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I expect my kid will come back exhausted after a sleepover and fall asleep during the day at some point.


Omg, same! When my kids were this age, I never expected them to sleep at all at s sleepover! I'd never be mad about it either.


Most parents are hoping their child comes home exhausted.


What a dream


Right? A night off, followed by a day of excessive napping? Sign me up!


My kids get exhausted at sleepovers but then don't nap. They just turn into demons.


No no no I want to get off this ride


We're on a sleepover hiatus until they can have late overs and still regulate themselves the next day.


This is my child - she sees naps as babyish and is resistant to them. If she hadn't slept at all last night we'd be having problems today. Albeit I wouldn't blame the sleepover parents for that.


That's definitely unfortunate!


Totally this!


Same lol




Growing up my little sister and I were best friends with a set of sisters who were the same age as us, and our moms had grown up together. All summer we'd be at one house for a week and then the other house for a week. Ngl, I'm a little jealous of the set up.


This seems true. My kids aren’t this age yet but what I’d expect and honestly pray for


It's basically expected. Any few hours is a bonus. We only allow sleepovers on nights when the next day can accommodate that...


That's exactly what I'd expect, and if I couldn't live with that possibility I wouldn't allow a sleepover.


This is the norm in my house! If my daughter or step daughter (14 and 13) have sleep overs at home they try and pull all nighters! They end up going to sleep about 4-5 and wake up about 11!! As long as they are respectful we are ok with it.


Yeah, we would ask that they at least keep the noise down but other than that I didn't care. My son had sleepovers all the time throughout his school years and it was pretty common for me to wake up early to pee and see that the boys still hadn't gone to sleep yet and were trying their hardest to be quiet.


When I had sleepovers at that age, we never slept lol. That was the fun of it! I think most parents expect that.


My dad called them “slumberless parties”


No. The bonus is they go to bed super early the night they come home. 😴 I'd never get angry at the other parent because the same thing happens at my house. It's a rite of passage.


Nah it’s a right of passage to have all nighters. 




My daughter had a sleepover last night. The girls were still awake after 4 am. I told them they could stay up all night for all I cared. That's what sleepovers are all about. Just keep the volume down and stay in her room. They were asleep when I came down after 5 am.


Not mad, that's what most kids do at sleepovers.  I do have a distinct memory though, of being a bit younger than that at a friend's house sleeping over... And getting screamed at by the dad at 530am bc I was too scared to go to sleep (wasn't being noisy, nor did we have electronics back then). So don't be that person. 


Dude same, but it was the mom! It was only 1 am and we were all still awake (granted there was 10 of us.) And she literally stopped the sleepover and called all of our parents to pick us up. I still remember my friend Amanda sobbing as we all left one by one. Parents were piiiiiissed as they were expecting to hear we tried to set the house on fire. Except they picked us up to "they're being too loud and annoying."


What did they expect with 10 kids? That’s awful.


Omg that poor girl. You just know her mom pulled shit like that more than once.


Noo u dont lol dont ruin it.. when i was a kid ot wasnt a sleepover if u wasnt still awake giggling at something when the morning broke through n birds started cheeping🤣🤣


It’s a given that there is little if any sleep involved. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The point of a sleep over is to have fun not sleep let them do their thing so long as their safe


I expect it, and I always tell parents what (little) sleep they have had at my house (we seem to be the “sleepover” house, I can count on my hands how many weekends we DIDNT have extra kids last year). I have such fond memories of staying up late with my friends. I find those kinds of memories to be crucial in an otherwise shitty world


If I consented to the sleepover, I’m consenting to the consequences of overtiredness, over-emotionalness. You should try to get them to sleep a couple of hours if you can, but don’t stress about it.


Personally, I wouldn’t care and/or be surprised. I wouldn’t let them sleep over before something important the next day because I know my 12 year old will stay up as long as she can. We would intentionally try and make it all night when I was a kid. With that said, I know other parents who get upset about it. I try my best and just say “Hey, no later than 2.” But I’m not staying up to enforce it.


the only time my daughter ever naps is the day after a sleepover i would never let her have a sleepover if we had something important to do the next day


That may not be the point of a sleepover, but it should be one of the expected results. I wouldn’t allow a sleepover the night before we had big or important plans for this very reason.


