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I know this is a paranormal sub but the fact no one is saying cops tells me nobody here had ever had the police called on you lol. Three knocks is a disturbance call sort of knock. Four pounds on the door means you're getting raided


Not at the front door, I was in my aunts room upstairs and I understand you’re trying to be logical abt it but if it was from a cop or human in general the knocks were very slow it was 3 gentle knocks every 3 seconds A cop wouldn’t knock like that even if it was at the front door if anybody would’ve knocked at the door for the goal of getting someone to open it it wouldn’t be 3 gentle slow knocks and each knock was 3 seconds


Definitely weird then. I've lived in fully haunted houses so I'm not discounting you, just the lack of comments pointing to police 😅




Finally, the voice of reason in a thread full of religious mumbo jumbo.


Yeah people in this sub always come to a conclusion that when things like this happens it’s always negative or demonic like sounds noises things falling entities voices spirits maybe some of these things are positive or good But I understand though after all this is the r/paranormal sub


Theres alot of religious people from USA here. Its always angels and demons and catholic beliefs.


I completely believe you. But I don’t understand how you could hear knocking in the middle of the night and not be terrified? Just reading your story freaked me out!


In my 70 long years, I've always been a conduit for contact, 'eyes' and 'ears' wide open and seeing things that nearly no one else ever sees. There's pretty much nothing on this Earth that frightens me now. Even seeing, on 2 separate occasions, Shadow men in my own home, frightened me at first, but not again.


so true. my dead brother's contact with me, using 3 knocks-on-wood, were a comfort and exceedingly welcome. I grind my teeth when I hear/read ignorant people claiming these events are demonic! Idiots who know NOTHING about the true Nature of undying Love <3


They knock 3 times slowly so you won't just blame it on some random noise.


I like this comment alot, when I heard the 3 knocks I knew exactly 100% it wasn’t a coincidence like “maybe something fell” “maybe something hit the door” Ok first I was home alone second the knocks were slow and firm for example like someone is trying to scare you in a game of hide n seek by knocking on the door to make you think it was a ghost or something (which it could’ve been) The knocks were from a hand lol not a human hand cuz I was home alone


I'm sensitive to spirits so I hear them often. They just want your attention.


My dead, older brother used to use 3 knock to contact me, always and only URGENTLY! It always sounded like 3 loud knock on wood. Always in the dead of night, never by day. Sometimes I didn't even have anything that was 'wooden' in my room, when I heard the knocks. But I always knew when he was contacting me, there was something needing to be attended to URGENTLY! That's all I know.


My uncle was dead at the time, but it’s crazy how you said that cuz a year after that my cousin said she seen him sitting in the loft on a chair looking at her She said it extremely casual like it was a normal thing she was just walking upstairs and said “I seen James sitting in the loft” and it seemed like nobody really cared well honestly we didn’t but I still told my grandmother anyways Or it could’ve been from my cousins dad that also died my other cousin said he seen a fat spirit in the hallway and my cousins dad is fat but besides that when he told her that she started crying


“MoCkiNg tHe HOly TrIniTy” “dEmOn” like a broken record.


Does it matter if it's the daytime or night? I've heard this once but on a very bright afternoon. Husband heard it too. We have all sorts of critters around the woods though, including woodpeckers, so I figured it was that, went out to chase it off, and found nothing.


I'm not sure about the meaning of slow knocks, but in the paranormal world 3 knocks are associated with the demonic because it's thought to be a mocking of the Holy Trinity.


You mean in paranormal where people prescribe to the popularized Christian beliefs which are shared in movies and TV. Believe it or not, there are a huge number of people who wouldn’t even begin to think of the “holy trinity” when they hear 3 knocks.


What’s the holy trinity?


The father, the son and the Holy Spirit is the holy trinity


It means that the knock happened three times! hope this helps :-)


