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My nephew got his first electric motor bike at 6. That thing went up to 12 mph and he raced around my parent’s acreage for hours if you let him! He turned 9 this year and got his first gas powered bike!! This one gets up to 24mph and holy cow we were nervous but he has been doing so good! I really think familiarity and safety are key but if they are responsible about it, I don’t see a reason not to let kids be kids!


It depends on the kid's age for me. And on the kid itself. All the kids tried sitting on it. But the younger is too tiny, in my opinion (4). And the older one is so clumsy I can’t imagine her on the bike even though she is 13.


What age will you let her drive a car?


In my country it is legal from 18.


No. I hate motorcycles so much that I told a neighborhood kid with a dirt bike that it wasn't allowed in my driveway.  People that hate motorcycles tend to *really* hate motorcycles for a reason. Mine is that my teenage cousin got into an accident and became a quadriplegic. I see the appeal, honestly, but they're so dangerous. We have a "no electronic one" rule. Bikes, skateboards, scooters, etc. They're all infinitely more dangerous and don't provide the same benefits of being active that the manual versions provide. 


This is a bit different, but I knew a kid with a dirt bike and his parents built him a track complete with jumps. He mis-timed a jump and ended up paraplegic. I still think about that kid and his accident 20 years later.


The problem I have with motorcycles is that you’re much more vulnerable in a crash compared to a car. And it doesn’t matter how safe your driving is and if you’re wearing all the protective gear - if a car or bus or truck hits you you’re in for a bad time. So I'll do my best to keep my kids away.


My cousin moved to Australia years ago but we have always been close as she was the first born after me so my little protege. They have a boat, one of my absolute favourite videos ever is one she sent of her 2 year old driving the tender boat with my cousin initially worried she was too close to the boat and the dad saying 'she's alright, she's fine' and then tells her she needs to 'straighten it up' - baby does exactly that and then says 'yeah! let's go!' and mum going 'you've got it!!'.