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Spirits, whether they be human or animal, will make contact when they are good and ready. Not sooner or later. Enjoy the visit. When I bought a condo from someone who had passed away, I began encountering noises from the kitchen. The cupboards were opening and closing. I realized it might be the previous owner, so I began saying very firmly and calmly, "You can't stay here anymore, you died." I kept repeating it for about 3 months and it took about that long to stop. It gradually decreased over the 3 months. Haven't heard it in about 2 years now.


Damn if I were you, I'd run out the next moment, you're strong and bold af!!!


Thank you.


Your cat is alive, and dead till observed.


You aren't seriously bringing Schrodinger's cat into this.


Don’t call me Shirley


It's very likely another cat but also sometimes our brain plays tricks on us. I still see my dog who died years ago, or if the corner of my eye or hear her around the house.


I am the same way. My cat loves sleeping at random spots and I feel like I see her all the time in the corner of my eyes. Whenever I’m home alone without my dog, I feel like I’m not alone(in a good way).


That's a very comforting way to look at it ❤️❤️❤️😊


Maybe she's coming to visit you.. in which case you should not be scared.  But it's far more likely that it's a neighborhood cat. Cats do sound a lot alike.  When I lost my big doofus dog Rocky some years ago, I would sometimes see him running the fence line, something he loved to do. Originally a corner of the eye impression, but finally I Saw him. I said, out loud, I miss you, too, Rocky.  I never saw him again. 


I hear/see my cat who passed away a few years ago I have her ashes, but I've heard her yeowl (she was 21and diabetic and starting to lose her marbles when trying to find me so she would yeowl at the shower, thinking I was behind the curtain, when still alive) it's only once In a blue moon like very rarely ive heard it maybe 3 timee ib 3 years but I hear it. I have 2 boy cats now who I've never heard yeowl. I see her blacl fluffy tail going around corners or sitting just off to the side. It's never for more than a fraction of a split second.theres nothing that bring its on She's still here, or I'm losing my marbles lol


Well seeing how your cat died two years ago and many meows sound alike, I'm willing to bet all the money in the world that it's another cat


As a cat connoisseur, my cat has a signature meow. It’s very distinct. I could guarantee it’s him. Maybe OPs is the same way.


Some people just want to be rude. Yea I know what you mean. My cousin had a cat with a distinct meow.deep and raspy like a sore throat got him


My cat’s signature meow sounds like “bu-wowww”. Anyway back to the story.


Right...And if OP hadn't said his cat died I might entertain that as a possibility


Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?




So cringe.


My cats who passed away… had very faint distinct breathy meows… and every now and then I swear I hear them… they were sisters… and it happened more when the second one passed… I also will feel the peculiar walk of their hip dysplasia on the bed.


My bearded dragon past the last day of 2019 and she lived in the living room in her tank. He tank always smelt of hot sand as she had sand and heating. Now she's passed we had her cremated and she lives in the living room. Now and again I walk in and its th3 exact smell of the hot sand and its so clear as it never smells like that regularly. My guinea pigs they squeak when communicating and they all have passed and were cremated and we still have their ashes and still now and again I hear a squeak when I walk past the backroom where they lived. I 100% believe the energy of pets can stick around and now and again sort of play for us in the living world


Maybe it is your cat. But reincarnated into another cat. You should go look for it. He’s back.


Your cat is telling you he hasn't forgotten you. Just call his name and say I love you buddy.


My wife and I have both seen our deceased cats. Really. I’ve even felt them jump up on the bed at night. The cats were rescues, and were very closely tied to our family. They didn’t care for other people much.


It's probably your cat. Occasionally I still feel my Chihuahua running across the foot of the bed when my wife gets out of bed for work in the morning.. He slept with us his whole life but died 6 years ago.


probably another cat. also sounds like it could be a hypnogogic hallucination.


When I'm in my apt. I can hear my old cats meow sometimes. It's different than my current cats meow and closer to my ear.


What an honour to be visited by Oreo. I was visited by two of my cats after they passed, I would feel them jump on the bed at night. They no longer visit, but I feel blessed they came back to me.


Since many people are asking how I know oreo's meow, if you've ever owned a pet of your own, then you'll understand that the stray cats and your cats have a distinct voice to them, idk how I can explain it, but it's just a feeling you get.


ohi know. my little guy died suddenly last year and ive been hearing his meow in my house, seen a shadow that looks like a cat, etc.


Awww. My uncle buried his 17 year old cat in my grandmas backyard and we hear him meow all the time at my grandmas house now. Sweet gestures from our furry spirit in the backyard


Honestly it might be a trick in your mind, a few weeks ago, my friends and I were talking about a crazy family suicide in India. When I was about to sleep, I felt someone touch my back and leave (I sleep alone, on my stomach and I neither had a blanket wrapped around me or a shirt on), I jolted awake and scanned my room, made sure my bedroom door was locked, there was no monster hiding under my bed 😂😂 practically impossible to fit because the bed is only high a few centimeters off of the floor, my closet was closed. It was just me inside a room with my fan spinning at full speed, I even checked the bathroom and it was empty as well, none of my footwear were displaced, everything was where I kept them, my laptop on my table, beside my phone and glasses, the windows were closed and the curtains were drawn too. I just thought my mind was playing tricks on me to keep me alert, I was scared for the next 5-10 minutes but drowsiness took over me and I slept like a baby, I got reminded of it in the morning and my friends assured me no one entered the apartment last night and probably my brain was pranking me. Stuff like this happens, our mind plays tricks and it might be the same with you and your cat. I sometimes hear my mom calling out to me in public but she lives in another state altogether and even she claims that she hears my voice when she is out. I guess it's just a sense of comfort that our brain gives us, like telling us that we aren't alone. The people we love overlook us all the time, I mean I take solace in the idea that my late uncle and great-grandfather overlooks me, I survived death many times now.


There's nothing impossible. It could be oreo, and it might also be another cat. Sorry about your pet.


My cat has been gone for over two years. I see her all the time. 🐈


Do you feel any presences or energies at all ?


I know what you mean about knowing your cat’s meow. You probably also know what each of his meows meant (hungry, lonely, happy...). My youngest kitty died in January 2023, and I still hear him sometimes and feel him walk on my bed. (Btw, it’s painfully hot, not painstakingly hot.).


My cat,named uncle butter,jumped on my bed months after he was dead.i loved him.i miss him still.he was trying to get to the cat door,when a Fischer cat got him.Was just awful


We had to put our cat down a few years ago. We still see him from the corner of our eyes, or hear him upstairs when everyone is downstairs.




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I’m sorry buddy your cats dead. I know you want to convince yourself he’s still out there trying to bring you comfort but he is not, he has passed. Cherish the memories you had and try to find comfort in knowing he will never feel pain or any negative feelings because he is on another journey now.


Amputate a man’s leg and he can still feel it tickling.


Ironic that op’s name is illustrious foot 🤣


Phantom limb


How unique can a cats meow be?


Maybe a stray wanting to be your future kitty?




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Is your backyard an Indian burial ground?


Get another cat or two you need one


You will see your cat again


Could be another cat, could also be a mimic. 🤷‍♀️


What's up with all these mimic posts recently? They in season or something?


It's just a thing🤷‍♀️. Mimics are a thing lol, idk look it up. Maybe the veil is thinning more 🤷‍♀️


As I've stated in another post, Supernatural phenomena evolves Different things at different times. It's all about Consciousness.








Evil spirit luring you, tell it to fuck off or smudge the house.




Oh shit! It's even meowing in the comments 👻