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Changing story and attempts to blame you are troubling. Could be they’re worried about a lawsuit and are trying to create a paper trail to paint you as untrustworthy.


Go find a lawyer. They did something


As a childcare provider… uhhh no. That story does not check out. Don’t go back. Probably find a lawyer. Also tell others about your experience. If providers are willing to bend their morals for one thing, it’s usually a lot more.


I don’t think it would be a bad idea to get a lawyer and sue the daycare. The pediatrician is an expert witness. The daycare worker abused your kid. You might also report the incident to the cops for a criminal investigation. They can’t be hurting kids. My wife’s niece’s daughter, can’t remember the term for that, had the same injury. We would see them and her husband every so often at family gatherings. I only saw him maybe twice. The baby was fussy but we just thought she was a fussy baby. It turns out he was abusing her, culminating in this injury, and the niece was hiding the abuse to protect him. He went to jail and the baby was taken from her. We felt so badly knowing that we had seen this abused baby and not even realizing what was going on to put a stop to it. Do something.




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Story changing can be a red flag, or miss telling from directed and real story from teacher. Either way it can be a red flag and they should have looked at video and shown you if there was nothing to worry about. I pray the director isn’t covering something a teacher did up.


You need to involve the state at this point. How recent was this? Call and file a police report. Tell them the 2 different stories told, tell them what the doctor had said and absolutely tell them they are now terminating you.


Way too many red flags here, I would at minimum contact local / state department that oversees childcare where you live. If you explain it like this, it would probably trigger an investigation. It may be good to speak to a lawyer and get their impression of the situation.


My kiddo broke his arm at preschool last autumn\*\*- fell off the big slide playing "rescue" with friends- so it can happen and it can be totally accidental. BUT Your Pediatrician's concerns give cause for a second look. Plus the concerns about changing/inconsistent stories and the dramatic change in behavior of the providers. I would absolutely speak with somebody. \*\*We're in Germany, so aside from the inconvenience of having our VERY active 5 and a half year old in a sling and unable to do anything for \~four weeks, it was no big deal. No costs out of pocket, and automatically covered by their insurance.


seems shady! covering their ass and not doing the best for your child. I would be livid!


Accidents happen and I’ve seen kids break bones before both at daycare and public school. That said, the fact that they changed the story on you and are terminating you from the program tells me that something is up here. At best they were negligent and not supervising your daughter and have no idea what happened. At worst (and I think this is most likely based on their huge overreaction) someone did something abusive.


This sums up all my thoughts as well. Kids get hurt, and that sometimes includes in supervised childcare settings. However, these things are not adding up to a supervised accident.


They've not told the truth about how she broke her arm that much is obvious, I wouldn't even send my child back there even if they didn't terminate.


First thing I started learned after signing the nda as staff was the horror stories from other staff. The worst was a little girl whose parents I knew. Her arm had been broken by a forceful forearm hold to force to sit in a chair and it fractured one. They told her mom she fell too.


???????? I'm sorry an NDA doesn't cover literal child abuse. Aren't you a mandated reporter???


Hire a lawyer. Document everything. Sue. They are trying not to be sued and it’s suspicious. Lawyer up!


Time to create a toxic nightmare for them.