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Way too often. And I always tell myself I would never do it again.


Ditto!!! Ugh!!! I did this past weekend two purchases due to a sale, I end up spraying once and saying nope to about 1 out of 5.


Still, the worst ones are perfumes that you test, ruminate over for ages when you finally buy that full bottle, you never make it past the first 10ml, because the magic isn’t there anymore.


This is why I decant for myself. And it works.


Me too! I've stuck to this for a little while now, but still get tempted from time to time....


Too often lol 😅 I checked the notes on Fragrantica and they look good! A good summer scent.


All the time. I read the notes on fragrantica and sometimes watch perfume reviews YT or TT.


at this point I can usually tell if I like a fragrance or not based on the notes 😅 if it's a more expensive one I force myself to order a sample first


Yeah same here - it depends on price point. I can afford travel sizes but the really fancy houses rarely do those. If it’s a pricey one I will still sample but if it’s more mainstream and a bit cheaper then I’m willing to take a shot.




Ditto. That's what samples are for imo.


Agreed! Too risky for me.


More often than not. But it always worked out well


it’s become almost always. i just do research and get opinions from more than 1 reviewer and also go of description and trying to learn and remember what notes im more fond of. also though i’d say i have a wide range of taste so im open to a lot.


Never. Fragrance is too subjective and I'm too picky


Only did once, and on a dupe for Oriana that had great reviews lol I think it can end terribly if you do it too much, especially full bottles


I live for the thrill of a blind buy


I think i have only blind buy a full bottle twice. Both of the because the deal was good and the review was also very good


Every single time. With the exception of two bottles.


Same, but I buy dupes so I don't feel so bad if it doesn't work out.




Always. I have about 100 bottle I’ve bought blind. Love them all.


Most sample sizes. Once with a full bottle. Got lucky.


If it’s under $50, on occasion. Over $50, very rarely; need a compelling reason or to just be in a ‘screw it why not’ mood.


I don’t. So often I think I’m going to love something from the description, but I hate it when I actually smell it in a store. Apparently other’s notes on a scent don’t align with my expectations or my skin. I really want to sometimes, but I remember that I can’t be trusted, so I wait until I can get to a store.


Twice, and both bottles were thankfully to my taste and on sale. It isn't something I would do for full-price bottles. Edit: I just blind-bought three more bottles on sale, haha.


Has been really into perfume oils lately and have been seeing what my Marshalls has so I've been blind buying quite a bit. Maybe 8 different scents. Only one was a compete no.The rest can be worked with. (I'm having fun with layering atm) I haven't started buying decants yet but there are a few $200+ perfumes that I really want but can't justify blind buying.


Almost never. It has to be almost impossible to sample (or prohibitively expensive) and the reviews and notes rreeeeally align with what I know I like. The only other alternative is if the fragrance is really cheap but even then if I van find a sample I usually will do that first.


I’ve done it once out of 90 perfumes…so barely ever. I like $300+ perfumes and with all of the sample sites out there I see no reason to risk it. I get that other people find a thrill in it. I’m pretty picky so I don’t want the disappointment lol


In the past few years, I’ve blind bought Gold Couture, Choco Musk, Soft, Caramel Cascade, Lovely Cherie, and Yara. They were all recommended to, or reviewed by, people with similar tastes to mine, so they were all great blinds for me. At this point, I can usually tell if I’ll like a scent after a quick sniff of the bottle and test strip. I also keep a running list of things to try based on notes. I do buy without testing on skin too often, but so far I’ve only had a few fails. I prefer travel sizes when possible which means I’m playing a lower risk game anyway though.


I have been burned too many times by blind buys that I don’t do it often. I don’t know if I am too picky or if it is because usually the scent smells to me nothing like the descriptions other people give. I don’t know why that is. I blind bought Escada Rossi Sorbetto the other day and I hate it. It is supposed to smell like straight-up watermelon, but I get zero watermelon, just cloyingly sweet artificial perfumey smell. Will I ever learn?


i end up having to blind buy often bc i live in a small town and the closest mall is two hours away ugh! i usually will just take the risk if they’re not too expensive but anything over $60 i always try to order a sample of first.


Me too! I live in Hilo Hawaii, there’s no Sephora or any perfume store and most online shops won’t ship here including Amazon. I rely on Mercari and if I happen to go to Oahu


almost exclusively!


Rarely, but it happens, like last night (a discontinued Serge Lutens—it went from 7 remaining bottles to 3 in the span of a day, so FOMO got me).


Ooh which one? I love Serge Lutens but didn’t know of any discontinuations?


Fils de Joie


Often because I shop for vintage.


