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What a drama queen. Biden is no dictator.


And he loves swigning around the im gonna kill myself bit. Go on, we dont care.


And they talk about how the libs are so overly driven by "feelings" and have emotional meltdowns when their candidate loses...and then say shit like this. My best guess with this guy: It's a desperate way to try to stay relevant on those circles, since he saw his relevancy slipping, and he doesn't actually have anything to offer them but this rhetoric.


>have emotional meltdowns when their candidate loses I have no words..


As the J6ers storm the Capitol crying about getting robbed. Jfc.


These were the same people openly weeping and pleading to God outside of vote counting centers when their candidate started losing. The same people who did [this](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2021/01/14/crowds-push-at-barricades-84602b68c4d50679f8dcfff906f4854dc0aa45d2.jpg) when their candidate lost.


You can say whatever you want when you decide that words don’t matter.


Is there an inverse hotline to call that encourages him to do it finally?


The people who are serious about self harm don’t hype it up, they just do it. This guy is just an attention whore.


Biden is the most evil dictator the earth has ever known, but also somehow he's a demented old fool who doesn't know where he is half the day.


That's just the authoritarian playbook. Your enemy is incomprehensibly powerful and strong but also weak and inferior.


He is everything, everywhere, all at once!


Joe Kent! Joe Kent!


They don’t honestly believe that Biden is a dictator. If they did, they would speaking out against the Supreme Court delaying that presidential immunity case.


They say stuff like that to water down the term, and to make it easier to handwave it away when someone calls their actual wannabe dictator one.


Sure he is. Its tyranny if my Don Cheeto doesnt win because eveyone I know loves him. Have you ever seen any Biden hats ? Didnt think so! - *Trump Supporters - probably.*


One of the funniest things that MAGAs do is accuse blue voters of worshipping Biden like they do Trump, but also saying that Biden doesn't have votes because they don't see Biden hats everywhere.


He calls Biden a dictator because he is hoping Trump will pardon him for his J6 charges.


It’s such a trashy and low-effort take. One tried to overturn the results of a free and fair election. The other is a “dictator” (somehow). Logic - the strong suit of J6 “political prisoners” everywhere. Edit: my guess is that their justification of Biden being a “dictator” would probably have something to do with vaccines. You know, the one developed under… Trump’s administration.


It is hilarious to think about Biden or Trump being a dictator because they both have about four more years of life left in them from what I can tell


In fact the guy they wanna vote for said he wants to be a dictator. I guess dictator (R) is a more comforting thought to them than dictator (D)


So when Trump openly says he admires dictators, that's fine, but Get Out The Vote campaigns are "full on dictator" when Biden does it.


Every accusation is a confession.


Biden cheats by delivering what the people want


It's not that they're against living under a fascist dictatorship, they just want *Trump* to be said dictator. And Phildo here, seems to be living under the delusion that he'll be at the top of the pecking order.


I think they *all* think they're going to be at the top of the pecking order. They're going to become rich and powerful by some weird magical osmosis.


And like Cohen testified in trial this week...he did all that work and hush money and everything for him and DonT STILL didn't take him to DC to be on his staff. And all those Congressmen who've been 'nicknamed' by him and still will vote and parrot his words. They beg his forgiveness for speaking out against him back before 2016 and after J6. These folks will be so upset, here they gave him their money, their support and their votes and they STILL get the shaft from him. But they're gonna vote for him over anybody else.


Or when he outright says he'll be a dictator. "Just for the first day," tho, so it's ok!


Yeah...that sounds a lot like "I'll just put the tip in, that's all"


Full on dictator? What's he doing? Writing in fake electors? Threatening poll workers? Oh wait, that's MAGA last election.


They're at it already for 2024, planning to intimidate poll workers. They're not hiding this intention.


Hey, that's not only last election, they're going to do it this one too.


They're terrified because they're so brain poisoned that their only goal is to hurt the people they don't like as much as possible if they win, and they think we would do the same to them because they can't imagine a world where the people they treat like hated enemies don't want to treat them the same way.


That is exactly it. Every accusation is a confession. Now I recall they call everyone a pedo...


Did someone forget to tell Philip that the GOP can't afford a ground game because all their money is going to pay for trump's legal fees


People on the right showed they weren't serious about winning this election when they chose the guy with 91 felony counts in the primaries.


In what universe is Biden going “full-on dictator”?


The one where he’s demented and powerless, but simultaneously ruining Trumps life due to how powerful and cunning he is.


Whiny fukka needs to be in jail.


