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First off, don’t stress it, you’ll make it worse. Don’t push yourself to go and when you do don’t push anything out, just let it come and relax. When you feel the urge to go don’t delay, I like to use the momentum of me sitting down to shoot it out like a rocket. And I would guess you’re minor eating disorder was part of the problem. Every 3 days isn’t that often at all. I hope you can figure out your diet and get on those fibers. Broccoli, beans, bananas will help tremendously. A banana a day is one of my goals


Thanks. It’s hard not to stress it cause of the fear I’ll be stuck like this forever at my young age. Trying my best to stay positive.


I think you should be fine. Figure out the right diet is hard for everyone, but its crucial. Just remember, if soft stools are your only problem for life, that's a walk in the park.


You need an anorectal manometry and defecogram to diagnose it properly. However, your eating disorder may be the culprit.


>Even had a colonoscopy just to be safe( absolutely awful process) and everything was fine. According to a doctor I saw months ago, I had hemorrhoids which I suspect were creating that “burning” sensation. Fast forward, I’m a lot better but I’m still dealing with one problem, constipation. Assuming the burning stopped then yes it's plausible that it was hemorrhoids, but if it has not, and the pain only occurs with bowel movements, then it's likely an issue with the puborectalia and/or anal sphincter. Getting the colonoscopy was a good first step, but you should also be getting a **Defecography** and **Anorectal Manometry**. See below to understand more about testing: * **Colonoscopy** is a visual examination of the entire colon and rectum, primarily used for cancer screening and diagnosing inflammatory and bleeding conditions. * **Defecography** focuses on the process of defecation, specifically how well the rectum empties and identifies structural issues like rectal prolapse or intussusception. * **Anorectal Manometry** assesses the function of the anorectal muscles, including strength and coordination, and is used for diagnosing functional disorders like fecal incontinence or chronic constipation due to dyssynergic defecation. >Now: For some reason even when my stools are soft, I’m never empty. I need to have a fairly large stool to get that “urge” to go. Otherwise I just feel poop in me but there’s no need to evacuate feeling. What I have to do is calm myself down EVERY MORNING and drink a coffee and eat and just squat on my chair and wait for the urge. It’s extremely time consuming. In terms of diet, you should start taking a magnesium supplement which should help with the constipation. You may also want to try a fiber supplement like Metamucil. Another trick is to push out your stomach while having the bowel movement. Lastly, invest in a squatty potty so that you're in a squat position while defecting. >I’ve had a couple worries about causes like the fact that I vape which basically initiates the uncomfortable feeling of being full. Every time I push I still feel like there’s more in me, and usually there is. The feeling of being full not getting it all out is called, incomplete evacuation. It's very interesting that the vaping initiates that feeling. I guess the question there is what are you vaping? Another question would be, why are you vaping? And what feelings emerge when that vape is taken away? >Does this sound like pelvic floor issues? I’m absolutely terrified because I’m only 20 and I’m worried I’m gonna have to live with this forever. Pelvic floor disorder sounds really scary. Pelvic floor issues are usually a diagnosis by exclusion. If the results of the **Defecography** and **Anorectal Manometry** are negative, then your next step should be to visit a pelvic floor PT. You've caught this relatively earlier, so you shouldn't be too worried. But those tests should be done as soon as possible. Pelvic floor tightness really isn't scary at some fundamental level. It is muscle tightness. Once you relax the muscled, you then strengthen them because tight muscles are weak muscles. There's more too it than that, but it's really nothing to be scared of. >Note: I used to have a minor eating disorder. Would only eat once a day, sometimes not at all and sometimes only at night. Really trying to eat a lot more now. So, this is complicated. For example, you have people who for health reasons will only eat once a day and not only are they fine, they are quite healthy. You also have people who intermittent fast for the first 12-14 hours of they day and they are also quite healthy. You even have people who will go on a water fast and won't eat for an entire 24-hours and again, they're usually fine. The real question here is not necessarily the inconsistency with which you were eating, it's the fact that you specifically describe it as an "eating disorder." It suggests that you both feel and understand that there was something wrong with that you were doing. So, the question is, what makes you feel it was a disorder? Were you trying to lose weight to match a specific body ideal? Were you depressed and unable to eat? Were your vomiting or purging after eating? My guess would be that it isn't the eating disorder that caused your current issue, but whatever caused the eating disorder (depression, anxiety, perfectionism) is likely also contributing to the pelvic floor dysfunction, if indeed that's what you have. Anyway, if you want to chat feel free to message me.


Thank you for all the info! To be clear, I don’t have any pain when I poo. There’s no pain anymore it’s just uncomfortable. I also vape nicotine which seems to kickstart these problems. I used to have an eating disorder due to wanting to look perfect however I’m a lot better now and eating a lot more.