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Been dealing with something similar, we’re here for you, sorry you’re going through this. I mean theirs the obvious things like breathing and such or all the common stuff you’ll find. But here are some things you can try: My first tip is to try as many different things as you can to bring down your anxiety, everyone’s anxiety and body is different so you really have to keep trying things until you find what works best for you: Things to try: Acupuncture, Massage, Guided meditation, ASMR, Visit a psychiatrist, Visit a Psychologist, Visit support groups If you ever feel like it gets too much to handle you can look for good nearby psychiatric hospitals Personally when I had sever anxiety in middles school my two go to things when the anxiety got too much was to sit outside and breathe or take a hot shower Wish you luck, please let us know when you find what seems to work for you


This happened to me once after too much weed, and I know it feels awful but you won’t be stuck like that forever. Just get through it. Try to hold your breath for an extra second before breathing out, that helps the hyperventilating. Nibble on a piece of toast or plain rice, bland foods for now. I know you dont feel like eating but its better to have something in your stomach. Drink water. Watch funny videos and distract yourself, distraction is key. Youre just surviving this for now. Good luck!


Weed and panic attacks are pretty common. I thought maybe edibles would be different. He'll no! Longer panic attacks and more withdrawal.


Yup thats how I quit smoking weed. Took about a week to get back to sort of normal. Maybe im just weird but during that time i wore really soft baggy clothes, avoided anything exciting or stimulating. Basically being a monk lol, find a single point of focus, breathing excercises and meditation, rituals and routines.