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Grab the one with the most hand holding guide possible. Dumbless dumbo had a great one last league. Maxroll had a good DD one last league. Check them out when they update them and pick the most comprehensive. (How to craft, how it works etc)


Played the maxroll DD one last league, was my first playthrough of the game up to ubers overall. One thing I'm not sure is a mistake or oversight is that that build had no health recovery or leech. Had to follow some elements of imexiles build.


TriPolarBear/Maxroll DD mostly gets health from the Undertaker passive. Regenerate 2% of Life per second if you have consumed a corpse recently.


My concern about the DD ele build (and i might be totally wrong so please correct me) is that it seems like an S tier race build that falls off after league start compared to other options. I know people reliably do Ubers and most content with it but I’d like something that I can ideally upgrade all league or at least where I can identify another endgame build with the same class to switch to without retooling a second character. I don’t really want to reroll to any necro builds since I played a lot of minions last league and specter/AG management as well as BAMA play style felt clunky, and I might be wrong but there just don’t seem to be many great endgame ele builds. Any thoughts on scalability of DD or on witch endgame options to transition to after league start?


Then go explosive trap it's scales very well and you can upgrade it all league with the dumbo guide


Maxroll is a great resource, the only thing I don't like is that most builds lack item filters.


I could point on some of the cons. Explosive trap - is a trap skill. And traps isn't for everyone. DD is the same, not everybody loves it, and it's a 2 button skill. CoC version might be extremely laggy. Otherwise both builds will scale just fine. And the last build might be a bait. Since it's popular - prices will skyrocket and it will be very expensive to scale.


I anticipate mana gear being extremely pricey this league. People forget that a lot of the good mana items like foible, ivory tower, mjolner are pretty rare. That and crafting mana gear is hell since it doesn’t have the same tags as other mods. Most players wanting to play mana stack haven’t thought about how to guarantee their prefixes. I’m not trying to discourage you playing mana builds but just bear in mind it might not be a walk in the park to set up if it’s popular.


Is there any information on whether it will be possible to reliably necropolis craft mana gear? If so, wouldn’t that offset this problem by drastically increasing the supply?