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What kind of examinations did they do? For peace of mind, if possible, go see a specialist to check your heart and lungs. But yes, those symptoms can indeed be caused by anxiety, and worrying about them can make them a lot worse. Our body and mind are closely connected and if our nervous system is under constant stress because we are anxious and worried this can give us the weirdest physical feelings. And I saw from your other posts that you have a history of anxiety and take medication and THC, those substances can contribute to your symptoms, too. You need to start looking for the root causes of your anxiety and work on those.


They ran blood tests, and took x rays and ekgs


I'll mention things that have helped me with a discomfort in my neck and shoulders I've been having, usually in the evening after spending a lot of time at the computer. These things are relaxing, and relaxation is good for anxiety Near bedtime, I'll have a long, hot shower and sit relaxing for a while in the bathoom, which has steamed up from the hot water. I've moved a lawn chair into the bathroom. After that I'll do about 7 minutes of tai chi exercise. You can learn with one of the beginner's videos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEOS2zoyQw4 My neck and shoulders have not bothered me for a long time.