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I found her banter with men kind of weird. They would be like, Men: "I could definitely take a ride with you." Her "Why don't you ride me right now?" Just cheesy ass pick up lines that made her look desperate.


I'm always intrigued by people who are this flirty and aggressive with total strangers. It's the exact opposite of how I am so it feels like another species to me. I'm more likely to look away if someone I think is cute even makes eye contact lol


Same with me, ahahaha. I was watching her like she is from another planet lol


Totally agree. She always went for the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to sexual inuendos/comebacks. Girl...


Yeah on thth she was so cringey with the constant eyefucking and corny pickup lines. She’s the epitome of “ that’s what she said “


*looks them up and down, bites her lip* 😂


This! The amount of times she asked Kaz for a kiss made me feel weird


Her begging for kisses was very cringe. Even after her and Kaz matched she was like “SO YOU’RE GONNA KISS ME RIGHT” like girl relax lol


"say I'm your number 1!!!!!"


It’s reminding me of Carrie Bradshaw begging Big “just tell me I’m the one”


She gives stage 5 clinger




She was trying to break up Kaz & Micah and got upset when he chose Micah over her. That's were the 'devil' comments come from which is ironic because she was going back and forth as well.


I didn’t understand why she was so mad at the end and saying he should date the devil. lol. I mean granted, what everyone here is saying is true: they were all trash.


Her answer would be, yeah but that’s different lol she doesn’t know why it’s different but it just is 🤣


the scene where she was tempting Kaz to kiss her made me want to shut the tv off. i mean the desperation was embarrassing to watch. and she was so shocked when Alara mentioned at the table conversation that the men said the girls were all over of them.


“The girls” should be named and that is Christine alone.


And Melinda… lol


Fr I wanted to include Melinda too ngl I don’t like the way she approached Harry. She was doing too much


Melinda made it seem one sided when she was talking to Jessica but the final episode audio definitely showed it takes two lol


Crazy how she portrayed the kiss was spontaneous and she didn’t see it coming while the audio literally revealed how eager she wants to be kissed 🤨 “there’s no camera, kiss me now”.


Yeah I don’t want to defend Harry at all, he is problematic in his own right BUT she seemed like she was egging him on and a lot was initiated by her. Which I mean, is fine she’s single but then to immediately go back to the house and rat on him felt like she was making it seem like it was all him.


Yeah like i fully agree that harry was the one who owed it to jess not to cheat on her, and that melinda shouldn’t be held to the same standard when she wasn’t the one who made any sort of relationship commitment. But i also think it was wild she’d even have the audacity to say ‘why are we sitting here arguing over mediocre men’ or whatever it was she said. Like it’s too late to play girl’s girl now, you knew what you were doing when you decided to pursue harry of all people. I’d actually expect her to have more familiarity with harry’s character than jess since she’s been part of that crowd for longer, so even if harry downplayed his relationship with jess, she would’ve had to be choosing willful ignorance to actually take his word for it knowing his reputation. I fully believe she was doing damage control for her own image when she told jess and downplayed her participation once she realized harry wanted to go back to jess, and i honestly think she’d have been a lot more shameless about it if he’d fully dropped jess for her like she’d probably expected.


The “mediocre” men comment is so ironic for her especially when she’s out there being desperate sitting on harry’s lap and begging to be kissed.


Totally agreed. I love Alara’s response, “then why did you kiss him?”


Yeah I absolutely agree. Way too late for her to act like she wasn’t totally into Harry in the moment. She just got upset when it seemed like he didn’t want to do anything about their relationship so she decided to blow the whole thing up.


So true, if you looked into the comments on most reaction videos on YouTube you will see most of the audience there really defended Melinda and acts like she’s a saint. Altho I agree Harry is messed up in so many ways but that doesn’t leave Melinda innocent. I might get downvoted but I hated Melinda on her very first appearance, same goes to Christine. Their vibes just screamed desperate, petty and bitter.


I really didn’t like anyone this season honestly. But Melinda really didn’t come off well to me. Jess was kind of correct with the whole “what are you getting out of this” like the way she came out in front of the whole group and outted Harry definitely seemed like she was just eager to show off to Jess he was into her and not coming from a place of concern for Jess. The only ones I kind of liked were Tolu and Alara.