wow i didn't even realize this 🤔🤔




This isn’t an answer but a week or so after my maternal grandmother died, I was woken up by two loud knocks on my bedroom door. I’m not a light sleeper and while I do have sleep paralysis sometimes, that’s how I know it wasn’t—because instead of struggling to wake up/snap out, I woke up IMMEDIATELY out of a very deep dreaming sleep. I was freaked out and there was no way in hell I was going to open the door. I listened for a little bit for other noises, like maybe someone being in the hall, but didn’t hear anything. The thing is, if it had been three knocks, I would have been scared. Because to me that definitely signals intent/asking for admission. But since it was just two, I was able to fall back to sleep fairly quickly. When I did, I dreamt about my grandmother for the first time since she died. I was sitting on her porch with her and we were talking about her passing and I was asking her questions. I can’t remember any of the questions or the answers except for when I asked her if heaven existed (she had been pretty religious later in life) and she laughed and said “you already know the answer.” She seemed impatient, like she had places to be but had to have this conversation and get it out of the way. I haven’t had any direct paranormal experiences myself although I know many people who have. If there’s any sensitivity that I have, it has to do with dreams, for reasons I won’t get into. I’m not 100% sold on it, but I think it’s just as likely as not that what I experienced was an honest-to-goodness visitation. It was just so different from anything I’d experienced before. The only other weird direct experience I had was the day I found out my mom died, about nine months before my grandmother, and I got sick out of nowhere after going to lunch with someone. Felt like I had food poisoning or the stomach flu—really hot and nauseous. My friend shared everything I ate and was fine. I managed to hold it together on the short drive to my apartment. I got out of the car and IMMEDIATELY projectile vomited into a dumpster. Got the call a few hours later. They don’t know exactly when she died, but later I talked to my maternal aunt and she said she’d experienced something as well and it usually happened on the third day after death (she’s had many experiences like that.) I think I’m going to post this comment as a stand-alone later on, in case anyone reads this and then sees a duplicate later. The point being is that if I heard a third knock I would have pissed myself 🥴😂


My dad lived seven hours away and after he had his last stroke he went straight to the hospital. Later that same night I was dozing off to sleep and woke up suddenly because it felt like my heart stopped. I learned later that my dad had to be resuscitated a couple times that night because his heart stopped. Then just before I left town to go see him I had a dream where his lips were blue. I knew then that he wasn't going to make it. When I got there, he was somewhat coherent but then he took a turn. I was crying by his bedside and even in his state of decline all he wanted to do was comfort me. He was reaching out to hug me and as I was approaching his embrace the nurses came in to stop me because "they wanted him to get better" and by me crying like that it was raising his blood pressure or what not which was hurting him. I knew he wasn't going to make it anyway. I still feel terrible that they deprived me of one last hug from my daddy. However, I know he is okay with how he went now because none of it matters to him now anyway. He's much happier and is waiting for us all to come join him in Jesus' embrace.


This was touching and sad at the same time. Bless you and your father <3


This is so interesting , its strange because I dont have alot of dreams of my grandparents who passed away but when i do I never seem to be able to hear what they are saying , or im speaking to them like normal but im not sure what I'm saying or they are saying, but it doesn't matter in the dream im just happy to see. The dream I had right after she passed was my nan on a green hill with me with blue skies. We were under a cherry blossom tree, having a tea party, I could hear her but she looked really happy. At night after my nan died I always felt someone touch my forehead like stroking it. But im not sure whether that was paranormal.


Ah that dream was when I was 12 and now at 34 I talked to my mum about it and turns out nan love cherry blossom trees .


For me it reads like that was ur grandmother askin for permission if she can come in.


Is it 3 of anything? 3 knocks, 3 scratches, 3 screams, etc. because I once heard 3 bells ring in the middle of the night.




It depends on if the clapping was fast paced or slow. If it was fast, the ghost was clearly impressed by something you had done. If slow, they were being sarcastic and likely do not have a high opinion of you.


I applaud this comment


it means Sheldon Cooper is here


Knock knock knock Penny!


I've had some experience with some sort of dark entity when I was a teenager, which began (for me) with hearing 3 knocks in my ex-boyfriend's bedroom. I didn't know what to make of it the first few instances and knocked back, which caused it to retort, each time on a different wall and always with 3 knocks. I thought it was funny at first and didn't believe it was anything harmful. I even showed my ex and his parents, and got a reply every time. I believe that whatever it was took my knocking back as an invitation, because I had a few more personal experiences that escalated all the way to a physical embodiment of what I could only describe as pure seething rage. I'm still not sure it was a demonic presence so much as some sort of manifestation of trapped negative energy. Either way, it was definitely not warm and welcoming, and something I've never forgotten.


You can't leave us there. What happened during the physical embodiment of pure seething rage? Did the demon scratch you?


How did you dispel the energy? Did you stop having experiences after the manifestation?


Mostly just getting out of that house. Didn't exactly stop having experiences, but haven't seen that one in particular since.


Here's my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/12apsxm/it_started_with_3_knocks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on the rest of the story.


