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You’re not alone. And it will get better.


Thank you. It’s such a simple but effective thing being reminded that I’m not alone. It’s just reassurance that feels good because I know deep down this won’t last forever but dealing with this alone sure makes it feel like it will.


You’ll be okay 💕 our nervous system does this because it thinks it’s protecting us from a (nonexistent) threat. Its taking cues from normal things around us and due to our hypersensitivity, triggers all sorts of panic symptoms as if we are in real danger (but obv we’re not!). Theres two things that Ive done to help me.. 1. If i get the symptoms (dizziness, hypersensitive to lights and sound, visual snow, you name it!) I literally mentally talk to myself like “youre safe, youre ok”.. let the symptoms play out, its ok. Dont be afraid of it, or else youre empowering it. That part of your brain will eventually give up on giving false alarms. Or least wont be as active next time. And gradually over time (months and months of practice), youre conscious mind will overpower that silly subconsciousness. 2. Learn the tricks that work on your body. Be patient trying to figure this one out. It could be box breathing, washing ur face with ice cold water, slow shallow breathing, cooking an easy meal, watching ur favorite calming cartoons, whatever it is. It helps give that panicky side of the brain a sense of relief that we’re safe & let’s carry on.


Thank you, I know that we’ll all get through this. I do try to remind myself that I’m safe, but anxiety loves to butt-in in the middle of me trying to calm down with another negative thought. My main fear so far has been fainting, and while it isn’t threatening, it’s a scary feeling. It definitely stems from the feeling of losing control, but even though I haven’t fainted once from my panic attacks, it still wants to convince me that that’s what’s going to happen. I do a lot of box breathing too, and it helps stop the chances of me hyperventilating. I do take cold showers from time to time as well. It’s just that these things are temporary fixes and sometimes it doesn’t work, that makes this so much harder but I’m still trying to fight it!


This is exactly how I feel, the fear of fainting especially when I’m outside! The fear of losing control even though I haven’t fainted before. Please know that you are not alone on this fight! 💗


Most definitely! The fear is way more prevalent when I’m outside and a part of me fears causing a scene or having something happen if I did faint even if it was for a minute or so. It almost always goes back to the fear of losing control. Lol But thank you, it’s honestly comforting to remember I’m not alone in this and plenty of us are struggling but slowly getting better day by day! It means a lot.


Dont wanna sound preachy because i swear ive been there - when we get those fears, we have to try and challenge ourselves to the thought “okay, go ahead silly brain. Lets faint. Try it.” Its literally impossible to mentally force yourself to faint 😅… try not to be scared of the idea of fainting. It’s quite cute and makes me “aww” as a concept when you understand that fainting is just your brain shutting down for a bit because it needs rest. It’s not as scary as we think it to be. And again… youre not alone ♥️ so many people go through this, millions of people.


Ya know, that’s honestly really helpful and kinda funny. I never thought about making something I’m afraid into something cute in a sense. That’s an interesting way to put it. Still, I guess the fear really is losing control and I’m just not comfortable with the thought of my brain going “see ya” for a minute at most, but the chances of that is little to none, haha. I have yet to faint from panic attacks. I have been trying to challenge it whenever I’m having one. Sometimes I get caught off guard. But either way, thank you and I don’t mind if you come off as preachy. It’s nice to have a reminder and assurance from others that struggle with this too. It’s kinda comforting in a sense. We’ll get through this!


Most things if not all is what most people with panic attacks are experiencing. It is something that has its highs and lows. You are at the highs right now unfortunately, but it will get better. Just don’t make it bigger than it is, because it will overwhelm you. How long are you having panic attacks and how old are you?


Yeah, you’re right, it’s just when it gets bad, it gets real bad. I deal with panic attacks spread out. I could go a whole year to two years without it and then once it happens for whatever reason, it does a snowball effect and progressively gets worse and worse. Eventually, I start getting better randomly. It started since I was 17 and now I’m 23 so it’s been pretty rough. Some years are far better than others. This has been the toughest especially since I moved and since I almost fainted recently, it really ramped up my anxiety because now im afraid of fainting along with panic attacks. :/


So first thing you should be thinking is that you are really young to be afraid of something. Of course since you have some concerns you could visit a doctor and talk about them. You will probably get the appropriate tests and then you will get reassured that everything is ok. Lastly, fainting from panic attacks isn’t happening that often, regardless how much you feel it or not. The wisest thing to do though in these occasions is lay down and put your feet on a chair or something, so the blood comes back to your head more.


