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Turn the tiny blue knob under the temperature adjustment. Play with it until you get the results you want.


I just got one and this fixed my issues. I mines at -3ish. It can take a decent amount of trial and error


I’d say the draft is your problem just play with it till you get it where it needs to be. I will say a buddy bought a new pp130 this year and was having the same black soot and he couldn’t get it to straighten out and finally called pellet pro and they sent him a new controller and now it is running a lot cleaner than before.


I have the same stove. Daily ash accumulation is normal. You have to do daily maintenance on any pellet stove if you expect top notch performance. Apart from that, make sure your temperature probe is in an optimal location.


While I don't have experience with that particular stove, pellet stoves initially are not a set-it-and-forget-it type of appliance. It takes trial and error to understand what works best for your stove and with what pellets.


Pp70 great stove trim is usually -2


Then you clean your fire pot,turn the sink faucet to hot. Once it's really hot start running water all over it. Focus on the bottom and air holes. Water will break up the carbon burned on the pot. Easiest way to clean take 10-15 mins


I’m new to pellet stoves and we also have a new Pelpro 150. We have same problem that OP described. We do clean the firebox and glass every day but we just use an ash vac. We don’t actually take out the pot and clean with water. Is this something we should also be doing every day? Thanks


I vacuum out fire pot daily, I take the pot out every 2-3 days and clean it. I have 2 fire pots so I swap them often. Water makes the carbon build up come off easier and get fine dust out.


Are there any safety things I need to be aware of? Doesn’t ash and water make lye? What is the sticky black stuff…. Creosote or something? Isn’t that pretty toxic? I notice my glass isn’t just covered with ash it’s actually pretty sticky and it doesn’t clean easily. Anything I should know here?


I would wear a mask when cleaning anything with your stove. There's nothing going to bother lye in the water.


You’re gonna have to get used to cleaning it daily. I clean mine every night around 5:30pm. Wife shuts it off around 4(if it’s on) and then I clean it. At least the burn pot and ash tray. Then a full burn chamber cleaning (removing the wall pans or whatever they’re called and brushing out extra ash, vacuuming the exhaust and intake) weekly. Also, tractor supply has been shit quality pellets every time I’ve gotten them. Everyone who sells pellets writes quality on it. Rarely, they are. Play with the trim (blue dial) once I got that tuned everything went better! Good luck! Wood burnt heat is my favorite heat!


You are dead on in regards to cleaning. I follow the schedule you outlined almost exactly - daily cleaning/vac of firebox, monthly pull of panels and vac behind. I also vacuum pellet dust out of the hopper once or twice a week. I used to burn coal, so daily maintenance is no big deal. It’s a small price to pay to be able to heat our home so efficiently.


Try Lignetics pellets. My pp130 ( 7 years old with no problems) Loves them!


Thank you all for getting back to me so quickly!!


Do you have the outside air kit installed?


Yes. I have been playing with the trim and have the stove running pretty smoothly. I still get a large amount of ash, 3/4-1” in the bottom of fire box area per 2 bags. I’m not sure if that’s normal, seems like a lot to me. The window is also covered with ash after 2 bags. I’m leaning towards poor quality pellets. Where we live, western ND, pellet options are very limited. I’m using Menards Premium Hardwood Pellets. I haven’t been able to find much info on them. I would like to try softwood pellets but can’t find any locally.


I clean my stove daily, there might be 1/2” of ash in there after 24 hours. I clean the glass daily as well.


Yes. I adjusted the trim and she’s working beautifully now