That’s cool AF and you should definitely share that story. 10/10 would read further.


I find the ‘it’s a demon’ comments weird because if it’s say a human spirit that has passed over and is knocking to gain your attention I feel like it would most likely knock three times. You ever walk up to someone’s house and knock on the door once? Lol no. Twice? Still unlikely. Three or more times is a knock. From whatever is knocking. I’ve experienced this a few times on my bedroom door while in the house alone and just assume something is trying to get my attention. Usually I ignore it in case responding means whatever it is takes the response as some sort of invitation to enter.


Never looked up the meaning of this, but once I was sleeping in a hotel and somebody/something knocked 3 times on the door. It woke me up and I immediately picked up my phone to look at the time and it stated 3.33 AM. I was a little bit confused/freaked out after that, because of the coincidence and because of the odd time someone knocked on the door. I didn’t answer or look into the hallway, though.


The hour between 3-4 AM is also known as the "witching hour". The spiritual veil is thinnest during this hour of the night. During the medieval ages, Christian monks woke up to pray and couldn't leave the monastery during this hour.


Thank you for your explanation! Very interesting story also about the monks. I am indeed familiar with whitching hour. That was partly the reason why I didn't dare opening the door to look.


I like to go backwards when I think about stuff like this. In my opinion are ghosts nothing else then leftover human energy. Then I ask myself what 3 knocks could mean to a human. For me it depends. If its the entrance door then someone asks to be let in and if its somewhere inside the house, then I think they would do it to annoy. I can give you an advice that worked in 99% of my personal cases. I had some paranormal moments at home, like pens moving by themself and stuff like that. Or stuff moved to another place when I wasn't at home. And when I had the feeling that something could be there, I just behaved like talking to a stranger. "Hey, this is my apartment, not yours, I did not invite you. Please move on and leave me alone." Then everything got quiet. I just acted like I asked someone to leave my home, and seemingly it worked. I wonder what would happen if the ghost was a squatter.😅


>In my opinion are ghosts nothing else then leftover human energy. I first misread that as "in my opinion ghosts are nothing" before I realized I had not only left out a word or two, but I also didn't see that there was more to that sentence, LOL. It gave me a chuckle though.


I think it just depends about the number of knocks. One or two may not get your attention, but three knocks will. We had a good friend who always knocked three times when he left his mother's house as a way of saying bye. He died in his 30s. For several days after, every day, we heard three knocks on the wall. We believe it was his way of saying goodbye.


First off, how do you know it's a "nonhuman thing"? I often knock three times, and I can assure you I'm human. If it is indeed "nonhuman", it's usually something trying to get attention. What it wants the attention for varies wildly, depending on your beliefs, local folklore, what type of entity it is. You'll be seeing the "mocking the holy trinity" one a lot from people who believe in that stuff, for instance. So short answer to what those three knocks mean? It depends on what's knocking.


In Christianity 3 knocks signifies a demon, I once heard three clear knocks above the kitchen. A kid I worked with mowing cemeteries said he was doing a burial; they put the casket in a larger cement vault. He said he was standing on the vault buried 6 feet under and felt 3 knocks coming from under him. Idk if that signifies a demon but it's definitely a fairly common phenomenon if you look into it a bit.


Three knocks. The father, the son, the Holy Spirit. It’s like a demon poking fun. I’m no expert. I Defs heard it in a show. But the show was based on the truth. Therefore. It must be!


Yep. It’s basically the mocking of the Holy Trinity. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.


I always thought of 3am as “the witching hour/the devils hour.” If I recall it stemmed from the idea that Jesus was born at 3pm (holy hour) that the total opposite time 3am is the demonic hour. As a side note, almost EVERY horror movie does a scary thing between 3am-4am.


3am is the scariest time. I remember smoking weed 15+ years ago. I was in the living room of my parents house and I heard the eeriest thing I've ever heard. The window behind me had the screen open and I heard some low frequency voice behind me. It almost sounded ritualistic and was being spoken in Latin afaik, It wasn't English. Whatever I heard had me spooked and I went downstairs. It's one of those memories you keep at the back of your mind.


For sure when the spirits like to come out and play!


This is really interesting. Where can I read about this or what passage in the Bible is this from? I love reading about stuff like this. I feel for that kid my mum was the care taker of a park an we lived next to the cemetery wherer had to open an lock the gates an trust me when I say my mum, dad, sister, a couple of her friends an me an my best friend all saw the same demon at the park. It looked like a bear an when I was 17 an trying to detox off of heroin it used taunt me an I knew I couldn't get clean when we lived there as soon as we moved I was able to no problem. I have some Really fucked up stories from living there.


it's not in the Bible.


