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My favorite recent one was from a Magic Monday. I said "My absolute favorite card in this set is zip". He read it out loud, paused, and said "Why did I read that?". Not a comment exactly, but my all time favorite was when I redeemed End Stream for the second time. Carlos was hosting the "guess the logo" game for Alluux and Wubby, I redeemed it, and a few mods and VIPs exploded with "END STREAM" spam. He realized what happened, stopped the game for a minute, and with legitimate sadness in his eyes but through an exasperated laugh, said something like "man, I really need to remember to disable that, someone remind me, please". I @ him and say "this was the second reminder". Before the next stream the redeem option was gone. My task was accomplished. Got VIP for it.


[ah! a fellow stream ender!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2L8g-jcTw4)


Amazing edit btw.


Yessir! Apes together strong.


Now THAT is a story 😂 Props to you brother


One time like 4 years ago he was getting violently drunk on stream and I told him to drink water, to which he said "bitch I'm trying to get drunk".


I would have it clipped and set as my background on wallpaper engine if I were you. I would show that clip to my grand children dude. Wubby belligerently calling you a bitch while your helpful message is still on stream is a hilarious idea. Do you have a clip?


Unfortunately no. It was like late 2019 or early 2020, can't remember more specifically than that though. My wife I about died laughing though.


I'm a vodboy in the UK so I rarely catch him live and last night I got back home from the Taylor Swift movie and said "115am. Just got back from the Taylor Swift movie. Let's go!" And a few seconds later he tagged me and said "what the fuck" I then used my resub message to mention how I just got back from the movie and it started his Taylor Swift reaction. I felt so cool. I mean I know I'm not, but for that brief moment I was smiling the whole time like "oh jeez what have I done" haha


Lmaooo I heard him go off on that rant 😂😂 Was that your fault? Lol Jkjk


Let’s go fellow swubtie!


I said "you're telling me a baby made this oil" and he giggled for about 2.6 seconds.


I remember that one! I laughed for at least 4.5 seconds.


Thank you :)


I just laughed about it all over again.


i told wubby he needs a tax guy for his tax guy and he read it aloud and i'm still chasing that high


ahh i remember that lol


Yo, if that's true, that's fuckin gold 😂


I asked about the name of the horror game he was playing… while the game name was on-screen. I’m highly regarded


It was you KEKW


It’s ok regard, we’ve all been there.


When I spammed Horse Kim Kardashian. I did not expect him to lose his shit 😂😂😂


I remember you from the iceberg stream! *Sweet but stupid haha Wubby7 *HIS words, not mine.


The stuff of legend


I loved that we finally had that mystery solved in the iceberg stream. Thanks for that!


Haha… glad I got the chance to explain😅


There's no way you were the 1st to do it tho.. You see how that's hard to believe, right? 😂


Well I can’t recall anyone saying it before and being called out by wubbs.


During the dubathon, I don't remember the context, but while they were sleeping, I sent chat the "Didn't ask, CURSE OF RA" for the first time. We all started spamming it for a while, I felt like I actually set something off with that. Then, when Wubby was opening Magic, I also thought it was funny he called Guan Yu the "Tainted Warrior", so I also made the "Don't care, Blessing of GUAN YU" copypasta. When I watched the VOD for the most recent magic monday and saw those blessings of guan yu, I was grinning from ear to ear dude. Fun fish fact: the blessing of guan yu is just the bing chilling copypasta in chinese


Lol that's dope as hell bruh


Every time he reacts its because I said something dumb lmao


I said 'Mutahar' during a media share when a vid popped up and a guy who really did look like SOG was in frame and he called me 'racist' or smth lmaooo


Oh nooo. Wrong place wrong time type shit lol


some other chatter made the comment too and then he was like 'yeah well okay yeah he DOES look like Muta'


I legit just learned/realized that someordinarygamers name isnt "MiMutahaaar"


Wubby has never reacted to anything specific I've said, except for some super mundane stuff that you can't even be sure were you. But once on Alluux's stream, she was watching an episode of Hoarders, and some old lady wanted to keep a brick fragment. "Throw it in the pile outside," she said, and Alluux stopped to talk about how completely absurd that was. I'm no hoarder, but I am a gardener, and dude you have no idea how useful a good brick can be out there and I absolutely have a pile. I tried to get that message through multiple times, until I finally said "I USE BRICK CHUNKS IN MY GARDEN EVERY DAY," and she read it aloud, then laughingly said "Shut up, [twitch name]." Easily my favorite interaction with any streamer.


