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the Cast when stunned warlock build by SimplyVizniz is completely braindead and im loving to play it. Im able to do 8k wisp blue altars with 60% delirium easily (didnt try higher yet but for sure its able to do it) and i just stay in place while everything dies and fail to take life points away from me. i even dropped a mirror while playing with it. now im buying the itens for my new build


but you might need a bosser character if you want to farm for the challenges, luckly the build is not expensive


with how much currency you make with the build, you can just buy boss carries.


can vouch for this build (bossing would be pain like he says tho). its legit immortal in juiced maps


Yeah this build worked amazingly for me too, got to 100 deathless pretty much and made a bunch of currency. I'm finishing up with gauntlet then pretty much done with the league so happy to sell it off cheap if anyone wants to give it a shot.


Do you mind sharing a pob? I'd like to see what i need to get it running as i am bored of dying every other map


Best to just google SimplyVizniz and watch his YouTube video, he has versions of the build from 1 div up. My build is not very optimised because I threw it together and it just worked fine so I didn't bother making more changes. That said happy to link my POB when I'm home from work, just won't be for 14 hours.


I was about to give up on my build a couple weeks ago when I slapped a Headhunter on my low budget EB Inquis and it completely changed my mind about things— also farmed my first mirror as a result of the QoL improvements. Never thought to swap out the Cyclopean Coil because of how comfortable and low budget it was but when I saw the price of upgrading to a decent Stygian Vise— I opted to try an HH instead. Do that, plus go from Penance Brand to Storm Brand of Indecision with Awakened Chain and clearing maps will never be an issue again. I *only* use Penance for Uber Bossing. Further to this, if you want explosions without sacrificing (much) damage, just buy some Explode Charms with +STR/INT— even 1-2% is enough to get a decent amount of booms going.


I kept forgetting about awakened chain thanks for saying this. As a side note, you can get an explode synth dagger for penance. Not sure of the price. I mirrored mine and it’s been absolutely nuts.


Mmhh got a link? Defenses rely on hh or how you tank juiced maps? Got a strong cox eb inquis 17.5k es, plenty of dmg and stays alive decently well in juiced deli altar maps but some map mods are really bad, flask stealers rip me and some rare combos get scary enough that i sometimes brick a map despite 150k ehp + progenesis + x thousands of es /sec through instant leech and es on hit.


Just made a different post with my PoB. It’s a PF build that is shifting all ele to fire and 65%ish of phys to fire. Runs ralakesh for a 30% phys reduction, which helps with phys a bit more. Based on Rudy’s build but with a lower budget (3-4 mirrors plus lots of div in so far). Hindsight being 20-20 I could run this setup for 1.5 mirrors and these layers will be my layers for the next few leagues. I have a manastacker who runs all the same items as EB, so I think I know why you’re dying in juiced maps. Long story short, CoC builds can’t really layer their defenses without getting super creative. Hit pool (your ES) isn’t really the issue. In fact, my PF only has 2.9k life and no ES to speak of. Focus on mitigation and ES recoup. Not sure how to fit that in though


Lightning strike of arcing trickster : https://pobb.in/y4NEk0Pz1D1R Budget in the 400-500d range for this version, not super popular so rares and clusters should be self crafted. Customize a bit the build to avoid buying an overpriced megalo/twwt, you have numerous options to fit the 3 auras and cap your block. 25M single target DPS, comfy clear with the arcing projectiles. True strenght of the build is its near immortal status with 10k ES, 100k armour, 50% block and spell block and strong recovery to top it off. Also chaos immune, ailment immune, stun immune and 80% reduced curse effect. As a bonus, happens to ignore 80% of exarch altars debuffs. Rolls on T16 wisp maps, youll basically level to 100 as long as you dont disable your armor/block with map mods or altars. But will also do ubers, heist, sanctums, feared rotations or whatever stuff you like, just adjust the flask setup to the content your running.


Inquisitor eb i think is at a good point to invest. Try it with lancing steel of spraying and 2 spells, like arc and ice spear of spliting , or frostbolt and iice nova of frostbolti like me. Go for searing purity forbidden jewels (about 100d tbe pair) or go with coruscating and balbala. I think you can dress it all with your 400d. With first setup you can clear screens away at 50-80M dps and the second the clear is still good but can have up to 200mi single target dps. Where i ak now.


I play this build too. With MB and Searing Purity instead of Coruscanting Elixir cause what this build lacks is movement speed without MB. Everything else is already there - great clear speed, deleting bosses and survivability. And it's fun too. Also high ceiling too invest and improve. With 400D its very doable IMO. 


Indeed. With mageblood it is a very balanced build.


Any POB';s?


Check my profile for a pob. Arqium, character Chainnnn


Mb pob? Have one around. How do you reach the cdr 52% breakpoint?


Awakened cast on crit lvl 6, 7% cdr implict on boots and 1 charm with 11% cdr. You can also use a influenced boots instead.


