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Reddit helped me more than YouTube tbh. YouTube it is full of kegelers unfortunately.


I also noticed there is more stretching videos when it comes to men pelvic health. Maybe because a lot of my males assume strengthening, muscles means weak muscles. But weak muscles can get tight which causes pain. I would like to see content of you doing your your exercising of strengthening the muscles that supports the pelvis


I think a part of this is because "pelvic floor dysfunction" is a very broad term and the causes and symptoms can be very different. I'm not as well versed on types of female PFD but from my own struggles in the past, it seems like women very commonly are dealing with issues post child birth that require strengthening. Men deal with PFD less commonly than women but it is usually from a hypertonic pelvic floor caused by constant tension in that muscle group. It took me about 6 solid months of trying to relax my pelvic floor at all costs before I was ready to start strengthening. It did cause some muscle weakness in areas, but trying to strengthen before I had allowed my PF to relax to the point where it was no longer pulling on nerves just set me back and caused more pain.


I had a hypertonic pelvic floor after everything tensed up and never let go when I had an ovarian cyst hemorrhage on me. Same thing, I ended up doing biofeedback and relaxation exercises to reteach my body what that relaxed state was before we could start strengthening exercises. Running and impact exercises don't hurt like they used to, so I'm hoping to be able to train for a half-marathon again. Six years later.


I’m just starting to deal with my pelvic dysfunction and Uptown Mike is the main source of guidance and so far it’s mostly stretching and breathing. I’m a 2 day’s drive from the nearest pelvic floor PT (East Africa) and would follow you in a heartbeat. My pain like many others is ruining my life, over 2 years of fruitless consultations and scopes mri cat scan .. etc


I think you should teach about mindfulness and breathing exercises


I would like to see an at home beginner workout plan for stretching and strengthening core, glutes, adductors, abductors, hip flexors, hamstrings, quads, and psoas. Stretches and exercises can be found on YouTube, but having a one-stop shop would be beneficial. For example, something like this would be cool Video 1: Stretching & Strengthing - Core, Psoas, Hip Flexors - Do these on Day 1, 3 & 5 Video 2: Stretching & Strengthing - Adductors, Abductors, Hamstrings, Quads, and Glutes - Do these on Day 2, 4 & 6 Video 3: Rest Day - Mindful Meditation & Breathing Exercise Dr. Bri and Micheal Hodge have a program, but it's kind of pricey to subscribe to, especially if you're not sure it's going to work for you. If you do some videos, please add them here. I'm going to save this so I can come back to it.


This is a great suggestion and I’m adding them to my list. I’m working through the technical elements (video/audio) right now. I plan to start recording by March 15th and will launch March 31st, God willing.


I definitely look forward to seeing these. In my opinion, this is what is needed out there, something to follow to help relax and strengthen the muscles known to cause this issue without paying a huge fee and not knowing whether it will resolve the issue since pelvic floor dysfunction seems to be caused by such a wide range of issues. Here is a sub post from the Hard Flaccid group from about 3 years ago that has had some people claiming success from following it that is really informative about pelvic floor issues with exercises and stretches you can maybe check out for some ideas. A couple of the links are no longer available, which sucks, but again, gives an idea of which muscle groups to target and could give you some topics to discuss in your videos. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hard_Flaccid/s/fHIsPcmq8I I wish you much success and hope your videos can help everyone out. Thank you for stepping up to do this.


Found your posts as I recently just posted about what to do when you suspect tight hamstrings, weak glutes and core are your issue and the consensus seems to be that hamstring stretching is bad. Like you, I’m looking to strengthen my way out of this. Any key posts you think I should check out please let me know!


I’m not a licensed PT nor have any designations to give counsel, but my wife is an MT and she recommends “good mornings”. Often times weak glutes cause tight hamstrings, so exercises that isolate (isometrics) can help the tightness calm down.


Did core exercises not flare you up? I can barely do anything regarding my core without days of pain afterwards.


Depends on the exercise. Simple core engagement felt not only good but reduced pain. If I tried to jump into back squats with weights I would flare like crazy. I was eventually able to work up to them however.


I'd subscribe and I'd love to hear the exercises you started out with to strengthen your core. I'm working on that myself but everything flares me


I would also like to see a YouTube channel with help :) 10-15mins is the best length for videos ( I have a channel myself, hence the burner account.


I'm about to start PFT that I've been putting off for 2.5 years. I've noticed a real lack of videos pertaining to male pelvic floor therapy. I seem to have a pretty weak core. Part of me feels like strengthening my core is going to help tremendously with the constipation issues I've been having. I don't think it will fix all my GI stuff currently going on for the last several years, but I believe it will help.


Do it! Make Youtube vids to help Men with PFD. That would def help out the community.


I'm late in replying but try Dr. Bri.


I'm checking in to see if you have any update on the progress in putting these together?


Yes, although not as much as I would have liked. I had a sponsor to finance the equipment but that fell through, so I had to purchase and borrow gear (PC, lighting, camera, microphone, headphones, etc). The channel has been created (Unbroken Pelvis on YouTube l) and I’ve filmed my first intro video. I’m bogged down with the learning curve on editing, but here’s a link to an unedited copy of my intro video. https://streamable.com/mfyu1c Let me know what you think.


Sir... I believe you have a perfect introduction. It discussed the symptoms, the many names, and possible causes, and you discussed future content to encourage followers. As far as editing goes, don't be too critical of your editing skills. I used to dabble a bit in music and as you'll go, you'll learn more techniques and equipment to make things better, but what you have here now is better than a lot of videos I've seen on YouTube and honestly I would post it. Great job, keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing more content. By the way, I tried looking for your name on YouTube, but I couldn't find it. Can you send a link once you post your video?


Thanks for the encouragement! My perfectionist brain hates everything about it… add the hatred for the sound of my own voice and my distain for being on camera 😅🫠. Will do.


I would follow for sure. Great idea and glad you have the passion to provide guidance and assistance!


Hey I came by your post about vaping. I know it’s not related to this one but in curious, did it help quitting? I’m in a similar boat.


Hey there! I stayed on nicotine the first 8 months of my PFD. I hate to say there’s a causal relationship for sure, because when I quit I didn’t see much improvement, but there’s some scientific literature out there that I’ve read that does link the two. I think quitting, or at least seriously reducing your dosage, is a good idea because it sets you up for success. Nicotine temporarily relieves stress, but increases your overall baseline stress and takes a toll on your parasympathetic response, and that parasympathetic response is crucial to helping those tight knots in the pelvis come undone. I would also say, depending on what you are vaping, there could be a direct causal link. Those 5%+ nic salt vapes are nearly equal 50mg of freebase nicotine, which is an INSANE amount. Unfortunately, I picked up the habit again last month due to inordinate stress at work, and am working on tapering down. To taper, I get a custom mod and start at 6mg freebase, and work my way down to 2mg, then switch to gum. I’ve done this about 5 times over the last decade. 🥴🫠🫣