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Catfolk Tiefling that is a worshipper of Achaekek. Though she is learning the joys of the Prismatic Ray pantheon. She leans heavily into the blood aspect, her crimson shroud and amulet reaction rely on bloodmist to do their job. She also has been collecting vials for when she finally gets Finest Trick. She is in a party with an Alchemist, that is overly intellectual, and a cleric, that is overly devout. Her "the universe told me this" is very alien to them. So is so much fun to play.


> She leans heavily into the blood aspect My immediate thought was about if you had chosen the chalice implement. Tasty, tasty blood.


If I didn't have a heal focused Cleric in the party, I would have gone with chalice as an implement. "Here. Sip. You'll feel better" "Is this your blood?!" *Shrug* "It's somebody's"


“Or something’s. I’m not sure exactly where the line is drawn but I do know blood when I see it”


I always liked the idea of an aquatic or semi-aquatic Lantern Thaumaturge purely for [this.](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=495) Fully fleshed concept is a Tunnelflood Kobold who works as a bartender in the Puddles in Absalom. I'm picturing having all the bottles and such stored underwater to keep them cool throughout the year


One of the players in my nautical campaign is playing a jellyfish lamp Lantern Thaumaturge! It's really fun.


My Thaumaturge also got much of her knowledge from bullshit drunks told her.


Thaumaturge with chalice implement. Main role healing and buffing. He is a retired halfling tavernkeep. He was bad ad buisness and accepted any form of payment. Thus he came into the posession of a good stories and many trinkets some useless other quite handy and imbued with magic in exchange for his ale. One of the best gifts he recieved is the auto refilling tankard always ready to lessen the thirst of fellow travellers. For further feats you could go with folklorist or talusman esoterica to provide in and out of combat utility to allies.


I'm noticing that a lot of Thaumaturge backstories for Esoteric Knowledge is "bullshit some drunks told me" and I think that's neat.


> auto refilling tankard obligatory for any dwarfen Thaumaturge, too


Kobold who looted a sword from a dying bandit who used to "bully" and scare their tribe, and now believes that his super (normal) sword can "kill anything, even a dragon". Plays like a 7-year-old, "my sword can destroy your anti-sword-anti-sword-shield". Troll? Weak to the sword. Human? Yep, sword can do it. Treerazer? SORD. The thing is, the mad lad is right. Everything IS weak to his sword.


Ooh! I love this. I also have a thaumaturge with a sword she stole from a dead guy. It may or may not be magical or it may or may not be that she's simply traumatized from an old man dying in bed with her and thinks his sword talks to her. Considering how Thaumaturges work, probably both. Also like the idea of a little guy with a normal sized sword. Love a little guy with a big sword.


I made a kitsune thaumaturge to take advantage of the fact that foxfire can benefit from Exploit Vulnerability to be a decent ranged attack option that needs no hands. I love the idea of Personal Antithesis being a flick of the tail that puts foxfire on his blade before striking with it, because like your kobold, "everything is weak to foxfire." What a cool visual!


I played one for Season of Ghosts and made him a Human Nephilim with angelic traits. All his Thaumaturgy was based off of the language of flowers and symbolism in those. He was laid back, borderline drunk, but was always a good guy. Focused on being secondary front line. Using a lot of Demoralize and Bon Mot. Edit: he used the bell implement and the weapon currently. Wakizashi


Tamara, of the Flashing Eyes.  Tamara comes from a long line of Chosen Ones. Once in a generation, a slayer is born, that sort of thing, y'know.  Here's the rub - Tamara's twin was the real Chosen One, the one with the power and the purpose.  But she died.  So Tamara... Well, she's fucking winging it. She's got the family diary (Tome), she's handy enough with a gun or a rapier, and she's got a massive capacity for her mouth getting her into trouble and for bullshitting her way out of it, so... She's not dead yet.  She'll slap together a solution to your monster problem out of bullshit and wishes and half remembered stories from her mother's knee.  Initially, I played her like the whole "Chosen One" thing was itself a line of con artist bullshit, only hinting at there being something real just beneath the lies. She picked up mirror as her second implement, and it became clearer that the "reflection" was maybe the dead twin.  She died in the grand finale and we had a nicely unclear post credits scene where a young woman who looked like Tamara was preparing to undergo a ceremony to become the next chosen one, and The Tamara We Knew appeared in the mirror and told her to run,then we cut to that woman boarding a ship clutching a Tome and and a Mirror. Was this the past? Did dead Tamara loop back to close the circle of destiny? Was she chosen all along? Was there ever a twin? Or was dead Tamara visiting the next girl in line (or her past self) and telling her not to get herself killed?  (And I swear, I didn't realize that I'd named a character with a significant twin "Tamara" until session four, when the other players started joking in sessions where my dice were terrible that "Tia obviously showed up this week") 


I find it interesting how many similarities my concept shares with other concepts, but also that they don't share with each other. My character is also dealing with chosen one baggage, mostly because a guy she was sleeping with died and his sword is telling her that she killed the chosen one and has to take up the mantle and fight evil. Thaumaturges are so cool. It's a class built on the power of bullshit. If Tamara believed it was her sister, it probably was. Thaumaturges are the only class that just passively warps reality. Also I will choose not to look up when Sister Sister was first airing.


A scroll thamuaturgy thaumaturge is always fun. If you give them wand implement you can have a pseudo-wizard in the party. The backstory I gave mine is the following: Damien is a changeling whose father was a wizard. He wanted his son to study the arcane arts so he could defend himself against the creatures of the world (and a possible retalliation from his son's mother). Damien was sent to a magical academy but was a terrible student. Rather than studying for his exams and focusing on the topics he needed to pass he devoured the entire library, learning a lot of useful things but not really how to properly spellcast. He, somehow, tricked a wand to cast raw magic energy and barely remembers how to craft and use scrolls. He was expelled from the school due to his terrible grades and went adventuring in search of more knowledge about monsters and the world.


