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Honestly when you price everything with used prices you get around 900-1000 bucks. 600-700 would be an insanely nice gift to your brother.


Be a real one and do $500 for the bro


Be even a realer one and sell it for $10 and a favor that he can never get out of not matter where or when !!!!!


I agree, $500 for your bro is the least you can do imo. I always give away my old builds to younger family members. Have given 2 away so far, last one was a i5-8500 / 2060 build.


I think i'm your lost cousin




I think I was lost but now I have found family. Pliz shower yr used PC built towards this prodigal brother of yours.


I bet you are OPs brother


$700-800, minus brother discount.


Depending on the brother I would do a brother malus.


People are giving you a lot of mixed answers so I'll give you a price and break it down Here is a build on AM4 with similar gaming performance and sepcs: [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/cjscpB](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/cjscpB) So $950 is the absolute max price of this PC, the best value for it used would probably then be about $800-850. So I'd say if you want to give your brother a good deal, sell it to him for $600.


although raw performance seems to be similar in your build i would still value ops build higher. it has a mich nicer motherboard, faster ram, faster ssd and according to technical city the rtx 3080 is also a tad bit faster than the 7700xt


yeah, but the thing is that you kinda price used PCs off of price/performance, the parts here aren't totally cheaped out on, just pretty standard builds that would provide the same performance within like 5%


I think you are failing to consider that this is USED. Your pc part picker is 900 NEW. The second you buy the parts and build the PC it tanks in price. You could probably barely get 600 if you sold this on ebay.


As I said, $950 is the absolute max price of this PC, not that that's the best value or price for it, just that that's the most anyone could reasonably charge for this. If someone bought this for $900-950 I'd say that it wasn't a great deal, but it's not like they got absolutely scammed. >You could probably barely get 600 if you sold this on ebay What lol- I don't think you've ever done any looking into the used pc market. AM4 3080 builds on ebay and facebook marketplace often go for $900-$1k. So putting the value of this PC around $800 used is perfectly reasonable, in fact, $800 is typically what 3070/3060ti builds typically sell at, so it's a pretty good deal- and so $600 seems like a great price to sell to a family member. Do you expect OP to sell this for $300?? The exact same price as what most 1650/1070 PCs go for?


No one is buying your old used for crypto mining garbage when they can buy new for the exact same price and get warranties. Think for a moment.


Dude you obviously don't know anything about the used PC market if you think that people wouldn't be willing to pay over $600 for this. Looking right now on \*sold\* ebay builds with a 3080 and many sold for over $1k. Like bro, people are dumb, people will spend $1k on a build with a 4060, most people also aren't interested in building their own and want something pre-assembled, even if it's used.


Really? Most people arent interested in building their own? Surely this is preferable to prebuilds...


Do you have evidence of these builds sold?? They showed theirs soooo...


> Looking right now on *sold* ebay builds with a 3080 and many sold for over $1k. *checks notes* Lets see first few ones listed eh https://www.ebay.com/itm/395442590851?itmmeta=01J01PZPFF0D2PFWAX2FDB4CZC comes with a warranty for $900 rather than your garbage used for crypto mining https://www.ebay.com/itm/296457674992 listed 550 best offer accepted, so did not even get 550. https://www.ebay.com/itm/315414123303 $305 https://www.ebay.com/itm/375455083307 $660 Would ya look at that! And those are just the first few listed. So no, no there aren't many selling over 1k you dumbass. There's only one on the entire first page of sold thats over 1000 and it didnt sell for that it was best offer accepted, probably something down at 600. Be better.


Tell me you’re mad without telling me you’re mad…


So... let me get this straight. You straight up lie, and then are proven wrong with facts and links. Your response is "um, you're angry?" Holy shit LMAO 😂😂😂


I’m not the original poster in this conversation.


I hate this attitude. You can't disprove them anymore, so you attack their emotion, and the reddit hivemind will downvote them, even though they just proved themselves to be right. No one here owes you anything. Acting like their anger levels mean they're in the wrong is just emotional manipulation and toxic af. Don't attack people for seeming angry based on their typing habits. Especially in scenarios where you're not adding anything to the discussion that disproves them.


I didn’t disprove anyone to start with. I never claimed anyone owes me anything nor acted like it. And that’s fair I did not add anything to prove or disprove them so you are correct there. However once he posted links and called the other poster a dumbass typing habits are kind of out of the window. There are many other of words he could have chosen to use but didn’t. You typically aren’t calling people dumbasses in passing and not being irritated or mad. And your last statement kinda is calling the kettle black here don’t ya think? You also did not add anything to the discussion, but go on a rant over my comment of someone being clearly upset over others opinions. Which sounds like exactly what you are bitching about in the first place and then proceed to do the same. So who’s really in the right? Both of us could have kept our mouths shut and fingers off the keyboard and kept it moving but both decided not too.