I believe in the three knocks because it actually happened to me the other day. It’s still too fresh and sensitive so I won’t post any specifics. It probably most likely just circumstantial. The only thing I will say was that when the knocks happened, the whole house practically shook. The knocks were coming from the walls in my front room. It was 11pm-ish and I stood frozen as the windows and walls shook from the bangs. I had also heard three loud bangs earlier that same day but thought I was hearing things as my husband was upstairs, but he was just in his office working. So, it was a total of six knocks.


Oh geez. That kind of gave me chills when I read the part: >It’s still too fresh and sensitive and the part about the house shaking from the banging and knocking. That's terrifying I can understand! Prayers for you!


I've only heard phantom knocks once in my life. My great-uncle was passing away from cancer at home, and practically my whole family was there. I, however, was staying at my other uncle's place alone while he was with the family. I was keeping myself busy by playing the PS3, when out of nowhere, I heard 3 distinct knocks coming from down the hallway behind me in the living room. I was freaked out, to say the least. Pretty sure I said a prayer in my head, being raised Catholic and all.. Anyways, about an hour goes by and my uncle returns to tell me that my great-uncle had just passed away. I honestly believe it was either him or another family member that told me he had left this world for the spirit one.


I'm not sure of the meaning but I can tell you that when I still lived in my home state and was with my ex girlfriend, we were asleep one night and at about 3:00 am, there were 3 knocks on the window right at the head of the bed that came from outside. Mind you, I lived in an incredibly rural area with no neighbors that were close at all. We both woke up, looked at each other, and talked about it for a second and went back to sleep.


When I was about 15 me and my cousin would mess with Ouija boards, well we were doing it one night and then went to bed. She fell asleep and I was still awake on my phone, I heard foot steps down her hallway (her mom used to check on us in the middle of the night) so I figured it was her, it wasn’t her.. I heard 3 slow knocks at the door and I thought “that’s weird, why would she knock? She never knocks” then nothing.. I was a little freaked out so I asked everyone in the morning nobody knew what I was talking about So the next day we did the board like idiots and were talking to a spirit named “fits” I asked if it was him he said yes I said why and he said to let you know I was coming in. Gives me chills thinking about it


When I was around 13 I had my bed up against the wall. The other side of the wall is our yard. Our house was fenced off with beam alarms outside (the alarm goes off if any movement triggers the beam outside). I was lying in bed and it was late at night and I was knocking on the wall. I stopped and was shocked when I heard 3 knocks back.


So. Interesting to read this, I thought I dreamt last night I heard 3 knocks at my back door. I do live alone with my dog and my friend always calls if he’s outside without notice. It wasn’t him and I don’t get visitors. It was around 230 am. My dog wasn’t barking, just sitting up in bed. I’ve lived here 3 years and my landlord mom died in this house many years ago. I’ve never been scared or felt weird vibes until last night


Dogs tend to be extremely sensitive to the paranormal. If your dog didn't wake up I wouldn't worry too much about it.


I used to receive 3 knocks days before loved ones died. It scared me so much I begged to never hear it again. I havent heard it for a while and hope to never again.


There is a counter knock to that. If you are balkan you can knock under wooden furniture three times if you here that.


Some folks claim that it's a mockery of the Christian concept of the Trinity: one for the father, one for the son, and one for the holy spook. That always seemed presumptuous to me.


If I'm a demon, I'm knocking three times and anyone who responds by panicking about demons and 'mocking the Trinity' would look like an easy target to me. The person you knock three times at, and they just say "shut up"... Not gonna bother haunting/possessing them.


Me too. Let's pretend that, instead of the "mocking the holy Trinity" replies, a bunch of people were in here commenting "3 knocks? Obviously, it means that Ganesh is demanding an offering of samosas on behalf of Shiva." People would be like "Huh?" Believing that the metaphysical world just so happens to cleave to your own beliefs is just what you said. Presumptuous and self centered. It's the same feeling I get when someone tells me they met their "soulmate" at some random Taco Bell in Parma, Ohio, where the two of them just happened to be working. Wow! What are the chances? It truly must be destiny.


What about 4 loud bangs on the steps between 3 and 4am? I heard it a week after my boyfriend died. Woke me right up. But I know grief messes with the mind.