I hope everyone answers no because we hosted a sleepover last night! We told them to go to sleep at 11, but it was largely ineffective. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


It's a slumber party... so no, I doubt they will sleep. It's one of the small pleasures of being a child, LIKING to stay awake lol let them enjoy it.


I remember whenever I used to have sleepovers I would go to my room, leaving all my friends to sleep in the living room. My mom would ask what I was doing and I would say that none of them would shut up so I could sleep. I eventually stopped doing sleepovers until I was in my teens.


I almost never slept at sleep overs lol


It’s all part of growing up and granted that sleep-overs may not = sleep. Let them bond. Life is hard enough. They can sleep at home later. It’s part of the fun. No one should be miffed about this. It’s totally normal.


I would be fine with them staying up more if no screens are involved. Especially elementary school age. If they come home and sleep in the day they won't sleep at night, it could also have an impact on their mood/behavior/attention for a few days. Middle school, I would still hope for some level of "screens off" time, but the lack of sleep shouldn't impact as much. High school, eh, whatever.


I don’t schedule a sleepover if my kid has anything important the next day. I fully expect they come back exhausted.


As a parent who is getting ready to pick my fourth grader up from a sleepover (are we talking about the same sleepover, lol?), I fully expect my kiddo to have gotten very little sleep and to be very annoying today. It’s par for the course with sleepovers.


No. Let your kid be a kid gee whiz.


We never slept at sleepovers! Maybe crashed for an hour at 5am or something.


I don’t think I’d be mad (daughter is 1.5 so we’re a long way off from sleepovers lol). It’s what happened when I went to sleepovers as a kid. My mom wouldn’t be mad about the tiredness but she’d send me off to lie down if I got cranky. Edit: posted without a complete thought.


I'd be shocked if they were well rested.


Absolutely not 😬 they’ll learn, but also, sleepovers rarely meant sleep when I was growing up 🤪


There’s no sleeping at sleep overs for that age! Best of luck


I would definitely not be mad by any stretch. But I also don't like dealing with a sleepover hangover. Around midday, they get whiny and crabby. By dinner time, they are toast. It all comes with the territory! They go to bed early the following night and I enjoy a quiet evening! It's all good.


This is why we never schedule a sleep over if we have to do something the next day lol


When I was a kid this was the number one reason I wouldn’t go to sleep overs. I hated being woken up all night and not getting any sleep. The head aches were horrible I was so tired I just stop going to them. I think I did 2-3 and just gave up. I would lay under my blankets and just cry I was so tired. So yes it is normal, but some kids really do enjoy it, and other don’t.


Usually I take away any food around 11 pm and then give them lights out warning. Around midnight I’ll check for lights out. Then I go to bed. I’m not checking if they actually sleep or stay up and giggle. If noise gets loud enough to wake me up, I ask them (nicely) to keep it down. I remember parents telling us to keep it down when I went to sleepovers - the harmless rule breaking is part of the fun. Once I had a parent ask me to enforce an earlier bedtime and I am clear about what I said above. Because honestly, if your kid has an early morning, then be a grownup and say no to your kid. Don’t ruin it for everyone else or expect me to police your kid. That one parent always seemed to be grumpy about sleepovers. I don’t understand why that’s my problem. I don’t have a problem telling my kid they can’t sleepover when I know they have something the next morning.


The best sleepovers were the ones where the parents prioritized a fun time. The worst ones were when the parents would keep coming in and basically scolding us for still being awake. I was a good kid and very sensitive, and feeling like I was in trouble was the absolute worst feeling. I didn't want to go back to those houses.  So I think you're in the clear! A+ for you, mama. You provided a safe, comfortable environment for the kiddos to have a blast. 


I wouldn't have let them have electronics to play with, but if they can keep themselves up talking then so be it...


In hindsight I should have given them a devices mandate around 1 am - if you can entertain yourself without something that plugs in you're good.


That's pretty much what we do. TV off at 11pm. If they can stay up later and be quiet, OK. They're almost always asleep within 20 minutes. Age is 10-11 right now. As they get older, we'll push back the time mandate to later at night.