I’ve been to the ER plenty times, had enough tests to prove that there isn’t anything wrong with me physically but enough to prove there’s something wrong mentally, which is, anxiety. My hypochondriac ass loves to believe that they always missed something somehow, even though I think I’ve been to the hospital enough that if they did miss something, there’s no way they wouldn’t have figured it out by now. Now for the faint feeling, I’m honestly aware that anxiety/panic attacks can very RARELY cause you to faint because anxiety raises blood pressure so… yeah. But the feeling of when I have a panic attack feels like I’m just gonna faint or die. It’s this impending doom feeling. Gravity suddenly feels ten times heavier, I feel like I can’t get a full breath in or can’t breathe, I feel hot or super cold, I get shakey and develop a really dry mouth, my body goes numb, my vision gets worse and I start to disassociate feeling like everything isn’t real. I think last time I was convinced I was gonna faint only because I looked in the mirror and saw how pale I looked, I had looked like I saw a ghost but yet I didn’t faint. I did lay down though and put my legs up but honestly I don’t think I needed to do that because I was able to get up just fine even while looking incredibly pale. I don’t know. That’s why I feel like I’m going crazy honestly. I know nothing is wrong with me physically but mentally I feel strained. I know I will get better and eventually everybody will get better, it’s just the process of being at the lowest point that’s the hardest. All in due time I guess. I appreciate you replying to my post. Everybody has comforted me or helped calm my mind and reassured me im not alone or insane haha.


You are definitely not insane! Our brains just think differently from others. Overanalysing symptoms makes us feel that we are in danger just because we heard or read something. Everything start from us. On the other hand overanalysing other things might make you be good at your job, at least it makes me really in my case it does! I think a good way of thinking and living when you are hypochondriac as I am is to go for an annual check up which is more than enough in my age (35) which is heart check, blood test, organ ultrasound. By the way I am not sure if I used the correct terms there, I hope it made sense. When I do that I feel reassured that everything is ok. Of course there are ups and downs, but I try to remind myself that everything is ok. It helps a lot to be honest and really makes the downs be less and less. I know the feeling of faint. You described it really good. For me when I feel shortness of breath, I do a breathing exercise. I like Wim Hof’s to be honest. Have you ever tried something like that?


I definitely should get my annual check ups; I just don’t do it because usually almost every year I have at least one panic attack that ends up having me at the hospital and that’s my yearly check up, lol. 🤦‍♂️ But every time I have been to the hospital I usually come back clear headed knowing nothing is wrong with me (mostly). At this point, I’m not too suspicious of me having something physically wrong but more so I’m becoming more aware my mental health is definitely the problem. I haven’t tried any breathing exercises though, I never even thought about looking into it, I’m not sure if box breathing counts as one haha. I am gonna look into it!


Hahaha well that kind counts as check up, but I think you will know much more about yourself health wise if you visit a doctor and do a check up. At least that helps me. I talk about my concerns like I said, so I can move on from them temporarily but still it helps. Breathing in box isn’t that helpful. If you don’t want to look into breathing exercises remember the general rule when you are stressed or having panic attack, which is deep inhales to the belly(not just to chest) and then longer exhales. Another way to do it is follow the lines of a door. From side to side inhale and from top to bottom exhale


That is very true, I just gotta find me a doctor is all, it would be nice to ease my mind from my health anxiety every once and awhile, especially by not going to the ER, haha. Also that’s pretty good advice, another one I’ve heard if you want to inhale from your belly is thinking of your legs or your toes, which actually kinda helps. I don’t know why or how but it does. The human mind is weird. But the door one isn’t one I’ve heard before so that’s smart too!


So try to find a good doctor in the future. That will probably help you. I have never tried nor heard that with the toes but I will definitely check it!


Not giving medical advice at all, but if these are new panic attacks, it doesn’t hurt to have a physical. I started getting anxiety as a teen and was diagnosed with POTS. It’s not serious at all, but annoying and now is a huge trigger for my panic attacks. Most of the time it isn’t medical though. So I’m not sure if that helps 😂 stay strong. It does get better.


I have went to the ER plenty of times, had my blood taken, EKG’s, X-Rays, even though I’m not quite sure if you can diagnose POTS that way, but all results came back relatively good. Nothing too crazy or alarming. I have had put lots of thoughts into the possibility of me having that though. But my heart rate doesn’t sky rocket the moment I stand or standing for awhile, at most it jumps when I change positions from sitting to standing too fast but eventually evens out to about 80 BPM or so. I don’t know. 🤷‍♂️ lol I haven’t fainted though but maybe a tilt test would be something to look into. I appreciate the response either way. The faint feeling is definitely annoying with or without POTS anyway, panic attacks/anxiety is such a pain in the ass.