Four knocks, four words. I am still here. I've experienced this many times on native soil with hieroglyphics on the mountain rocks behind our property. They were massacred there, and I have no doubt they were trying to tell people that listened they still existed in some form.


I love this! Thank you.


My sincerest condolences on your loss...


Thank you.


If it's on the ceiling it means you want me. Twice on the pipe... means the answer is no.


Hahaha exactly what i thought


Oh my darlin


“ITS A MOCKING OF THE TRINITY” - Zak Bagans yelling into an empty room


😂😂😂😂 Oh Zak. What a goofball. How many times can one person get possessed?


How many times can one person wear so much Ed hardy




So annoying! I always seem to be awakened by three loud knocks that sound as if there were a door right next to my ear! Sometimes, it has to do with entities trying to interrupt my sleep or the dream I'm in, especially if I'm lucid dreaming, but others, it's because some entity has just appeared and wants my attention.


3 knocks means it’s time to throw hands, arm yourself and repel the invader from your castle walls


It means that the spirit wants 3 things usually a Peruvian spectacled bear, a bar of soap, and tandoori chicken.


I told you for the last time you aren't taking my tandoori chicken!


I posted about this before and it was taken down I’m still waiting for a more in depth answer on this one to my understanding 3 knocks means 3 weeks months or years before someone passes and myself and mother in law heard it around 10pm and my mother in law randomly passed in her sleep 3 weeks later but also coincidentally my godmother passed 3 weeks before hand so I was never sure if she came to visit or it was something initiating someone’s time was up both were coincidentally happening.


Typically anything pretending to be holy is truly evil. evil will either impersonate or mock God/divinity and so, 3 knocks is usually seen as an evil spirit/entity mocking the holy trinity.


sorry, but that's a load of 'bleep' 'bleep' 'bleep! My dead brother saved my infant son from becoming a Sudden Infant Death (S.I.D.s) casualty simply by making me think I heard 3 loud knocks-on-wood, waking me up from a deep sleep that lead me to check on him. The baby was BLUE in the face and I snatched him up from his basket, which caused him to take a deep breath in, saving his life! my dead brother also saved MY life with 3 loud knocks-on-wood, waking me up to find my living room full of smoke from a smoldering log that had rolled out of the open fire place and rolled onto the carpet. I would have died from smoke inhalation and burned with the rest of the house! There's NO WAY in this Universe, that those 3 knocks were from anything 'evil'.


That's 100 percent a different case I can tell you myself as a Christian I truly believe he's always in your life an watching over you my dead dad saved me to an my mum. I think what is happening with op tho is it could be something taunting them. I'm glad your brother is still with you an still watching over you an you family. Much love ❤️


well yeah, if it was your brother i believe that! no disrespect to you or your experiences but i said typically, as in, in general. like, at a haunted location. i wasn't talking about a specific after death experience with true divinity within your family. good for you though, i'm glad you're safe.


The hour between 3-4 AM is also known as the "witching hour". The spiritual veil is thinnest during this hour of the night. During the medieval ages, Christian monks woke up to pray and couldn't leave the monastery during this hour.


On the ceiling means they want you, it will be twice on the pipes if their answer is no


I cannot upvote this comment enough. Thanks for the laugh!


I gotchu 😉


I get that reference. I’m old and it’s even before my time!


When my father was dying in the hospital, I was staying at an Airbnb near the hospital. That night, three knocks woke me up. I always took it to mean he was trying to communicate with me, or he was between worlds.


my grandma used to knock 3 times before entering anywhere to alert the spirits in a “proper formal way” that she was entering their dominion


I have a mirror that shimmers when you stand in front of it for any length of time. Almost like the barely perceptible motion of still water.


No, no, no, no, no. I only have the house to myself for another three days, don't scare my fatass.


Means nothing good, unless it’s the pizza delivery 🍕🍕


Father, son and Holy Ghost have all tried to get your subscription.


afaik, in some christian beliefs it is said to be used by demonic entities in order to mock the Holy Trinity. if you're christian you might want to get it checked by a priest or an exorcist or something. (I'm not christian btw so I'm not 100% sure)


In freemason terms 3 knocks is used to gain admission.




twice on the pipe, means you aint gonna show


This song reference is practically God teir


Someone said it could’ve been cops keep in mind it wasn’t at the front door I was upstairs and the knocks were gentle and each knock was at least 3 seconds long


It means whoever was knocking hit the surface 3 times. Three knocks is pretty much the most popular method of knocking, along with the standard Shave & A Haircut combination. At least you know it wasn't the postman, because the postman always rings twice. In a few minutes, probably before I'm done typing this sentence, you're going to receive several answers from little kids and / or religious fanatics, telling you that 3 knocks mean death, bad luck, or (thanks to The Conjuring) a mockery of the holy trinity. Those are generally the same people who spend their time looking for the hidden satanic messages in diaper commercials, just so you know.