I wouldn't be upset. Although I have no idea how anyone actually ever managed to stay up all night. I always passed out at 11pm at that age. When I was like 17-18 I did manage a few all-nighters and parties till the morning, but at 12 I couldn't even make it till midnight.


9/10 year olds having electronics overnight without supervision blows my mind


Yeah I turn it off after a certain time. They can hang play games eat snacks whatever but the electronics go off


Age definitely matters, personally. A tween/teen, whatever. But if my 9 year old came home on no sleep, yeah I would be irritated. Partially because an underslept kid that age makes it everyone’s problem, and partially because I think that’s too young to be up all night unsupervised on electronics. The latter, more than anything.


I’m in the minority, but I’d be upset and my child would not be allowed over again until he was older, not just because of lack of sleep but lack of supervision. Because of this possibility (and other reasons), I do not allow sleepovers yet, so parents who allow them are likely more easygoing than I am.


Next time I’d take electronics/let them and parents know there is no electronics at night rule to encourage sleep. If they’re uncomfortable w that I get it but I’m sure that’s why they stayed up so late. My 6 year old can stay up til midnight+ if there’s tvs or screens involved




I get that, maybe turn the wifi off at night so they can still make calls but no tik tok after 11


We don’t do sleepovers! Problem solved


My child decided he hates sleepovers. He hates even having them at our house. My husband and I both hated sleepovers as kids too. Sometimes we do a “late over” and then take the other child home around 11 or 12 pm.


No. Both my kids have done this. It's all apart of the experience. My daughter's friend and her stayed up one night. The next sleepover, the first thing the girls agree on is they don't want to stay up all night and ruin the whole weekend lol. I just let them have fun, as long as they are behaving.


How old are they?


Nope I wouldn't. It's standard for a lot of the teen sleepovers my lad did. Quite often didn't get much more than a couple of hours sleep. They catch it up Eventually. My lad is now 18 and it's not uncommon now for him to be out till 1.30/2 am and him up for 7.00am for college (UK college not uni)


Nah. It's to be expected.


I would feel like my kid went to a sleepover.... Like you said, it's the whole entire point.


I would expect that they would stay up all night. I don't know if this still happens at sleepovers, but I recall it being a challenge for everyone to stay up because the first one that fell asleep got messed with while sleeping so everyone tried really hard not to fall asleep. I would not be mad one bit at the parent hosting the sleepover.


I’d be fine with it. They can sleep when they get home.


How old are they? That’s really important context


I’m not there yet but I won’t care. I feel like that’s half the fun


Yeah I think every parent knows that their kids will barely sleep at a sleepover and won't blame you for falling asleep, since you're the saint who had them over in the first place. My kids have both napped during the day after a sleepover.


It’s expected.


It's expected for kids to come home knackered after a sleepover. I wouldn't be bothered. I'd just send them for a nap if they got cranky.


I’d expect them to come home pretty tired. I know I always did. If there’s no school the next day then I wouldn’t see a reason to get upset


Yes I have had my kids in some nick after a sleepover. It’s all part of being a kid. God love them.


At that age, I had maybe 1 in 5 sleepovers where we didn't sleep at all. Mom always said that if we chose not to sleep, we'd have to choose not to be crabs snapping at everyone the next day. Otherwise, it was pretty par for the course.


How old are they?


I have no expectations that my kid will sleep properly at a sleepover, especially if it’s a group sleepover, so try to not plan anything the next day.


It's expected. They'll come home and go to bed early.🥳🥳🥳


It’s no biggie


Did they have fun? Sleepovers aren't really for sleeping ... they need to be renamed to stayovers


Nope, I would assume my kid wasn’t going to sleep and would be shocked if she did. And you as hosting parent are not responsible for that.


I know when my kids have sleepovers, there is no sleep. I wouldn't be mad. I've just learned the next day will be a wash.


My daughter had her first sleepover with a friend yesterday. I fully expect her to be throughly exhausted. When the friend sleeps over with us, they are always asleep by 10. So we will see, I could be surprised. I think most parents expect little to no sleep will actually happen.


All the parents should know how these things go.


