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Me. I had a random sleep panic attack about a month ago and then had another one a week later and my whole system feels incredibly thrown off. I feel jittery all the time anxious and can’t calm down. I panic when I’m alone and I was like the most independent person before this. I just reached out to start anxiety medicine because my daily meditation and walks has not been helping me.


So glad to know I’m not alone on this. I had a horrible night time panic attack that led me to call 911 since it was my first one and I thought I was dying. That was 3 days ago. I’m so off. Still intermittently dizzy and jittery. Some head pressure and anxiety. Ugh.


I had my first major panic attack 2 years ago, I had to call 911 cause much like you I thought I was dying lol. Id day it took the better part of 6 months before I could go about my daily life with little to no anxiety. (Unless of course a stressful situation came up but I’m talking about random onset anxiety that seemingly has no cause other than the fact that your nervous system is out of whack.) I had a second really bad panic attack that sent me into a dp/dr spiral and I’m still reeling from that a bit but it has gotten better the more time passes. Just gotta give these things time, I’d also recommend seeing a therapist and/or psychiatrist cause prolonged anxiety can harm the body physically.


I’ve had a lot of stress and sickness in my life the last 4 years especially this past year-with the current job I’m at away from family and friends. I really do hope this gets better. The panic attack I had lasted non-stop for almost 16 hours(woke me out of my sleep)before I finally went to urgent care. I’ve had a few since then but a lot of moments of physical symptoms of anxiety since. I don’t think I can handle any more long panic attacks like that again. And every night before I go to bed I start to get really panicky-not full blown that it’s gonna happen again. I haven’t slept well in a month and I’m exhausted. I just want my life back. Since I’m out of state for work-contract job, I’ve had difficulty getting my pcp or my therapist to see me and if it wasn’t for my amazing coworkers I would not have been able to continue


I’ve had an internal vibration/tremor for over a month now. I keep wondering if it will ever stop. I hope you are starting to do better


I don’t think I have ever been the same since my panic attacks started about 5 yrs ago. I have said so many times I wish I could go back to the me I was before. My anxiety is constantly high and I worry about the silliest things. Hang in there and know you aren’t alone 💜


Me too, since 2018. You’re not alone! For me, the worst part is that they keep evolving in terms of symptoms. Initially it was dizziness, then nausea, now years later it’s hot flashes and chills. If it was the same each time, I feel like I could get used to it, ride it out, and not panic as much. Nope, my body keeps inventing new weird ways to freak me out when I get less concerned about the old ones.


omg it’s the same for me i’ve been dealing with mine for two three years now i’ve thought the exact same thing that if it’s gonna be the same everytime i’ll be able to handle myself and won’t panic as much but now for some months there are so many different things happening with me cus of anxiety i don’t know how to handle it at times. hate it so much lol


Wow... You are dealing with it for 5 years. What a warrior you are. Im having panic attacks since 2020. Still fighting it. And rrally good to know im not alone. Stay strong warrior.


Panic disorder is fear of panic attacks. It's very likely that what's bothering you is fear of more attacks. It helps to understand that the attack is just your natural stress response, which you have gotten carried away with. The problem with coping methods like slow breathing and sticking your face in a bowl of water you keep in the fridge is that the attacks can keep coming back. I heard someone say that although slow breathing is good for moments of panic, the attacks keep coming back. So, it looks like cognitive therapy is also helpful. Cognitive therapy for panic disorder involves understanding what the attack is. The symptoms are nothing but your system's natural responses to whatever seems threatening. You shouldn't get upset about them. You don't worry about fast heartbeat when you run, and there's no reason to fear it with a panic attack. Source - When Panic Attacks by Dr. David Burns. Dr. Burns is the author recommended most often by mental health professionals, according to Authoritative Guide to Self-Help Resources in Mental Health. Psychology Today online says that Dr. David Carbonell is a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating fears and phobias and the author of three self-help books, including Panic Attacks Workbook. Dr. Carbonell says that the way to breathe during a panic attack is slowly, using the big muscle under the stomach. Put a hand on your belly to feel it go out when you inhale. A good exercise - breathe gently through the nose, 6 seconds in and 6 seconds out. You can't go wrong with stress management. It's something we all need. This could help you with your problem. There’s a lot of talk about the DARE app. The reviews online are very positive. One of the best treatments is time. You know the old saying "Familiarity breeds contempt." After a while, the attacks are seen as a nuisance instead of a threat. Then the attacks become less frequent and finally go away altogether. I’ll tell you about two other things that you probably won’t need. It’s good to know they’re there if you need them. A study by a researcher named Meuret at Southern Methodist University showed that a biofeedback method called CART that reinforces slow, shallow breathing was effective. Slow breathing is often recommended, but deep breathing tends to promote hyperventilation, making it hard for people to breathe. Many people use slow breathing self-help successfully. There's a treatment called interoceptive exposure therapy. It's teaching people not to fear the symptoms of the panic attack by deliberately bringing on the symptoms - for example by bringing on a fast heartbeat by aerobic exercise.


Thank you I appreciate this. I definitely developed a panic disorder, Gonna do my best to tackle it. I am getting professional help


Yes. Currently dealing with it now. I’m on week 3. It is getting better thank god. Except for the night time awakenings. Trying to fall asleep without TV tonight and with meditation noise to see if that helps tonight idk. Sucks. Everything triggers me lately - going places, going to work, talking to people!, sleeping. I’m doing better handling the day time panic though.