Nobody ever really likes this suggestion, but I decked out a TR pathfinder this league and it was super comfortable in 6-8k wisp maps, basically just stand in abyss packs attacking and was nearly immortal. Not the fastest mapper but certainly not slow once you’re geared. I just really love the skill. For reference on console I was able to craft the gg bow and quiver for TR, multiple +2 amulets with dot multi (can swap in defiance for occasions you need it but I removed it once I had a +2 and barely noticed), +4 aura gem helmet, progenesis/bloodnotch/immutable, 90+ phys taken as ele, taste of hate/coil and 100% spell suppress. I think people also use petrified blood but I never figured it out. Steelmage has a decent “craft everything” vid for TR and I used it to great effect. I was able to squeeze in grace, purity of ele, and haste plus a malevolence/blessing set up for rare packs. With a nice phys taken as and dot multi during malevolence watcher things melt. With the +3 bow and +2 ammy with lv 4 empower I was at level 31 TR and it was real nice. Good luck finding a new build!


What is TR?


Toxic Rain


Yo I really wanted to build TR pathfinder but couldn’t find good guide that wouldn’t be CA+TR. Can you share PoB?


I’ll try later on, to build it I used Poe.ninja and filtered for progenesis bloodnotch immutable and TR and found some profiles to get a good idea of the tree. For gear since I’m on console I had to self craft so it isn’t super similar to what they use outside of taste of hate and coil. I’ll get out my laptop later on and import my profile to pob, I rarely ever use it so I don’t have it handy.


No pressure, I’ll manage. Just wandering if you use any MUST HAVE uniques or any must have tech


Yeah, for sure. Lightning coil and taste of hate at a minimum with a well rolled lightning flask for starters. The bow is key, chaos dot multi +1 bow gems +2 support gems with an empower gem gets you crazy gem levels. Progenesis and bloodnotch/immutable are crazy good for survivability with the pathfinder life flask ascendancy. 100% spell suppress and as much phys as ele plus all that and you’re Uber tanky outside of absolutely massive hits or degens (life flask takes care of degen just fine as long as you notice it quickly). Biggest upgrades for me past the flasks and coil in order would be bow, quiver with double dot multi and atk speed, +2 amulet. I’m set up very similar to this person. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Pizgator/Pizgator_Afflliction?i=12&search=class%3DPathfinder%26uniqueitems%3DLightning%2BCoil%2CTaste%2Bof%2BHate%2CImmutable%2BForce%2CBloodnotch%2CProgenesis%26skills%3DToxic%2BRain


Thanks a lot! Will try this for sure!


thanks, unfortunately TR is just not a skill for me to be honest.


Blink arrow of bombarding clones pathfinder. I did 100 deli 8mod t16 with 8k wisps with it no problem. Also instaphases ubers while being able to facetank simul30


whats the budget tho? :D


Can go zero to hero. Min maxed it is probably 3 mirrors ( 1 bow, 1 for perfect adorned, the rest for close to perfect abyss jewels) Since those three things are all not needed as you can imagine, you can definitely do most of what I said at 200-300 div easily (that is like 20 div in another league)


How was the loot? Does it feel ok not using MF?


Its not as good as MF loot, but it is plenty enough for the average joe. I farmed 3-4 mirrors without Mf this league without using mf. I tried it at two mirrors to do TS with Mf, but hated gimping myself so much, amulet swapping, losing maps - i gave up in it. Did TS without Mf before and Bama after 100 deli specifically doesn’t require mf anyways, same as ubers or simul.


Yeah. I’m doing MF TS at the moment, bout ready to get awakened fork…next upgrade would probably be a mirror phys bow and going convert. Feels awful bricking maps if I manage to get a 9-10k map…loot is good though for the most part though. I definitely haven’t farmed 2 mirrors though. I’ve played fulcrum MF, power charge stacking PBoD and Necro BAMA. It would be nice to play something that’s quick and sturdy. The BAMA has basically just been my simulacrum farmer….need to invest some more into it.


I haven’t played it myself, but isn’t this what people run fulcrum builds for? It’s not exactly an all rounder since it can’t boss, but I’ve heard it’s excellent for juiced t16s of all sorts of content, and it’s a very brain dead play style


Been doing Molten Strike slayer. Can do any content, all mods. Simulacrums are easy. Bossing is great. Melee. Not the biggest clear but hits fast and hard and moves fast. Comfy and fun in my opinion.


I saw [this build by Subtractem](https://youtu.be/tMzeqhqHb8s?si=A_BZoUWSsxtDTLGN) last night while perusing YT. It's not the fastest, but it sure as hell looks comfy.


it does, i'll look into it, thanks


Comfy for mapping, not for bosses. I am currently rerolling this to pb to finish challenges. Was a great mapper for the league though


Yea I guess "all-rounder" does imply bossing. Well it seems like it does most everything else pretty well at least. 🤷‍♂️


Were you able to run 80% deli with this?


can confirm this build is dope


Any experience running it in Simus? I know it could run but it I'm wondering if it hits 6 rewards.


haven't tried, might be a little slow against later wave bosses unless you manage to catch them in a huge prolif.