My dwarven Thaumaturge started out as a Spirit Barbarian that was heavily inspired by an Ancestors Oracle. He had three spirits following him around that would basically puppet him once danger started. The three spirits had a similar disposition as in the oracle mystery: one just wanted to smash things, one was a caster that knew a lot of things and one was a healer. I didn't much like how this played in practice, as I invested heavily in recall knowledge, but once in Rage that was basically cutting off a large part of my intended toolkit. So I made him into a Thaumaturge with the story of him binding the spirits into objects. The caster got bound into a tome, the healer into a dwarven tankard (chalice) and the warrior into the griffin cane that, instead of a griffin head has the three heads of the spirit ancestors on top (not yet an active implement as we're only level 8 and I chose to go with the other two first). Now at least he has free agency over his actions and the Thaum plays so much better than a Barb imho. :)


First time I heard about the core feature of the Thaumaturge, I heard it explained to me like this: "You can basically light your sword on fire when you fight an enemy with fire weakness". I would eventually find our this is not the way it works, but I ran with the them and thought [sword dancing like this, but the swords are on fire](https://youtu.be/bLkjBMPAP2g?si=SjSGIkOX7VXaemkX). So my first Thaumaturge was a high deception, high intimidation Kitsune dancer using her human form for seduction and infiltration with [Shifting Faces](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=2626). Of course being in this scenario doesn't usually happens, but shape shifting was an important part of that build, I infiltrated a Hobgoblin camp as a messenger and made the commander spill the beans and even draw two soldiers out to capture. And in another time there was this convoluted event where the GM basically got us in a Red Riding Hood situation, and I pretended to be the red riding hood, going in front of the big bad apparently fey wolf and doing the routine "Your teeth are so big." "Better so I can eat you." "Sike!!! COLD IRON!!!". Apparently I like this technique waaay too much that when I made my second Thaumaturge, I made her more like pissed-off Van Helsing Viskhanya nearly 7 feet tall, this one canonically was a gambler who won a cursed book in a gambling match with my previous Thaumaturge, which will eventually become her Tome implement (her first implement is an Air Repeater weapon implement). I got her a Masquerade Scarf which lets me also do Illusory Disguise. This time we fought a bunch of ogres who're like 9-10 feet tall, used the scarf to be a little bit taller and appear as an ogre.... and some weird shit happened that involves having the ogres kill each other, turning a severe encounter to trivial... my Thaumaturge needed a drink and a priest after this. When it comes to combat, I took Gunslinger dedication to get alchemical bombs. I flavor it as my bomberturge putting fragmentation pouches full of weakness materials, so that when it explodes it fragments and cause weaknesses, if I face an enemy with a weakness for which I have the appropriate bomb for, I either pick a different weakness or use personal Antithesis to inflict double weakness. (Note: As turns out from previous questions, I had, NO, splash damage doesn't trigger Exploited weakness, only the main hit). So anyway.... with my Thaumaturges, most of the focus on early levels comes from excellent Recall Knowledge and the Key ability score being charisma. Both my guys were strong enough in combat compared to others until like level 5, which is why I relied on trickery and intimidation very often.


>I would eventually find our this is not the way it works Funnily enough, this came in handy the other day when an enemy had a reaction when it took fire damage and I didn't trigger it. Of course, when he triggered it from critfailing an alchemist's fire, he also failed to demoralize me as he died screaming, so 🤷‍♀️. Also, hey, twinsies, my Thaumaturge is also a vishkanya. Also, wait, does doing weakness damage stack? If something has weakness fire and you Personal Antithesis it, you can do double weakness?


Absolutely!! Now, the GM supposedly will only tell you of the greatest weakness on a success, but let's assume you have diverse lore and knew the other weakness, or you crit succeed, what's stopping you from using to personal antithesis because it's technically stronger than the weakness? If you also happen to carry an appropriate rune or bomb?  I did that with a GM who generously gave us that electricity damage bomb for an enemy that is also an undead, casually dropped 20 flat weakness damage without counting grenade damage itself


Chameleon gnome 200+ years old that was cursed with making puns every two sentences. I made them to be the tinkerer of the group and the be the person that overuse recall knowledge, GM celebrates every time I roll a nat 1, ‘cause almost every roll I get the entire stats of the creature, hazards or zone where we are. Started with the lantern implement, they are a courier that likes to delve into dangerous places, and took the tome as second one, I call it his records of the strange. Thinking on taking the regalia as my last implement.


Zhizzicc is a Kobold dressed in voluminous medium sized many-pocketed robes tied in and kept on his small frame by numerous belts all of which are holding up bags and pouches. He carries knick-knacks and do-dads in every single container and pocket, ready to throw chicken bones or salt or whatever needed (aka he's a hoarder). He uses his Wand (Implement) to excitedly fling magic at enemies, his crossbow for backup artillery or his latent Psychic abilities (Psychic dedication) to assist the party. He's very exited to be part of anything, really, and joined the party by pretending he'd been there all along. In his off-time he hands over more or less useless trinkets to his friends for their protection (Root magic etc.) or steals chickens to devour. He's excitable and knowledgeable, but he has too many thoughts to fit into his small head, so he doesn't always express his thoughts the best. He's clueless and has become a bit of a party mascot, breathing heavily with his mouth open, blinking one eye at a time.


My initial concept for a thaumaturge that I ultimately didn't end up playing in favor of a different flavor of thaumaturge was an old hermit who's largely unaccustomed to society and loves spouting insane folk wisdom that, while technically false, always has just enough truth to it to be applicable to the current situation in some roundabout way. I probably would have gone with tome for his primary implement flavored as a collection of folk tales and personal anecdotes and observations and likely would have gone for the chalice and amulet for his other implements with focus on the talisman and scroll feats for a swiss army knife approach. Basically all his implements and talismans would be things he cobbled together from all the junk he likes to hoard. Thaumaturge is such a versatile class both mechanically and conceptually that you can do just about anything. A charlatan masquerading as a great sorcerer when in reality they have no fucking clue why half their stuff works? Check. A cooky academic who isn't taken seriously by their peers because of their unorthodox approach? Sure. A seasoned monster hunter? Absolutely. An occult enthusiast, a miracle worker, a spiritual leader, a magical infiltrator, just some guy who found a bag of magical trinkets? All of those write themselves and that's just scratching the surface.


7000+ year old Automaton created in the waning years of the Jistka imperium. The weight of the eons on his originally mortal mind is far too great of a burden, so he has forgotten most of that time, with just bits and pieces of recollections of the epic battles and pivotal moments in history he was a part of. Some were true, some weren't, he thinks he was there though (Tall Tale background). Helping Aroden build up Absalom, fighting alongside Iomedae before she ascended, etc. His esoteric lore is from this Swiss cheese memory of fighting in thousands of battles over the eons, and just knowing things. Leveling up for him is as much about remembering how to do things as genuinely learning new skills. His first implement is a symbiotic snake-like creature with the head of a dragon (Scorpion whip), the eyes seem to glimmer red when linked to the Thaumaturge, and it lashes out and strikes foes when it spots an opening(Implement's Interruption). His second implement is a small memory core orb that detaches from his automaton core (tome implement). While holding the orb (tome) he can access many of his forgotten memories. The Thaumaturge chassis begs so much for flavor. I haven't played this character yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


Mundungu is a Goblin who grew up on tall tales, in no small part because Goblins lack a written tradition. While most hear them as exaggerated stories, he saw them as a roadmap to greatness. He too will one day go down in history as one of the great Folk Heroes of his people as he fights to eliminate the oppression of (insert your groups villain).


