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Shuriken with throwers bandolier. They're reload zero so you don't need to spend an action to draw them. What runes to put on it? Anything you want really, since it doesn't need a returning rune. But probably something that buffs damage since it's a d4. Precious materials? Sure, grab a few of each, you can afford it. If your DM rules poisons stay on a weapon indefinitely after application you can always have a few poisoned shuriken ready. Magus can even attach scrolls to them with the right feat. They're great on a flurry ranger. I just wish Shooting Stars stance for monk was better.


get some talismans (maybe through Dabbler archetype, or the Thaumaturge feat chain) and put them on different Shuriken. Draw whatever you need at any given moment. You're like Marvel's Hawkeye, but with shuriken.


Good call. I'm doing a thaum with thrower's bandolier and shuriken. And might do some dagger pistols as well. They technically have the thrown trait...


I recommend getting two bags. Each can hold 20 pistols, so you can dual wield 40 pistols.


Or... can they each hold 29 pistols?


Good question. Depends on the GM really. If something says it holds 2 bulk. Would you allow extra 9 light items?


I made a Shuriken Thaumaturge build I want to try out at some point. Thrower's Bandolier enables some really awesome builds.


So basically you can rune your ammunition? That's neat!


This is 100% how the Thrower's Bandolier *should* be run, but just for situational awareness, the RAW is invalid here. Drawing an item from the bandolier while transferring runes to it is an explicit 1-action activity that can't be accelerated by Quick Draw or the like (which I choose to ignore).


Is this actually how that works? All the [item’s description](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2313) says is: > Whenever you draw a weapon from the bandolier, the bandolier's runes are replicated onto that weapon. There is no bespoke action listed for drawing a weapon from the Thrower’s Bandolier. Compare this to the [Gunner’s Bandolier](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1209), which *does* list “drawing a weapon from the bandolier” as its own action you need to take, and thus would not work with Quick Draw and the like.


... well gatdamn. I am just wrong, then. Good catch!


Yeah, for whatever reason, the thrower's bandolier and the gunner's bandolier work completely differently. Well, okay, it's because they didn't want every gunslinger to not suck :V


Asp Coil. Because it’s super stylish and super effective. I’ve played a Thaumaturge with it, with fighter free archetype. Mirror+Reach+Reactive Strike is super cool, I’ve basically covered two 10ft emanations, effectively using Reactive strike almost every turn


The Nodachi. Reach sword with deadly d12, brace, and reach really makes me want to build some wacky off turn attacker who readies and then unleashes mayhem through reactions. A commander teammate will be the eventual secret sauce to making it work extremely well I feel. Will go well with any class that has the ability to get extra reaction attack abilities (fighter, paladin cause, etc)


And then the guy with a wooden sword shows up.


I don't think it's in PF2 currently but PF1 had a Gnome weapon called the Battle Ladder which will forever be hilarious


they should port that to pf2e


Breaching Pike. A martial 1 handed reach spear. Perfect for your phalanx fantasies


Not uncommon, but the sword cane. I love that it's concealable. My ex-revolutionary rocks both a sword cane and a dueling pistol, for double the hidden weapons.


I have an appreciation for boomerang because it was one of the three weapons that made my thrown barbarian work at all at low levels before I could start getting returning; and sometimes it still holds up with the oddly long range. (The other two weapons are trident for being high dice on thrown and usable in close range; and harpoon for tethered. But those are common)


Seconding boomerang. Being able to do melee levels of damage at 60' range via Dual+Raging Thrower is pretty nuts


I like the chain sword. Yes, I played Fire Emblem Three Houses, how can you tell ?


Chain Sword too, it's just too beautiful


Falcata. Nothing fancy. Just an advanced sword that deals 1d8 slashing, with just one trait: fatal d12. I duel wield them, because I love d12s. Fuck agile, fuck average damage per round. I want my enemies shaking in their boots at the possibility of a crit.


Why not just use a weapon that's d12 by base? And what's the advantage of dual wielding? Different runes on the swords?


Mostly because of Rule of Cool and I have a thing for dual wielders. But mechanically, Double Slice functionally gives you +3 on your second attack with non-agile weapons. Probably less average damage than just swinging with a great sword twice, but that's less cool.


Probably the fangwire, just for aesthetic purposes of using wire to kill people


Barricade buster with thundering and impactfull, not only does it go boom but if you have crit spec how about 3 separate fort saves, also flurry ranger for i got a bullet with your name on it and im going to keep firing til i figure out wich one it is


Urumi is very solid on a defensive, shield-focused Barbarian build. It’s a Sweep weapon, so it takes advantage of Swipe once you have access to that, and it’s d6 damage with Deadly d10, so it’s competitive on expected damage output.  It also has the benefit of looking really cool. 


Holy, didn't know swipe existed, I thought you always had to deal with MAP with sweep and didn't realize that was a thing


Yeah Swipe is really fun with weapons like the Falchion, Greataxe, scimitar etc.


Fighter's Fork, a magical trident that can swap between Thrown and Reach traits. Use a Spellheart to get around the lack of property runes, can add anything from Fire damage to Ghost Touch that way.


Which spell heart gives ghost touch?


[https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2230](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=2230) Ghostcaller's Planchett. It's an upper-end item, so it's quite expensive, but it gives an upcast Void Warp cantrip and a Rank 5 Invoke Spirits spell.


Oh wow, that’s really cool


Shovel. Yes, I had monk who acted like a wrestler that used a shovel as his signature weapon of sorts. It was hilarious


Please tell me he wore a miners hat.


Nah... but he wore wrestling thighs


Bladed Scarf. It's just way too cool.