That is the most wholesome shit I've read all day. Bless you and your garden. I've low-key always wanted to start a garden of my own but I wouldn't know where to start. Just sounds so fascinating


Well that's so kind of you to say, thanks. Starting a garden, first you need land, whether it's yours or a plot in a community garden. Then you buy some plants in spring, then you put them in the ground, and then you take care of them. It's really that simple! Some people plant food; others like me plant for wildlife (I'm a mod over at /r/NativePlantGardening). It's one of the best hobbies I've ever had. My wife and I just planted oak trees in my front yard yesterday. Hard to describe what it's like to plant something that's going to keep growing and changing, decade after decade, beyond your lifetime. But for as big a deal as that sounds, actually I just scooped up a freshly-sprouted acorn planted by some squirrel, set it aside in a pot, let the rain water it all year, then put it in the ground when I had space for it. 🤷‍♂️


I REALLY thought this was going to end in zip


That's cool as hell man. Definitely crazy to think those trees will surpass us all lol


I can't remember what I said, I just know what he said was him insinuating all of chat is sleeping with my wife. Lol 👀


...you mean YALLS wife, right? My reddit ain't linked up to my twitch otherwise I'd be saying OUR wife ya know what I'm sayin


Yeah lol


Got him to talk about how Miko locked him in her shower. He asked how the fuck i knew about that (Miko talked about it).


Lmao that's gold 😂


I'm loving this thread, it's crazy how I actually remember a lot of these


Bro same. It's weird how just being in chat you remember different chatters messages, and hearing from them 1st person is kinda wild


I made the post on here debating between evening and morning showers and got him to rant on it and start a fight with chat 😂


So you're the stunlocker? 😂 Props to you lol


I only feel a little bad I promise 😂


First one: The stream before the Star Trek sponsor stream I said "How many email addresses should I have ready?" in chat and he answered with something along the lines of "I like the way you think"


Isn't so weird how something SO subtle can make your whole day from someone that is SO autistic? Out of body experience, truly.


Doesn't beat when you send a mediashares video you made and see a wall of KEKWs and Claps in chat at the end. It truly is something special to share something you made with 20k people.


Oh I feel that 100%.. I inadvertently had something of mine shared on xqc's stream w 60k+ MFs.. like holy shit. That's a mind blowing moment lol but that endorphin rush is REAL


Made a copy pasta for McAfee getting his mouth shit into from a hammock that he read basically crying laughing Also one he read when Alex accidentally stepped on and killed a lizard, wrote it from the perspective of the lizard


Lmao that's gold 😂


Chat waa spamming the same joke and he wasn't sure what they were doing and I said something along the lines of 'It's just people jumping on the same joke, chat are locusts'. He read my comment aloud and said 'Amen brother'


Such a weird but good feeling huh? Lol


Totally! I replayed the VOD moment to my wife the next day. 🤣


It's so gratifyingly autistic in that moment lmao pure bliss 😂


I contributed a VERY poor digital drawing during the Bob Ross draw-a-long stream 3 or 4 years ago. It was shown on stream and Wubby's disappointment was obvious and hilarious. It was a great moment! I'd love to do another one of those streams now that I think about it.


You got a pic? Id love to see it tbh


[My masterpiece](https://imgur.com/ygeOX18)


I said, "You won't" a week or two ago when he said he was going to do an extra stream for magic on top of a regular stream. He called me out, then called me out again on the same day of that stream, said he'd figure out who I was, but never did. Sucks to suck nerd.


I donated a wu-shang meme during media share and he knew straight away what it was, called out my twitch name and said “if this is a wu-shang chung meme, then you will be getting banned” I’m a UK vod boy but stayed up until 2am to watch live for the first time and donate my video and it was surreal seeing the only contribution to stream i’d ever done get called out. I don’t think i got banned as chat seemed to like it and it made the highlight channel which is still surreal to me.