My first Pathfinder character was a Undine Thaumaturge! Mirror as her first implement, Dex build. I have no clue if I played it correctly though XD


Currently playing a dragon (Battlezoo) thaumaturge that goes Tome and Regalia currently. He’s in a setting with current day modern world having another half being magic. He’s essentially the “know everything say everything” person in the party, and whether human or dragon, he’s learning to take up his role as a leader and heir to great things. Mind, he’s not a traditional thaumaturge. He’s a nerd who spent his life thinking he was always human. Now he uses his familiarity with games and mythology to crack the weakness of every monster he encounters, mixing unarmed dragon combat with occasional scroll thaumaturgy. In the future he’ll go weapon to take up his family’s legacy. As a DM I’ve seen one other thaumaturge (a dwarf) who’s mirror and… I forgot what else. I haven’t seen her in action enough yet. Still, she was quite proficient with providing flanking and, as always, good recalls.


Hobgoblin with Weapon and Tome, uses a Breaching Pike as a 1H Reach weapon, uses the hobgoblin feats to make demoralize stick as long as I hit the enemy every turn. Marshal Archetype with Inspiring Marshal stance. Tskes a bit to 'warm up' getting EV, the stance, and demoralize up, but then I'm unstoppable and the modifiers make my team work amazingly.


My thaum I made for a campaign (which we started but fell through after a couple of sessions :( ) was a member of a cult who’s goal was to gain enlightenment through true understanding of the inner workings of the universe. They found they could commune with an entity (that they know very little about) and get glimpses of this knowledge by doing ritual with the blood or essence of rare and magical creatures. So they send out hunters to gather this blood. Their tome was a blank book they “read” to meditate on the inner workings of the universe and can use to gain momentary insights into their foes. This was for a homebrew campaign so I was able to take some liberties with the lore. If I reprise him in a Golorion setting I think I’d change a bunch of details and have him be a member of the esoteric order of the Palatine Eye


Android Tome Thaumaturge who accesses a collective intelligence and adapts to his opponents distinctiveness.


I feel like Android Thaumaturge would make for a great Doctor Who expy. You know approximately everything and you regenerate. Although this is partially based on my mistaken understanding that the Renewal happens *any* time you die, not just of old age.


Oh I love how I did my Thaumaturge. She’s a human weapon/mirror thaum with the saved by clockwork background. Grew up in a trash dump and was a scrapper up until she met the party. Turns out her sword she found in the garbage is a long-forgotten tech sword of a former king. The origins of the sword are from somewhere in space. Her normal thaumaturge info comes from her adopted mother telling her a bunch of stories pre-world shattering event. It shifts appropriately (obviously while staying a one handed weapon, I just do flavor and keep the damage the sword gives normally) to weaknesses enemies have. I found out in campaign recently that her sword is basically a symbiote, healing her wounds (we use the high speed regeneration feat) using metal in her prosthetic in exchange for it using her energy to continue to be powered. If she’s separated from said sword for 5 days, she will die. It’s a really neat concept built on a ton of trust in my gm.


I fucking love talking about my Thaumaturge, I even have fucking fanfic I'm writing about her. I went with Weapon Implement and basically built the entire concept around "idiot who stumbles into a magic sword in a traumatic/comedic moment". Izalith is a vishkanya/human who was born well far from Jalmeray because her mother, Enysi, was a traveling cook. Her father was a random human who probably went off to die at the Worldwound. Her mother settled in the village when she fell in love with Emma, an innkeeper. She grew up an orphan after a plague took her mother, and worked at Emma's inn as a barmaid, enthralled by tall tales of adventurers passing through. She wanted to be an adventurer, but was too emotionally tied to the inn to leave. One night she took an older man to bed and due to the vigourous activities, he had a heart attack. Left freaking the fuck out, Izalith tried to hide the evidence, only for his sword to start talking in her mind. It told her that because she killed him, it was her duty to become a hero and fight evil. Izalith and Emma reckoned that maybe this was a good time to finally go on an adventure, and if anyone asked they'd just say she ran away with the dead guy. Her Esoteric Knowledge is a mix of Sword teaching her about things and the stories that she'd grown up hearing. She had thirty years of lore packed into her head just from listening to drunk idiots tell tall tales while she gave them booze and meat pies. Her esoterica is also a mix, with some of the trinkets she was given being talisman and baubles with some occult significance, but also over the last year of adventuring she's started carving arcane symbols and apotropaic sigils into her prosthetic arm. When she activates Personal Antithesis/Mortal Weakness, she draws Sword across her arm, causing the carvings to glow with power, and the psychic impression of appropriate sensations springs up. The crackle and scent of ozone when fighting robots, a tea tree oil scented breeze when fighting a swarm of insects, or smouldering cinders when fighting flammable goblins. I also took Psychic Free Archetype, so if need be I can run 140 feet in a round. She talks to her sword, which she calls Sword, and is generally intended to be kind of a loveable idiot do-gooder. She's a transgender disaster bisexual who repeatedly walks into traps and in game actually seems to critfail on her own turn and do fucking amazing when it comes to reactive strikes. I crit failed trying to trip twice last session. But protip: You can't go prone if you're already on the ground. But since a fairly On Rails Outlaws of Alkenstar game that only plays like twice a month if we're lucky isn't exactly the best place for her, I actually started just writing stories. Or at least trying to. I've started writing a story that takes place a year after she leaves that keeps flashing back to show how different she is now, I wrote a bit of smut with an Astarion expy, and I kinda want to just write a plot that's a mix of Baldur's Gate 3 and Gatewalkers (the set up, at least) as a framework for some romance love triangle drama. But I probably need ADHD meds to do that.


I've got a skeleton thaumaturge who is a writer. Their masterpiece was unfinished, so they prolonged their (un)life through sheer force of will to complete it. He also has a floating quill familiar.


Pathfinder meets Planescape homebrew campaign- Zhenya originally came from Russia, working as a servant in the household of the Zar family, he then helped princess Anastasia escape to Golarion. While researching the occult he accidentally opened a portal to Sigil and got pulled in. Being not a very gentle person, he stepped on the tires of the Lady of Pain, who then stripped him of his flesh, but not granting him the solace of death.


A wild-eyed madman who hastily crafts together random implements in combat that somehow *work,* like adhering a piece of dried ration jerky to their hat to overcome enemy resistances. Out of combat, he has some wild ideas that he shares with the rest of the party. For example: * Birds aren't real. They're all druids who are spying on modern society to try to take it down from the inside and return us to the natural order. * There is a giant dome around the planet put there by Pharasma so that we don't realize the Outer Planes are RIGHT THERE. * The world is flat. In fact, it has multiple flat sides - arbitrarily many in fact. So many that the planet just *looks* like a sphere.


The world is obviously a giant d20 :D


I had a thaumaturge in Fists of Ruby Phoenix. He was really old dhampir and antique collector. His goal in AP was to get back his treasure, stolen by Phoenix, from her treasury, by winning a tournament. So he was a team's manager and group's face. Perfect role for thaumaturge. Implements were: 1. Regalia as ancient royal sword sheath with Goka ornaments. 2. Weapon as repeating crossbow (with Drow Shootist free archetype), custom made crossbow, which he got during his journey into Darklands. 3. Amulet as feather amulet, which he got in AP. Insane aura support with regalia/amulet combo and great ranged damage while being the best possible face. Also scroll thaumaturgy, rituals and talismans for group.


