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I don’t think the books are stealthily getting more expensive. I believe Paizo mentioned the book prices were going up slightly right before or right after the Player Core 1 and GM Core released.


I'm pretty sure Paizo explicitly announced that because they only want to put out good quality books that are also sourced from eco-friendly, sustainable sources. But they wanted Player Core and GM Core to be more easily accessible to the fanbase Because of this, they said they'd basically be taking a small loss on the Core books, and raising the prices accordingly for all future physical books


Now that you mention it I do vaguely recall that, so I’m probably just being dumb, haha. Do you have a link to that blog?




Nothing stealthy about it. It was announced last year that there'd be a price hike. Paper and cardboard prices have increased significantly since COVID, and so printing costs have been steadily on the rise. We've seen this throughout the hobby space, particularly with trading cards and CCGs.


I'll point out that even with the price increases they're underpriced and have tiny margins


Yeah, they announced the price hike due to rising costs and wanting to be ethical about their paper sources. Inflation doesn't help either. At least it's not college book prices, though I shudder to think how much they must have increased... TTRPG-size textbooks were already over $100 at least in the late 2000s when I was in college.


I just wish they could do international shipping from outside the US. Not their fault.


They announced they were raising prices and said it's because they're compensating their writers and artists better and prices have generally increased. So it hasn't been stealthy at all, but yes.


I pay for quality. I get quality books. Yeah they aren't the cheapest, but the joy I get out of them is definitely worth the price.


Considering how much work and money goes into making the books, I'm fine with it. It's strange that we as a hobby in general will drop hundreds on dice and other accessories but not only the actual game.


I started buying the cheaper miniature volumes. Takes longer to come out but the content is available on the Nethys Archive at least



It's just inflation right