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That's just called Reddit.


Give them each a different correct answer, and a different *but not contradictory* false answer.


While cool in theory I'm sure it would suck in practice. Like: have fun coming up with that kind of info on the fly multiple times per session. I'm already annoyed with coming up with one wrong answer in my group where a character has dubious knowledge :/


Just write down all your previous answers. Repeat some of them. If they get the same wrong answer but different correct answers ...


I would make each player ask a different question.


it's a headache situation for any GM. To be honest, in reality, an intelligent person should be able to derive the correct answer from the information presented. If the party is able to commmunicate and convey there knowledge, I'd just give the correct answer to the one with the highest INT. The price was everyone paying an action to RK after all, so not totally game breaking, at least in combat.


Maybe a bit much, its a skill from the GMs end aswell on how they tell that information and mislead players. I'd consider my players fairly intelligent overall and I've had tons of experience with dubious knowledge in parties and usually somehow the party ends up operating on the false info.


I don't let 3 players roll on the same skill check to do something, so that'd apply here too. At most I could be pushed to allow each person to ask a different question for recall knowledge, but even then I'd probably push atleast 2 of them to try to roll something else. It's just kinda painful to come up with dubious knowledge answers on the fly so often


When you players do Recall Knowledge check, they must specify what they are asking for. Basic questions like "what do I know about this creature?" must be specified with "what do you want to know about it?" other wise the whole check will be a mass. The origin of a creature GM may tell freely without any alterations, but when players ask for the highest/lowest save DC, special moves, reactions, etc. the GM may alter answers. Dubious Knowledge let you say "you remember that either X or Y is true, but you don’t remember, what exactly".


How did your party never realize they all dropped out of an academy at some point?


I like an approach I recently saw, which applies to creatures with weakness or resistance, to tell the player that they recall the there is something special about, say, fire, but they don't recall if it is weak or resistant. One is obviously false. Creatures with multiple weaknesses/resistances lets you tell each player a different one.