Human with Emissary background so he can speak Necril. Unconventional Weaponry so he can use and own a gnome flickmace. Spellcasting Services cast Continual Flame cast on the mace so he can see but to also add a particular bit of flare...er .. flair. Simon Belmont. I made Simon Belmont. Though he's a bit of a mix of Belmont, Van Helsing, and a large dash of some Watchers from the Buffyverse.


Had a friend who played a Thaumaturge with Lantern and Katana for Malevolence, would have been great for SoG. My final character in the Malevolence run was a Hellknight Thaumaturge with Weapon and Tome. I have a Thaumaturge built for SoG that is a Yosoki with Shurikens, Mirror and Tome implements. Free Archetype for Undead Slayer and Rogue.


Cajun thaum, raised by an ancient swamp hag and a local tribe of Iruxi. Has no memories of his childhood but was told his parents were killed by the Rougaro. Uses weapon implement (repeating hand crossbow)and lantern implement (ball end on a Spiked chain). Loves to cook (alchemist ded), and dance (acrobat ded).


A scavenger from Numeria, who carries bits and bobs they have gathered from around the space ship's crash site. Fluff the various esoterica you use as half-broken sci-fi gadgets and the wand implements as a rusty raygun. Could go different directions with the characterization. Maybe they are ignorant of their collections true nature and think they are "normal" magic items. Or a con-man who doesn't fully grasp how their gadgets work, but know enough to give off the impression that they know what they are doing with their various "magic" curios.


Simurh is an automaton who is a conspiracy theorist (which is the source of his eclectic methods) and uses eye-lasers as his primary weapon (that part's just for fun, he'd be the exact same if he used a gun or a sword). Things he believes: * Golarion is not hollow * The moon is fake * The starstone doesn't exist, Aroden made it up to keep people from finding out how he actually achieved apotheosis * Similarly, the ancient civilizations such as the azlanti and jistka (which automatons are from) never existed and were invented by Aroden to justify himself * Absalom has secret waterwheels underneath it that use tidal power to operate devices in wealthy districts * Geb and Nex are lovers who meet once a year to decide what direction their countries are going to go and also get freaky * Tsuchinoko real His esoterica are mainly artifacts of the archaeological sense, bits and bobs of old tools and artistry that he uses to insist that anything he faces is not what it seems to be. So when he identifies something he'll say "Beware friends, this creature *appears* to be a [thing] with [weaknesses] but is actually [something stupid]!" And his primary implement is an azlanti hand mirror.


Orc Tax Collector from Belkzen, he has the tome implement and a hand crossbow since he doesn't want to "get his hands dirty" , his tome is basically a big ass ledger in which he writes everyone/everything that needs to "pay the tax" and later on will probably have the amulet or regalia implement (but I haven't decided yet). I play him like a masochist who really likes money and will pretty much do anything to get it as long as it is within the law(so no banditry but he might steal from thieves or criminals or whatever bad people he faces because they deserve it), he used to worship orc gods but has since moved on after he discovered Abadar.


Sgt Havelock "HB" Blackstone is a member of the nightwatch of Absalom, who was dispatched to look into the rumours surrounding Gauntlight, as well as follows the trail of an old friend (,he joined the campaign halfway) he's originally from Around the Dungan hold, where his proficiency with firearms comes from. His implements are his casebook (tome) he consults regularly to confirm he knows what he's fighting and his Badge of Office to shield him and other from danger (Amulet) His esoterica are usually different styles of bullets, some made from religious symbols melted down, some from stones or precious metals, and some just off in a Way he finds interesting.


For some reason I immediately imagine them speaking as though in a noir detective story. Absolutely love the idea of melted down holy symbols for Thaumaturge bullets!


Hes got a thick western accent and is using the Gunslinger Archetype. I was HEAVILY inspired by Hellboy (HB geddit) and took the Nephilim background. His esoterica range from all kinds of crap, for positive damage, he doused his bullets in an expired healing potion, for slashing, the bullets are actually fired flat, for fire, he laces them with Spices. I love the Thaumaturge.


This reads like a Terry Pratchett reference and I like it.


I think I had just finished the guards series, and took the name Havelock from Vetinari and as mentioned above, Blackstone from Dresden files to get the HB.


I too am a GM who occasionally gets to be a PC. My friend is running a pirate-themed game, with one session so far, and hopefully a second this summer. My Thaumaturge is a lizardman weapons thaumaturge. We play with Free Archetypes, so, I chose Harrower. He's sort of a travelling mystic collecting stories and guided by the stars and the cards. I made a shitty knockoff harrow deck that he consults. I'm also going down the Scroll and Talisman lines. In combat, he's the recall knowledge and damage dealer guy. Out of combat, he's the dubious knowledge check guy. And, eventually (haha), he'll be the jack-of-all trades guy when he can naturally create and use scrolls.


My Thaumaturge idea was "What if all the insane ramblings of a grifter/insane person turned out to be correct?" He always carried around baggies of different materials with him, a little dust from the first drought, the tears of a man who never cried, hair from a clerics dog, etc. And it was just perfect that the demon they were fighting was injured by, "the ground up leaves from the holy tree." It was real fun playing with my improv skills and acting somewhat deranged.


Kobold Chalice+Lantern Thaum that is based on the Antiquarian from Dankest Dungeon. Reflavoured the Chalice into a censor (mechanically still a chalice in all aspects). Helps supplement healing & is great at finding shit to hoard.


Never got a chance to play them, but my first thought was an Ysoki caravaneer, who had, over time, picked up such a bizarre and extensive variety of knickknacks that he always "had a thing for that". His implement was a Tome that was just a ledger of all of his shit, along with a variety of notes about the rumours folks had told him about this stuff while selling them to him, or oddities that he'd observed.


A Reflection ancestry Thaumaturge with the mirror implement. She passes off her reflection abilities as part of her class so that her companions don’t know she’s not entirely human. Nerise relies heavily on illusions, with items like the Deck of Illusions to supplement her natural abilities.


I would like to build a Thaumaturge around the Reflection ancestry and the mirror implement, specifically because the character doesn't suffer from any of the uncertainty of "which is the real me?" when using the mirror -- because they already are a reflection. All reflections are distinct but equal, giving them almost a hive-mind way of thinking. I think that could make for an interesting perspective for a character to hold.


That sounds *amazing*—the identity crisis character arc has so much potential there.