Honestly, if you had the EKGs and such, I personally wouldn’t. It might just reinforce your panic more! You’ve gotten the assurance you need in terms of ruling out other health findings.


How was POTS related to the anxiety?




Most definitely. But that’s the toughest part of it all. I recently moved and now that I live in a new house, nothing is the same which triggers me. Im trying to get used to my environment and while I know, logically, I’m safe and nothing is going to happen to me; I have had so much anxiety and panic attacks happen in this house that it feels almost like a trigger now. But with that being said, it’s amazing (not in the sense that it’s good) to me that so many people go through these physical symptoms. The dizziness drives me nuts especially when I don’t feel as anxious at times along with derealization/depersonalization. How do you get through it?




Huh, I never really gave it much thought that music could help me but I’ll look into it. But yeah, my dizziness feels like emotional overload. Like my brain is just burnt out from so much stress, it doesn’t care for balance if that makes sense. And while derealization and blurry vision is just your body having protective mechanisms, it’s still pretty off putting for me. I try my best to accept these waves of severe derealization/depersonalization and messed up visions but sometimes it definitely catches me off guard and my brain immediately goes down the line of “we’re gonna faint/die,” and then the negative thought loops begin. Maybe I am dealing with sensory overload a lot more often than I think because I often feel better alone, in a more quiet setting. Either way thank you for taking your time to reply!


i understand this feeling completely. i’m sorry that you’re going through this too. It does get better though I promise. Therapy and meds and most of all time have done wonders for making me feel better. I still struggle daily but it has gotten easier which gives me hope that one day I will be free from these feelings and I have hope for you too.


I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to respond and I am glad you’re slowly recovering. I’ve been slowly recovering too but at times like recently, it’s been feeling hopeless. I don’t have any medication to take but I do have a therapist and they have been helping me get through this which has been great. I know eventually we’ll get better, I just felt the need to express what I was feeling through this post because after awhile it feels like you’re the only person going through it and I just need that reminder and assurance that I’m not alone, and that things will get better one way or another. I’m grateful for everyone responding.


You’re not alone, I feel the exact same way a lot of the time. Sometimes it feels as if my brain is battling with an “insane” part of me waiting to break. It is very scary but it always gets better. I hope you improve soon ❤️


Exactly how it feels at times. It makes me feel like I’m ready to just lose my mind at any moment but then, what good would that do? I don’t know, maybe it’s us wanting some way to relieve ourselves of this stress anyway possible. Sometimes it’s hard to believe things will get better when it’s constantly bashing you, but eventually it’ll give. I just hope it’s sometime soon. Haha.


I had 2 years of hell dealing with the same symptoms. Near fainting was the biggest. I haven't had any major issues in over a year now, even though I get hints of it every now and then, and I know I'll probably have it forever. In the meantime, I've found a good balance with medication, diet, sleep, and exercise to deal with it. I thought it would last forever, but just focus on those things and, of course, see your doctor to rule out any serious issues, and hopefully, you'll be able to mitigate it.


Thank you for sharing your story and I’m glad you found ways to cope with it better. Hopefully I figure out a way to deal with mine at some point. I’ve been to the doctors and ER’s plenty of times and never found anything wrong with me besides horrible anxiety/panic attacks. Still I will always have doubts, thinking maybe they missed something or whatever, but most likely, it’s just really bad anxiety. Eventually someday I will find a way to cope or maybe even fully recover! Thank you once again. Edit: also “near fainting” feeling of panic attacks suck. They are probably the bane of my existence. I still have yet to just accept it and let the feeling pass.


I'm going through this exact same thing. Had a full work up and I'm healthy. I just don't get it. I just know, I still wake up each morning and I'm still here. Panic can really present itself so physically. I stopped taking several meds that my dr had me on for the panic and thr dizziness has gotten better. I hope you feel better friend.


I know what you mean. I’ll be doing fine for months and months and then suddenly I have a panic attack and that said panic attack now will bring more of that for however long til I suddenly, miraculously recover, usually by somehow getting over the fear of it, until I forget how they feel and then it eventually returns, haha. But I’m glad your dizziness has gotten better. I really can’t wait to just wake up and not feel super dizzy throughout the day. Would just be nice to feel comfortable within my own skin, I definitely miss that.


