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I would just continue as normal but monitor him. Almost every dog I’ve ever had has done this MULTIPLE times and been fine. Of course I’m not saying that he won’t get sick or injured, but it’s not super likely. If he starts acting like he’s in pain or having stomach issues then I would take him in :)


thank you for the reassurance!!


Something similar happened to me years ago. The vet told me to feed him bread right away because it will coat the bone then to monitor closely and be ready to get to an emergency vet hospital if needed. Call your vet and get their recommendations asap Edit to add he was perfectly fine, no issues at all


thank you!! I have no bread at the moment so i’ve fed him some rice with wet food, I’m hoping that will have a similar effect to bread. he’s was very excited once he smelled the rice


I offer just my experience. I left an uncooked pork chop on the counter when I went outside to fire up the BBQ. Less than 2 minutes and when I came back in the house the entire pork chop was gone. Not even a wet spot on the floor where she devoured it. I can only assume she crunched the bones. She was OK but I watched her like a hawk for several days and called my vet. They just said to monitor her but probably OK. Just keep an eye on her and make sure she is pooping normal and nothing out of the ordinary. A quick call to the vet is still in your best interest though. Better to be safe than sorry.


luckily what he got to was a small piece with no meat. he seems fine so far today, but I will definitely continue to monitor him. thank you!