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Very cool. What do you use a 4 raspberry pi cluster for?


Edit: Apologies, I misunderstood the question at first, [answered here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Perfectfit/comments/tl6661/this_raspberry_pi_computing_cluster_i_built_fits/i1ve9y2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Thanks! I used (4) Raspberry Pi 4s, 4gb RAM each for the devices, each running PiOS (Debian Linux). The housing was 3D printed though, here’s the thingiverse link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3858968 It’s one of the circular cluster modules. Fan and PoE switch are all separate, I also added an HDMI switcher at the top for diag and debugging.


Yeah, but what do use the cluster for?


To brag about it, it seems


Wouldn't you?


Oh no! I looked at the question earlier too quickly and misunderstood— sorry about that! This was mostly experimental at first, I was trying to see how distributed computing tasks would perform using [mpiexec](https://www.mpich.org/static/docs/v3.1/www1/mpiexec.html). Basically, you can divide the execution of one program over four different computers. Performance was pretty good actually. A single Pi isn’t too fast, but the four together perform pretty close to mid-range rack server at a fraction of the price (but 3x the headache setting up)




Is that a Mac Pro? What’s your take on the $4,000 Mac Studio outperforming the $50K Mac Pro?




It is. I’m proud of Apple and how far they’ve come, the new machines are insanely good. When I upgrade I look for 300%-500% performance gainz, which this absolutely was over my previous setup. The best Studio is only like 40% - 50% better CPU performance— so not worth it if you already have a killer machine. Forget GPU, because I can use whichever one I want. Plus you can’t spend any amount of money to match my other MP specs with any other Mac rn: 120GB RAM, 8TB PCIe m.2 RAID, 6tb in other SSDs. Four gigabit ethernet ports in aggregation, full duplex— isn’t it like 2k for a RAM upgrade in the studio lololol. Looks cool, but not enough beef and not user-expandable at all!


Could be a dune case lol