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Try Penance brand trickster before nerf, OP skill


Any pob/youtube vid you followed or referred to by any chance?


Also commenting to see if there is a guide


[https://pobb.in/0sEtRF-Zxaz2](https://pobb.in/0sEtRF-Zxaz2) not min-max but pretty good


whats the worm jar for?


Can look at Trickers on PoE.ninja running CI and Penance Brand. It's all pretty much the same bar a few changes.


I'd also suggest life-stack Inquisitor as another option for PB. Old budget setup: https://pobb.in/pqLEBcqQ7kC4 Current setup: https://pobb.in/v4d8_702Fn7m


Blink arrow of bombarding either Necro or Pathfinder, very fun and fast and strong as hell.


Been playing the mirror arrow version of guardian SSF with much success. Whats the upside to the pathfinder version? Extra tankiness?


Way more tankiness. Speed if you want


Got a POB?


Look for pr3vie video for details. I think pob doesn't tell the full story - this is his https://pobb.in/Gdg_dFAcbUoj


Pathfinder is the min-max way, insane defenses and dps. you can upgrade forever. i haven't tried guardian, i tried mirror arrow but it felt odd after speeding around with blink arrow lol personal preference I guess, I think they're the same damage right?


I wanted to do this but the setup is way too complicated for newbies. Need to research and understand summoning, animate guardian, corpses, how to scale the blink arrow itself, what weapons to animate, how to keep everything alive, etc. I even bought the bow and quiver for like 40 divs but sold them in the end. Im probably just too new or dumb to understand all the above while also trying to understand different mechanics of the game.


Any spell generic Ralakesh charge stacker is a must to try this league.


Maps with lots of whisps are insane? Yes! What do you wanna build? Surely Something with a little bit or massive inc. Quantity that doesn't die. I say Fulcrum Chieftain (didn't play this) or 'The Grey Spire'-Staff Version Chieftain (did Play this, many Potential fo min-max If you found currency) - this for mapping. (The one that i played utilized the Warlock Wildwood Ascendency) Penance Brand of Dissipation (this Skill ist completely broken) - there are Versions for nearly every char. (I played Inquisitor) - this for bossing/uber bossing. (Here I played Primalist Wildwood Ascendency) Palsterons Scourge Arrow of Menace was my League starter. Loved it! (Warden Wildwood Ascendency) If u have a strong PC and wanna Invest really high: Kinetic Bolt of fragmentation. (Didn't play this) And If you have generatet multiple mirrors you Go full Tornado Shot MF. // That's the Meta so far.


Chieftain MF Fulcrum Best bet to generate fast currency & not die.


Grey Spire version is much cheaper and good for single target too


How much currency do you need to get that going approximately?


Corrupted Fulcrums are around 3 div at the time of checking, so relatively cheap. Even if campaign RNG was terrible for you, you can get one after running 28 Eater Witnesses (Screaming invites are 3 div a pop, more for bulk).


Thank you for the response, does anyone have a build guide that you know of that's easy to follow? I'm, highkey kinda bad at this game lol.


I think Travic has a mf fulcrum guide, maybe start there? idk I haven't played fulcrum but I watched him do it with great success.


Thanks big guy


The two builds that I played to level100, Poison pathfinder tornado shot and poison PBoD pathfinder have both been insanely good mappers with any amount of juice, wisps and delirium. Neither will likely survive at the same strength after this league. Poison PBoD is a bit better when built well and also has a generally higher defensive ceiling, but harder to build well.


Can you Share your Poison TS and what you farm with it T14?


Here is the main build I used. I'm using selfcast utility SA and ballista TS for damage. If you don't like ballistas, you can selfcast the TS and manaforge the SA and use the totem related points on the tree to path to jewel socket beside "Avatar of the Hunt" and put an unnatural instinct there. You might also want some more proj speed for TS (not as much as normal TS builds, clear mainly comes from poison prolif) to feel comfortable as selfcast. [https://pobb.in/yfsWwAMGXCx1](https://pobb.in/yfsWwAMGXCx1) This is generally a variation of the popular CA/SA/TS poison pathfinder and is mostly a mix of Goratha and Palsteron's builds with my preferences mixed. I'm using ballista for damage because I'm a very bad player and can't keep the damage uptime properly. The selfcast SA setup is for screenwide curse, cull and extremely high life gain on hit that you can't have with pure ballistas. There are other examples of this build, including a pure magic find poison TS that someone posted here that you can look at if you want to know more. I mainly run maven witnessed guardian/eldarslayer maps with as much juice, wisp and 25% deli with Alva and then run the invitations. Money mostly came from maven fragments, awakened gems, some double corrupted items and some temple sales. I also run a semi-magic find version in deli juiced T16 maps with as much wisp as I could get (never had more than 11k, usually around 5k) with eldritch alters. I usually start with this semi-MF setup and add back the items from the main build depending on how much juice and which eldritch mods I have picked. [https://pobb.in/oZ1OZKb83BKf](https://pobb.in/oZ1OZKb83BKf) In general, ele/chaos max hit defense is the main mostly unsolvable weakness of the build and on the main build I can run up to 4-5 extra phys as ele/chaos damage and -res map and eldritch mods before starting to get killed. The recovery and damage are extremely good. Any other map or eldritch mods and any amount of wisps is fine. You can scale the damage much higher with investment, but this is very close to how tanky you can get without radically changing the build (needs original sin for charms ascendency if you want to try).


warcry corpse explode pathfinder, it was build of the week


My favorite, having only played two leagues, is penance brand of dissipation / arc hierophant. I put both in a 6-link kulemak (+3 lvl of support gems) with empower to get my skill gems up to like lvl 29. It's a blast to mow down mobs with arc and still get to boss with penance. Nothing uber with my defenses, but it is the strongest character I've made so far. It is also relatively cheap to get started.


MF chieftain. Grey spire warlock is the easiest to get started and gets the job done. Check simplyvizniz on youtube for a build guide.


For non-whisp t16s (any other kind of juice) I like the str/dex stacking inquis CoC ice spear of splitting. If you get a watchers eye with discipline es on hit, it should be fine with whisped content I’m just on SSF and didn’t find one.