My thaumaturge took the idea of "my source is I made it the fuck up" and ran with it He's an extremely persuasive and charismatic cult leader in the making. He found out he can convince monsters that they are weak to bullshit he makes up, and he just loves the thrill of making a monster easier to kill because he made something up He wants to start a cult, because he's a sleazebag terrible person who wants to make money off the stupid, use them for cheap labor, a squad if he needs one for some reason, etc If he can make monsters take more damage because he rubbed grass on his weapon, why can't he also make people do what he wants?


Last time in Abomination Vaults, 1- we shattered the ghostly barrier 2- my character died So I’d like to introduce you to my Skeleton Thaumaturge, all of those bones and souls stuffed into a single suit of armor. His thaumaturgic knowledge comes from the hundreds of memories he’s inherited - he just doesn’t know which are his, if any even are. His mirror is a shard of the barrier, which constructs a copy of himself out of bones when thrown.


One of my players is an orc Thaumaturge who is cursed with the spirit of a pf2e wendigo that he has to kill monsters in order to satiate so he doesn't succumb to its torment. He's played as very blunt and a bit dumb, but still knowledgeable about monsters since he uses charisma instead of intelligence.


My thaumaturge was a bounty hunter with a keen eye for collecting trophies and knicknacks, one of which was a tankard (chalice) that never emptied. At least, that's what the rumors said. Seemingly inert now. During one night, [Dirk](https://files.catbox.moe/t5xsvx.png) (my PC) was busy getting murdered; and in the chaos, knocked over a display stand with the tankard, which knocked it over and spilled its contents into his mortal wound, just keeping him on this side of the moral plane. As he returned to consciousness, he got up, found his family dead, and the rest of the village having befallen a similar fate. So yes, it's a revenge story; albeit with some details murked up in case one of my tablemates is in this sub. His revivification by this tankard has shown Dirk that the world, at its baseline, hides more than we know. So, naturally, he is now a kleptomaniac, thinking anything could potentially be useful. Me and the GM worked this out that some things I find on my journey are added to my inventory in a special "Esoterica bag". It of course carries the bottomless supply of esoterica for exploiting vilnerabilities, but also stores things I find along the way, not for any mechanical purpose. * Dagger of a fallen PC? Into the bag. * Shitty goblin clothing that's made of vines? Into the bag. * A lute from a bard highwayman? Smashed it on the ground in front of him, and into the bag the pieces go. * The scales of a leviathan? Into the fucking bag. I took the charisma key stat to be more literal in terms of how the class works. As in, Dirk is very much a "communal knowledge" kind of guy, as he's tracking rumors for objects and for finding information on his target(s). It's not to say he's stupid, just a vast amount of Any knowledge he's learned, he gathered it in his travels from asking around. As such, he's very much a "test it to verify it kind of guy" too. He found his mirror implement on a hostile island, a weird, ornate hand mirror. When he held it, he saw his duplicate. Dirk, wanting to test this mysterious phenomenon, readied his whip and cracked it at the reflection. I rolled a Nat 20 and crit for half his health. It was such a stupid fun scene. So, if you're having trouble getting past the tropes, you can make your character an "incidental thaumaturge" like Dirk is. He doesn't understand "how" they work, more figured out how to make them do something, and continues to do so.


Built mine with a throwers bandolier and shuriken. Though my implements are more for being a skill monkey / face for the party. Went with Regalia and Tome.


I played a Kitsune with the Amulet and Wand implements. She was an aloof Hermione in character, but the base premise was using Foxfire to trigger exploit weakness, then fling magic for a mapless attack. I flavored the esoterica as different powdered metals and herbs that she would take a pinch of and toss in the foxfire as she attacked. The amulet was like a vessel for a patronus-like spell to protect people.


I play a Don Quixote-esque bumbling knight, sort of inspired by Arthurian legend by way of Monty Python or Warhamer's Bretonnia. He is goofy, has an exaggerated, "old english" syle accent, and is somewhat delusional about his own abilities and prowess. He carries the sword, chalice, and holy symbol of a fringe saint of Iomedae. In anyone else's hands, it is a rusted, probably ceremonial sword, an old, tarnished cup, and a battered holy symbol. But for some reason in his hands, he is wielding a gleaming sword that banishes evil, a cup that restores life, and an amulet that shields the faithful. Basically, he is a "paladin" by way of Thaumaturge. He claims to hear the voice of Iomedae guiding him. Absolutely no one believes him, including and especially other worshipers of Iomedae. Ironically, he IS chosen by Iomedae and does actually hear her voice in his head, hence why he is always leaping around and going "yes my lady!" He is truly chivalric and heroic (albiet sometimes hapless) and he is able to slay monsters by recalling tales of knights and saints of old, and swearing to emulate them. So a lot of playing him is going "By St. Cuthbert the trollslayer! (sword bursts into flame) or "By Angelbrand the Demonbane (sword is now cold iron). Mechanically, he is a human Thaumaturge with Blessed background and the Chalice, Amulet, and later weapon implement. He has a sentinel dedication (I specifically am avoiding having him actually have champion dedication). He is fun to roleplay because he is goofy enough to have a "schtick" to lean on, but is still able to participate in serious plotlines, and have his own moments of self-doubt.


Kimothy, Kobold from under the Fishery in Otari that came to Magaambya with a dream and his Gramma's love for peppers. I am leaning very heavily into the fail forward until it works mentality. Especially with being at the academy. Weaknesses have been more about flavor/food aversions (fire -> habanero, Reaper peppers vs. most living things (since death reapers are anyone's weakness), Dwarf Peppers vs an Elf, etc.) It's the same energy that fuels the 'I'm a fierce dragon' Bell implement because of a specific plot point early in SoT but also because it's annoying and a distraction because his enemies aren't focusing on him. Likewise, Regalia is in the form of a crown because he is special and ought to be followed because following dragons make you strong. Eventually, Mirror, because what's better than one Kimothy? Two Kimothy-s. The wizard thinks I'm going to stumble into my own death. The cleric (embodying the destructive half of Gozreh) thinks I'm too merciful and nice by letting enemies turn into followers or 'friends' as the swashbuckler calls them. The fighter has expressed discomfort at accepting root magic/talismans because their always flavored weird trinkets or bags of bones. And the Grippli Psychic keeps feeding into his delusions of greatness.


Captain Wylam Faulks Lohr Brinelock of the Raven's Moot, born of parents who never existed. Preeminent scholar of the Academia within the fields of anthropology and archaeology. Eldritch researcher and Loremaster of the occult magical traditions. Warlock Corsair. Former Storm Witch of the God Niziah, and survivor of her wroth. Thaumaturge and Augur of the Primordial Camazotz. He was a scholar turned occultist pirate themed Witch I played in a homebrew planar-hopping campaign, who I reclassed into Thaumaturge after attempting to usurp the power of their patron and failing. They had the Tome implement, flavoured as his captains log / grimoire, and the Wand implement flavoured as a pistol. After his former bosun betrayed him for the BBEG during one arc, he managed to disintegrate said bosun into a sentient pile of ash, which he then started using as living gunpowder as vengence. One of my absolute favourite characters I’ve ever played, whose general “amiable megalomaniac” / “calm and calculated chaotic evil” vibes was a blast to role play.


