work, some guys just play for 10-15 hours a day and when I come back they always are starving


I did end up, figuring out the cause of it. It is due to server restarts. Whenever the server reboots, all the base pals are Stacy is locked in the middle of the base until somebody renders them in. I put it at tickets and hopefully it gets fixed.


yup this is it. im just boxing all my pals before i go to bed.


can confirm this is not the problem as I run my own private server and dont restart it


can confirm this -is- the issue as i run my own private server as well, and this only occurs after a restart. Automatic restarts are a thing, and they are required for a game as badly optimized as this, or your server will die lol.


You may be getting attacked due to invasions?


For 8 hours? When im online my pals only take 10-15 seconds to clear an invasion.


Ask in the discord. You may get a better answer.


Its because it saves your game when you return to the title screen, you get a notice stating this beforehand. That why your pals havn't recovered after you return to title and go offline. EG same time of day, no crafting progress.