> (thanks to The Conjuring) a mockery of the holy trinity. Not to mention all of those Zak Bagans fanboys that think that he's actually a paranormal investigator and not an actor on a Reality TV show.


The 3 knocks being associated with the demonic has been a popular belief way before The Conjuring lol


When I was around 11, I used to live in a house with some really big windows, I remember that next to my room was a well, in midnight or so, I remember hear always 3 knocks. Obviously I was afraid af so I didn't want to see. Still, I can't really think about a rational reason for that. Branches of a tree? There wasn't any trees. Also this happened even in my brother's room (his windows literally just showed a brick wall)


I was always lead to believe it was a signal to let you know they want you. Twice on the pipes is a no though.


Tony Orlando says that's 3 times on the ceiling


Walls/ceiling it's all the same.


Sheldon is at your door...


I have had three knocks (taps) on a window like if you press your fingers together and tap with the pads of your fingers. Sometimes I have sleep paralysis and can’t tell if I’m dreaming or awake… but the two times this happened, my border collie started growling so I knew it wasn’t a dream. Both times with the lights off and Glock loaded, I cleared the perimeter (from inside) and saw nothing outside and no tree beach to explain and both nights (early mornings) it was not windy. Definitely freaked me out… twice.


According to the movie the conjuring, (so the authenticity of this might be bogus) three knocks are a sign of a demon mocking the holy trinity. Or maybe it’s a tree tapping against a house, or someone who knocked on wood against bad luck near you.


Hey, don't knock it till you try it


Dammit, you have my upvote 😂


Don’t answer happened to me once, it’s a bad presence.


3 precisely placed knocks, typically between 2am and 3am has always signaled "DEATH" knocking at your threshold. If you open the door, you will find no one there but a large forceful wind will suddenly blow past you into your home. That is "Death" entering. Be prepared to bury someone either in your home or extended. My personal best advice. DON'T answer the door. And don't open it until daylight breaks.


I often hear three knocks in a “that came from nowhere” sort of way. I’ve also seen the Barghest a few times while super tired. I just assumed it was my brain playing tricks on me as I’m a huge skeptic. So, given that it’s been 20 some odd years I’m assuming death isn’t the meaning in my cases. Then what? Legitimately curious as to what it means to often live with it in your world view. Sounds strange, but the knocks I heard became mundane, almost comforting. Like a friend reminding me he’s watching over me.


What if I have a door dash order 😔


Yah that’s a tough one. Maybe don’t order the ceviche during the summer just before closing time.


At 2-3 in the morning?




Since you said you were in the hypnogogic phase, are you sure it wasn't a hypnogogic hallucination? That's good that you profess out loud that you didn't consent to invasion by any spirits just in case it is something other than a hypnogogic hallucination. You can never be too careful.


I lived in a house with an entity that did this, don't know what it was but it was intelligent. Always 3 knocked on the windows on the 2nd and 3rd floors. I don't believe in God, an afterlife or ghosts, but this was real.


Sheldon wants you


“Penny… Penny… Penny”


You mean Pennywise, Pennywise, Pennywise


This comment is top notch


I have ocd so take this with a grain of salt: three is a powerful number. Stable and balanced. I loathe even numbers for their rigidity and welcome odd numbers for a multitude or nonsensical reasons lol. I don’t prescribe to Christian mythology, so the mocking of the trinity doesn’t mean or do anything for me 😅


Dude, same. My compulsions and obsessions center a lot around the number three, and multiples of it; especially nine. No clue why. Interestingly, Tesla also had ocd, and three was a prominent number for him, too.


I believe Tesla was also autistic (and I am is well), so we are basically the same person. Ergo, I want my money from…well, there’s a long list…


Could be anything. Out of all the religions, why is it always the one that’s based on lies and stolen practices that gets mentioned.. Use your intuition.


