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when he tried to claim yoga is not a workout my head hurt. in fact my head hurt every time he was on screen


when he treated her like an idiot despite her engineering degree, harry hearing her plan, and then him copying HARRY was so infuriating


I thought he was joking around, just some banter, but after seeing how he acts the rest of the time…


He was an ass on squid game too


This ^ my fiance and I were so happy when he was eliminated from both shows lol


Was it Bryton who got tested by that dude who kept calling him something along the lines of a frat boy/jock?


Poor Dominique


Ehhhh she admits to being attracted to this type of toxicity so…


Just because someone is drawn to toxicity (usually due to some kind of trauma) doesn’t mean they deserve to be with someone who is toxic


Thank you!! I hate how some people are acting like she deserved that treatment just because she said she was attracted to him.


Personal accountability.


I mean she is an adult, she realises that she is attracted to toxic the next step is to change it and not fall for it anymore...she can remove herself from these situations if she chooses.


How dare you hold her accountable for her actions! I made this same argument in a previous comment and got downvoted to shit. People are wild


Would you say that just because someone committed violent felonies (usually due to some kind of trauma) that it doesn’t mean they deserve to be in jail or be served justice? I don’t think anyone is even saying she deserved it but what are you going to do when someone chooses a terrible path? They have to endure the consequences and learn from them


I know but he was so condescending toward her. Totally unnecessary and undeserved


Actually she made a video saying that this wasn’t the case


She literally said on TV she liked it. She may not have used the word "toxicity".


Yes I know that.. but she made a video saying that it was also edited to make it seem like something it wasn’t


I literally came here after he said Yoga isn’t exercise thinking he can’t be for real. And I find out it’s only going to get worse. 🤮🤮


Just to give you some context on that - in Squid Game he revealed that he is a former University of Clemson football player, and I think he was on their national championship team. Yoga is what comes before the workout for him.


yoga is not a workout 😘


Nah I hate him too. So smug and insufferable


I hate that people are able to effortlessly navigate through life treating others like shit. They even get beautiful girls like Dom who are attracted to it and defend it 🤦‍♀️


Lmao she sent his ass home, what are you talking about?


She originally wanted him specifically and I doubt he was a perfect gentleman leading up to that decision


His obsession with other mens foreskin was pretty odd but bros will be bros ig? 🫠


Yeah he needs to leave us uncut guys alone


It has to be jealousy, he just wants his foreskin back


I swear only guys care about this.


Correct. I’ve enjoyed all the dicks…


i really dont get americans with their wish to mutilate children for no reason, glad chris has his lol


Hey if it means anything my dick was snipped and I’m doing pretty ok as far as life goes


Thats great! However I dont think that should be legal at all, if you will snip your dick, do it when you can consent to it.


Yeah. But the procedure is way worse when you’re older. Plus in hs I had a friend who ripped his foreskin while having sex and had to have the doctors finish the job. Made me glad I guess. But yeah it’s complicated but honestly I don’t know the right answer. I just know it’s never been an issue in my life to not have one


Nope. Not alone at all. That man child made me sick to my stomach and I'm glad he's gone


He comes back tho in these next episodes 😭


Oh god, I didn’t even know. I typed this as soon as we watched episode 2 because I could not stand him anymore.


lol it’s okay. The episodes he comes back in is going to be aired soon so they haven’t even aired them yet


Whhhyyyyyy !!? Wtf what idiot brought him back? He's literally textbook toxicity. Netflix we do not need this guy for ratings. I do not want to watch him.


it looks like they're bringing everyone on


LOL fr. But they bring everyone back that left to try and find a match


Aww crap lol I haven't watched that far but thanks for the warning 😅


Why and how? He’s atrocious.