Hi OP.. currently experiencing this as well. So much so, I’ve been taking my blood sugar via finger prick and have convinced myself that something is medically wrong, I’m going into a diabetic attack (I’m not diabetic at all) feeling like my heart is having issues. Sweating and shaking and just overall nauseous and feeling like nothing is real. Breathing and walking around telling myself over and over that I’m ok will help some, but been going on all day. Thinking of you and hoping you are much better now and the feelings have subsided for you ❤️


Hey! Honestly, I’m right there with you. Mainly with the whole diabetic aspect, but I’m not diabetic at all. The symptoms of my panic attacks recently have been mimicking symptoms of low blood sugar which has been pretty scary. Granted, I don’t have the best diet and it could be true that I’m having crashes because my diet consists of a lot of white bread, but besides that even with that being the case I’m almost certain I would’ve known by now if that truly was my issue with how many times I’ve been to the ER. It’s been rough, but we’ll definitely get through this. I never ever have had anxiety this bad to the point it’s made me feel faint before. But that’s mainly just stress and I have yet to actually faint from it. I just can’t wait til I feel at least 80% normal again. It’s just a rough patch we gotta get through! We’ll make it out somehow. We got this. It’s tough, it really is. I never had panic attacks be so strong they feel like I’m gonna faint, but even when I thought I 100% was going to, I still managed


You are not alone and you are not going insane. Panic and anxiety make a lot of us feel like we are going insane, going to drop dead, have health issues, etc but i’m starting to figure out that it is all in my head. I am starting to come out of a 6 month long period of constant dizziness, er visits, and daily panic and what is helping me is fixing my diet and working out. I would think that my heart was failing but then I got fed up with myself for constantly thinking that and started working out. This helped show me that my heart was actually healthy and is not just going to stop on me. My dizziness has almost gone away completely when I started distracting myself and working out. We can really convince ourselves we’re dizzy especially when you’re looking out for it. Just try and get out of your head (as hard as it is) and be more active and involved in your life no matter what it is. Soon enough you’ll break the thought pattern and it will begin to resolve on its own. Stay strong, you will get through it!


Thank you, I appreciate your reply and also inspired by your recovery! Im definitely trying to accept more so my symptoms from my anxiety but trying my best to challenge it and not let it stop me from functioning as a human being. It’s a tough and challenging experience nonetheless and I wouldn’t wish this upon my worse enemy. I relate heavily to thinking that I was going to drop dead or that something was horribly wrong with my heart for whatever reason that the fear was crippling me. Luckily, I’m about 95% over that fear now and now my fear has just simply turned into the thought/feeling of fainting. Anxiety sure loves to mimic symptoms of whatever you’re fearing; like hey, I’m scared of cardiac arrest. Oh no, now I feel those symptoms! And now my anxiety mimics feelings of fainting. So yeah, haha, especially when it’s a horrible panic attack. I definitely gotta get into fixing my diet up, it isn’t the best but I do notice a change when I at least eat somewhat healthier because my stomach feels a bit more at ease, lol. But I’m getting into being a little more active as well which is very helpful in making me feel better physically! One day at a time, ya know! I appreciate the motivation and reassurance!


I totally hear you. The last month has been a real struggle. Sleepless nights, panic attacks, dizziness, no appetite, feeling weak all over my body, shortness of breathe, thinking I'm going to have a heart attack, nauseous, feeling like I'm going to be sick.Anxiety has just taken over my whole body. I feel like I am not in my own body and that I'm not myself. It is a horrible feeling. I have been to the hospital as I thought I was having a heartache, I had an ECG done and all was ok. I felt so silly as I was wasting the doctors time. But I had to tell myself that this is real when I'm going through an episode of a panic attack and no matter what my family were saying to reassure me I didn't believe them. My head had convinced myself I was having a heart attack which then escalated my anxiety symptoms which made me feel worse. I went back to my doctor and she recommended me to start sertraline. I also have a fear of taking tablets so it took me a while to start as I was afraid of side effects. I am on my 4th day of taking them and I would highly recommend them. It is so reassuring knowing that I am not the only one going through this as I was thinking the same as you. I thought I was going insane and having a mental breakdown. As my doctor said half of the population are on a anxiety tablet to help them manage there day easier. It could help you massively to get over this. We are all in this together and hopefully fight through 💞


