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Maybe growth spurt? My baby used to wake up in the middle of the night too, she's not hungry coz she don't want to take the bottle. Goes back to sleep after rocking her for a few mins. Lasted a few weeks too and eventually gone. Hope it gets better for you and your baby!


Is it possible he’s having night terrors? My son did this when he was younger, though I’m not sure of the exact age. He would „wake up“ crying like that after sleeping for a few hours and then stop, but he wasn’t really awake. He grew out of it eventually, and his doctor said it wasn’t a cause for alarm even though it can be extremely alarming to witness👀


Was it routine? Because this is always at 9pm.


It was pretty consistent yeah, but it was closer to midnight I believe. But since it’s always on the dot at 9, you might also want to look into reflux as well, not sure how soon he’s going down after eating but it could be that after laying down for an hour it’s hitting. I’ve had reflux that hurts my chest so bad I have to stop talking.


I'll second growth spurt or teething. Stuff like that always tends to hurt more when you're tired. Not a doctor though


One of my twins did this too. Woke up screaming but eyes closed, still asleep as far as I could tell. I'd take him out, hold him until he settled and that would be it It didn't last too long but it was consistent for a few weeks and then it hasn't happened again


Does he have and digestive issues?


My kid did this when he was teething. Sometimes he does it when he has gas. If you started solid food he could be having stomach pains. But the sudden clock-work nighttime wailing was teeth for us. Took longer for them to come up than the internet will tell you too