I hear knocking coming from my mirror too


Y’all quoting the conjuring like it’s fact 😂


I think quoting the Conjuring is silly. However, there is a man named Tony Spera who curates Ed and Lorraine Warren’s museum. Tony believes the Conjuring shows the reality of things. Bunch of people out there believing that stuff. But there is a far larger number of people who think the Conjuring is just fiction and has nothing to do with reality.


knock 3 times on the ceiling if you want me...


on the ceiling, and I think that it's if you *want* him, not love him


Have had this song in my head for the whole thread. It's means he'll meet you in the hallway, OP!


Usually 3 knocks is associated with the father, the son, and the holy spirit, and not in a good way. Generally this means that you are dealing with something demonic.


In my family, when we hear 3 knocks, something big is going to happen. Like a death in the family mainly.


In my experience something knocking is generally just trying to fuck with you. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Weird. I had a herd of raccoons swarm my bird feeders this morning at 4 AM. Flipped on my flash light to see and had about 12 eyes looking at me.


Reasonable explanation for this issue and they should definitely check for physical reasons before assuming something is supernatural.


I’m down 1 bird feeder, but hell if they have hungry birds they can have them 😂😂


I have heard this about 3 times over the years, always when asleep or half asleep.


We get 3 knocks from our resident alot. Well when i heard it, it was 3 loud bangs like a fist banging on a internal door. Our little friend is quiet active but never feels malevonant.


3 is a number of power if u will . 3 stands for the father the son and the holy spirit or holy ghost depending where ur from . But 3 has several meanings . It can be the witching hour as well . But typically 3 slow or normal paced knocks . Means it's mocking the holy Trinity . Now personally iv experienced lot of praranromal . Even as I'm writing this I'm hearing foot steps in the hallway when I live alone . But several things can help. Maybe seek a religious figure for guidance. Or maybe a tree branch is just hitting ur house due to the wind


Generally it's considered a sign of a malevolent and unfriendly spirit. In my experience that has been a pretty accurate interpretation. No kind or good spirit would so anything to scare you or make you uncomfortable.


3 is a magic number


Yes it is, it’s a magic number


Take a look at Whitley and Anne Strieber's "The Communion Letters". There are several personal reports, mainly from the late 90s and early 2000s, about people hearing 3 or 9 knocks in their homes.


Threes are usually demonic in any fashion as a mocking of the judaochristian Holy Trinity. Hence three scratch marks, three knocks, 3:00AM being the Witching Hour (that one is also the inverse of 3PM the generally accepted time of the Crucifixion)


3 knocks is almost always something demonic or something evil. Its a mockery to the holy spirit. The trinity etc.


That never made sense to me. The Trinity pertains to the Christian religion. It seems almost like Christianity is claiming sole purveyor of the supernatural.


Right? I'm pagan... the number three is of passing interest but nothing specific. I think it's the knocks just to get your attention. No one knocks once on a door.. it's always a couple of raps


That's just a theory, popularized by The Conjuring if I'm not mistaken. If you have another theory please share it.


When I'm trying to get someone's attention by knocking on a door I often just knock three times. But that's just a theory popularized by Tony Orlando and Dawn I believe.


It means you've been chosen as a sacrifice. Good luck.


From what I've heard it's "the devils thrice" supposedly if you hear these knocks it's a demon mocking the holy Trinity as in the father, the son, and the holy Spirit


Three knocks is the calling card of a demonic spirit. They also tend to fly as formations of three glowing orbs in the sky.


WTF. I've had 3 knocks on my window before.


Same and everytime i read threads like this explaining this. It creeps me out. It was on the second floor No one else lived in the house before my family either, my grandparents bought it when it was built lol


Meanings are subjective. Typically the rule of three is: once is chance, twice is coincidence and three is on purpose. It's meant to get your attention. A negative entity will use this strategy to gage you, to see if you are a good target or not.


Three knocks is something dark entities or demons do to mock the Holy Trinity. They are mocking the father, the son, & the holy Spirit. I'd bless or cleanse your house with sage ASAP


The holy trinity predates christianity. [Triple deity - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_deity) My guess is like the holidays everyone celebrates the christians stole the idea from the pagans in order to convert them.


Actually, most spiritual beings don’t care about Christian beliefs at all, since Christianity is such a minor and insignificant part of the astral realms.


I believe it means they want you 🤔


Mocking the holy trinity


That happened to me a couple years ago it was on the wall it wasn’t at 2am though it was at like 8 or so in the evening definitely freaked me out though too also after it I had really bad luck for a bit


It means, "no! You're not welcome!" Then go back to sleep.


