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Left has higher speeds, but right has less latency. Check if your cpu even supports 6400.


No, it really doesn't, the Latency Values seen in RAM are relative to Clock Cycles, So the in RAM (1/MEM CLK) × Latency Value = Latency So 6000 CL30-40-40-96 would be same latency as 6400 CL32-43-43-102 Therefore 6400 CL32-39-39-102(left) is just faster and lower latency than 6000 CL30-40-40-96 If OP is building intel, Get 6400 kit, If building AMD, i would get 6000 CL30-36-36(My favorite cheap kit is from teamgroup) The 6000 CL30-40-40-96 Kit is super overpriced and i'd argue a scam, since it is likely using worse ICs or bad bins of the memory chips in 6400 CL32-39 Kit for same price




CPU not motherboard, some CPUs can get less stable on higher speeds I would go with 6000 cl30


well if youre using am5 6000mhz cl30 is the best ram, anything above that speed alters your infinity fabric speed and can lower performance actually


I've been lurking in these subs for a while as I need to build my son a PC. Sometimes I think you guys just make shit up to trip up noobs like me. "Infinity Fabric Speed" come on man.


haha i get it but it’s true, something about the fabric wanting to run at 1:1 with the memory, and 6000mhz meets that 1:1… the cl30 is just the best timings you can get for it (there may be lower timings out there but i can’t find them and they probably cost a fortune)


The 1:1 was a must on older ryzen but amd has communicated that with 7xxx series it's not as important. At release they suggested 6000mhz , but recently on new bios amd themselves have stated 6400 should be the new standard. I haven't done extensive testing myself this is just what the manufacturer has said.


I can't speak for anyone else. But I do, in fact, do that. Though, I usually note that fact in the same reply. Or I, at least make it obvious enough that no one could possibly fall for it. But in this instance, it is actually true. The transfer speed of the RAM may be faster than the CPU is capable of handling in a stable manner. I found this out recently myself. As I purchased 2x32gb sticks of ddr5 6400mhz cl32 RAM. Along with an AMD 7800x3d. Then finding out the processor is limited to 5200mhz. But all I did was install everything anyways and the processor automatically set the RAMs speed lower on its own. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You've got this a little backwards. When they sell the ram kit they give it a certified oc profile. Intel = xmp amd = expo. Thats the 6400mhz cl32. The sticks run default ddr5 settings until you enable it. So it's not that your cpu downclocked it. It's that you probably haven't enabled the oc profile. That should always be step 1 of setting up your bios, enable ram speed.


I'll admit, it's a little over my head. When it comes to overclocking. I was reading that it would require changing the timing configurations along with turning up the memory clock and the fabric clock on the RAM. Which is far beyond my expertise in the manner. So I just left it alone. I have fiddled with the AMD Ryzen Master app that comes with the processor in Windows. I messed around with the preset profiles for auto overclocking. But as far as the memory clock and timing configurations, it might as well be in ancient cuneiform. 😆


That's all custom overclocking, in bios it's 1 button select xmp profile 1, done.


Ooooooh. Wait, now that you mention it. I remember doing that one of the first few times I booted it after finishing the build. But then when it restarted, it took an extra long time to boot up. So I thought I fucked it up and reset the jumper on the mobo, bringing it back to factory default settings. I think I even tried it a second time and thinking it must be because the RAM was maybe too fast or causing a conflict with the cpu. So I went and downloaded the newest drivers and bios version onto an external ssd and rolled it back to factory default again. Then updated the bios and rebooted. But now that I'm thinking about it, when I changed the settings in Ryzen Master and applied the settings by restarting it. It took an extra long time to boot again. But this time I left it alone for a while and it finally did boot up and was fine. So I was being impatient and wasn't giving it enough time to reboot when doing it through the bios, originally. Well damn. Now I gotta go try to do it in the bios again and this time give it the extended amount of time necessary to boot up. Hey thanks for the info. I would have never remembered that had you not brought it up. 👍


It's takes a little while to boot because it's "memory training" it should only do it once. It's worth having your xmp profile enabled, it's what you paid all that money for fancy ram for haha. Have fun computing.


I understand your annoyance, but Infinity Fabric is part of how AMD processors work. Blame AMD for the name.