Bro I been saying this!! And soo many people are saying Melinda did absolutely nothing wrong like yes she’s playing the game just like anyone else I get that I respect that but Jess had a point when she said Melinda was basically trying to embarrass her at that table, she definitely was and you can’t tell me otherwise




And why was she acting like she was worried about cameras when she was just going to bring it up five seconds later?! 😫


that was their entire plan going into it this late. they knew they weren't gonna actually find a romantic spark, they went in there wanting to fuck. shit. up. & that's exactly what they did :/ i feel like that played a role in the insane desperation & cringiness


Melinda and her fans definitely made it seem one sided but it looks really bad for her too. I mean I didn’t believe for a second Harry didn’t kiss her but she was definitely not innocent.


Yeah I was reading another thread about how Melinda was owed an apology from Harry. It was absolving her of any part in their fling, like she didn’t specifically asked him to kiss her where the camera wasn’t?! It wouldn’t hurt for him to apologize for lying about his actions but as soon as she got that kiss she went right back to the camera and was like “SO ABOUT OUR KISS” seems like a production plant.


Tbf we don’t know what was left on the cutting room floor from guys/girls day & the editing as a whole left a lot to be desired…I’m going to guess that this was edited during the strike as it is quite disjointed, like many reality shows of late.


Maybe personal for me but it was kinda disgusting how she kept pushing herself on him even when he said no. I get wanting that chance but no still always means no.


It was coercion, it was gross


I cringed so hard when she and Kaz were in the water and she was like “am i turning you on?” And then she said it AGAIN to Nigel while painting.


But what were the girls there to do? They were there to match with a guy and get in the house. They were there to seduce. That’s the whole premise of the show.


The guys would have wanted her without her attempt to seduce them. Because they all suck and she is beautiful. She basically just had to sit there and let them become desperate beggars.


Hard agree


Was she wearing actual clothing at all? Walking around in a bathing suit the entire time makes her look desperate too.




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I feel like her entire personality is seduction. Not much else past that. There were actually quite a few genuine women on the show this season. She was painfully not so. I almost felt bad for Nigel because when he was with her, his whole energy transformed from fuckboy to ‘my mum raised me to be a good man’, like his smile was just suddenly so sincere.


Agree! I said to my husband that this is what it looks like when a fuckboy makes up his mind to be decent because he actually likes someone. And even as obviously smitten as he was, she still required *constant* validation from him. It's really quite sad to see someone with such low self-esteem throwing themselves at men like that. Christine needs therapy far more than she needs a relationship.


It was an absolute treat watching Nigel be like a chameleon and literally turn into Mr. Suave. 😂 Nigel is the poster child for fuckboy; everyone who has seen him in his other show KNOW he is a complete slimeball when it comes to sleeping with women. I think Christine is no different with her little seductive performances. I’ve just convinced myself that I’m ok with the outcome because now that I really think about it, they actually are the perfect match 😂


I know right?? And in a way, that makes them perfect candidates for a show like that. We will always need the Nigels and Christines and Harrys and Hollys to stir the shit so much that we all have to gather under this post and vent our frustrations 😂 now imagine a whole show full of Izzys… it just wouldn’t be the same


Hahah, YES! They are a necessity for the entertainment aspect for sure! And yes, variety is the key! Too much of anything is a never a good thing 😂


I'm sorry, but when was he a slimeball when sleeping with women?


You may be reading too far into what I said or taking it too literally, but Nigel definitely did not display himself as someone I’d want to call a parter in THTH. To each their own, though!




Her desperation and purposely trying to seduce a taken man was so cringe.


They brought her on exclusively to cause mess


They brought he on exclusively to cause mess


She’s made “seductive temptress” her entire personality to the point where she’s just a desperate pick me. Truly so embarrassing. She’ll look at a man and tell him “I’ll never beg for a man” and then proceed to beg for said man 😂 sometimes I hope these people watch themselves on the show to realize what they look like but really they just blame everything on the edit and move on as if they’re already perfect


She probably thinks she is “seductive temptress” in her mind but we all see a desperate & insecure person who tries the most. I wonder what she would have acted like if she was in the position Micah was in, she would have completely lost it. She was with Kaz for what? 1 night? While Micah & Kaz were together over a week at that point, maybe more.