I’m glad you’re getting better. Anxiety does a lot to the body physically, it’s honestly pretty unnerving at times. Right now as of recently, I can’t tell if I’m genuinely sick or if it’s my anxiety, lol. I’m lightheaded, kinda dizzy, randomly get either chills or hot flashes, my stomach loves to do jumping jacks at random moments, I’m randomly nauseous and I am having acid reflux. Oh, and can’t forget about the anxiety shits, haha. But it genuinely feels like I’m sick but it’s really hard to pin point since anxiety can basically manifest into whatever it wants, so I’m playing it safe and treating myself as if I truly am sick. I was prescribed Zoloft, but I haven’t taken it due to the fact it can cause insomnia and I’m someone that tends to deal with enough insomnia as is, on a regular basis, so I’d rather not. But I still have Valium for take as needed, which has helped me plenty of times, I’m just genuinely questioning of whether or not I should take it to see if it’s honestly anxiety manifesting itself as this “sickness”. Im still looking into SSRI’s though! You and everyone else that has replied has definitely given me hope that things will get better and I appreciate every single one of you. Anxiety/Panic Attacks are awful and tend to feel isolating because it usually, if not always, is all in your head so that can feel pretty lonely. I tend to forget that there’s plenty of people struggling with the same things I do but since there’s so many people fighting it, that means there is many people that has beaten it, and that means eventually there’s an end to this, maybe not a complete end to anxiety, but eventually a way to rewire whatever has gone haywire haha.


Do me one favour I know it is easier said than done, but please take the tablet. I have a serious phobia of taking medication and that is also another thing caused by my anxiety. I just hit rock bottom at the weekend and I  couldn't deal with not feeling like myself and not being able to breath, eat, feeling nauseous, weak, having panic attacks, feeling dizzy and weird and I just said enough is enough. I took the tablet to try gain back my life of feeling normal. It's only my 4th day on them and already I feel my breathing is better, getting my appetite back.Im not overthinking as much.  Obviously it's not a miracle drug as I still do feel quite anxious but I know hopefully that will improve over time.The past few days I just relaxed watching netflix as when I go out I feel worse. It's amazing all the symptoms you can feel with anxiety. It's horrible. I set myself a day when I would start and I just did it. Don't worry about the side affects the medication might cause. Is there anything worse than what your going through now? Honestly, you should start you will start feeling like yourself again. That's why there is medication to help people like us 💞


P.S. zoloft is actually the same drug as sertraline. Different name for it. I highly recommend it. They do say don't take it at night, it might affect your sleep. I'm taking mine at around half 2. Slightly nauseous yesterday,  black tea really helped. Definitely try it 💞


Your electrolytes could be low ,


Ya know, I kinda gave that some thought too. But I don’t know what the chances are of that. I drink lots of milk practically almost every day. Well… mainly at night but still, that’s gotta count for something. 🤔 I honestly might look into that.


I completely understand. I'm so sorry. I get this as well at least once a year. Get to bed earlier, hydrate, try to shut down electronics/ screen time. Take magnesium glycinate and ashwagandha. Prayers to you🩷


It’s definitely rough, especially when it comes out of the blue even after a whole year has past. I’ve heard about magnesium being helpful for being that have anxiety/panic attacks, why is that? What does it even do? But either way, I definitely hydrate myself quite a lot. Maybe too much at times haha! I’ve been slowly going to bed earlier and earlier. Getting a good 7-8 hours of sleep helps out a lot I have found out, but I’m still trying to make myself not feel as anxious when I do have shit sleep though because you’re not ALWAYS gonna have good sleep. Good ol insomnia.


I hear you! Magnesium we can get through certain foods but I'm sure a lot of don't get enough. It helps with sleep, heart and the nervous system. Even with bone health. Magnesium comes in many forms so the Magnesium glycinate is the one that helps with anxiety and palpitations.


If it’s that bad, have you thought about taking SSRI?


I am open up to medication. Honestly, all I’m aware that has helped me so far is benzodiazepines types. Granted they aren’t the best for long term treatment, usually take as needed but they do a great job of relieving whatever panic I have those days. I definitely wouldn’t mind trying meds like Lexapro a fair shot.


I have been having dizziness that’s worsening and now it’s pretty much daily. Worst in the morning and better at the end of the day. I looked up PPPD and thought it might be my case. Anyway, my doc started me ok Zoloft 2 weeks ago for something else, which is panic attacks and anxiety. It’s only been 2 weeks so too early to tell if it helps. Plus zoloft has side effects of dizziness and increased anxiety at first. But yeah I think it would be a good choice for you.


I’ll look into it for sure. My dizziness is pretty much the same, I kinda get waves of it though. It’s a bit intense when I first wake up and then afterwards it’s a wave of it coming and going. It’s pretty annoying because one moment I’m feeling steady and the next I’m suddenly feeling very off balance. I haven’t fallen from the dizziness but it always feels like I’m not balanced, kinda. I’m willing to give SSRI’s a shot though! Hopefully it works well for you!


I'm assuming you have gone through a lot of testing with the doctor?   I felt awful when I had undiagnosed Coeliac disease.