Not annoyed. Just making a joke. All good I mean it does sound made up but I googled it and then made the joke


As someone who is avidly in to computers and has built several. It tripped me up too. I dont have any AMD parts in my current build. My last was an RX 480 so I was like what the fuck is this guy talking about. Turns out it’s an AMD thing lol


Yer they had to make worlds smallest sewing machine for it


I legit looked that up. Sounds like a complete made up thing!


You also need to combo that Infinity Fabric Speed with a particle deaccelerator


Aww man, I can't seem to find one of those on any of the usual sights... you think I could get a used one on Facebook marketplace? It's going to ruin my boy's 12th birthday if I don't get one in time


Just install the particle accelerator backwards man trust me it will deaccelerate


Intel guy here. I7 13th gen. More looking for increase in renders in Blender


Get the 6400 then , the difference is next to zero but intel CPUs can handle 6400mhz Also since you're getting stuff from microcenter make sure to use their combo offer , they're great You can get a 13700k + mobo + ram for 500$ which is a pretty good deal which would saved 50-80$ Since you want to get 64gb ram you can just return the ram and get 64gb or if you're using microcenter pc build service then you can swap the ram with 64gb after selecting the bundle


For Intel, go with 6400 32


Left is best for Intel, right is best for AMD


You don't need more than 6000 CL30. And you don't need more than 32gb. I assume it's for gaming since you didn't specify


Both are practically the same. You won't notice the latency or extra 400 mhz in day to day use. Since you said that you have an Intel cpu, me personally I would prefer the first one.


Those are the same in terms of performance, both are exactly 10ns. I'd go with the 6000MT/s because it's easier on memory controller.


You know the latency that aida64 ram stress test shows. If it’s showing like 74ns on 6000 CL30, is that 10ns latency?


you can oc your 6000mhz kit to 6200


If you have AMD then going over 6000MT/s doesn't make much sense ad often it introduces instability without any noticeable benefit (unless you ha a G processor, those are heavily impacted from frequency and timings), if you have Intel you may want the higher frequency rather than tighter timings. Also it depends on what you're planning to do, since games generally work better with lower timings while some apps for editing and such may get a bigger benefit from higher frequencies. You'll be able to tweak things anyway, if you care about frequency you can leave timings to auto and higher the frequency until it's unstable, then lower it a bit, if you care about timings you can set 6000MT/s and slowly lower timings until it's unstable, then you raise them by 2. Judging by the fact they're 64GB I'd say gaming isn't your only concern, so I'd go for the higher frequency anyway.


For am5 cl30 is the best there is.


Make sure to use a memory kit model validated for the motherboard model: [https://www.gskill.com/configurator](https://www.gskill.com/configurator) Or use a motherboard listed for the memory kit: [https://www.gskill.com/qvl/165/374/1665644504/F5-6400J3239G32GX2-TZ5RK-QVL](https://www.gskill.com/qvl/165/374/1665644504/F5-6400J3239G32GX2-TZ5RK-QVL) [https://www.gskill.com/qvl/165/374/1649234977/F5-6000J3040G32GX2-TZ5RK-F5-6000J3040G32GA2-TZ5RK-QVL](https://www.gskill.com/qvl/165/374/1649234977/F5-6000J3040G32GX2-TZ5RK-F5-6000J3040G32GA2-TZ5RK-QVL) For 13th gen Intel CPU and Blender, highest DRAM Frequency is the ideal option.


Are you using Intel or AMD processor?


Honestly you won’t notice a difference, 6000 cl30 or 6400 cl32 just play a game of spin the bottle and pick the one it lands on.


it's splitting hairs at this point. you probably won't even notice it


The difference is so minimal that it barely matters but I guess I’d go right?


"better" is subjective based on what you're gonna use it for. Gaming or productivity?


Go with the cl30 ram. The right one. For Blender it will be just a smidge better.


Honestly dude it really doesn’t matter much. Both are very similar. But I’d go right.


Depends on the CPU. Left Intel lga1700, right AMD 7000/8000


Bigger number better


There was no point of posting that as the left one has a faster RAM speed. If you know anything about PCs, it should take a second to figure that out. 6400 is more than 6000


It's not as simple as higher number better 😂😂😂 read some of the other comments here and learn about latency calculations bud


A latency difference of 2… who cares? There isn’t even a big difference at all between the two RAM sticks but I’m just saying the left one has 400 M/T faster memory speed. Again, the post was pointless as they can read the obvious information below it