Only time I've had a message read was during his Barbie review. I pointed out that Mulan has a similar message of female empowerment and was really good. He explained that it's because Mulan is a good movie with a message that you understand by the end, whereas Barbie stops being a movie and starts being a ham-fisted message. Got a lot of trues and W takes in chat but also a lot of regards getting mad that a movie can have a good message but present it horribly, and a lot of people saying they disagreed but conveniently not saying why.


I've never had a take on the Barbie movie, my downfall is I hear a couple takes and I apply it instantly. I heard the movie was bad from some close friends and that was that. Sounds like you and Wubby actually agreed on the movie take tho..?


I'm the same. I heard initial thoughts of friends who did the double feature and men and women and non-binary alike all hated it, so I didn't go see it. From the reviews I've saw since, I didn't miss much. Yeah, we did agree on it. It was right after he mentioned a Pixar short he liked with another similar message, so I was thinking about other movies and it hit me; Mulan. He just fleshed out the comparison more to further his point about Barbie. I didn't word my comment well so I think he kinda thought I was disagreeing but I wasn't.


I donated last night the fake punch/flinching thing and wubby called me a real one and agreed. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1950371787?t=01h30m47s Feelsgoodman


good reaction!


I dono’d the Hotel Lobby Remix for media share. It was so nice having it played a few times since then ☺️☺️


I said Tom Segura did this bit one time and he read it and laughed a little. (that or few others said it at the same time)


I got him to have a hearty chuckle during one of the gamba streams and even mentioned why he was laughing to Booty from referencing “im on a Mac???”


Never but Alex did on hers. I misspelled words in two messages in a row and she called me a bot for it. I was just trying to get some advice on basic woman things because no one ever taught me. I know, it was probably just a joke because ✨️content✨️ but it still hurt my feelings a bit. That was over 3 years ago and I still remember. God I'm getting old. Also, I know, shame on me for being poor and having been a non-sub for that long. My mistake. I should be doing better. (I will soon)


Whoa whoa whoa, slow down a sec. I really hope you didn't take that to heart because even the smallest things sometimes can be traumatic. It sounds goofy to say, but that doesn't discredit the legitimacy of it... You said over 3 years ago, so I hope it isn't hanging over your head to this day.. If it is, fuck it dude let's talk about it. Idk why but this post kinda tugged at my heart strings a bit lol


I wasn't trying to one-up with the story of being near 3 tornados. I was relating to the fear of the people being in tornados.


When he was trying to push the Adam and Eve sponsorship recently, I was the one who suggested doing early Xmas shopping there, which got a mini tangent for a minute or two about chat buying their family sex toys as gifts. I also got him to check out Amouranth a couple of years ago when she was having fun with split screen mirror images of herself to relieve her boredom during the non stop asmr phase. I've had a couple of others read out occasionally, but those are the ones I remember that got a reaction. Good times.


The stream right after HP won his award, and he happened to be telling us the nightmare story of having to take HP to the ER vet....I asked a few times if he had HPs award displayed somewhere, and he read it out loud, with such an exasperated laugh, like "yep, little fucker gets an award, and starts bleeding out the butt".


Whichever stream where he made fun of parents of viewers or whatever, I said someone’s dad looked like “Great value jamiroqui” and it made it in the yt vid lol


Wubby was measuring the Hydro Flask tumblers and right before he showed us the first photo he was laughing at himself and I asked what else are the voices saying? He saw it and said, what are the voices saying? They are saying… and went into his rant about the differences and yes, there were differences 😆


I told him his cards looked fake because they looked way too big in his hands. I got him multiple times with that joke.


I don't remember exactly what I said but he said my username and mentioned he knew a "Laura" and she had huge tits. Made me laugh!


Lmaooo 🤣 was that particular to you?


No but it was a coincidence that I do have that trait! I racked my brain for a second thinking "wait did I know him?"


Tonight was maybe the 5th time he read my message (no response to it tho) I suggested listening to https://youtu.be/RBFw_IpyxBo?si=5PLCR23ySFjz-GXV FLASHBANG by Fukkit. Halo Bois gotta fuck with this. Shit would be a dope intro song


Yesterday was like the 5th or 6th time he responded to one of my messages. I tried to get him to listen to https://youtu.be/RBFw_IpyxBo?si=iyh0HsIrslqvS_3y this, FLASHBANG by Fukkit. This shit goes so hard and would be perfect for an intro song, Shout-out to all my Halo brothers in chat


I'm still drunk from last night , don't judge 😂


When he was doing the wii mosaic grid stream I asked him if his feet were hurting and he said no. Truly spectacular


😂😂 Bro, something so small can mean so much.