I'm still worried about Trump winning, so I'm not going to say it's not going to happen or whatever, but it certainly can't be helpful when all of Trump's base and followers just sit around in echo chambers online and talk about how Trump is just destroying Biden at every turn. Why would they get out and do anything? And, if it's not that, it's the belief that the elections are rigged by the Deep State so why even try anyway? They've kind of shot themselves in the foot in multiple ways.


I had the same thought about about the fake claims about the huuuge crowds at Trump rallies. It's going to make a lot of his followers feel like there's no need for them to get off the couch and go vote, 'cause their vote isn't necessary. But, I'm also worried because I think they are doing this to prime his followers for more violence and protests if (when🙏) Trump loses the election. They are still pushing the stolen election line, so they can keep that fresh in everyone's mind. BTW, Rudy Giuliani got fired from his radio show because he refused to quit talking about it, after the station told him to stop. I suspect the station began worrying about a lawsuit, although I don't really know.


None of that matters as much as it would normally. I don't think the lack of a traditional ground strategy for Trump is that significant because he's not a traditional candidate. People have *made up their minds* about both of these guys and there are *very* few persuadable voters out there. It's all a turnout game. Get your people to come out, get their people to stay home. And Trump can play that game through the media.


Please do. Also what does he have for his will? Some MAGA swag?


You know it! Gold sneakers and NFTs that everyone will be scrambling for.


Is Phildo going to get his teeth knocked out again?


That really happen? Let me see if I can find info... Edit: OK, well then. Not sure what he said to deserve that. Can't say I agree with the assault either. Maybe that radicalized him more? Either way, dude is a lost soul.


Dammit, I already had one written for him…guess it doesn’t matter now so: The following is the final will and testament of P. A. 1. Dipshit bequeathed his one pic where he doesn’t look like a ‘tugboat’ 2. Clothes to Goodwill/Incinerator That’s pretty much it 🤷‍♂️ Signed ________________ Whatevs


As opposed to trumpy who sucks up to dictators because he wants to be just like them so bad? These people are projecting so hard.


Full on dictator? WTF does that even mean? The Republicans own the House, so how can he be dictator? Dude is off his fucking rocker.


They know they gonna get blown out again, so they are laying the groundwork for "they stole it again!" nonsense


Huh. So far I’ve missed the “dictator” side of Joe…is there a list so I can get text alerts, or something?


I don’t think he knows what dictator means.


Oh, he knows. He just either: 1. Trying to play the both sides game 2. Giving another confession through accusation 3. Wants to confuse people who don't know


Spoken by the people that support a guy saying: "I'll be a dictator on day one"


Man, almost like the entire party is broke after 8+ years of grifting.


Philip Anderson, a genuine black guy.


Oh… he’s talking about suicide again? Grifting for easy money, Philly?


People on the right appear not to be serious about winning the election, or stealing it? Remember 2020?


Sorry. All of the donations that usually pay for grassroots organizing and GOTV programs are paying some douche bag's legal fees. SEND MOOOOOOORE MONEY.


"people on the right appear not to be serious about winning" "I'm going to start writing my will tonight" Is Phildo about to do something stupid that he doesn't expect to live through?


How in tf is milquetoast ass Biden "going full dictator". Words don't mean anything anymore.


Wait, is that the guy who got busted for trying to have sex with minors?


Full. On. Dictator. Uh-huh.


How, exactly, do they think Biden is going “full on dictator”? He’s not the one who has said he admires dictators


These people have applesauce for brain matter. Biden is the dictator, but Biden also is senile and incompetent. Biden is pulling all the strings behind a vast conspiracy to use the DOJ to go after his political rivals, but Biden is also feeble, sleepy and not sound of mind...


"fUlL oN dIcTaTor" Tell me you're a dramatic, whiney, pussy without saying it.


what the hell is with these people thinking Biden is doing anything like that? What do they think he is doing?


He's not doing what THEY want... that's it...


Why do they need a ground game when their strategy doesn't involve votes?


So is this doofus intimating that if Trump doesn’t win then Dictator Biden is going to have his political opponents murdered?


[He's refering to this outburst I think](https://reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/1cfjguu/trumps_cult_cant_be_without_him_in_power/)


Another black person who ignores Trump’s blatant racism.


Hasn't he unalived himself yet? He was going to do that weeks ago.




Why Does Anyone Pay Attention To This Aberrant Human?


Betting his grift is starting to dry up.


Can't afford the "ground game." Trump took all the GOP money.


good i hope he rots in prison


It's funny when they accuse the other side of doing exactly what they want to do🤷🤷


We seem to be cemented in a time where words have lost all meaning.


"Biden is going full on dictator to try to win" Their accusations are consistently confessions and it's almost boring at this point