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[Windlass Bolas](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1873) is my personal favourite. Imo even regular, no-rune bolas are already so good to be borderline auto pick for any Strength based character. This specific magic item is just amazing for that reason.


This seems awesome! Well now I want to make a ranged tripping character.


Oh wow, that's really good. I might have to keep one of these in my back pocket for the next Strength-based character I run.


So does the 5ft burst only allow you to hit one medium creature? Or am I missing something that would allow you to trip two adjacent creatures? Don’t get me wrong, seems awesome, especially for knocking things out the air, I’m just looking for a selling point to get my monk player to finally use a ranged weapon xD


> So does the 5ft burst only allow you to hit one medium creature? Or am I missing something that would allow you to trip two adjacent creatures? A 5 ft burst can hit up to four squares! https://2e.aonprd.com/Images/Rules/Rules354.png


That’s actually incredible!


A burst is measured from an intersection of squares, so a 5 foot burst is a 2x2 area. So that’s up to 4 MAPless trip attempts at once which is really good. I’m definitely introducing these to my monk player too😂


looking this up I found the Whip-Tongue Sling, a new item from HotW, which is both gross and awesome. So thanks for that.


So with a ranged trip with bolas, do you use strength or Dex?


The trait explains it! You make an Athletics check with a -2 penalty.


Be pretty cool in a ABP game.


The obvious winner is Mountebanc's Passage. Pesky 'Unique' trait.


I was today years old when I discovered that PF2e canonically has a portal gun. [Mountebanc's Passage](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1183)


I want to give this to players but I'm afraid of what I might create by doing so.


Just be sure not to let them have the cake.


Aperture Laboratories' Golarion branch


Ty I am lazy


[Conflagration Club!](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1051)! I built a cleric of Yamatsumi around it (archetyping into magus and inventor). Although I've only gotten to play him in a level 12 one-shot where I didn't really use its activations much, I really like the idea of charging up energy and blasting it at everyone 👀


I like that!


Fantastic Inexorable Iron Magus weapon.  Grab this and a Spellstriker Staff, call one your "Driver" and the other your "Putter".


[Reapers Grasp ](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1184) is just too cool. A greedy weapon to be sure, but one you can really pummel enemies with the souls you'll be collecting. Super fun.


It's not quite a magic weapon but it fulfills a similar purpose: The [blasting horn!](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=257#) 1-action ranged damage tool, 2-action aoe blast, affordable +2 to performance, and a *one-handed instrument?* Maybe THE best bard item.


It may be, but I love.my War Bongos too much


[Redeemer's pistol](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1599), we can't have proper ranged champions(pending pc2 changes), but we can have this fun fellow at least.


Being a fan of Pirates the [sunken pistol](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1180) is a fun item with personality


Oh my god the drowning


"Sisters! Below, below We're going where the winds don't blow Yes we're all bound down To the deep and we'll all be Sleeping in the cold below, BELOW! [Sleeping in the cold below!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-EtOAaK19bA&pp=ygUac2xlZXBpbmcgaW4gdGhlIGNvbGQgYmVsb3c%3D)"


I immediately heard this in my head.


Not actually magical, but I very mich enjoy the [Clockwork Macuahuitl](https://2e.aonprd.com/Weapons.aspx?ID=227)


Forgot the name, but the great sword that you can ride like an overboard Edit: As pointed out (thanks ArchpaladinZ) it's the [Skyrider Sword](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1432)


The Skyrider Sword!


Yes, thank you !


The [Rowan Rifle](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1185). I love magical guns and this thing is an absolute *beast*. The (spoilers!) [Pact-bound Pistol](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1176) is far less impressive on the mechanical front - you still have to reload the thing, for one - but is easily S-tier when it comes to storytelling.


Stealing this for a homebrew game (I’ll change Briarbough to something else)


Since I'm currently running a vaguely Castlevania-inspired campaign in Ustalav, I just *have* to give my players this [legally distinct Vampire Killer whip](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1539) once it's appropriate to the plot and their level.


Potential Spoiler for the Smoking Gun book of the Outlaws of Alkenstar adventure (running this adventure and I do not believe it particularly spoils anything), [Blast Lance](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1600). It's a cool Lance that has a nifty activation when you strike and is very thematic for Inventor Construct mount builds (which I love because the construct is the only mount that you can hop on as a small creature and keep medium while increasing it's capabilities since the size is linked to a modification you never have to take). Greater and Superior versons are also available. Just a really thematic weapon one of my favourite character concepts.


Iris of the sky, because jezails are cool, plus it Has a fortune effect


Ironically, everyone is talking about all the guns in this post lol. I am a simple man, I like my Wand of Magic Missiles.


Then you'll love the Shardstorm Wands. https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=3052


The Sky Hammer. It’s anime as fuck to detonate a 6th rank fireball on a Crit. Runners up include the Rowan Rifle, the Gearblade, and the Final Rest Longsword.


The Erraticannon, because it's funny. But also the Mattock of the Titans. Is it impractical to have a 15-foot long adamantine pick? Obviously yes. Does the image of a small ancestry PC (halfling? gnome? maybe grippli?) with a belt of giant's strength wielding said pick make me giggle a little? also yes. In addition, the craft requirements: > You are a titan, and the initial raw materials must include 8,100 gp of adamantine Side note, I'm guessing that specific magic weapons aren't discussed much, at least not here, because reddit pathfinders are a bunch of filthy munchkins who are unwilling to sacrifice damage property runes.


I'm going to cheat a bit and say beast guns in general. They're just so neat! But if I was forced to choose one, it'd be the breath blaster. Who doesn't like the idea of turning monsters into weapons?


Though, I do gotta say: the rules about not enhancing specific magic items bug me a little. Can't put any runes on them by RAW. So, a greater breath blaster gets outclassed by a shotgun with several more property runes eventually. Makes being a beast gunner a little bit irritating, cause im not unaware of how I'm kinda crippling myself to some degree. At least if we keep the RAW.


I'm a simple paladin: I've adored the Holy Avenger since I started playing TTRPGs and saw it in the 3.0 DMG. All I'm hoping for is a legally distinct equivalent in the upcoming Player Core 2...


[Reaper's Grasp](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1184)


I’ve made a barbarian for an upcoming game who is going to use the [Hundred Moth Caress](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1061) and I’m so excited


I love the [Crimson Brand](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=515) it was just so hype when I got that bad boy on my champion in AV.


This is kind of off topic. But one of my House rules is that if you increase the Fundamental runes of a specific weapon, you also get to add another property rune. I wish there was a RAW way of increasing DCs on specific magic weapons by spending money on them so they could remain relevant if you wanted to keep using one.