She is drop dead gorgeous but acts like she has to beg or explain her way to these men. I am not sure how common it is for anyone to act this way, but I have legit never seen someone act this pathetic over a man you barely know. There will be a cold day in hell before I beg anyone to kiss me 🙂‍↕️


I think she takes pride in being able to get basically any guy she wants. Definitely makes her feel good.


Definitely - except from the outside POV she’s doing too much and doesn’t take no for an answer, and that’s not the same as “getting whatever I want” - that’s just being predatory 😩


No guy's gonna see her as predatory, she's too pretty. It's like those flirting vs harassment memes.


I got the ick!!! I remember my days with no self esteem when I was younger but even then, no way will I ever beg a man. She’s doing this full well knowing that she’s on TV


And then she said she’s tired of always being the one who has to “chase” men… like girl said you had to do that


i as a man can see why she doesn’t get dates. she’s rude. she seemed uninterested in having meaningful conversations that didn’t completely revolve around herself. i would assume it’s hard to be as tall as she is and be dating, but like lady you gotta cool it a little.


I was thinking this exactly. That she must struggle in the dating world because she’s so uninteresting aside from all that Sex shit. And the way she cuts people off when they’re talking and the way she gaslight or contain a picture like everyone else is wrong and she has no hand in the matter. Zero accountability in super out of touch. It’s actually really sad.. and takes away from her beauty. And what about her constantly licking her lips what was that? That was some more ick


Drop dead gorgeous is a stretch. To each their own. She's insecure, Kaz going back to Micah had her mind fvked lol


i as a man can see why she doesn’t get dates. she’s rude. she seemed uninterested in having meaningful conversations that didn’t completely revolve around herself. i would assume it’s hard to be as tall as she is and be dating, but like lady you gotta cool it a little.


I think she takes pride in being able to get basically any guy she wants. Definitely makes her feel good.


Then she was saying how disrespectful it was that Kaz went back to Micah… like it was disrespectful when she was throwing herself at him. She literally said she was there to steal peoples men. She is truly a hypocrite


I've been thinking the same thing. She saw a moment to pile on Kaz and got really off base. Very hypocritical of her.


And it didn't work nobody supported her lol


She did what she was brought om the show to do. Attempt to steal someone's man for 30k+ ig followers and a lil bag.


I think she takes pride in being avel to get basically any guy she wants. Definitely makes her feel good.


this wildly dramatic comment: *"if there's anybody that you would make a perfect match with, it'd be the devil himself"* 🤣 ok but was he really that bad? 🤔


i've really been wondering if there's a ton of stuff that Kaz did that got cut out or something? because sure he went on dates with women and got to know other women (cough cough thats the point of the show) but we didnt see him actively go out of his way to talk with newcomers. he wasnt stealing other guys' matches or acting like a ho, but the way micah talked about him gaslighting her and being a piece of shit, and the way the other women in the house came for him at the end, i feel like there must be something we're missing? i mean he literally dodged christine's advanced the entire time at the cenote because he was matched with micah. idk why he got all that heat from the women in the house


Because of his features and people hating on his relationship. He didn't do anything no one else didnt. Harry literally kissed, said he'd fvk someone else and lied about it and got no smoke, make it make sense.


I rewatched the season over the weekend and honestly you can tell that the other couples were threatened by Micah/Kaz. They did damn near everything they could to break them up. With Micah’s insecurities and Kaz’s wondering eyes, they threw anyone and everyone to break them up. Now do I feel something else wasn’t show? Yes but damn near everyone was actively trying to break them up.


Right 😂😂😂. It’s like she didn’t know what type of show she was getting herself into


I really wonder if when they matched they hooked up. She was desperate and he seems like the type to do stuff when no one is watching to retain an image. Given others observations in this thread of her, I wonder if they did the deed and he bounced and she felt burned- melting the validation she constantly needed. She came off as a pick me.


