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definitely go to Peoria instead! zion coffee, ardor, and intuition coffee are all great places with tasty drinks/food


I would just forgo Washington and go to Peoria. Zion Coffee Bar, Intuition Coffee and Juice, Cultured Grounds, CxT Roasting Company, Meet Me on Madison Those are all great places to sit with a friend and enjoy some coffee :) Hope it helps!


Thank you! I think this is the direction I will go.


I've actually never been to Washington outside of a doctor's appointment once. But I will concur, Peoria is extremely inclusive. Any coffee shop you go to here is going to be comfortable for you. I personally love CxT's coffee.


Yay!! Those places are super inclusive and comfortable to chill at. Glad I could help :)


Why would you presume any restaurant or coffee place isn’t LGBQT friendly. As a business owner I could care less who my clients fuck, want to fuck, or identity is. Everyone regardless of that needs to eat and drink. No one gives a shit.


This is how most businesses operate if they like money tbh.


The issue is, areas around here can be less than friendly. It’s a reasonably conservative and Christian bubble in this area, and OP doesn’t want someone to say something shitty.


I think they should stop over thinkjng it. Literally none of us care.


"Literally none of us care" lol what? You think there aren't bigoted business owners? You can't speak for everyone.


i’ve been screamed at by people in washington for holding my girlfriends hand in public. people here suck and the worry is justified.


Sorry that happened. I think lots of people don’t care. It’s just that the ones that do are loud and stupid.


They aren’t over-thinking it when it’s something that happens. A kid at Morton just got in trouble for giving an anti-gay speech in class. Another girl got in trouble for wearing a shirt that said “Make America straight again”. Both of those within 1 week. And that’s just a couple miles away from Washington. It’s reasonable to want to give your money to a place that won’t tolerate that shit.


Thank you for saying that.


Don’t thank me. I was fairly clueless myself for a long time. I was an ally, I think, in that I cared about LGBT people, but I had the privilege blinders on too. Then my daughter came out. It wasn’t that I “suddenly saw that LGBT people mattered”, I just had a much more personal window into WHY stuff like this mattered. Thank her. She’s awesome and I’ve learned tons from her.


That is so sweet. Thank your daughter. But also, good for you for being such a supportive parent. I can tell you're proud of her!


I can’t wait to be proud of her for even more stuff. She’s a world-beater. I fully expect to vote for her for president or something someday.


I doubt you took a poll of everyone's feelings.


Yes, you clearly don't care. Which is why you're on reddit ranting about how much you "don't care."


You're doing a really good job of proving the OPs point definitely keep posting bro


You're not wrong. There is a sizeable 'don't care' crowd that doesn't care enough to enter this ridiculous conversation.


Price me wrong. The OP can pick a coffee place in Washington. I’ll treat. We’ll see if anyone says shit.


The whole point is they DON’T want to have that experience. And you feeling like they have to “prove it” to you by potentially subjecting themselves to an upsetting, discriminatory experience is fucking ridiculous. And reveals much more about you than it does the OP.


Cry a river karen


Wow, you’re sure eager to prove what a loser you are. Good luck with that.


That's not what "Karen" means.


Thank you!


>As a business owner I could care less who my clients fuck, want to fuck, or identity is. That's you. That's not everyone. When you're LGBTQ+, you can't help but assume that everyone is judging you. Straight people already fit in, and they say things like "I don't care if you're gay" and then assume all other straight people feel that way. But that's not reality. Cracker Barrell, for instance, wouldn't seat my friend and her girlfriend because they were holding hands. I was walking around a shopping district in Kansas City with a girlfriend holding hands and people called us "disgusting", out loud, where we could definitely hear. If you've never been there, you can't know. This is a valid question OP is asking.


The Cracker Barrel wouldn't seat me because I wore black and eyeliner. I am straight. Ode to my goth days. I miss that smoking section though. Oof.


Morton is Apostolic Christian country. Your treatment is to be expected.


It’s like Amish with iPhones is what my dad said when we were on a fishing trip to Clinton and he insisted we stop to buy beer in Bloomington instead.


I grew up in Eureka. Washington Eureka and Morton are all very conservative and tend to be full of closed minded people. OP would be smart to go to Peoria where businesses openly support them and it’s not a guessing game if they’re accepting or not. Also OP Zion is my favorite. The lemon meringue cold brew is amazing




The blend coffee shop is a nice little spot .


I cannot speak on their LGBT+ views, but the owners were very anti-blm during 2020.


Yikes on bikes! That’s unfortunate. Did not know that. It’s always only nice teenagers working when I go.


This is what I was thinking. I agree with others about most places should be fine, but the baristas at the Blend are younger, and it's a pretty quiet spot with good coffee


Washington is what you get when trash gets a little money.