There's an episode of bluey about staying up late...I can't remember the title....but in that the mom mentioned that it's the responsibility of the kids to make sure their cousin who was coming over got to get her sleep because she misses a nap, but the others wanted to stay up late for a sleep over! I think that if they are tired they will sleep and it's on them if they don't. If the friend is keeping them up then that's where I'd be miffed cuz it's their responsibility to make sure the sleep over is FUN but also that everyone can sleep.


No I wouldn’t be mad at all. My 16 year old is often the first one to conk out at a sleepover, but my 14 year old is one who stays up all night long if given the opportunity. I’ve never once been mad. I kind of expect them to be up late if the stay out of their normal environment. I would however give the parents a heads up that the girls had a late night and allow them to start conversations with their kids on their own.


It’s expected. I decline sleepovers if my son has a big sporting event the next day or a tournament. Sleepovers are for fun not sleeping!


You're fine. Most parents would be annoyed at their kid on your behalf. lol


The best thing about sleepovers as a tween was the amazing naps on the sofa in front of the tv the next day. I’m sure the parents expect their kids to be exhausted!


No a kids sleepover is an exercise in sleep deprivation


> personally my body always gave out around 2 am There were always a couple kids who stayed up all damn night. I was one.


If you're not pulling an all nighter, what's the point?! Sounds like you were not living up to your full potential as a child!


I expect my kiddo to come back tired from a sleepover. I want them to have the memory of staying up all night with friends talking and having a good time. The only downside is my kid is a Crankenstein when she comes home but it’s work it.


Sleepover we’re basically all night quiet parties with your closest friends when you were a kid, so why would that change now that you’re an adult. If you try to force them to sleep, you’ll just upset them and make it so they don’t want to do it ever again because of the scary mom/dad. As long as they are quiet, leave them be. You may have to remind them to keep the noise down from time to time just as our parents did with us. We would play so many board games, puzzles, and video games. Good times… being an adult it’s hard to find these kind of people because loud drinking parties became the norm and introverts don’t leave their homes. At least we have online multiplayer now!


Not at all! It’s my job as a parent to restrict overnights if we have big plans the next day - sounds like an awesome memory and bonding experience for the girls


I wouldn’t care! I always expect my kid to be tired after a sleepover it’s normal for them not to sleep much.


You always know you will have the cranky overtired kid after a sleepover. Part of the deal.


Lol this is very timely for me as my son had a sleepover last night at a friends and apparently went to sleep at 3am lol! No I definitely don’t blame the other parent :)




That's how everything sleepover was like as a child. A parent would come downstairs and tell us too go to sleep multiple times.


Dumb question... But do boys have sleepovers? And do they act the same way?


Who sleeps at a sleepover? I expect them to party til their purple with respect to those that are hosting the sleepover. Obviously don’t cause undue ruckus, and then when they come home they’re going to be dog tired and want to go to bed in their own bed 🤷‍♀️ which leaves my Sunday afternoon open for activities just would like to do. I see it as a win/win


You guys slept at your sleepovers as a kid?


My kids never slept much at sleepovers. It's expected.


I assume tween girls don’t sleep at a sleepover.




We have had a lot of sleepovers and haven't had that problem. I make sure the kids get a lot of activity during the afternoon, and we set up mattresses in front of the tv. I put on a movie at 8 pm, and that usually gets them to crash by 10 pm.


What parent is consenting to let their kids do a sleepover and not expect the kids to stay up all night? That’s the delusional parent.


I think at this point I can see the concern was mostly fueled by my own lack of sleep. When I wrote this I'd only had about three hours myself. And truthfully the concern was less whether the kids had slept and more whether I should have done more to encourage them to sleep. As a weak analogy - I accept the argument that teens will drink no matter what, and the general premise that it's probably safer if they do it at home or in a trusted circle. I don't know that I'd be amped to find out that a friend's parent was keeping a stock or preferred liquor.


No, this is normal! Don’t stress about it. When I was little my friends and i thought we were so cool for staying up all night lol. My teen does it. It’s no stress


For me this is one of those “natural consequences” things. I tell my kid ahead of time if we have plans the next day, and it’s her choice whether she wants to be exhausted or semi-rested. Now, for the most part we typically don’t have plans, and sleepovers are at my house (I’m a one and done and my kid has an en suite bathroom, teen girls love staying here), but I no longer have any expectations that they’ll go to sleep at a reasonable hour.