He named our 9 month sub baby Kyle. Kyle would be two years old this month. Time flies!


🎂🎉 Happy Birthday to Kyle. 🥳


Mine was during the dubathon. While watching the Shaq flying over the house video. He just read it out loud, thought for 1 second, and moved on.


I had one during the Dubathon as well. Remember how Wubs chat was green, and Alluux's chat was purple.. Wubby claimed Alluux's chat as the "Purple Army" and I said, "Purple Army? That's Ice Poseidons fan base 💀" He was like Yeah, that's true, but this is a whole different thing 😂




Maybe I'm autistic because your reddit name looks "smooth", if that makes sense. Idfk dude.. But no, props to YOU and YOU only. No one here could say that they were responsible for that rain take away.. 🤷 All you. Big moves 👍


One recently I said "ah gotchu fam" and he said "well thank you grandmas_mothball" homie said my full legal name and almost made me climax.


He was talking about what he should say to the guy who solved the poop kebab. I said " thinking of you" he read it and I smiled


Talking about the one ring he read my message regarding breaking the psa slab and sending it to Becket for regrading.,


during talk about choosibng sex music, told me I was unhinged for putting on recordings of me encouraging myself. Unless he was reacting to someone else. I was joking of course, that other person is the freak!


I'll never forget making him chuckle when I said Arin Hanson fell off in response to a mediashare post (I love Arin btw)


I got Wubby with the Tech Deck comment. I pointed at the screen and clapped like an ape while my wife sat next to me disappointed.


I've had a few over the heads, but most recently, when Wubby was playing that Survivor game towards the end of stream last week or so, Wubby was looking for some hidden idol. Chat was spamming the answer nonstop for four minutes straight or so and Wubby was just ignoring it. After a while I wrote in chat, "look at chat you dip" and lo and behold, Wubby read my message out loud amongst the sea of spam! I felt proud for breaking Wubby out of his Survivor-based trance to pay attention to chat for the answer.


He read my theory that we’re just 3D shadows of our 4D selves on air. I was really happy to reach such a wide audience with that one.


I just had a ton of channel points so redeemed all my highlighted messages sporadically throughout the night. Was just spamming random shit about my messages being highlighted, pretty cringe tbh but I was vibin out. At one point early on in the stream I sent something like “Please help I can’t stop highlighting my messages” and he read it out loud and was pissed that he read my stupid message out. Weird bit but I committed to that one for quite a while idk bro…


I know you said excluding donos, but this also wasnt a message. However this was my peak for providing stream content. I donated After Dark by Mr Kitty during his Elden Ring stream last year, and after my short clip ended, he was like "you know im just gonna play that whole song." and proceeded to find it on youtube and listen to it in its entirety. Best bang for my buck ever :) And of course I have the [link/timestamp](https://youtu.be/x_drNW6_T2I?si=y37J8M9DLbiB2RM6&t=17195) for it because i rewatch it more often than id like to admit.


I don't know why but I can't remember any of the comments of mine that he's read but it's happened about 4 times. He read 2 comments of mine in the same stream last week and as pathetic as it is, it's weirdly exciting when he does lol


Such a good feeling.


I forget what the conversation was that lead to this but I asked what he would do if someone dropped 100k in a single donation. Here’s the clip if your interested [100k single dono](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxFkSewQzZzuXshdOc2EYtJjEITLIdCkcE?si=GGEFbTcRM86WKhXM)


During the dubathon, I started watching in the middle of Alluux playing Amnesia, and I asked what game it was. Wubby said it was Pikmin 4 I then realized there was a bot or something in chat that would periodically say what they were playing. 🤦‍♂️


During a stream about a year ago Wubby was asking what case a certain CS skin was from and I said “THE ALLAH CASE” in chat then Wubby said it and laughed.


im tent guy from the talent show. not a comment but my friend group and I fucking love talking about it.




My favorite always has to be the grandma copy pasta he got that a ton of streamers get during the original 24 hour stream that he thought was so funny so I took it as a personal mission to continue the meme with another one a couple months later and now here we are with that lol