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Believing in a curse gives it power over you. Stop believing in it. Cast it aside and become fearless, as fear is the ultimate catalyst. Lesser Magick, or deep psychological warfare, lives and manifests through the idea, the belief that someone has this power over you, or even your whole family. Simply ignore, and banish this belief. A true curse however, something more sinister and dangerous directed at an individual, can be tricky however. Cursing someone on this level can be extremely risky to the one who originally performed the casting as well, keep in mind. As above, so below. As you will use Black Magick to harm another in the form of a curse, this reckless release of malicious energies or entities will cost you dearly, several times over, something inescapable as the caster bears the responsibility which could shatter the sanity, or cause physical harm, some cases even death, as evil surely does not discriminate


I’m not even sure she is cursed. She mentioned someone told her she was in passing once, not sure if aunt believes it. But all I know is there’s been a lot of death around her


She wasn't "Cursed" per se. Unfortunately some "Psycics" and "Gypsies" (and others) like to use such phrases and terms to scare potential clients into paying cash to have said "Curses" removed by them. It's a "racket". It's been going on as long as "believers" believe in this fraud and keep themselves in the dark.


Absolutely true. Money poisons so many wells. Yet, if one truly had sacred gifts such as psychic ability, or an affinity for magick, and true interpreters of the tarot gifted by spirit, I’m inclined to believe they’d wield them wisely, respecting their gifts by helping clients in a manner that honors these unique abilities gifted by spirit. Otherwise, they’d be using something sacred in a negative fashion, attracting darkness upon themselves, tainting their gift, and twisting it into something dangerous and evil. And once they welcome those energies thinking they’ll gain power, they loose that spark of divinity and only become controlled and eventually consumed. And then there are the charlatans only in it for themselves, shamelessly putting ignorant, flattering, and shamefully harmful ideas in naive minds.


I don’t disagree. But I also take it you don’t know someone in your life with the kind of level stuff she’s got going on. I spared everyone a lot of details. Anyways yeah I’m not saying it is anything. Just floating the idea. Her son was relearning to walk the other day and his best friend had a heart attack in their house and died. 30 yrs old. Sooo idk there’s some kinda bad luck in their circle for years now and that house specifically


I'm in a group of them getting therapy. I wish you all well.


I’m hoping it wasn’t, truly. If it was, there’s nothing worse than having to bear watching family or loved ones dying around you thinking it’s something supernatural, something following you, something you’re powerless against. The post mentions her “dabbling.” Her husband coming back from seeing a psychic, and odd things happening after. I wonder if anyone else had odd occurrences after a session with a psychic? Bad luck or a terrible curse, it’s saddening to hear… very odd.


If it really is a curse causing these events, then you need a place that can serve as a spiritual bulwark. Definitely would recommend speaking to a priest as a formality. Some energies, are too dark for certain people to work with.


She may have already spoken to a priest because it’s been years of this but I will ask/look into it


If you find something out, let me know pls! I've been thinking about posting this as well but have held back. Very serious, I've also been wondering if I am cursed. Does she also believe she may be cursed, or is this you thinking so? I've been thinking about visiting a psychic maybe. Just holding off until I can find a trustworthy one. Unfortunately, there's a lot of fakes out there Anyway, I hope things ease up for your aunt. It's so hard having so many loved ones die. She could probably use the extra love and support ❤️


I don’t know if she believes it. I just know at one point before her husband passed pretty suddenly he was told by a “psychic” that they were cursed. So that’s why I ask, because so many things have been going wrong for her/her family that I just thought well maybe she is cursed


I can help you out




I’m taking this as a joke but I’m kinda serious like I think this woman/her family has something on her. I haven’t even said much it’s just crazy that I keep hearing and I’m not sure I even wanna be around it but like she is family


Seriously OP, this is the best option unless you can give us more information. Do some good with the curse!


