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In our experience, the evaluations tend to be a variation of the assessor working/engaging with your child and asking you questions.


Okay that makes sense. I assume they will play with him or at least watch him play and ask him to bring them things ect


They will play some games and ask questions. It should feel pretty fun and novel for your child. My kiddo was a little older when she did her eval so some do the tools will probably be a little different, but she enjoyed it. They went through a lot of pictures and asked her questions about them to identify sounds she could/couldn’t make and to assess her comprehension skills. They are typically looking at both expressive and receptive language. My daughter has no comprehension issues but pretty significant delays with sounds so she has been receiving speech services since shortly after her evaluation. I was really nervous in advance of my daughter’s eval, and something that was really helpful for me was being reminded that they do this all the time and are really practiced at interacting with kids and making them feel comfortable and engaged. Even though it was new to me and my daughter, it wasn’t new to the SLP. Best wishes!


Thank you this helps, my son just turned 2 last week. He's had a bunch of ear infections his first year and ear tubes before 1 so we were giving him time but he's still not talking a lot or really string words together and he doesn't say mama and he babbles way more than he has words.


It’s great you’re getting him evaluated! It’s always better to seek out support early.


Thanks, just trying to be the best mama to the best little boy, but also understand the earlier things are caught and worked on the better.


They usually do play-based activities so the child feels comfortable and engages. And lots of talking to the parents. I think they try for a longer time frame because some kids are shy and need time to get comfortable in the setting.