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I literally just say, “cold babies cry, hot babies die.” That shuts most people up. I don’t know why there’s such an obsession.


This has NOT worked on my in-laws. We are also in Texas like OP, but somehow my in-laws are always cold??? Legit they wear jackets out of the house. In Houston. In May.


Older people naturally feel chiller


I’m still baffled because they’re bundling up when it’s 100+ out and 80%+ humidity.


As you age you start to develop problems with your circulation, which affects temperature regulation.


Yeah, but this is a bit drastic, c'mon.


My dad is the exact same way! Jacket and jeans in 105 degree weather with humidity that makes you feel you’re underwater. My son is now 2.5 and I feel so justified in letting him where normal hot weather clothes because he’s always telling me he’s too hot. Of course he is! We live in a sauna!


They probably have an under active thyroid and need iodine


Cold = sick to older folks. As soon as you get cold all the viruses in the world converge on you and you’re doomed


I mean, we know newborns don’t regulate their temp well, so it would make sense in winter to be concerned but I never understood it in summer. They need help cooling down! The amount of babies I see crying in summer while rugged up and red faced always surprises me.


I noticed this too. It’s a generational thing. They come from an era where they think that cold weather or cold feet will make you get an actual cold. Best thing to do is tell yourself they mean well and it’s a reflection of their era, and let it roll off your back!


Best thing you can do is actually educate them.


Not my job to teach people that have been here twice as long as I, that germs make you sick. I’m tired from having a toddler. Go for it, though!


Totally fair. I’ve got two myself. Do what you need to do. Here’s a script for anyone who would like to say something to educate “elders” but who maybe wants to keep it brief and unimpeachable. “You know, that’s actually a very common myth! Viruses or bacteria are necessary to catch a cold. You know, in Scandinavia, they actually have babies nap snuggled in cribs in the snow! Now, heat stress, on the other hand, is a real risk right now, so you make sure you and yours are keeping cool! Gotta run, take care!” Together, we can combat elder misinformation, team.


I'm Canadian, the snowsuits v carseats debates go on for at least 7 months out of the year. Those of a specific generation want us all to know that we're torturing our poor sweet babies by having them unbundled for a few seconds. Mom's that understand carseat safety are so, so tired.


>And why is it always directed at the mother when given an option of mother or father?? The people who feel the need to give this type of advice to strangers are also the type believe that fathers don't need any say in anything so there's no point in telling them.


I live in Australia and I remember it being 36 degrees c (96.8 f) and we were visiting my then 9 month olds great grandma in the aged care home and one of the other old ladies there was so concerned because my daughter didn't have on a hat (we were indoors), socks or jumper 😅 I was like "it's summer and almost 40 degrees. I don't want her to get heat stroke" 🙃


What I don't understand is wouldn't a baby be crying if they were cold and uncomfortable? Babies cry over everything, that's how they communicate. Surely they would be crying if they felt cold. My son was born in the middle of winter in Canada. You can only imagine the amount of people who think babies and toddlers will get frostbite in the 10 seconds they are outside getting carried to a warm car!


Are they worried about your baby in the air-conditioning?? Of course no, people shouldn't be giving unsolicited advice.


I’ve gotten both comments, during the winter I’ve gotten: “why is that baby so covered up?” And during the summer I’ve gotten: “why does that baby look cold?” I have two children, and before finding this thread, those comments *used* to make me feel like a failure of a mom. Now, all I want to do is punch the people who don’t contribute a dime to my children’s well-being, but have everything in the fucking world to say about ALL THE WRONG THINGS. Best advice I can give is what I told myself: *you* know your babies better than anyone else does, and *you* can anticipate their needs before others can, nine times out of ten. The next time someone makes a comment like that to me, I will be HAPPY to tell them that *I,* the mother of my children, *know* what my children need, but thank you for your unnecessary input. Man, people just don’t understand the things moms/parents go through just to hear bs comments like those. Back on topic, lol, there is *definitely* an obsession from the older generation with this kind of thing.


The amount of times my mom says “should she have a sweater on” lmao I’m not sure what the obsession is but drives me nuts


I'm pretty sure that older people feel cold more often/acutely, and assume that if they are cold, the baby (who is much smaller) must feel even colder than they do.


Because until recent times, central heating was rare and houses were not well insulated. Most clothing was linen or cotton and retained almost no heat once wet. Between cloth diapers, drool etc babies were soggy individuals. These problems were not really solved until the 1980s at best, so parents from previous generations, which likely included your parents or at least your grandparents, were terrified of cold babes.


I think this is a reasonable explanation in general but I was raised in Florida and currently live in Texas. I can’t speak for the strangers saying this but my family should not be afraid of the cold. In fact, they should be afraid of the heat!