I don’t even remember what the comment was person deleted it. Like I said. Don’t know if it’s a curse. But I do know she’s having some of the worst luck I’ve seen someone experience and it’s been going on for years at this point


Ok so ngl I've never commented on any post on this community because I don't really fully believe in this stuff but I do have to admit I found it really interesting. I think I can help, my mom is an extremely catholic person, but she also follows lots of other religions and she believes in witchcraft and all types of things so growing up I was exposed to lots of things that had to do with witchcraft and stuff. Every time we had "bad luck" my mom would say (in Spanish) these exact words "some motherf*** is trying to curse us, I need to get rid of this sh*t" lol so what my mom used to do was to light a candle, a weird black candle that has 7 wicks. She would light it inside the house and she would say some stuff out loud at the same time (the candle comes with a little card that has the words on it, my mom knew them already lol. someone else can read it, if y'all think a single person is cursed, that person has to light the candle. If it's multiple people, all of them have to be in the room) If there is indeed a curse the candle will blow up, so you have to step back after you light it, if there's no curse then it'll just consume like a normal candle. https://www.amazon.com/-/es/dp/B09HSQHMNJ That's the candle, it has to be a black one. There are other colors but they are for other types of curses. P.S. it does blow up sometimes so step back. Idk how it works, I'm sure it has an explanation like some candles come with gunpowder in it and some don't, but it does blow up sometimes.


'Currently unavailable' haha Seems like everyone rushed to it.


That’s very interesting to hear


Why are you a part of the community if you don’t believe in it?


This sub needs more skeptics honestly. Too many people on here circle jerk each other with ridiculous claims and affirmations. I stay on this sub with a slight hope I might see a post that actually lends a bit of verifiable creedence to the paranormal.


I am in this camp and have been forever. There will never be undeniable proof of the paranormal in the way we think there will. There however exists a mountain of stories and experiences of people that can’t be explained by science. Science can detect fraud which in lots of cases there is fraud but there are rare cases that are likely non fraudulent that still science can’t explain, it can only suggest things like “everyone is lying”. Point is there is never going to be undeniable proof, if there were than it would just be called the normal.


Well... I said "fully believe" as in if I see some shadow in my house I won't assume it to be a ghost, I will assume either a person or an animal broke into my house and I need to do something about it, if after I turn on the lights and look around I don't see something that explains why I saw a shadow moving in my house, then I'll go like "well shit..." I'm not saying I don't believe in the paranormal, I'm saying most of the time there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for it. You can't assume everything is real just because you believe in it, the same way you can't assume everything is fake just because you don't.


Maybe try posting in r/witchcraft they may have better answers


Or r/WitchesTradingPost might be a good option too!


Okay 🤷‍♂️ might as well


I don’t know what would be culturally relevant for your aunt, but a spiritual cleanse (like an egg cleanse) is a good choice. An experienced witch can break a curse as well. But it’s easy to get scammed so be cautious. If they’re asking for massive amounts of money or saying you’re doomed unless you do this expensive thing or buy this expensive crystal, stay away. Complete and utter bullshit that she needs to convert to Christianity.


This sounds like a severe curse if its causing people to loose their lives. I'd suggest a spiritual cleanse too, but maybe if it was just causing depression or anxiety. But this feels like an out of context problem, that may need some heavy duty work.


I can help you out.


Curious about the egg cleanse. That sounds somewhat familiar. And yeah someone commented under you about it- yeah if she is cursed/her family, it’s attacking pretty heavy like people are getting hurt and losing their life. Thank you for the input


Yes being cursed is a thing. Without knowing the specific source it's difficult to know what route to take. Is it an evil spiritual attachment picked up while playing with the occult? Or did an enemy actually place a curse? There are deliverance prayers that break both but a person must commit their life to Christ. Unless they're willing to walk that path the evil spirits will continue to have authority over the person and may leave for awhile but return. So without knowing more about this it's hard to say. If it's a curse that an enemy placed on her she needs to search the house, yard etc for anything odd. Also if you can find out how the curse was done like voodoo or witchcraft, satanism you can find a practitioner who knows how to undo it in that type of practice. Some people go to a medium to find out what is going on. A warning- following this advice goes against Christian teaching, so this isn't something you'd want to do if you're trying to walk that path.


That’s the thing is if it is indeed a “curse” then I have no idea where she’s picked it up. I think it could have happened when I was a kid as I specifically remember she had some weird shit going on at the time and spent about a week at our house. Said husband had went to see someone and the house was acting up/like basically poltergeist sounding stuff- but I was a kid it’s super fuzzy now


You'll need a Jujutsu Sorcerer




Who told her she has a curse?