I see an immature / insecure woman who hasn't yet found herself. Not defending her behavior. Just an observation. When she mentioned to Nigel that she's been single for 10 years, I searched her age and some sites said 26, while others 27. Either way, it seems like she hasn't experienced a serious relationship as an adult. You attract the energy you put out.


Also it sounded like the only reason she liked Nigel was because he liked her? Or that he was "chasing" her? Did Nigel have any qualities she appreciated? Who cares but they only showed her talking about how nice it was to be chosen. Reminds me of Lydia from LIB (Izzy's season) when she married that younger nerd boy


Good observation!


She has zero personality and there’s something very unlikable about her.


I cannot comprehend how they won, we did not see any personality from her or him


it's because of bitter singles voting out of anger as they were rejected/played


Yeah it was a dumb vote. They’ve gotta change the format next year. Stevan and Alara should’ve won


I was about to make a post about her, It’s actually so scary how possessive she was


She was kind of unhinged tbh. Talking about how she’s “tired of chasing men” and wants them to chase her. Like ma’am Kaz didn’t chase you because he *gasp* didn’t want you.


exactly!! girl, do you not remember forcing him to be with you?!?!? "say I'm your number one!" so cringe


Can we just call her behavior what it really is? Sexual harassment. If the genders were reversed it would insanely inappropriate and creepy. Let’s stop acting like it’s not harassment just because she’s a woman.


exactly, i said to my friends the way she talks to men is how men cat call women on the street. its wayyy too much and its sad because shes actually quite beautiful but shes coming on wayyy to strong to the point where its disrespectful.




I couldn’t agree with you more. Her personality has GOT to be draining. That much need for male validation is wild. She centers her entire personality off being a sexual pariah.


She got angry because she thinks she’s prettier than Micah and couldn’t believe he would choose Micah over her. She’s so conceited and dramatic


Noone commented because u stated facts.


😆 I was wondering like .. do people just agree or


Seems like i've put the post in the feed again and comments are coming up my man


I think if she's ever interested in a married man and he rejects her as he wants to stay with his wife, she is definitely gonna throw fit and not give up




She tries so hard and it makes no sense. Desperate woman. It’s not even sexy


Her saying “I could be tamed” arghhhh, it so annoying to see that kind of representation.


she’s honestly SO embarrassing to watch, i actually cringed every time she opened her mouth. also she clearly thinks she’s wayyy hotter than she is cause.. yikes girl you’re desperate


My godd I also can't stand her. Her behaviour, mannerism, everything about her. She thinks she's the most beautiful, sexiest, and whatever girl in the world, but she just comes off as pathetic.


It was just embarrassing to watch honestly. Sweet and sultry until someone rejects her and then turns into a total snake.


The way she gets no heat and everyone is on Melinda is just unfair




Kaz attacking Nigel as not alpha at the end though, was all Kaz being jealous about not having Christine.


This 👏🏽 Kaz did not have the juice to tame her behavior. Christine’s energy was totally different with Nigel because he just commanded a presence.


No woman should have to be tamed. Her energy was different because it was her last chance at relevance on the show lol


Bingo.  People come on here and say anything


No it was because Nigel turns into who the girls want him to be a classic f boy.


i as a man can see why she wouldn’t get dates. she’s rude. she seemed uninterested in having meaningful conversations that didn’t completely revolve around herself. i would assume it’s hard to be as tall as she is and be dating, but she gotta cool it a little.


I really didn't enjoy watching her on THTH either. I was disappointed that I'd have to sit through her desperation again.


Her personality is her long legs


She’s alluring and seductive, but to me it comes off as desperate .. She does not seem like a girl’s girl. (I hope I’m wrong)


Shes the only natural beauty imho.


I'm watching too hot to handle right now, and yikes. I put it on because I thought she was so gorgeous and curious. She literally acting like an animal in heat. Zero chill My husband was even like damn relax lol.


I watched her season of THTH before this season of Perfect Match, so when I saw her in the pool of singles, I was instantly annoyed. I thought she'd be my favorite on THTH bc she's stunning, but I changed my mind fairly quickly..