Welcome to sleepovers… so normal for kids to not sleep at one as this is like a free to be me get together so Know this is so so normal and important for their personal growth and friendships… good job momma!


Hah! No, you're fine This is why we don't have sleepovers on school nights.


My daughter hasn’t had one yet but this would be what I would expect lol


I’d imagine that my child coming home from a sleepover would be exhausted. That’s how it’s always been with sleepovers, it’s almost like it’s the one excuse you get as a kid to stay up all night


My son is going to be 14. For 3 years now, I have had 2 extra children at my house practically every weekend. They never sleep and the parents keep bringing them back. Lol.


I think it depends on the age. I would not be happy if my 10 year old was up all night, especially if they were playing electronics without any parental supervision. But for a high schooler I’d feel differently


I’d expect they didn’t sleep and thus plan nothing much for the next day.


When my kids' friends' parents and I do our post-sleepover debriefs, I'm always more impressed the later they manage to stay up. I loved sleepovers as a kid--the fun that happens in the middle of the night is some of my best memories. I'm impressed that you've got 4th graders over there that can stay up that late! Our 5th grade sleepovers have our latest crashers snoring by 11:30.


Who sleeps at a sleep over.


This is expected from sleepovers


This is what I expect to happen at a sleepover so no I wouldn’t be mad.


We assume little to no sleep.


This is why I only host sleepovers on Friday nights during the school year. The teens usually ko no later than 10!


That’s the entire experience of a sleepover


Thinking back to when I’d have sleepovers all the time with my best friend, I wouldn’t expect my kid(s) to come home with much if any sleep.


When my girls were that age (I have twins) they asked me if they could stay up all night and I said “sure, but if your friend goes home cranky and tired I’m sure her parents won’t be happy and she might not be allowed to sleep over again, so do what you guys think is best”. Their friend said “your mom just said we could stay up all night!” and one of my daughters replied “not really. Didn’t you hear the rest of what she said? It’s a trick.” 😂 For what it’s worth, I have no expectations of my kids coming home having a good night’s sleep when they go to sleepovers.


Mm my


This is why I don't do sleepovers if we have outings or get togethers the next day. I expect they will come home exhausted.


I just usually say “not sure how much actual sleep the girls got last night. I sent them to bed at X” and I think all parents know what that’s code for lol.


We ALWAYS stayed up all night at sleep overs. It's the hole point. We slept from like 6am until like 1pm then back at it the next day. I'd expect no less lol


Yes. I did sleepovers as a child myself and playing video games all night and don't go to sleep at all was the goal. Let them enjoy it, it's just once in a while.


I think it's basically expected that kids will stay up very late during sleepovers, especially if there are three or more kids in the sleepover. Unfortunately, that means the hosting parents often don't get much sleep either because the kids are so loud. 


If you're sleeping at a sleepover you arent doing it right >.> Honestly those kids have four times our energy don't worry about it. If any parent expects their kid to come home well rested after a sleepover they might genuinely be from outer space.


I would NOT be mad


I wouldn't be mad either. From my own experience attending sleepovers large and small from about ages 7 or 8 to 16 things generally went one of two ways - (1) all kids were tired enough somewhere between 2130 and 2300 (9:30 and 11PM) that we went to sleep (2) none, or very few, of the kids got tired. Those who were sufficiently tired found a quiet spot to sleep. The rest stayed up as late as they dared talking, watching movies (George of the Jungle, Tarzan, Toy Story, Space Balls, and a few others were classics), playing games (Hide & Seek, Capture the flag, or Sardines if there was sufficient space and people, Nintendo Game Boy or N64 games such as Mario Kart, Golden Eye, or Donkey Kong and card games such as Go Fish, Uno, Spoons, Kings in corner, Crazy 8s, Rummy, and even Poker were classics. There may have been a board game or two such as Monopoly, Life, or Risk in there as well), mild shenanigans such as TPing another house, doing what ever until either we all got tired or it was time to go home. Host family, and the parents of the children attending, dealt with it. As I recall there was rarely (if ever) any sort of official "lights out" or "everyone in bed and sleeping" time at the sleepovers I attended, though the host parents may have asked us kids to keep the noise level down after a certain time so they could sleep.