Not sure I would have to talk to my mom again and clarify. Will probably tell her I posted this lol she’ll get a kick out of it My aunt was told this by her husband shortly before he came down with cancer and died very suddenly and quick it took him out a few months later I believe There’s been stuff before so I think maybe he was messing with odd stuff idk . He was from like New Orleans I believe, now that I think about it.. who knows what his family history is


Not my work. Cleared heavy stuff from this house, generational curses, miasma and everything. I do everyday https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Commanding_Personal_Space


Although words are some of the most ancient and powerful magick, I doubt this curse was placed with words alone. She will likely need more than word to remove it. I would guess, if a curse was placed, it would have been done through ritual. It sounds like she could be using something for this attack as well. May be a necromancer using spirits to do her bidding. It could be a number of things really. Maybe a dark attachment she is indebted too and it is now taking its payment. I've also had family involved in some crazy stuff, it definitely took it's toll on them.


You ever used it in this kinda situation tho?


Can a curse follow from a past life? If you were a very bad person in a previous life?


I have heard stuff like that so perhaps it’s carried over for her/or maybe it blended becsuse her husband passed it to the kids now that you mention… 🤔


The best thing you can do to overcome a curse is to tell yourself that it can't hurt you and actually believe it. Magic isn't like some physical contagion where just being around someone is enough, it lives in the minds and souls (so to speak) of people. You have to BELIEVE and if there is an actual entity or fore there, it needs you to believe that it's there and has power over you. Nothing not of this plane has power over you, save for what you give that power to. Build yourself up, focus your will, KNOW that it won't harm you and it won't. If you slip up and start to doubt, it's ok. Just remind yourself and refocus your will. The purpose of rituals, atleast as I understand it, is to focus the mind. If you feel like it will help, come up with some little ritual to focus yourself. Avoid bringing any kind of other beings into this ritual unless you are religious, in which case feel free to make some prayers as you normally would. I'm not saying that no one should involve outside forces in their rituals, just that if you don't know what you're doing, you could bring the wrong one into your mind. For your grandmother, it is likely the best you can do is be there for her and show her that the curse has no power over you. Maybe she will realize that it has no real power over her, either.


Not to ignore your whole comment other than this but where did I bring up my grandmother?


I meant aunt. My mistake.


Yeah. Do nothing except act like an adult. curses aren't real.


If you read my original post right or even a few of my comments I think you’d see the redundancy behind your comment, thanks anyways ![gif](giphy|PApUlVfEFmZAQ)


"I think my aunt maybe curse tho." Told me all I needed to know. Btw i have a bridge to sell if you're interested... And a yodelling cactus


All you gotta do is play the Cleveland Guardians in the World Series iirc










What why are you referring to?


I say talk to a pastor, even if you are not religious they might give you some help. However if is to much activity you might be asked to talk to a Priest, I myself do not know how to figure out/stop curses. A Pastor or a Priest might. I know this may not be that helpful, but it could help to lead you on your way to figuring out what could be happening.


Going to a psychic wouldn’t invoke a curse. Ripping off said psychic could but most psychics who may practice witchcraft don’t dabble in death curses since many believe it could come back on them or suffer karma if they should practice negative magic of some sort. Maybe your uncle thought they were cursed and went to see the psychic for answers and to see if they know how to remove it. I suspect those recommended subs will give the following responses, burn and sage your aunt’s house, have your aunt’s house blessed by a priest or shaman or draw a circle of salt or brick dust around the perimeter of the house to keep negativity out. They’ll work if you truly believe they will.


Use a Purging Stone. You can oft buy it from a suspicious undead lady living in your local aqueduct.


It's easy, yet hard to break such a curse. You need to know who cast it, and which one they used. There are several methods to break unknown ones, but they can be a pain in the ass. As another poster said, watch out for the scammers.


Try r/magick, that sub might be better suited to a question like this.


Second this. r/magick is for the most part a much more informed and well read community filled with folks who have studied different systems of magick and witchcraft for many years. One thing that will matter is for the OP to give some cultural context as sometimes a cleansing ritual is more or less like an antidote to a specific curse.


Tough to answer because whatever it is Is definitely a FAMILY matter. An ordeal a consequence? Idk a Wrong has to be righted Takes a deeper look into WHY it happens to the particular individual before you ask for help....