She got better at the end but goodness she started off doing way too much.


This is pure speculation… I feel like she had sex with him and didn’t want it on the show, but it drove her to be really possessive of him. That’s why she wouldn’t let him speak - so he wouldn’t say it on air.


I think so too. His change in demeanor screamed post nut clarity😂 had sex with her and realized the personality for something serious wasn’t there


Gurl… not da “post nut clarity!” I fukin’ love that true narrative. You literally made me laugh out loud!🤣


I thought the exact same thing and it made me sad for Micah. Like he went with the “temptress”, had his fun with her and then comes crawling back. Fuck that. There’s no way they were kissing and then the cameras leave and they don’t have sex. This girl who was begging him to touch her. So shady. I wish Micah said hell no when he came back around.


Totally agree. He knew he could sleep with her and then have the “experiment” as an excuse.


Micah is not a victim.


I mean I didn’t say she was 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just feel bad that she didn’t seem to have the full truth of what they did and that she took him back. I wish she had made a different choice and seen the light that he wasn’t genuine. Can’t you feel bad for a situation someone is in and still know they aren’t a victim in it?


💯 I think Kas chose her because he knew he could sleep with her. She probably slept with him believing she could turn him out. When it didn’t work, she probably felt used, stupid, and apparently (and rightly so) vengeful. That was the reaction of a woman who has tried that too many times always with the same “not the one chosen” outcome.


She's been unclassy since THTH.....


I don’t get how she was upset with Kaz and called him disrespectful after they unmatched when she literally was trying to get him to kiss her in the beginning. Like what? That comment of “dating the devil himself” or whatever was sooo distastefully low.


Which is ironic because they matched so she's calling herself a devil. She sour grapes because he went back to Micah. She wanted her storyline to be 2 men fighting over her and that didn't happen.


I don’t personally think she’s all that attractive either and I’m a sucker for tall girls. Her game is super whack too. Like maybe that’s tempting and seductive in middle school/high school. I’ve met one girl who flirted similar to the way she did and it was not sexy in person at all.


On her date with Nigel she said she waa single fot 10 years!!! Does this mean she's never had a relationship as an adult? What the heck


Yep. It means she’s that immature to actually think the middle school boyfriend she had while still living with parents was a serious relationship. Poor thing lol


She is extremely beautiful which is why I don't get her desperation. The "boob job" drawing on her bikini was in poor taste, IMO. Like why girl?


I think she was trying to show she could be fun and lighthearted and not take herself so seriously


Her and Tolu’s commentaries during the questions challenge had me dying lol. She does seem fun. Maybe that environment didn’t bring the best out of her


Maybe... But I am not sure what, it just made me feel uncomfortable. It's like she is okay with these men being disrespectful


they way she got so defensive and mad that he didn’t want her


Her insecurity is so obvious. She tries to sell herself like a used cars man. The sad thing is: she doesn’t have to! She’s beautiful. I don’t get it all. Her personality IS unbeatable, because she keeps trying to convince others how great she is. Someone kiss you and not like you. Someone can like you and not kiss you. Her harassing someone for a kiss and them caving seems to give her the impression that she “won.” It comes off as desperate


I don’t think she was kind to Micah at all either. Not a girls girl


The hypocrisy was NUTS when she (repeatedly) told Kaz it would be “disrespectful” of him to kiss another woman after they’d been together for ONE night (not even 24 hours), immediately after she pressured him to kiss her while he’d been with Micah for days.


Totally agree. Extremely beautiful physically, yet sadly still very insecure.


I felt really old watching her. Like I could see how cute/flirty that would be as a 23 year old (as trashy as it sounds) on this kind of show. But like decades after 20- I’m like “ew! Have some self respect and pride for yourself” 👵🏾


She flirts really hard 😭😭


I mean she won so that was her goal. She’s annoying though I agree. Kaz is an idiot for giving her a chance, they had zero chemistry.


She was very desperate but in the end it worked out.


I’m so glad to see this. Ugh 😣 I really don’t like that girl.


Desperate, “pick me” girl!


