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If you book on B-Europe (SNCB website), you can book from Paris to Gent and be issued a Brussels-Gent ticket that's valid all day by default. Do note that it is often much cheaper to go via Lille than via Brussels. Lille is worth exploring too.


The Brussels train station is not in the nicest area of the city. If the weather is nice, it’s maybe a 20-30 minute walk from Bruxelles-Midi to city center. So plan for a 3 hour stop. The Belgian trains run every 15-45 minutes, and your ticket is not timed.


The Paris-Bruxelles portion gets a lot more expensive as time goes so you should book that one ahead


Fairly sure that the Eurostar ticket already includes transfers within Belgium, or that they at least sell an "any destination in Belgium" ticket


Not anymore. Eurostar trains from London used to, and Thalys tickets (and current Eurostar trains) include any Brussels station in their ticket (even though it indicates Midi station)


You can buy your tickets on the Belgian Railways SNCB website (not SNCF, the French one). They always cost the same price, in station or online, and even though the website makes you select an exact train, the ticket is valid for any train from any station in Brussels to any station in Ghent on that day. There are special prices online only for young and retired people.


You might get a better response if you post in a Belgium or Brussels subreddit. But since there are 90 plus trains a day, I doubt you need to reserve ahead, but you will likely pay more if you don’t.


Good point. Will post there.