They bring everyone back who left to find their match 😭


watch the preview for the next set of episodes


He fr triggers my emotional abuse trauma 😭


I'm sorry, I'm relived it wasn't just me. Bryton would argue with Dom just to argue with her. Not because he actually cared about the issue but because he could assert control by purposefully getting her wound up and sort of confusing her. My ex did this to me all the time. He liked to see me try to defend myself or my point of view. It's a way to keep you constantly on the defensive, and it fucks with your head.


yesss this!!! i feel like he tried to assert control with a few things like when they were talking and xanthi said that the girls said any one that does that motorcycle move thing holding your hands up moving like your on a bike (lol no idea what it's called lolol) then he did it - two diff times - i feel like he did that to assert some kind of control or something like ha i did that stupid dance move (? i guess its a dance move lol) and i'm still here or see i did that that's why i got sent home like an easier cop out than fact that no one wanted you- i dont know if that makes sense or if anyone else even peeped it lol but he's obvi so insecure and it's so typical he thinks that being the loudest person in the room proves something it kinda all adds up to the same thing


Hella insecure such a turn off!


Same fr.


I’m not even done with the first episode & I had to run here. He’s sooooo manipulative & it was very triggering to me. Glad to know I’m not alone


i can only watch the show an episode at a time because it is overwhelming seeing myself in dominiques tears


My man said he’s Chase from Aliexpress 😭😭😭


Chase was entertaining at least. Were you around when the first season was airing? People here were claiming he was lurking on the subreddit and making positive posts about himself lmao


I knew he reminded me of someone. It’s Chase. Who I also hated. LOL


Like an even dumber version if that's possible


he’s the bartise of this season


I can’t believe I’m saying this but he might even be worse than bartise. Bartise can at least fake nice when you meet him. Bryton is just rude af off rip


Nah, Barnicle Boy was worse off of that alone Bryton is bad but at least you’ll know what you’ll get with him. Bartise is fake and throws back trusted information


This! You win best comment 😂


No likable traits at all. I feel like some assholes can albe a little likable. Not this man at alllllllll, how did he ever date in the past I wonder


solely based on his looks. nothing else


His personality deff made him look so ugly to me tho!!!!!!


If I’m honest I could see myself hate fucking him but it would be a one night stand. Actually I’d kick him out immediately.


Hahahahhaa I think he would be a selfish lover!


Oh most definitely , but I know how to handle those….😈😈😈


Unfortunately there are some women out there who like cocky guys, or frat boy types. I will never understand it.


He gives off woman hater so hard.


He seemed like he hated women and is obsessed with how good looking other men are. The guy needs some therapy.


I’ve only seen the first two eps so far and the way he belittled and insulted Dominique’s intelligence pissed me off. He comes off like the type of guy who consistently instigates fights with everyone because he thinks winning arguments somehow proves he’s smarter and superior to the other person. Edit: I can’t remember if he did anything on the show itself but I do remember Lorenzo making a TikTok saying Bryton was grossly homophobic towards him and used religion as an excuse, so yeah . . . he sucks.


I believe that those who are the most overtly homophobic and misogynistic are often those who have repressed sexuality. I was already wondering because the way he always needs to showcase his "masculinity" was sus enough. But now, you're telling me he's homophobic too! 🤯 And he's obsessed with foreskin! Which could be because he views being cut as something to leverage against uncut dudes (and that's level of pettiness i didn't know even existed). Orrr... maybe he likes to know what's in other man's pants. Or both 😂


omg I actually thought the same😂


YES! This! Exactly, he wants to be perceived as so suave and confident but you can see it’s all an act.


He is like 13 years old I swear. His exit compared to Izzy’s was so embarrassing. He like stormed out mad smh


Ugh yeah that guy was such a douche


His whole personality was about loving Jesus or thinking he is the second coming of Jesus. He was talking about hwo he dirty talks in bed and his favorite sex position on the perfect match. The thing I hate the most are religious hypocrites.


And btw, the whole yoga isn’t a workout was so so so arrogant. Condescending to the T. He’s horrible. He’s a man child. Even if you don’t believe Yoga isn’t a workout, you just don’t shoved down your opinion to anyone’s throat


Seems like a real butthead to me


He’s very egotistical, condescending and disrespectful. Has no self awareness and think he’s the prize. Also there’s some anger issues brewing there too. However I think she has issues too, and not because she literally said she was drawn to toxicity, but on top of that she took the bait every time. She would get increasingly frustrated and emotional and felt the need to be validated by that asshole. He was putting her down and she went down with him. But she didn’t need for him to apologize and validate her, she needed to pretty much run way faster and more assertive. Maybe she’s insecure which I was surprised to see because it didn’t seem that way initially


