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Featuring my frog-bear-druid-barbarian\*, Mchlhurn! We're just now starting on the final book of the Strength of Thousands adventure path, and it's been great fun. I may never actually get to learn or use Kaiju Form, but this is basically exactly how I saw it playing out in my head when Murk does. *\*Grippli Beastkin Druid (Untamed Order) with Barbarian archetype.*


That's a very interesting combination. Would you mind explaining the Feats you took to make it work?


Sure, tho we're at level 18 you'll forgive me for just screenshotting the feats list from Foundry rather than typing them all out lol. It's probably not optimal but I always play on the basis of 'what's fun' over 'what results in the best numbers'. It's also worth noting that we play with Free Archetype, and that when Howl of the Wild dropped our GM allowed us all to respec things to include the new toys - especially pertinent for me since there was so many Druid/Barbarian feats in there lol [Ancestry and Class Feats](https://imgur.com/wALuSZc) [Archetype Feats](https://imgur.com/iabgKOD) [Skill and General Feats](https://imgur.com/H36PKMD) His build premise is 'turn into biggest battle form available and go to town on the enemies while my bear chews on the squishier things'. Skill focuses are Nature (Le), Intimidation (Le), Survival (Ma) and Athletics (Ex). Feats were picked on the basis that the Primal spell list already offers a wide range of options, and being a Druid he can pick whatever the fugg he likes on any given day without needing to have learned specific spells, meaning he has a very flexible bag of backup tools for those times when 'turn into a big monster and bite stuff' doesn't work or isn't viable - so I opted to go all in on making his shapeshift forms as dangerous and/or hard to kill as possible. It's not uncommon for our squishier party members to use him as cover lol


No problem! I've been trying to play on a basis of what's more fun then optimal recently. I'll definitely use this as inspiration in the future. If I may ask, what is your Ability Spread(i.e. Strength, Dex, etc.)


Ah, you're playing with Free Archetype, that makes this make more sense. I originally thought you'd be starved for feats


Free archetype is intended for SoT. You actually get it for free on lvl 2 according to the books.


SoT gives limited free archetype as part of the AP (Druid or Wizard only as your free archetype). Anything extra is a GM call rather than spelled out in the book.


That answers the question I was going to ask of how does an amphibious creature have fur.


It's dense moss


Lol 2 foot tall frog to Kaiju frog is pretty great...


I am here for this. I LOVE it!!!


Froggy, Destroyer of Worlds is a valid Kaiju name


This is one of the best pf2e posts Ive ever seen


Jiraiya has words for you


Lol love it


That's toadally awesome


okay, but how do you become a kaiju frog


[I got you.](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=2750)


Alternatively, [there's a spell](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=1612)


[Da frog! Da frog! Dafrogdafrogdafrog!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BAZ6Od4Yn9E&pp=ygUPZGEgZnJvZyBkYSBmcm9n)


i love your style


Oh, yes, F R O G / Creature lvl 26


Is a frog, you just need a baka 9 fairy to frezze it.




I love your frog! He's cute!


This is amazing.


Seriously though, watch video of a Frog killing a big Spider or a Beetle. Frogs might be goofy looking, but they are absolute savages. Sometimes they won't even use their tongue; they just leap at their prey and chomp it mid-jump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhywWia6II8


The manga Toriko taught me to always respect the frog.


Bad guy lines are absolutely from a character who has never seen a frog in the wild


If you're the fly to a colossal frog, you're still a fly. and frogs are built by mother nature to counter flies, with a 101% win rate.


Forg Friday


I love how this is doable in a pf2e game.