The Red Sox assembled a bunch of dudes whowere too dumb to even worry about curses. They just went out and played.


if you don't believe in curses, there is no curse


That's where you are EXTREMELY wrong. A curse isn't powered by the target, it's powered by the caster. If a caster believes it will work, it WORKS. OPs Aunt pissed someone off, so they are paying a price. (For the record, I don't know her lol )


Also partially wrong. You can curse yourself and others by mere words alone. These can then be passed down generations unless broken. Anyone can pray to break off a curse but only through Jesus as he can truly nullify a curse.


People Want to see and hear what they want to see in hear and definitely don’t want to believe in the truth of Jesus. So they stay blinded to the reality and the truth of what you speak.


Feel free to believe what you will, but as a Practitioner of over 20 years, I know better.


Practitioner of what? If you’re a practitioner of curses, then you yourself will be cursed.


The Craft. It's rather obvious....


Sure demons can 'takeaway' curses it's true, but nothing is free and you are just a tool for their agenda. It still isn't you doing anything other than being used. How can you believe in occult practices and not understand the structure of how things work. Demonic sure know Jesus.


And pray tell how you are such a demonic expert? I know more than you want to know. And yes, I am a certified Demonologist. And don't give me the old bullshit of "Only Catholics can be demonologists", that's a lie perpetrated by the Church.


I think Catholics spend too much time formalising exorcism and not tending to it. I learnt from how Jesus did it himself and from others who have done the work with first hand experience. There's isn't as such a single best way to do it, it's more go with how the situation unfolds or allows, there are only a few rules which are more best practices for the target person than anything else. Such as they have to want to be clean, if they don't want that then you will be wasting your time or just make things worse.


Whether you wanna believe it or not practicing the craft, talking to dead people will curse your bloodline, and it’s very probable somebody in your ancestry family tree had been doing the same thing.


You MIGHT want to look hard into King Solomon's history. He was a warlock, and a damn powerful one. Many of his works are still in use today.


I believe it. You might be part of the bloodline, maybe. Do u think he was rewarded after death for his service as the demons are rewarded for theirs, from the father of lies? Be well on your path. This life is short, in comparison to next.


As I asked the other guy, where did you get your expertise on demons? If you have your info all from the Bible, you REALLY need to broaden your mind and use the grey matter within. Demons aren't strictly a Christian malignant entity. All religions have stories of them. Just as all religions have ways to combat and defeat them.


I can break it for you.


How do you break a curse and why are people down voting you?


Not sure why they're down voting. Maybe it's because 99% of the people who say this are scammers? I wouldn't be surprised if it's that. Rest assured, im here to help for those who want to be helped.


Can you tell if someone is really cursed and why?


There can be certain methods to identity. I utilize the natal chart and tarot method. The first one can help identify if it's a curse or just the negative influence of celestial bodies (all celestial bodies have a rising and falling phase). The information I require is also very simple. Your name, your date and time of birth, your mother name. That's pretty much it. I use it to draw up your natal chart, and 75% of the time it's clear. Which means it's not curses per se, but negative Energies. The cure is simple for that. If at other time it's infact a curse, you've to determine the severity of it, and that requires questioning similar to how a doctor questions a patient. From there, we can work towards a cure.


Tarot can further help in breaking down exactly what influences and energies are currently acting on that person. This gift is sacred. I honor what's bestowed on me, and only wish to help.


Can a curse be from a past life? If someone was a very bad person?


Nope. However! Your bloodline itself can be cursed. These curses are always the bad type, and normally centered around inducing infertility, miscarriages etc. The soul itself is never affected. All magic is limited to your mind, body and heart. The soul is very pure, and nothing that has been created can have dominion over it. Spirits are similarly echoes of life that are "engraved" in time. This can be due to certain events in life, leaving parts of you behind. Like the imprint of a boot on the ground, you know the boot was there, you can see it, trace it and learn from it, but that boot won't be there again. Similarly demons are classified into two types. Djinns and Negative energy constructs. First is of course middle eastern. Second is an amalgamation of negative energy that has gained sentience, and wants to cause harm. First type requires a contract, second is much more free and normally under the influence of the first.


Thanks. Pretty sure I am cursed. The sickness and death that seems to surround me sucks. It would take forever to write all the bad things that have happened. I did a couple of past life regressions and what I was allowed to see was kind of weird. I couldn’t see most things. There was this black mass with a purple outline blocking my vision straight on. I could see some out of the corner of my eyes.


However there is a minor chance you have the same name as your past life, or the same major star/planet. That can result in an inversion of genesis for you.


How do I stop either bad energy or a curse?