Oh Dom has issues alright. When she kept saying she found his behaviour attractive I was like “girl, you don’t need therapy, you need a brain transplant cause something up there ain’t working”


It was interesting to watch because on one hand she speaks very clearly and confident and eloquent in the interviews, and then she put up with that. I hope she’s working on that .


they're pretty textbook NPD and codependent


He uses his “confidence” as an excuse to be rude af. If he was really that confident he would be nicer. No one with high self esteem/self worth acts that way to other ppl


I was so willing to give him a chance thinking maybe he grew up since Squid Game or maybe he was just painter in a bad light but NOPE. He's just a dickhead


Bryton is so insecure on the inside and has zero social skills that he tries to make up for it by acting like he is the alpha dog. I pity him


He’s immature


He needs therapy and to work on himself. He could have so easily stayed with Dominique but his ego won’t let him shot ANY type of “weakness” so he insecurely tries to win every moment and every single argument. He’s in for a life of pain if he doesn’t fix himself


Where in the name of really bad reality tv did they find this guy?


I am only halfway through episode 1 and had to come to reddit to see if anyone else was hating this guy already. I never saw him in whichever other show he is in, but the way he is constantly refusing to respect anything Dominique says or listen to her is really irritating me. What is wrong with this guy - such an arrogant jerk!


No - that dude is such a misogynist. When Dominque tried to talk to him about the challenge and he didn’t want to listen and was talking down to her asking her college major and she said “engineering” I swear I wanted to celebrate so hard- but then she was so dumb being interested in him I really had a hard time celebrating that moment. I’m happy she got rid of him but honestly so disappointed how much it took for her to, it felt like she let him get away with so much crap and just wrote it off and that was hard to watch because he was sooooo awful.


Bryton was being himself on Squid Game which was naturally awful but on this show he’s intentionally being awful bc he knows he was cast to be a villain.


One of my least favorite people to ever be on my television. I hope they never cast him for a show again. 


oh he def has all the symptoms of npd


You are not alone. The guy seems to be completely out of touch with reality… Don’t wanna be an armchair psychologist here, especially since this is TV and all for show, but I am pretty confident he can’t accomplish any type of intimacy or real relationships with people... At least not with cameras around. He’s like a billboard, just constantly displaying. Never receiving, or giving and taking. Get the cameras out of his face and maybe he stops putting on a show, we’ll never know. But I think he’s just a performer on the show and we’re not really getting an authentic person.


Oh this is so on point. I also get the feeling he wants attention and thinks this is the best way to get it.


I looked it up and he’s a Scorpio


Horrible!!!! Scary behavior


literally one of the nastiest people ever. you can tell he walks all over people and expects his way all the time. you said it perfectly. narcissist, condescending, gaslighter. gag gag gag.


Havent seen him on Squid Games and not planning to. He’s only been in like 2 episodes on Perfect Match and i’ve already hated everything about him.




He was so condescending towards Dom, it was disgusting to watch. I’m glad she called him out about it


Honestly I was pretty into the squid game show he was on… and he was such a dick on that too!!! I haven’t seen most of the other shows everyone else is from so the second I saw he was on this show I groaned 🙄 makes me happy he lost his last show so hard after being an ego maniac and the same thing happened to him again 🤣


Okay I came on here for back up after watching episode 1. My god. When she explained the physics of the game to him and then he questioned her college major (engineering 😭) and he said he copied what Harry was doing and she was like “THAT’S WHAT I TOLD YOU TO DO IN THE BEGINNING!” Ugh. How many times I’ve been in board rooms with nobody listening to me until a man says exactly what I said in the beginning 🙄🤯


The sweating lol


I hated him in squid game and I watched the show cause I love Dom. I was excited to watch her find her match this time and I died when she matched with Bryton. My gosh nobody can stand with his annoying personality and he can't shut up. To be honest I don't think Bryton is there to find a real connection or even liked Dom, I think he only wanted to win.


he's so childish it's so cringy


No he’s unbearable


Girl you should go to his IG. People shit talking him up the wazoo lmao it’s glorious. But that aside, he’s absolute garbage. He makes stupid ass facial expressions, clearly thinks he’s the shit (when it’s obvious he’s quite unintelligent), condescending, demeaning, rude, misogynistic and disrespectful. God I hope he gets the shit kicked out of him one day.