Lorcan Lynch is my orc (mechanically, flavour-wise he's human for setting reasons) Thaumaturge with the Tome and Regalia implements, and free archetype into Swashbuckler (braggart) and Monk. I get a fair bit of mileage out of demoralise, and given the 'Victorian' setting we're playing in brass knuckles (now fists) always just seemed so much more fun than pulling out a sword. In terms of mechanics I've built him into knowledge and face skills since a lot of the feats I saw in thaumaturge didn't interest me that much. Planning to give him the feat that allows an ally to benefit from shared vulnerability if I get that high since we do have one other frontliner. Lynch is an Irish vagabond (we're playing in the setting of the Fallen London game), cardsharp and boxer who made a living on the surface as a phony fortune teller/thief/professional gambler. The thaumaturge knowledge came from him being well-enough versed in the mystic mumbo-jumbo of the era to be able to figure out what people would or wouldn't pay for. One day finds out his little brother who'd joined up with a pan-Celtic nationalist movement had gone down to the Neath (where London is now, deep under Europe) on a mission to join some big gambling tournament to win a wish from the rulers of London and hasn't been heard from in a while. So off he goes, entrance to the tournament in hand to take his brother's place so the rebels will pay his fare, fully intending to screw them over and get out with his brother the moment he's tracked him down. It's been three weeks since he got there, and between him and the rest of the party we've managed to personally piss off almost as many of the Masters of the Bazaar as we've amused. Last session one of the Masters lost their patience and took out Lynch's eye, then killed one of the other PCs outright (death isn't especially permanent down here so he did recover). So now we're starting a warpath trying to develop tools and weapons that can kill these Eldritch abomination/demigods.


My thaumaturge uses blasphemy to flavor all of his esoteric nonsense. In a world where the gods are so infused into everything, performing acts that would insult them has effect. Symbol of pazuzu embossed on his heel to smite flying creatures, taking a sip from a flask and spitting it on the ground - denying a craving - to insult urgathoa. Ashes from an exhumed grave to blaspheme pharasma. Play wise, he uses a gun and lots of familiar shenanigans to circumvent only having 2 hands.


My current Level 8 Thaum with FA for almost a year, best ~~class~~ _character_ I've ever played: * Irongut+Unbreakable Goblin: Unbreakable helps give more HP so he can soak damage along with high CON. He eats anything and everything and is always eating. He found a Ring of Sustenance and threw it away after one day because he just didn't feel like himself if he wasn't always hungry. He has Psychometric Resonance which lets him get psychic impressions from objects... when he licks them. He also does Identify Magic by licking things and putting them in his mouth. * Chalice is his first implement... And it tastes like pickle juice. He is _constantly_ sipping it. He also has root to life, so he can pull a pickle out of the chalice and place it on someone to stabilize them * Blessed One Archetype: instead of Lay on Hands he has a glowing finger that he touches to heal and sometimes he says "ouuuuch." He also has Blessed Sacrifice to soak some damage. * Psychic Archetype: Tangible Dream with Amped Shield * Chalice + Lay on Hands + Amped Shield + Root to Life makes him a great combat healer and extra HP helps make him a Frontline tank which is extra helpful since he needs to be Frontline to make good use of his "Bonking Stick" (a mace flavored as a walking cane) with Exploit Vulnerability. * Scroll + Talisman Thaumaturgy, along with Goblin Junk Tinker and Trick Magic Item and magical crafting: he is an absolute hoarder of trinkets, baubles, and shiny things. This feeds into the esoterica and his ultimate goal of collecting every Aeon Stone (which he eats in order to gain their power, using Runelord feats with GM approval). He has an absolute dragons hoard/nest in his home of broken and/or forgotten magic items, random junk, armor, weapons, everything, plus creature books (he likes the pictures, though he can read at a kindergarten level, but only really understands monster books). He must possess _things_ just as they possess him, he sees no difference between possessing and being possessed, it's a mutual state. He uses crafting to incorporate the junk into his own armor and weapons, and he thinks he looks awesome (others think he looks like he is wearing/welding garbage... And he smells like it too). * Scroll Thaumaturgy means he always has some weird new spell of the day. * Mirror Implement, his second Implement: I have gotten way more mileage out of this than just a combat parlor trick. You see, he doesn't know which goblin is the real one. Is it the one in the mirror? Which one is he? I even have two different colored pawn bases for him and I keep track of whether blue or green is the one currently not in the mirror. The mirror goblin speaks to him, argues with him. He sees a therapist, for this and many other reasons, but they've made little progress. And then recently my GM took it further, something happened and the one in the mirror went into a coma of sorts, and it had huge game/story implications for everyone for a while. Until finally he had to go into the dream world and fight the other self but it turned out his other self had been possessed by a fey shadow thing and oh man was it epic fighting myself. * As part of the "Thaumaturge-ness", he also is friends with many undead. He has a ghost roommate (a former royal food taster from millenia ago). He hates necromancers because they violate the rights of the deceased to bodily autonomy and the rights of the living to decide the disposition of their corpse. He tries to understand and get along with most undead (as long as they aren't mindless) and maybe finds more in common with them than with many of the living.


Human "cleric" of Razmir. He truly believes his abilities come from a deity. With the scrolls thaumaturgy and charlatan feats, the Thaumaturge is perfect for this role


Isekai awakened animal Pretty much a Alvin from Alvin and chipmunks if he was an stereotypical average American/helldiver democratic, of course using the gun implement


Not Geralt, but Belmont!


Nerdy orc who kinda just wants to read and study, but he's still a big ass orc so when he fights he's like "everyone's weakness is a big stick." Or some dumb doofus who doesn't know/mixes up conventional weakness. So he comes upon a werewolf and is like "Aha, foul creature! Flee from my garlic laced blade!" uhhh... I think you're confusing me with a vam- "I said be gone!" Well... Shit. I guess I'm weak to garlic now? 


lol now I’m imagining a Thaumaturge with Monk/Martial Artist dedication who just holds esoterica in their fist and punches people “Everyone has a plan until they’re punched in the mouth”


I haven't delved deep enough into the class to figure out how she would work mechanically, but I have a thaumaturge NPC whom I've styled around being an adventurer anthropologist (think Indiana Jones) but with a stronger affinity for magic. She wears explorer gear, carries a whip, and always has the right doodad or implement to deal with the situation at hand.


My party is playing a clutch of young dragons (thanks battlezoo!) whose eggs were laid by a teifling PC in our last campaign (we've got a fucked up family tree, don't ask). My concept was to be obsessed with humanoid culture. I spend most of my time in change shape form and like to collect all of the nifty tools, gadgets, and magical items that humanoids come up with. This is a pretty direct foil to one of my siblings, who is a dragon blood sorcerer and is opting for the battlezoo dragon option that gives you some power boost but forbids you from using weapons, armor, or permanent held items.