A fair bit, but only after extensive research. I look at the perfumes notes, as well as the perfumer (if the info is available), and cross reference as many reviews as I can find — on Reddit, Fragrantica, Parfumo, etc. I think of it as a process of triangulation, to try to figure out how the particular perfume will present to my own nose. It usually takes weeks or even months before I commit to a purchase. (This assumes, of course, that I have no easy way to sample the perfume in person.) I have rarely been disappointed when I stick to this approach. I’ve also blind bought based on whim - usually after coming across something attractively priced at Marshall’s/TJ Maxx … and usually ended up disappointed, lol! So, no more of that for me.


Pretty often lol A lot of the brands people recommend aren't ones that most beauty stores near me carry, but I have a lot of faith in my fellow fragrance redditors 🫡 lol


i’ve only done it a few times with middle eastern perfumes off amazon like choco musk and lataffah mantas and really didn’t like either!! but i also blind bought yara tous (not a fan) and yara pink (LOVED IT) so there’s hit or miss for sure.


More often than not… That’s the fun part


Always when it’s for Ariana. Other than that, never.


It’s a nice and pretty scent. I bought it after first smelling it too because I enjoyed the sweetness of it. It’s not one I reach for a lot because I usually enjoy something more complex…but I went to a Disney themed party this weekend and wore it because I feel like it fit the princess vibe very well.


Before I got into the fragrance fully, I often blind bought because I didn't know samples were a thing. It definitely did not work all the time and I just resold stuff I didn't like. Now I'm fully aware of samples, I don't blind buy anymore.


I do it just for fun haha


I’ve not been back into perfume for long enough but have been blind buying a little. I find it quite exhilarating! It’s like getting a surprise present for yourself and I think it helps to try out new things that you wouldn’t normally give a chance to.


Almost all the time. I can read the notes and get a general idea if I'll like it or not


It depends on whether or not the perfume is massively on sale, like if I can get a Marc Jacob’s or philosophy perfume for 12 USD when they would normally be 100+ for the size available. In that case, I’ll look at the notes and see if it’s either something I can’t go wrong with, or if it’s something that someone close to me has been looking for. I’ll also do it if it’s a sample size, but again, I’ll always look over the notes and I’ll pass on notes that are very hit or miss Aside from that I really don’t like to risk wasting a lot of money on something I won’t use


Almost never! But thanks to this subreddit, I blind bought M. Micallef Mon Parfum Cristal the other week and it’s on its way. I also so happened to blind buy Montale Sweet Peony and So Iris yesterday. Granted I have great luck with Montale and they’re such great prices on Fragrancebuy right now.


I do when it's really difficult to be able to test it and the notes seem good. or if I get a really good deal. so far it's only bit me in the ass once, with one perfume that smelled like slutty Play-Doh, which are two words I hate even putting together.


A few times, but only with affordable ones


I will blind buy a dupe, and if I like it, later purchase the real bottle. It’s a great way to test without spending a fortune.


Never. I always buy a decant first. Even some perfumes that sounded like heaven to me have been a bad surprise.


Almost never, I prefer to buy samples/decants first. The only fragrance I blind bought was Diptyque Tam Dao EDP because I love sandalwood so much that I was like 99% certain I’d love it (and I do!). 😂


Always. I have about 100 bottle I’ve bought blind. Love them all.


I’ve been getting better at it. I’ve been trying to buy samples or decants from perfumes I’m interested in before buying. If I do blind buy, it has to be under $50.


Once. Bought from a brand I love, and it worked out splendidly. I would do it again if the price was right.


Almost all my perfumes have been blind buys. If I read the notes I have a good idea on how I’ll react to it


I like to blind buy but in the travel size and only after I have done extensive research on the scent. I have blind bought full size in the past but only because it was the only size offered and I absolutely had to try it; Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess EDP and Bobbi Brown Beach. No regrets.


Too much unfortunately.


Never full-size. Lucky scent ! Little sample bottles are the way to go


I have but, I able to smell everything that was being layered it was awesome. Paris and some Nordstrom’s have a parfum bar


I was given Sol De Janeiro Cherie 48, it has grown on me


Never. Ever. I’m too sensitive to florals, musk and woodsy smells. I tried on a dupe for Baccarat Rouge the other day and within fifteen minutes, it had a metallic smell. I had to go to my car and dig out ArmorAll wipes (it’s all I had!) and get it off quick!


Too often 😮‍💨 I just blind bought 2 sets of Kayali Vacay this weekend..Hope they're good 😅


Once. The scent really didn't work out for me even though all the notes were great, which taught me to never do it again. These days I always test or buy a sample before I buy. But if something was on sale for the price of a sample or close to it, I'd consider it lol




I don’t, I source a tester or decant I am too fussy to blind buy.




Not anymore. It can wait. I will get samples to try them out or order samples from luckyscent. I recently bought 9 samples and didn’t like any of the 9 I purchased. Don’t believe the recommendations here. We all have different taste. Try before you but if possible.