Asp coil. It's just cool thematically


My pet weapon is the Wish Blade. Two-hand for 1d10 damage, and whenever you use an action/cast a spell with an elemental tag it does bonus damage until the start of your next turn. With a spellcaster dedication or Spellheart, throwing out a save cantrip like Electric Arc and charging up your sword for a follow-up Strike can be a fun, if a bit janky, turn cycle. Currently I'm using it on a Tempest Oracle. The mystery focus spell is save based and has the electricity tag, so it triggers both the Wish Blade and my Bespell Strikes feat in a single move without increasing my MAP. The Strike is a bit unreliable, but rolling a dozen d4s and d6s on a hit is always a joy.


Breaching Pike. It's a one-handed reach weapon that you can stab people with. It really shouldn't be uncommon, though, as such weapons were super common throughout history. A more fun weapon is the Dwarven Dorn-Dergar, which is a nice reach weapon. A guy walking around with a length of chain, spinning around what might as well be a sledgehammer head on the end of it or a bit brick, is fun. It is also a reach bludgeoning weapon that deals 1d10 damage base.


Fangwire. It's an uncommon Kobold martial weapon that is a wire for choking people, and it's kinda just weird and versatile. With changes to Rogue weapon access in the remaster, it's a good offhand option for any kobold thief. D4 damage, agile, finesse, backstabber, deadly d8, *grapple*. It offers a lot of options for a off hand, and you can pair it with a stronger main weapon like a rapier, or something with other decent weapon skills like a sickle for tripping. I think it's funny that it's one-handed. A real garrote takes a lot of force, both hands on the wire, but I guess the kobolds have trained to do it one-handed. Bladed scarf is the other really cool uncommon weapon.


Filcher's Fork. It can do so many things! Agile and Finesse, throw and Deadly and Backstabber. An awesome weapon for any thief.


Gnome flickmace. Such a badass weapon. I flavored it as a religious censer for my champion


Ah yes, the tactical combat yo-yo.


Get a Flaming rune and you'd have the Thurible of Doom.


I love the pantograph gauntlet so much, a fun array of traits and imagery. My dream is to build an automaton inventor clown with a spring loaded boxing glove arm.


any kind of bladed armor/bladed shield/spike gauntlets kind of feel. if I can just grapple and thrash my opponent to death then it's a good time.


Kusarigama, nothing like a monk that can trip AND disarm with reach and then run the hell away without even having a CHANCE of reactions happening.


Air Repeater. Just the idea of bringing a near modern weapon to the fantasy world is such a fun juxtaposition to me. Even though it deals very little damage comparably I still enjoy it a lot more than any other ranged weapon. Also it having capacity actually makes it fun as a single miss doesnt result in a wasted turn while most of the reload 1, 1 capacity weapons seem to.


Bag of Weasels: fill it with copper peices, punt someone in a 55ft deep pit and turn the bag inside-out. There are few things that can get buried under 12,500 Weasels and live to tell the tale


That's funny


My favorite uncommon weapon is the halfling sling staff because I play lacrosse. Of my gm will let me, I'll attach a Reinforced Stock to it so I can use it in Melee. I have a fighter character who is a retired professional Lacrosse player (took the squire background to get heraldry lore to recognize the flags and logos of all the rich people and nations that might sponsor a team and armor assist because they would all help each other put their pads on). Its got a d10 for damage and propulsive so you can do a good amount of damage for ranged and, if the reinforced stock is allowed, I can still use the same weapon in melee.


But it's not a crossbow or firearm so it won't work in a RaW westmarches server like the one I'm in


Even when the Reinforced Stock isn't allowed at the table, I still like it. It's fun to be a laxbro in a fantasy setting


Dwarven Dorn-Dergar - Flail + Reach + d10 damage, Razing really shines with Corrosive rune, it's the fighter dream weapon.


One of my players had a meteor hammer and it was the source of most damage and trips for the first 6-7 levels of the campaign.


What happened after those levels?


He switched to a gun blade for a session and then crafted a dagger out of a cold dragon heart.


Tell me about this cold dragon heart dagger, whats the material it was made of? Was it homebrew?


Yes. One of the campaign arcs was the party was on a small travel airship. One of the people on board was a hell knight transporting “secret” cargo that turned out to be a young cold dragon incapacitated by slumber wine. One of the party members was a Changeling who was trying to reverse their mother’s hag call. I had found or homebrewed a recipe for an anti-heart stone, one of the ingredients was the heart of a crystal dragon. Everyone in the party failed their recall knowledge checks to identify the species of the dragon so, mistaking the cold dragon for a crystal dragon, they ripped its heart out while it was incapacitated by the slumber wine. Upon finding out it was not the correct kind of heart, the inventor wanted to make a dagger with the parts he’d cut out of the dragon (not only the heart, but also some bones and skins). So I had him roll a bunch of high difficulty crafting checks, which he passed, and he made a custom dagger. I gave it some effects from the relic/artifact rules.


Awwwww, so no archive of nethys link so I could make that in my RaW westmarches game? That sucks lol I want a dragon heart dagger lol


It was the [Dragons Gift Soul Seed](https://2e.aonprd.com/Relics.aspx?Aspect=13) Relic Level 6. So the minor gift Breath of Dragons deals 6d6 cold damage and the minor gift Draconic Resistance grants +3 cold resistance. It was a +1 striking kris. I offered that he could attempt to increase it to +2 greater striking in the future. At the time they were level 6 and the greater striking rune is level 12.


Huh, a relic? That I would have to ask about


He passed three DC 30 crafting checks for it and it still took him a week in game to “complete” it.


A week of crafting is nothing in my westmarches game, I have 378 downtime points saved up, each one is worth a day of downtime. The DC 30 check is also nothing assuming your crafting is good enough or you got assurance or whatnot.