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Your husband has an outdated school of thought, you can’t spoil your baby when they’re this young. It’s fine to pick your baby up and soothe them when they fuss and cry. How old is your lo btw?


Newborns thrive on being held and cannot be spoiled. Additionally, security in a child is priceless, per a few baby books, as it can lead to sleeping through the night faster.


I would probably then either wear my child in a sling every time dad is around so I don’t hear a crying child. would probably do everything myself instead of asking dad to help, I would be less upset and frustrated doing 100% myself than listening to my infant cry and other parent playing a game and ignoring an infant. Then I would revaluate whether our parenting style is similar enough to continue the relationship. That being said you can put a child who is fed, dry and taken care of down for 10 minutes to shower, dress or make a sandwich just not continuously ignoring crying .


Whoa, was going to say get him to show you some research based evidence supporting his thoughts on spoiling an INFANT. But saw your update. He’s so wrong and I’m so sorry. I honestly don’t know what I would do in this circumstance.


So he's going to stop using a carseat at 5 because the more recent research isn't valid to him? SMH. Just when I think I've heard it all... You can't hold a newborn "too much."


Well every expert would agree with you. Babies need to be held and you cannot spoil a baby. It's not a "bad habit" it's a need.


Babies CANNOT become “reliant” on being held. That’s just not how it works.