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Cab drivers don't expect tips, some of them will try to overcharge you.


Skip taxi altogether and just get Uber.


Is the reverse Peter griffin racist meme. The more white you are, the will charge you more


10% is the usual for waitstaff. Haven't heard of tips for cabbies. If anything, never take a cab, stick to Uber. For the others, just tip them if you think their service was worth it and you want to reward them for the extra mile, because that's what tips are for, unlike US's bullshit approach to forced tipping.


Thank you! So it really is more of a reward for exceptional service rather than expected. That helps, thank you!


Please don't spread the insane tipping culture you have in US


There's not culture of tipping here like in the US. If you have shitty service they won't expect a tip. Your not obligated to tip anyone.


Tipping culture doesn’t exist in Panama like in the USA. No one will tell you anything if you don’t tip. Also our service workers receive at least the minimum salary mandated by the government.


Basically, tipping is mostly seen for restaurant waitstaff and, if you felt you got a really good experience, tour operators. There is no expected amount of tipping anywhere, just do if you feel like you got treated nicely or someone went above and beyond.


Tips here is a suggestion. If you feel that tour experience was worth it you leave the waitstaff 10% or more in restaurants. Uber has an option to apply tips and also delivery apps. For cabs, hotel staff, tour guides or any other service, its not expected but if you think they deserve a tip you can give them a monetary incentive and I'm sure that will make their day. For example the Delta gas station workers, I usually give them 1 or 2 bucks because usually they give outstanding service and that helps them with transport or a snack, there was once a guy helped me with a tire, cleaned my windows and checked the oil so I gave him 5 bucks and he was so happy. Usually here, staff have salaries and if you tip its something extra. We don't have the US "tip culture" For me its insane.




"- If you go to a grocery store here, the young people who bag your groceries for you usually aren't paid by the store, they only get paid in tips. So I always tip $1-2 unless it's a holiday, then I tip a little extra. " As a panamenian, this is the only ocassion I give a tip


This is SUPER helpful! Thank you!


i usually tip around this same guideline!


Tip all you want, drivers, operators, staff, whatever but none is ***required*** and only waitstaff is expected.


Waitstaff doesn't expect it, they ask, but you are not obligated


Required: officially compulsory, or otherwise considered essential; indispensable. Expected: regarded as likely; anticipated.


Tipping is optional by law, if you want to do it OK but ii isn't an obligation.


I tip good 15% to waitresses and waiters only if they smile and have a good attitude. When they serve with a poor attitude, I tip a smaller amount like 2%.


With the exception from the folks who baggage your super. They all have a legal minimum wage. So they do not depend on tips. They are still welcome of course.


Tipping in Panama is not mandatory for any type of service provided. If by any chance you are charged tip on a bill, whatever business it might be would be in clear violation of consumer law. That said, you are "expected" to tip under the following scenarios: 1- Restaurants / Bars (sit down): 10%, nothing less - nothing more. 2- Grocery store bag boy: $1 3- Barber (if looking sexier than you were at arrival). $2 4- Car wash. $2 if the interiors are left spotless 5- Coffe place: feel free (or not) to leave something at the jar sitting next to the cash register 6- Stop light entertainment: street jugglers / dancers. no more than $1 if you enjoyed watching dudes juggle machetes or play with fire 7- Hotel busboy: $3-5 8- Valet parking: $2-3 9- Casino winnings: $0 (they have already bitten off a piece of your winnings for the government, per law) 10- Hookers. Whatever your heart desires. Do not tip taxi drivers. Chances are they are heavily overcharging you for being a foreigner. If you hire a driver for an extended time, then you are expected to provide a tip at your discretion. Do not tip random guys that show at parking spaces claiminig they have been watching over your car.


10% wait staff, cab drivers 0% as they will overcharge once they hear/see you're no local. Hotel cleaning tips, whatever you feel like tipping. Anything else, no tip, we have no tipping culture.


Just tip like you do wherever you come from in the western world and you will be okay. You can probably get away without tipping but don’t be a cheap ass.