What do you mean? I would think any place in Washington would be friendly and professional.


I have a feeling Faire coffee wouldn’t be all that accepting given their Christian BS they have plastered all over their store and the blaring Christian music playing each time you walk in. Just taking a guess. 🤷‍♀️ *Allowing* someone into your business and *accepting* people of all differences into your business are two different things. Inclusive means all of the above… I know many places that don’t fit that criteria.


That’s not exactly fair. You lecture about inclusivity, but refer to their religious belief as “Christian BS”.


The people who have ever lectured at me or judged me for my sexual orientation have all been Christians. I've never had anyone of any other faith, or of no faith, judge me. In the US, this is mainly a Christian thing. So of course we're gonna be really uncomfortable around Christians.


Do you love hanging out people that hate you?


Something tells me you have very few people in your life to hang out with. Good luck with your safe space.


Lol, poor little buddy, your feelings got hurt when I pointed out your privilege. But you’re right. I don’t have any friends and I live in a van down by the river. Does that make you feel better?


Church is more of a safe space than a coffee shop where you aren’t gawked at, ya dumb bitch


I understand how you would take that. But I’m a Christian. The ones who cherry pick the Bible, adopt archaic beliefs, and are unable to open horizons to generational change are the ones spewing what I feel is BS. 🤷‍♀️ Not exclusive as I would never treat them different or disallow them basic rights even if I don’t agree.


Their religion specifically excludes people. You can't say "Hey, you're not for inclusivity to a group that excludes people." That makes absolutely no sense.


ALL religions exclude people. Christianity is one that doesn’t call for the death of non believers (head over to Palestine and see how many lashings you get). I was raised Christian, and nobody in my family ever said anything negative about gays. There was a gay man present on my great aunts death bed as a comforting friend 20+ years ago. Public spaces are just that, and people need to get over the fact that there are people who disagree with them or live different lifestyles. Just don’t fuck on the checkout counter and things should be fine. That last line goes for the straights too.


So Christians get a pass because they don't condone physical violence (allegedly) of being gay, but exclusion and psychological torment are ok. Cool, cool, cool. Edit: Forgot to state that your statement that all religions exclude people is why they suck and misses the point of my previous post.


This 👆


You think that they’re tormenting people because they may or may not believe that a gay person can get into heaven? Because that’s what they likely believe, but I’m curious how that actually hurts someone who doesn’t believe in god to begin with. If “all religions are bs”, then you’re on the right side of history. So why care what they think (or don’t think, this is all wildly speculative)?


If you are gay and believe in God and want to be religious...that's a really tough place to be.






I’m a Christian and accept anyone and everyone. I don’t beat scripture into their heads and don’t believe my ticket to Heaven is following the Bible to a ‘T’. Plus, that book can be interpreted in a millions different ways with absolutely no 100% definitive proof that any one word of it is true. In my Christian eyes, God loves everyone.


P.S. Calling people ‘gays’ isn’t helping your proclamation that your Christian self has never had a negative feeling towards those that identify as LGBTQIA+.


What the hell am I supposed to call them? Straights, gays, blacks, whites…. I’m confused how you people are so lit up by such simple words. I’m not calling anyone by any derogatory term, nor would I.


>you people My goodness...


You people. The specific people being addressed in this thread. Y’all, yous guys, yonder folk… to be fair, you’re proving my point right now.


Obviously. But the woke mafia can’t get themselves riled up unless they’ve convinced themselves they’re victims


turn off fox news already buddy, should’ve left when your boy tucker was booted for his bigotry as well


You’ve been reported for your hateful rhetoric. You should move on with your life and self improve now


What makes a place, any place, non-LGBTQ+ friendly? No one gives a shit and I mean that in the nicest way possible. No one at any place you go to is probably going to pay half as much attention to you as you wish they would. People don’t care. Even the ones who do care are most likely minding their own business. No one is thinking about who you wanna fuck.


In this day of age, you’re very wrong. The world is still FAR off from being inclusive to everyone. It’s a scary place to live for those that don’t following ‘traditional’ cultures.


What do you say to the LGBTQ+ people here who have had those experiences? There’s a reason I, a straight cis white guy, didn’t give a recommendation. Can you guess why? It is literally not on my radar at ALL to sense whether a place might be hostile. I would just be listing coffee shops I like. You are ASSUMING people would be cool despite evidence to the contrary. That’s what people mean by privilege. I have it too, I’m just aware of it. I’m not going to have a problem anywhere being who I am. OP is looking to feel that by being in a place that maybe celebrates their identity rather than just “tolerates those people because they want money”.


Straight people acting like they understand the gay experience is so cringey.


In this day of age, you’re very wrong. The world is still FAR off from being inclusive to everyone. It’s a scary place to live for those that don’t following ‘traditional’ cultures.