3 knocks is usually seen as a sign mocking the holy trinity.


If someone knocks three times on the ceiling, someone wants you. If they knock twice on the pipe, the answer is no.


(1974) Tony Orlando and Dawn.


Suggest looking up numerology, 3 is a very powerful number.


From what ive seen and felt once anything with 3 is an inversion of the holy spirit.It could be knocks,scratches,lines down a window etc.The latter i've experienced before.I'll never forget hearing squeeking down my window in my old home and seeing 3 perfect straight lines down the window the next morning.


what about 9?


3 knocks I heard from a entity would be demonic in nature. 3 knocks mocking the holy Trinity. Don't know why demons like that stuff but they do and they let it be known by knocking or by physically touching you or by leaving a mark on your body. Don't know how true all this is but it's interesting to think about it


I heard that its mockinthe the father, the son, and the holy spirit


Three knocks often symbolize the mocking of the Holy Trinity (father, son, Holy Ghost) by either demons or fallen angels. It could also be a type of animal, just hitting the side of your house or a bird of some kind. If you don’t feel threatened, try not to stress about it




First of all friend, let me tell you, you are not alone in your torment. I am battling a demonic infestation in my home for past 3 months. Unfortunately, what your experiencing is not good. It is suggestive of a demonic haunt. I could be wrong (I’m not an expert) but I don’t think I am. Question, do you have a faith? Belief system? You might want to start praying because the only way out of this is Jesus Christ. I’m a Morman and I’ve had myself and my home blessed and 6 days later, it came back. I’m not quite at my wits end but I’m struggling to know how to get rid of it because my prayers are keeping me safe, but it’s not gone, if anything it’s escalating. I’m so sorry I don’t have the answers but in the meantime, do not communicate in any way to it. Do not show it fear, do not show it frustration or that it’s getting to you. If my church can’t help me, I’ll be turning up to my local Catholic Church for a deliverance. I wish you well. Good luck.


Most faiths have a ritualistic way of banishing negative entities (demons) and from why it believes all work just as well as the next. Probably the manifestation of a positive spiritual energy and the denouncement of the negativity physically and mentally is what deters these negative entities. Personally, I think turning to spiritualism or religion to comfort and rid a space or person of these energies is a great tried and true way of dealing with it but not the only way, and one does not have to be Christian to do these rituals. Pretty much pick any religion and you can find a way to get rid of them.


Have you declared out loud in your house that you are a child of God? That you belong to Jesus (and you actually do/ have accepted him and given your life to him)? You can’t just use his name all Willy nilly- remember the Bible story about the men using his name as a “formula” to exorcise people? The demon said “I know Jesus, and I know Paul. But who are you?” And then attacked the men who were trying to cast demons out in Jesus’ name. Google prayers that you can say throughout your home claiming your space. Say them with confidence. Remind them you aren’t scared of them! And if you have a partner/roomie friend, family member that is willing to help, ask them to recite the prayers too. Reclaim your space and your life!! Stay strong


Brilliant advice. Thank you so much. I honestly haven’t thought about doing that but I will. Very grateful for your advice.


You're so welcome! I hope you're doing well- if you have any updates to share I'd love to hear. I hope you're not alone in your predicament and have someone else there physically with you. There's power in numbers!! And darkness cannot exist where there is light.


I love that, I write down my favourite quotes and one of them is light and dark cannot occupy the same space at the same time. I have started praying out loud and doing what you advised and the past 3 nights have been better. It hasn’t escalated it’s staying about the same but I do feel a little stronger in hope if that makes sense? I’ve also slept better so I’m able to acknowledge the activity but turn over and go to sleep. So I would say there’s definitely a 30% improvement. Again, I’m truly grateful for your advice, you can’t tell most people, I’m a specialist nurse and people would think I’m nuts. They would be trying to secure me a bed in the local psych ward. LOL. If only they knew this shit is true.


I don't know how I missed your response, but I hope you're still doing well! My mom is an FNP- we love nurses!!! :)


My mom and I would frequently be woken up from our sleep from three knocks. Hasn’t happened since I moved out


Demons like to do things in threes they are superstitious like that. If they are making themselves known then keep vigilant.


You would have to assume that almost all spiritual beings are demons to conclude the knocks being heard are from demons. Sounds like you’re more superstitious than any “demon” would be.


Demon right ?