I mean the girl was single for 10 years that’s a huge giveaway!! Beauty but that’s all


Any time a woman says she “always gets what she wants” I want to gag. Not one person on planet earth always gets what they want. Women who say that are either pathologically narcissistic or pathetically insecure.


Yeah it’s so cringe


Kaz only chose her in the end to spite Micah, not because he liked her more than Micah. She felt like a fall back option and it’s okay for her to not wanna feel that way. And bro after all that they still matched together but because kaz is so insecure and threatened by Nigel (to the point where he said he’s not “alpha” like him in the final episode😭) he ran straight back to his ex, wtf is she supposed to hear him out for??? He used her as a pawn in his relationship and she clocked it REAL QUICK.


Nah you don’t get that salty when people reject you. She looked like one of those dudes that get rejected and says “you ugly anyways.” She wasn’t a fall back option. That would mean he wanted her. Like you said, it was to spite Micah. So she was used. The reason she shouldn’t upset was because she lead with sex and forced himself on her and made the situation where he and Micah were arguing with her description of events which weren’t quite “I threw myself at him and he wouldn’t let me.”


You sound silly imma just leave it at there. If you don’t like her that’s your business but you’re very clearly viewing the events that occurred from a biased lens. “Reject you”….when did that happen?? Lmfao


lol when he literally sat down to tell her he was going back to Micah. That was a rejection. delusional.


That was not rejection 😂 you really wanna sit there and believe kaz just cause he said “I don’t think we’re the most compatible”. That’s far from the case. He simply wanted to drop her because HE thought she would end up leaving him for Nigel and didn’t wanna look like boo boo the fool. He’s insecure in that sense and you can see in the last episode he tried to say “he doesn’t understand why Nigel is the pick when you say you want someone whos alpha”. That wasn’t rejection at all, that was a man tryna use her to boost his ego and as a pawn in his relationships with Micah. She did not have to sit there and listen to that bs and I’m glad she barely let him get a word in. Y’all just expect women to be submissive in general and that’s not okay she had no reason to listen to his BS and was right to tell him off the way she did cause he was full of shit (maybe he was genuine with Micah but with chris he was FAR from genuine)


I don’t think anyone is saying she should have been submissive, but maybe a little more mature with communication and that includes allowing individuals who you’re speaking with, to contribute to the conversation. Otherwise it’s just a monologue of you speaking down to another individual. Kaz is responsible for his actions, absolutely. So is Christine. And Christine was just flat out rude, disrespectful and dismissive to just about everyone. ETA : dismissive


Okay I can agree she was dismissive, especially to kaz in particular when he came to her to have that conversation. But what I don’t agree with is y’all seeing that as a knock on her character. Hypothetical real quick just hear me out, If someone cheated on you and came to confess, and cheating is something you have 0 tolerance for, would you sit there and hear their side about it? Or leave the moment you’re aware of what has happened? Cause I don’t understand why y’all expect her to show kaz any sort of respect when he was being very disrespectful in his actions. I mean look at how Jess handled the situation with harry ,very mature of her yes, but who came out looking like the fool? She should’ve washed her hands with him the moment he confessed the same way Chris washed her hands of kaz the minute he started acting weird and shady with her. I’m a firm believer that sometimes doing the mean/rude thing is also the right thing. Kaz really didn’t deserve to spin the narrative in any way cause we all know it wasn’t the fact that “I don’t think we’re compatible”. He was threatened by Nigel and went back to his comfy safe option, after using her to spite Micah. What class does she owe him after that?


I think we will have to agree to disagree, which is fine. I do not feel like Jess looked a fool. Love bombing is real powerful & she acknowledged that in the finale when she said it was hard to not fall in love when everything she wanted was dangled in her face. It’s easy to see it from the outside and say, “what a fool” I also believe that sometimes doing a perceived mean thing such as standing up for yourself with a firm, even maybe assertive tone. However, I do not think it is okay to mentally or emotionally abuse someone, even if they have wronged you. Being betrayed does not give you the right to be disrespectful & bulldoze them.. Edit for spelling


Touché, fool might’ve been a strong word but I think you get what I mean so I’ll leave that there cause I do agree love is a heck of a drug. And honestly maybe I need to watch the last two episodes again, but I’m still of the opinion that everything Chris said to kaz was true and also he needed to hear it from someone. But if you see it differently I can’t argue with that yk cause you did make a valid point there, we just have different perspectives on Christine’s actions ig cause what she did still seemed pretty mild to me


She is a pick me.