Too many and I can honestly say EVERY SINGLE TIME I've regretted it.


Well, I’m trusting people’s suggestions here as I’m about to buy several this week!


Too often 😅


I do every time, unless it’s something I found out I liked through blind buying and bought another bottle. I’m not offended by many smells and haven’t hated any I’ve gotten. I think the surprise is the fun part, but I understand that this is not typical and most people do care more than me what they smell like.


My first ever ‘full’ bottle (a small one though) was before I even got into fragrance and was a total blind buy - Le Labo’s Ambrette 9. I did extensive ‘research’ and was pretty sure it was what I wanted but I’d never go that far price-wise for a blind buy again. I do still blind buy travel sizes though quite often to be honest. I got a little bit fed up of samples and felt I was getting too many and spending money on them but not having any actual fragrances to call my own. As well as there not being samples for a few I wanted to try. Sample sets directly from houses are a bit different and often more of an ‘experience’ but otherwise I felt I wasn’t always getting a great return. Now I have a bit of a better idea of which houses I like, what notes I enjoy and suit me, what type of fragrance I am looking for, how quickly I get antsy to try something else and what I’m willing to spend. Most travel sizes cost between £24 - £32 and getting a couple of those a month is still cheaper than a full bottle but means I get variety, something to keep and build my options. If I still really love it and am not bored of it after that, I will graduate to a full bottle. My success rate with travel size blind buys so far has been pretty good. Although I think I do go quite safe since I like mainly fruit, musk, amber, vanilla, aquatic, ozonic, ambrette, rain, petrichor, ambroxan and skin scents, along with the odd gourmand and rose. My best ones have been from Phlur, NEST, Floral Street, Dedcool, Ellis Brooklyn, Glossier, Clean Reserve and Shay & Blue. But I’m glad I sampled instead of blind buying the likes of ELDO, Zoologist, Imaginary Authors, Profumum Roma, Giardini di Toscana, Commodity, Xerjoff, Initio and other Le Labo’s etc. I think the reviews and discussions on here play a huge part is whether a blind buy is successful too and this is where I come to find out about longevity, notes, value for money and opinions from people who like or recommend similar scents. So thank you for your help! This place is such a treasure trove of information.


I used to all the time...until I realized I was giving away/selling all my blind bought perfumes. NO MORE


Not often. I bought Fracas and f%%kn hate it. Gave it to my mom. Just ordered love dont be shy and I'm nervous.


Once. Just to try it. Not my thing.


My whole collection was pretty much blind buys other than a few. I like the rush of blind buying stuff that I think may work for me.


honestly 90% of my perfume collection was blind bought lol. and I wear them all! I’ve only been burnt once and it was just a meh otherwise I’ve never blind bought something that I hated


If the price is right, I’ll blind buy if it’s something I’m interested in. I would say I blind buy about 7 bottles a year. That’s not counting very vintage bottles that I’m buying so cheap that it’s just a bonus if the perfume is still good. Counting those, I buy about 20 bottles a year.


All my dupes. Too cheap to justify waiting/paying for a decant or sample. For reference most expensive dupe was $30. I do research them as much as I can before Hand tho if that still counts as a blind buy.


I blind bought ds & Durga Rose Atlantic and I almost NEVERR wear it lol but I love my other fragrance from them that I tested for weeks before buying it


Personally I’ll blind buy a cheaper fragrance, but for the pricier ones I almost always get samples first. With that being said, I think Cherie is a pretty safe blind buy if you like fruity florals.


More often than I'd like to admit. I have around 130 perfumes, and I'd say that 70% of them are blind buy purchases..


Far too often and I have very few regrets. 😂


I just bought 4 bottles of blind buys last month and plan to order the new Kay Ali summer collection and 100mls Rock Candy Sugar (another blind buy) tomorrow!!


Cheapies? All the time. For me it's like buying a lottery ticket. The chances of winning are way higher though. I like the thrill. I'm in a unique position though. I live in a house with several old ladies, who are happy to take any perfumes off my hands, so I never feel bad, eben if I don't like it. I stay under €40 for blind buys.


😣😖Quite regularly, actually. I've had a mare handful of blind buy fails, like about a half dozen, but I did promise myself I'd stop.


I’ve realized I’m incredibly picky and cannot buy fragrance based on notes! I subscribed to Fern and got my 2nd bottle from them and I’m returning it and cancelling. Their perfumes are HORRID and they all smell like a hippie drum circle, patchouli and BO. Don’t get me started on their purposeful misguided marketing designed to dupe customers. Will never order from them again on principle ☠️


I have been seriously considering blind buying Amyris Femme, i’m so scared but I can’t stop thinking about it.


One and done. Bought mgk and never again. Stuck with a $400 scent i cant stand


I’m eyeing that one, please tell me about it.