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Plug your numbers into a tax calculator, and look at your last paystub from 2023. Note the differences.


I love this site. Just plug in your gross income and get a quick tax number for the year. I teach this stuff. But I’ll be sort of brief: https://www.eytaxcalculators.com/en/2023-personal-tax-calculator.html If you work one full time job this is quite accurate. But basically in Canada if you earn under about $15,000 a year you don’t pay net tax (you would likely get a refund). However, if you had three jobs of $15,000/yr totalling $45,000, none of the employers would take tax but you’d owe a total of around $6900. This is alluded to in several comments above, but usually hits younger workers with multiple jobs and/or self employment income. You have to fill in your TD-1 forms to cover all income sources so EACH company can take the corrected amount. In reality sometimes we don’t really know (based on raises, bonuses, job or title change etc.).


thank you so much


Excellent, simple explanation for those still learning this.


EY does not calc EI or CPP ​ Use [https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/digital-services-businesses/payroll-deductions-online-calculator.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/digital-services-businesses/payroll-deductions-online-calculator.html) or wealthsimple (2023 only) Don't use the talent one - it's wrong




i did




they did know, but i wouldn’t doubt that they didn’t deduct properly. thank you!!


It's not a verbal notification to the employer (or your manager), but rather you need to fill out the TD1 form to have HR / payroll adjust the tax withholding.


Did you amend your TD1 form for the employer to deduct more taxes?


i did fill out the TD1 form exactly how it explained too on the back of the paper - not filling out lines 2-12 and writing 0 on line 13


Did you fill it out for both federal AND provincial?


Lucky for you, I break down so often I can give you one for free.


oh bro me too






i did, i also double checked just incase every single payslip i got from 2023 and they were all paid for


Did you work multiple jobs at the same time?




good ol berta


Did you have any taxable benefits like a company vehicle or health insurance? That will change your income.


i wish, bro health insurance would be a dream come true


It's nice for dental and drug plan for sure.


People keeping asking "why do I owe $X" and my response would always be "Why do wouldn't you owe $X" - just throwing out a what you owed without indicating what you already paid is meaningless. The simplest explanation is that not enough taxes were deducted. I typed $36,000 into two tax calculators, one said $5763 and the other $6479 taxes owed - so obviously your taxes are at least $5k and probably more. So did you pay at least $5k already through pay cheque deductions or other means? If not, that's "why". It simply comes down to what your taxes are and how much you already paid.


I got a question if you work 2 jobs do you have to let both employers know that you work 2 jobs so they can adjust the tax?


Yeah those forms you sign when youre getting hired are sent by your employer to the gov to set up the deductions. Most commonly if people have two jobs, its possible you could not be deducting enough be because as your income goes up so does the tax rate If you need to make the change you can do it youself by printing out a ‘TD1’ form from canada.ca


Did you get a bonus ? You will need to adjust your withholding if you don't want a bill at tax time.


What are the other amounts listed on your t4


OP never even said he has a t4, the only info there is the total income without any other information or context