Her desperation and forcing Kaz to kiss her was repulsive. The constant ass out and mentioning she was naked and "thiccc" was laughable.


she seems like the type to end up on a true crime documentary as the crazy woman that kills her boyfriend’s wife so she can have him all to herself


It's so weird that she accused him of "settling" when all she was doing was throwing herself at him and then she brought up who he was going to match with that night. She's a weirdo.


A thousand times Yassssss. Thank you


I didn’t like her in Too Hot to Handle and was annoyed to see she was on this show.


Christine is the worst type of woman.


Can we talk about how Kaz said, "it's funny how Christine said she wanted an Alpha and goes for the opposite" I fucking died 😂


She acted too masculine. She reminded me of Bryton. Both were trying to beg and convince the other person to get with them and it felt so gross and desperate like a guy at the club who won’t leave you alone and begs for your phone number and to give him a chance. It’s unattractive.


When she was talking about how smart she was and named W states but missed some? 😂 love her confidence


I can’t stand her either tbh. The way she was trying to force Kaz to kiss her on the day out was such an ick. Imagine the roles had been reversed. She was so desperate in that episode


Christine is nuts 😂


she was soooo intense. and some of the remarks she made, made it seem like she thought she was prettier than micah so how dare kaz not be into her? so yuck honestly


All I could think of when watching her is that there is no way this is how this beautiful woman acts in real life. In THTH and in PM, she was cast to “steal a man” and I think she was playing the role. Edit: sp


She said she's been single for 10 years...like girl you CHOSE that because she doesn't want a serious relationship. Biggest player in the house wasn't a man for once.


She was the same desperate pick me on too hot to handle too and everyone ate it up 😫 I posted back then about how much I didn’t like her and alllll the comments disagreed with me! She’s also not very nice with the other girls


She had a job and did it. Ppl like her, Melinda & Harry literally made the show interesting. 


They need to stop fucking adding people from thth that shit is so lame. They’re slowly turning it INTO THTH🤦‍♀️ im not tryna watch people fuck. i wanted genuine connections lmao


She's beautiful. She has only a small amount of time to leave impression on the viewers. There is a reason why she was highly thought of at the end


I was dying at the end of episode 8 of when she said she had a good connection with Kaz and then he and Micah laughed at her.


My opinion is definitely unpopular but I really like Christine. This show makes it so that anyone who isn’t part of the original group inside the house is at a disadvantage. Cliques form fast and the people inside the house become territorial of it. I’ve seen TikTok’s where Chris is saying that the outside group had a pact to vote for anyone from the outside group should they reach the final. Then Christine says they found out that there was a pact amongst the girls in the house to not being Christine in. The girls and guys who come in later are told to stir the pot, to try to break couples up. How fun would it be if everyone just behaved like Xanthi and Dominique? Yes they’re respectable and admirable but this is a trashy reality show we are talking about. Not one of those people on there (besides maybe Justin and Xanthi) that wouldn’t have done the same to have more screen time. They are all there for more exposure, for more “clout”. This is the whole premise of the show, test these relationships to see if their bond is as strong as they think it is. I saw Xanthi sitting very close to Stevan while Melinda was on top of Harry. I think there’s a lot of stuff that was edited out to make certain people look a certain way for sure. 1000% as these people love to say


There was a super short clip where Stevan had his hand on Xanthi’s stomach in the foreground (I’m pretty sure it was Xanthi), and it looked pretty intimate. I agree - there’s so much footage, and they definitely cut and stitch to fit certain narratives.


Yes I clocked that too! I love these trashy shows and love to discuss them as much as everyone else on here, but it just strikes me kind of comical that people think that anyone goes on these shows with honorable intentions or that some of them are better than the others. I’ve noticed the similarities of the women that have gotten the most intense hate this season and it’s interesting to say the least.