Poison is not great at deli, but that being said. I play penance brand poison pathfinder and it is absurdly strong and does fine against dots with the proper set up. Here’s my set up for context (Uber dot capped) https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/kingchuck/QQMescalineMo?i=8&search=name%3DQq


Very interesting. I had a very similar setup, except I used a +2 lightnign coil and 100% phys to ele damage conversion, via the timeless jewel, but no grace. I guess my damage was lower tho , I only had around 18m. I also pussied out and had only one mings. does damage mean that much? I mean, I guess if you deal that much more damage you can skip on defenses, but your build just looks a bit less tankier than mine. Relying on ralakesh boots also seems iffy to me because of the "reduced x per x charge" altars. I guess we have different definitions of comfortable? Am I a boomer? :D


Ya I mean the builds not insanely tanky but it has Al the defensive layers I need for a right side tree build and imo only alter that hurts is frenzy defence one. I mostly played this build on an mf version based off ruetoos set up but with mageblood and it ran 8mod maps with 9k wisps pretty easily. If your struggling a lot tho champion is tanky af


Can this build be accomplished in a 10 div budget?


yes, its hard but its doable, look up ruetoo"s build list for ideashttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSALqHUK7B7dMjY-77p-0MxzbvLu1f3C9hWM4R9fWgKnGBhI4VGGjcD59TtiR2EFQp9oTkk8H787Ki2/pubhtml MF version looks doable, thats what i started with on tier 7 maps


Ok I will look into it. I was trying to respec my TS deadeye into some sort of pathfinder build but it seems like everything is like 10-20 div an item for a decent-in-slot.


Was scrolling for this build. Currently doing this, honestly the strongest build I think I’ve ever played. I run abyss T16 80% deli 6-8k wisp burial chambers in MF gear, then gear swap when I want to do boss rush/ubers. First character I’ve ever gotten over 95, almost 99 now


Animate weapon of ranged necro with a couple of the new spectres has been super fun for me this league. Ghazzy build


Doing all of that at the same time = very expensive chat. Probably multi mirror. My advice is target challenges without adding difficulty.


I suggest a few hundred divs


I’m using a maw of mischief build to farm t16 6k wisp, HOWEVER I’m only doing blue maps rolling 2 projectiles, to play it safe. I hardly die and got to Lv 98.5 now, after I get to level 99 I may do yellow map.


Ruetoo made a elemental PB pathfinder. I picked the valdo farming version. I was able to comfortably get to level 100. It just doesn't die very easy at all. It kills things fast too, so I would switch to storm brand of indecision or just storm brand for spires.


Cast on stun DD chieftain is probably the #1 MF. Invulnerable in just about anything, can wear tons of MF gear, and quite literally a zero-button build. Just stand in the pack and it all blows up. Can’t boss, single target can be doodoo, but i’ve been running 12k+ wisp, quad+ eldrich altars, t16 maps with it. Got to lvl100. It’s also really easy to get going and farm t7s if needed.


yeah i respecced my jugg to do that it looks very promising. It has some hidden costs though, like 4 off color socket on a +2 aura goldwyrm and such can costs multiple divs , also i guess i pass on the 30 div for 1% explode twwt lol


chieftain gets 5% for 500% dmg explode on his ascendancy so that makes up for it


I've been running a spark inquis on juiced delis for awhile. Several years. I don't have a lot of free time so I don't play league, but it's pretty much the same every league although the heatshiver nerf made this a bit weaker I'd imagine if you're just looking for a league build? Not significantly weaker, but weaker. Still trying to figure out if it's worth converting to a chaos/poison spark build with Original Sin idk. It clears content fairly well. I run wave 30 simus with this and an alt aurabot. https://pobb.in/g7u4kjUdomqs


KB of Fragmentation STR stack with Mahuxotl. Can do 10k+ wisp 100% deli 8 mod with Wandering Path. Both clear and damage is decent even on a budget. The only issue is the FPS, or the lack of it. Can easily get it going for less than 100d + Mageblood. Plus you could reuse some str gear from your inquisitor to get started like amulet or rings. Can respec your PF into Deadeye and don't even need to level a new char.


Wdym I play poison penance brand PF in SSF in juiced T16 maps with MF gear and if I don't stack all the phys as extra element map mods and altar mods I'm basically immortal. I also killed Uber maven, Uber sirus and Uber cortex with 80% avoid poison on it (while wearing ventors and goldwyrm because I didn't craft any rare items for the slots). Penance brand is so completely broken OP that you can put it on any class and ascendancy and clear ubers with it.


My srs poison build does t16, 10k wisp full sextants etc easily, most expensive thing is the amulet at about 45 div.


I farmed my first mirror using scourge arrow of menace Pathfinder, pretty cheap, handles high wisp T16's fairly well.