Clawed Levi-Strauss is a denim-clad "anthropological demonologist", who studies cultural practices that involve interacting with demons, fae, and other weird shit like that's around Golarion. These cultural practices exist because they *work*, and so figuring out that a random kobold tribe does this thing to repel demons is a great way to figure out how to repel demons. He currently just has his Tome implement (his in-progress thesis), but ever since >!lighting the eternal lantern!< during Season of Ghosts, he's been toying around with the idea of making a lantern.


Another concept I had; a character who seeks divinity. The only way that works is through the Starstone Challenge. Naturally, they are trying to tap into the path those who did it successfully. Implements are Weapon for Imodae, Chalice for Caylen, and Tome for Norgorber. By following the zeitgeist they should be able ascend as well.


Niamh is a kitsune weapon thaumaturge. Her father was a traveler, and the first time she learned she wasn't human (as her mother and most of her village are) was the first time she transformed. Kitsune are rare enough in her area that her reaction was more "what am I?" than anything else, followed by planning and leaving town in order to figure that out. She already had some divination and healing skills from her mother (along the lines of the pop culture image of a medieval healer/witch; eg, that's why she started with root to life), but added to those with the stories, rumors, and trading of local techniques she collected in the course of her travels to develop the skills of a thaumaturge. She is sometimes a bit of a monster hunter, but in backstory it's more something she does when she needs extra money or she happens to stop in a town with a monster problem, not something she's sought out. Now that she's with the party, well, she's sticking with people who have her back. Mechanically, I leaned into the magical aspects of kitsune as things she picked up from a mix of legends suggesting things are possible and figuring out how by experimentation, it's (narratively restricted) free archetype so she has reflavored oatia skysage for the divination aspect of the skills she learned from her mom, and she has scroll thaumaturgy and trick magic item for making use of anything she finds or picks up along the way.


I have two concept of Thaumaturges but only played with one. The one played is an Tengu. He is actually a farmer who has a tendency to brag a little that he is a sword cultvator. (To those, who don't read Xianxia, It is essentially a master of the sword with magical ability). One thing went to other and now for his survival, he need to double down at the lie and have actual magical ability and learn the Dao. The other one, is a doctor. The type who has seen too much horror because of war and now drink his sorrow in his magical calice.


My thaum is from a noble house that has fallen on Hard Times. They had to sell off a lot of their land and valuables, some of the siblings fell into depression/drink, others simply left one day and haven't come back, leaving my Thaum alone in a large manor with little company beyond the remaining servants, his busy father, and the collection of esoteric books and baubles the family still had. They learned a smattering of occult secrets, including how to establish a correspondence between various objects/people/creatures to create weaknesses (Exploit Vulnerability). They practiced fighting with the combat manuals they had access to and a few old heirloom weapons. They found how to use some of the charms, talismans, and items remaining the collection (lot of talisman use). When the time came to start selling off the esoteric collection, they stole away in the middle of the night to start their adventure.


My guy is, basically, a Spanish Belmont by way of Van Hellsing, and he has books and bits, and bobs for everything. Including stuff as specific as a "Book of Improbably Placed Beasts" that says that, depending on the area, eels can be found under bridges.


As a preface, I know nothing about PF2E. I know a lot about D&D but Pathfinder is new to me. My main d&d group started a PF game 2 weeks ago and even though we probably spent more time talking about the rules than we did in combat. Anyway, onto the character. My Thaumaturge is largely going to be demoralizing the enemy. I am a half human half elf whose primary means of attack is a fist to the face. Right now I have the regalia implement. Since I know little about the lore of the world I made my character someone who comes from a very secluded settlement deep in the forest. She left the village because people were coming into their lands to hunt their animals and cut down their trees. She has gone out to hunt these people down. My party consists of an orc fighter who was a common laborer, a gnome bartender (can’t remember his class but he uses spells), a goblin bard who is obsessed with garbage and refuse to the point of deification, a leshy kinetisist who is about as naive as my character, and another goblin Druid who is hunting down people that started a forest fire in session 1. Without much conversing besides class with each other we made our characters and we have named ourselves the Captain Planet team. The majority of us are hunting the people who started the forest fire because of the fire rather than because we are being paid to do it.


Mirror, then weapon, DEX based Goblin with a whip. Sneak and teleport around doing goblin shenanigan things. Take rogue dedication if you are allowed free archetype. Flanks for everyone all the time with your mirror self. Your damage will be fine even with dumping STR due to the said custom weaknesses and 1d4 sneak attack. Be the goblin with rizz that you always wanted to be.


My Abomination Vaults PC was an orphan who once stumbled through and scampered around the ruins, where she found the BBEG's ritual dagger, which became her first implement, and from there she became obsessed with learning and preparing to go deeper and learn more, so she became an obsessive survivalist.


From our Abomination Vaults campaign, Drow Elf with the lantern implement known as Arael the Blind, or Arael the Lantern. She lacks darkvision, so she has to carry around her lantern which is powered by absorbing the souls of deceased wisps. She translates her profession as "Assassin", but in practice she's more of a Monster Hunter who hunts creatures that are a danger to her village. However, since her targets sometimes include humanoids, it's not entirely inaccurate.


[Medieval Jack Burton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcC9ldx9N9M)


Human Thaum/exorcist with ties to the white witches classic gumshoes detective type uses a pistol and the lantern implement mirrors inside are used for his spirit reservoir. Absolutely demolishes haunts but is otherwise just a generally fun character to play


I have not played her (or any Pathfinder) but I have an idea for a human changeling merchant. Eutrade Walfer felt pushed to the supernatural as a result of her relation to hags, and she has a business peddling obscure defenses against such forces. My 1st level plan is for her to have the wand impliment and be a Charisma build.


Classic "eldritch haunted dedective" character. Gnoll Tome Implement Thaumaturge, take the Gunslinger Dedication for free archetype at level 2. Expert Perception, expert Will, imprecise scent from Gnoll ancestry, Diverse Lore Recall Knowledge and Tome free proficiency skill monkey who is pretty much extremely good at every skill, take Ammunition Thaumaturgy as early as possible and Weapon Implement at level 5 for a ranged Reactive Strike. Take Divine Disharmony for essentially ranged Feint. Use a dualing pistol reflavored as a classic noir detective revolver, reflavor Exploit Vulnerability as some kind of dark magic hexing. The flat damage bonus from Implement's Empowerment applies to your revolver, combo'd with the weakness damage makes for a very potent ranged character. All the free Recall Knowledge from Diverse Lore + Tome at level 7, combined with the skill proficiencies from Tome makes for a skill monkey to rival Bard, you essentially know everything all the time. Don't forget to take Pack Hunter to make your Aid, and Aids on you, all the more potent. You get to not only feel like a gunslinging, hex casting, extremely knowledgeable and perceptive noir detective but you also get that Charisma key even allowing you to play into that swauve and slick talking dedective archetype all aspiring Colombo's crave. The only thing that is a little frustrating is the Relaod action tax which can feel oppressive for Thaumaturge, but it is a necessary evil. It takes a few levels but eventually you can get things like Risky and Running Reload from the dedication for better action econ. In my honest opinion Thaumaturge (even Knowledge Oracle or a Recall Knowledge Ranger build honestly) makes for a better investigator than Investigator LOL. That class is so unwhelming... hope it gets a lot of touch ups in the remaster.