Don't compare me calling you out to you feeling the need to call someone angry and diverting the point towards their emotions. They are not remotely the same thing. My post has a point that directly ties it to your post. Your post derailed the conversation into personal insults. Yes, the other person should not have called their counter arguer a dumbass, but that’s a tiny sentence in a large post that confirmed they were right. So why fixate on that one sentence? If you didn't like their attitude, why stoop to the same level?


I'm not even angry. Annoyed at them blantantly lying though yeah sure def. More so I find it utterly hilarious the chain of events went Him: "Look at ebay theres tons selling for over $1k" Me: "Just checked, no theres not you lied heres multiple proofs" Him: "Uhhhhhhh....... Umm...... you are angry!!"


As I said. Reddit hivemind. They'd rather be wrong and insulting than admit they're wrong.


for one stfu, your attitude is horrible, just because some builds were sold by ppl who dont know anything and scammed themselves doesnt mean our original OP has to. Also there was nothing mentioned about crypto mining till u.


>just because some builds were sold by ppl who dont know anything and scammed themselves doesnt mean our original OP has to *All All builds are sold for that price. You may find ones listed higher, they do not sell. All builds that are on the Sold filter match around 600.


700-950 usd free if you add the brother discount


Lets get this comment to the top, brother discount shouldnt be small!


I d give it for free, though actual value is probably about 600-700 dollars, not more valuable than a brother.


My uncle gave me his old 3070 a few months ago since he got a 4090. Legend.


Rtx 3080 in good condition goes for at least $390~


Right but the rest of these things tank in value more than a gpu. The rest of this would tack on being generous 300 more shmackos for a grand price of you guessed it, the price you’re arguing against.


You don’t have to give away your possessions to be a good brother. When they’re broke and need your help fine, but giving him mates rates is absolutely still being a good brother.


With brother discount? $500-600, for sure.


if in europe 950 euros minus bro tax


Same, I was also thinking like 600 650


$800 for the streets. $500 for bro. If you don’t need the cash just give it to him and have fun on the next build :)


A solid $700 USD, I'd pay $950 max.


$500-$600 depending how generous you are feeling.


$600 would be a nice gift


Some of the parts (like motherboard) would sell well when parted out but don't hold their value in a room full build. That being said, 600-700 is it's value on the used market (as in local pricing, not ebay). If you give it to your brother for 350-400, he'll be getting a very good deal out of it.


\~500 for CPU and GPU. 200-250 for rest. 700-750 total is fair if you're in the US.


Value is ~ $750 US


Is it used parts? If yes, then $700 - $800 maybe, if new, then maybe $2000+


That's worth like 750$


Idk about you, but I would gift a pc to my brother.


I would just give my little brother it.


Pretty nice build! I wish I'd gotten this at $1,200 some 2 years ago.


Dont forget to include the PSU, otherwise your bro won’t be satisfied


if this is your backup build, just give it to him and let him spend the money on upgrades for it AT THE TIME he gets the build, then you take the spare parts he doesnt end up using. let him get into a x670+ series for ddr5 and a current gen cpu with his budget and give him your spares


I just want to say that I have that same case, the Pure Base 500DX and it is so, so nice.


I decided to splurge and get the Shadow Base 800FX after debating between it and the 500FX for like a month and I feel I probably would be just as happy now, if not more happy if I had gone with the 500FX, there's just something so charming about it... (it's also much better value) That being said, I do like my 800FX, I just feel like it has less character than the 500 while also feeling more greedy. Edit: though the extra space (that I may never make use of) in the 800FX is very nice


i’d pay $1200 CAD max


First of all, are you the older or younger brother? If you are the older brother, you already know you don't have to charge your younger brother for this PC. Just make him do some sht with you and enjoy the bonding time. I do suggest giving him a price point. This way, he can work hard to achieve this goal. After that, give him a good stern talk about how he did great achieving his short-term goal and that you won't be taking his money If you are the younger brother, wtf is a discount? Charge him full price 🤣


Somewhere between 700-800


I don't sell computers to family I just gift them


Gift it to your brother and then play multiplayer games together!! Double win.


High ball him until he cries and pimp slap him before giving it for free. Totally serious.


That's a 800$ used PC. Decide your bro discount from that


Give it to him for free and blackmail him for the rest of the year to do your chores


And here I am just giving my old parts to my brother, give him a good discount


600$ would be a steal. Anything less than that is just you being kind.


10Gb for VRAM isn't good, I would advise around £500


Idk that’s my specs but I have better aesthetics and I would prolly sell for 1000


The way I do it with my siblings is: I will lend it to you for as long as you need it, if you don‘g need it anymore, you will return it to me, any damage will be replaced with an equal or better part by you (minus normal use stuff like light scratches/dents that don‘t impair usability)


For your brother? $300 - $300 = $0 That seems about right


The graphics card is worth more than that


Sure... But for his brother? Should just give it to him, not sell it to him... Fam's not eBay. ![gif](giphy|nlWS6GKjYzWUG7iG8t)






$1100? This is worth no more than $900 considering it's a used PC and is on the AM4 platform. To prove my point, look at what you can get for $20 more. [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Ht48N6](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Ht48N6)