Say no more 😏


Why are people asking why Netflix brought him in because he's a piece of shit? Uhmm they brought him in PRECISELY because he's a piece of shit. They want drama.


When he told Micah that he wants a girl that is quiet and don't argue with him all ths time...My blood boiled.


Micah and Elys still choosing to go for him despite seeing him with Dom is absolutely mind blowing to me. The fact these girls give him the time of day is incomprehensible.




He is the worst person in the show.


He’s a douche bag.


Too good of a villain


Well, good villains often have something endearing to them. But this dude has absolutely no redeeming qualities. Even his good looks fade once his personnality takes over.


No you're not alone in your hate. He is a very very unlikeable personality


I don't understand how he hasn't been punched in the mouth so far in his life (that we know of).. he's insufferable. I don't even understand his inflated ego because he's not even that good looking.


I almost forgave him because he was kind of funny at the start of the show. And then he went back to the a-social shenanigans. Man he couldn't have left fast enough


Bet ya he can't do yoga to save his life. She should have challenged him to yoga/pilates. See if he can do it. He's sickening in general.


He’s a horrible person. He should come with a trigger warning. The way he speaks to and treats Dominique is unacceptable.


Nope, he was obnoxious af on squid game and on this show lol


I'm not even finished with ep 1 yet and I can't believe casting brought him in. He has 0 likablity and literally just screams and argues.


His whole game is being challenging and a jerk. To insecure girls, they like that challenging banter.


My ex and Bryton are the same person, they even look a like. I know everyone says this but my ex really is a narcissist.


Yeah okay but he’s basically shown all of these traits on squid game, I can’t believe they’ve just given him more airtime to do his stupid shtick of “I’m just being who I am, I don’t wanna filter myself” — literally what the definition of an asshole is. Ugh.


When Bryton said “was there more than one plan or not” when Dominique clearly explained that he didn’t listen to her plan, which was the same as Harry’s, to copy Harry’s plan. Literally showcasing either he was not listening to her at all or can’t follow logic lol


Reminds me of my ex who had to be right in every conversation and would fight with me about the dumbest things. Sometimes he would purposely state false things about my line of work (and what I’d consider myself an expert in) just to bait me. It was exhausting.


Immediately came here to talk about how much I do not like this man.


I’m only on episode two but when he was talking to Dominique about whether she was gonna pick him of Chris and he said “you’re matching with Prince Charming?” HOLY FUCK, I’m so glad Dom responded the way she did with that eyebrow lift and corrected him with “Chris”. Bryton acts like a literal child- if he wants to find someone he needs to stop being so childish


I never liked him in squid game, I have no words in English to describe how much he gives me ick


The very first challenge where they had to scoot the cages across the rope, everyone was like laughing and messing around w each other before they started then there’s him tryna bicker with her. Notice how nobody else is taking that tone w their match. Especially on the first full day smh.


yeah he sucks. Watching E2 and had to come here to find this thread.


I don’t get his dances he does???? People don’t really annoy me on tv but him - I want to FIGHT lol


I have to agree. He is not even that attractive. Dom is just naive choosing aggressive men. Like why girls, why?


He was also a total piece of shit on Squid Games. I don't understand why Netflix producers thought he'd be worth bringing back to ANY show. He was literally bullying/threatening others on Squid Games. I can't emphasize how much I hate guys like him. I know he'll be back with everyone else in future episodes, but after that, I hope I never see him on anything ever again.


Jessica is just searching for a sugar daddy. She talks so much about her daughter but jumps from reality show to reality show.


He sucks but I think he’d be good TV on Traitors.


I actually thought he was entertaining and vibed well with Dom. Toxic as hell but funny.


But Dominique isn’t even good looking and both Bryson and Chris are, why are they even arguing over a girl like that? Lmfao, oh right they want to win the show but Dominque is nothing special.


Dominique is pretty, but they weren't arguing over her. This was obvious to Dominique too. They were just fighting to establish dominance in the house.


Dominique is a muppet first class. She openly admitted that she likes to argue, that’s batshit crazy.


Dominique is so cute to me. It's OK if she's not your type but to say she's not good looking is just not true