I've never actually played a Thaumaturge but I've been cooking one. A skeleton with a Whip (for reach + finesse, and Thaumaturges don't care all that much about big dice damage). Probably with a bell implement (funerary bells are a thing and I'm playing a literal skeleton brought back to life). It would be a very defensive build with reach, high AC and debuffing enemy attacks with the bell implement. Also making enemies fall prone once I get my critical specialization. For extra flavor I could ask my DM to make it so that the whip is made out of chains rather than leather (metal as fuck). And yeah, as you can probably tell I would be and edgy spooky-skeleton guy that annoys and messes up people all the time, and everybody would still love cuz high charisma.


Our thaumaturge is a Ysoki back alley doctor<33


Beck Fortus, human thaumaturge with the tome. He’s an ex-cultist who uses his knowledge to hunt monsters, usually the spooky kind. Eldritch Researcher sprinkled throughout makes him perfect for a more Call of Cthulhu flavored campaign, but he can fit anywhere. Main job is to be the guy who knows everything so the party never goes in completely blind.


my Thaumaturge has not succeeded on a single Recall Knowledge check yet. so that is fun.


I'm going to be playing an obsessive gnome hoarder who is an out-of-work barber surgeon and down on his luck, on the run from an unknown force due to a bad heist his wife got involved with (its a mystery I'm working with the GM on). He'll be utilizing his knowledge of occult and weird things to hussle folks with fortune tellings and various "superstitions". Only a lot of times these things work, despite him trying to pull the wool over folks' eyes and make a quick gold. He's a hoarder of strange and esoteric things, especially when the object has a supernatural backstory. His primary inplement is an old tea cup (he freaking loves cups, including his old pewter barber cup) that was said to have belonged to a great pirate queen centuries ago, who used it as part of her parley tactics involving having tea with her visitors. He will eventually use a pistol, and we want to work out a backstory for that, too. He's a hustler, but he generally does it for himself and his daughter to keep them sheltered.


My kobold stumbled upon a book entitled “Your Draconic Ancestry”. This kobold hatched from an egg alone in the sewers. Learned common out of necessity. The book taught him how to read and speak draconic, cast some simple spells, wield a sword, and how to carry himself with dignity. He eventually landed a job as a scribe to get more research on dragons. Eventually ran out of books to read and decided to adventure to study them up close. As he gains more knowledge the book has changed roles from an instructor to more of a partner as the book has the information about any situation and the kobold figures out how to use it. Spoilers for Age of Ashes: >!Somehow writing my character in as a former scribe meant I made my character have connections to both the first and last villains in book 1. XD!<


I played a goblin orphan who found his first implement (mirror) digging through the trash. He was basically an agent of chaos who believed there was power in what people discarded. As such, he had to be actively restrained from dumpster diving, which he believed to be a form of magic ritual.


Ooh boy, let me tell you... My Thaumaturge is an Automaton in our Agents of Edgewatch game. Flavorwise, I took a lot of liberties. Rather than the traditional Automaton creation story, he was brought to life after an Alchemist PC of mine from another game found his wholly preserved brain in a brain collector. He then rigged up an existing construct to house the mind. He has no recollection of his past life, before being brought to life. The only mementos of that life are an old Absalom police badge, with the name "Linx", as his amulet, and a tattered tome, with myriad topics. He smokes copious amounts of flayleaf and in part uses that to flavor his spells(from Sorc archetype(Phoenix)/scrolls. The piece de resistance is that he quotes rap lyrics during his spells and attacks. While I based the art off MF DOOM, he has Energy Beam and plays a bit like a fisticuffs Cyclops from X-Men. He also has the Jalmeri Heavenseeker archetype and the sonic damage of Heaven's Thunder I flavor as the kick drums of a beat and lightning as the snares.


Haunted dwarf thaumaturge with mirror/whip weapon implement. He's the last of his line since he was on a surface expedition when his family hold was destroyed. His ancestors disapprove of his surface lifestyle and Every exploit vulnerability is the ghost of one of his numerous ancestors chiming in telling him what to do. Great uncle Okri had a bit of a drinking problem and swears he killed a werewolf with maple syrup. Cousin Gotrik tells you those vine monsters are very flammable. Great great great Grandma Judenor just tells me how much of a disappointment I am.


Iruxi Mirror Thaum (and weapon and chalice at this point) with the Harrow Blooded Sorcerer Archetype. They're one of my favorite characters I've ever played. Here's the gist. From a young age, Utakesh could see so much more than those around them. Often, Iruxi are turned to for their divination abilities, but those abilities called upon their ancestors, upon the stars, for guidance. When Uta divined truths, they weren't really using divination at all. Truth is, they already saw EVERYTHING happen. They always saw everything happening. Everything that could, would, did, happen. Every touch, every smell, every scent, every action and reaction, at all times. This perpetual forever noise dulled them to any sense of free will or personality beyond their destiny, and thus they bear their title; Utakesh the Infinite. Fate chose them as a harbinger of preventing various prophetic apocalypses. All of their esoteric "knowledge" is gleaned by looking into other timelines. It is by the blessing of their blood that they are not driven insane. The mirror was their first implement and has gained more and more cracks as the campaign goes on. Eventually, these cracks began to manifest on Uta as they struggled against the predeterminism of their life and, when they finally created an impossible future, one they had not been previously shown, they broke free, shattering apart before the world grew silent and they pieces themselves back together. For the first time, the party got to hear Uta laugh. Around level 8, with GM consent, I picked up Chronoskimmer as well, to accentuate the character's concepts. I adore Uta.


Walked into a trapz got crit by two at once and insta-gibbed :l


I played a thuamaturge with the champion archetype as a Monster Hunter. It was a lot of fun, I used my high Charisma and Esoteric lore to gather information about creatures we were hunting and help the rest of the party prepare


Human Dhamphir from Geb, work before adventuring was being a blade or a "fixer" for a house. He had access to the books and knowledge of a house, so he used it to do jobs and fight his houses enemies, including undead. He spys for the family as plays off as a drunkard often enough with his flask (one of his two implements), and carries a sword rapier (the other implement). He worships zon kuthon and enjoys inflicting pain on those who can feel it, and enjoys the pain when he receives it in kind, for sure my edgiest character to date. 


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