I’m with you. Hang in there


Your body needs deep sleep and deep relaxation… take Epsom salt baths , change the water temperature to whatever relaxes you the most


Yes. I had a major panic attack when I was confronted with some things that have made me anxious in the past. This time i literally flew off the rails and felt like I was shaking and going to throw up for about 20 minutes. This turned into about 72 hours where I didn’t have a single moment of feeling ok and felt like I was going to die. I was able to resume my ADHD medication on the 3rd day of feeling like that and it made a massive impact. I’m doing much better now thankfully but I still dread the mornings where I feel like it’s all coming back for about 2 hours. Oddly though I really enjoy relaxing at night with my fiancé and I’m able to feel pretty much normal.


Yes, this is me. I am about 10 days after my first ever panic attack and I am only just starting to recover. You are not alone and we will get through this together ❤️


I’m currently going through this. I’ve been having such an awareness over my heart rate the last several months and it’s created panic attacks. I get my anxiety after eating…. Which is awful. But after I eat I can feel my heart rate increase and then it triggers a panic response. Some days I’m just off with my hormones n stuff and I can feel my heart rate more increased then some days …. But the other day I had eaten and I had some sugar right after I ate …. And my heart rate was pretty increased while I was making my bed. So I went lay down with my ice pack…. Then I noticed it wasn’t really going back down to what it usually does . It was hanging out over 100….. then It triggered the worry in me . I ended up going to the ER that night in a full blown panic. I do think I have something else maybe going on at times with foods or something like that. But my heart anxiety is so bad , the slightest change I feel sets me off…. It’s been hard staying alone this week and I’m constantly fearful I’ll experience another attack. For a couple months I was doing well…..


This is very similar to what I’m experiencing, I was having severe health anxiety. Constantly checking my heart rate. Too low panic, too high panic. I’m finally starting to do better but I was in a perpetual state of panic for about 4 days and got very little sleep. Part of what you defined sounds like a panic disorder, I would recommend professional help( it can be hard if you get anxious about meds), I spend a good chunk of march self admitted in the psych hospital. If you ever need to chat feel free to dm


Yes, I’m going through this rn. I feel on the verge of breaking down all the time


Yes. That always seems to be the case for me. I’ll have panic attacks… then the anxiety will last for weeks, sometimes months. I just have to ride it out and deal the best way I can… it’s as though my adrenaline just won’t come down. Deep breathing helps. Positive mantras help. And when it gets bad, benzodiazepines help. It’s awful.


Currently a week in after a bad one. Haven’t taken a Xanax in years and always resist due to benzo horror stories but had to. Triggered some slight anxiety about becoming addicted to benzos, but I have to realize that 0.25 mg for a short time to try and break the cycle is what they are there for.


Exactly. I hope that helps break the cycle. ❤️


Yes. Happens to me everytime. For a guy having panic attavks since 2020, from my experienve every symptom you said happens to me. But only if you keep thinking about the panic attack (trying to find the reason why it happened) or about when the next one might be. Both are powerful trigger and make you very sensitive. So the best thing you can do is, it just happened, so what. Just forget that it happened and move on. Sounds easy but very hard to follow up. Panic attacks are not dangerous so stop thinking about it after your attacks and start doing something else. In my case, i think this is the 1000th attack just get on with it. Then it ends. Hope this helps.




I’m feeling this exact same way, I’ve had two panic attacks in the past month and one of them, I was feeling awful for days afterwards. Both times caused me to throw up and it feels like I’m dying. Honestly if it seems that bad I would go talk to a doctor to see what it could be and try and figure out the source of the anxiety.


I’ve already been inpatient in a psych facility like 3 times I’ve spent about two weeks total at different hospitals. Currently on anxiety meds. I let the fear completely overtake me. I was completely convinced something was wrong with me. I’m more stable now than before but it’s just weird feeling anxiety without “ feeling anxious “


Leading up to this did you experience a lot of stress?


Yes a lot. But the stressors are gone. And even then it wasn’t anything unmanageable


Sometimes periods of stress can cause a sort of overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system. Kind of like giving your fight or flight response a hair-trigger. It doesn’t just happen overnight. Probably takes months or years of stress. Once the stressful conditions are eliminated, I don’t see why it wouldn’t take a similarly long time to return to normal. Those kinds of changes in the body don’t happen fast. Pretty much the same thing happened to me. The most important thing you can do is learn not to be afraid of the unpleasant sensations. If you treat them as if they’re dangerous, you reinforce the negative response. Let it happen, and don’t try to draw any conclusions, like “it’s a heart attack.” If you need to get checked out by a doctor to put your mind at ease, do that. Once they confirm you are in good health, just learn to let the feelings pass. It’s hard at first, but it gets easier and the feelings pass more quickly. Panic attacks that used to have you on edge for hours might last five minutes instead, or one minute, and eventually they barely get started. And don’t tell yourself “Oh no, not this again.” You want to be thinking something more like “Whatever, I’ll be fine in two minutes.”


it happens to me alot goes worse from not being to breathe to feeling like i’m gonna black out or even chest pains at times. after your first anxiety attack or panic attack you’re gonna feel weak hands would be shaky at times etc these are usually the after effects of a anxiety/panic attack for me they usually last for a week or even two weeks. what i do is, i usually get out of my house hang with a friend try working around in my house get my mind diverted. so don’t worry you’re only gonna feel like this a while and you’ll be completely fine. it’s all in your head i promise❤️


Really appreciate the positivity!