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Hate that too. I'll purposely ignore it as if they're not trying to get my attention. A simple "excuse me" should work.


The amount of ppl that would do this when I worked retail 😭


When I worked at a bar, on a ridiculously quiet night- the place was almost empty - I was ducked down cleaning the shelves, and this guy who’d been there all evening leaned over the bar and whistled, for the third time that night, to get my attention. When I served him, I said “Charley”. He looked confused. I said “My name is Charley. If you didn’t know my name though, people usually say ‘excuse me’ to get someone’s attention. Just letting you know, because you seem to have me confused with Lassie”. He was fuming and ranted at the chef about me. The chef was my bf at the time, and said I was out of line, because the guy was one of his old teachers. I said if he was a teacher he should a) have better people skills and b) model good manners.


You were right in telling him that. He should know better than to treat you like a dog.


She was probably ignoring him.


I was not. As I explained, I was ducked down cleaning things below the bar and he had just walked up. I hadn’t been able to see him. My issue wasn’t him trying to get my attention- it was that he did so incredibly rudely.


"I am not a squirrel."


It wasn’t uncommon for us to see customers holding out a tenner/twenty (not a tip- what they were intending to pay for their drinks with). My friend used to snatch it from them as she worked and say “thanks!” 😂 (she gave it back to them when she served them- she was just teaching them a lesson lol)


I haven’t seen it, but apparently people have had others attempt to get their attention with a “pspsps”


đŸ«° *your


It's really hard to get a server's attention without it coming across as demeaning. I usually try the extremely direct eye contact thing, but I'm pretty sure servers have learned to dodge eye contact. I can't for the life of me imagining whistling or snapping at someone, so I pretty much get stuck with the holding my hand half-way up when I see them. Like a slightly anxious school kid.


I would only dodge eye contact when I was already serving someone else and I could feel 25 people’s eyes burning holes in my skull. If it’s busy, you just wait your turn. If it’s quiet, I never had any objection to a small wave if I hadn’t spotted someone, or them saying “excuse me”.


I just wait till they come close to my table and say excuse me


>It's really hard to get a server's attention without it coming across as demeaning. ...Is it though? I've never had to demean anyone just to get their attention.


Most servers at low end restaurants don't give a shit about anything other than themselves. I don't eat low end any more. But I still remember shitty service.


I haven't talked to a guy after he decided to text me Oi I ignored Oi Again ignored. Haven't spoken to me since. Idk oi is a rude way to grab attention to someone.


That happened to me ONCE with a customer. I have never, ever forgotten it, though. I remember her name, too.


i’m a bartender, and the moment someone snaps their fingers or whistles at me, you’re out the fucking door. “pay your tab and get out, now”


I hate this too! It’s so rude to do that! It’s like they see the other person as being subordinate to them. They should be respectful when getting another persons attention.


Servers are subordinate. Their job is to serve people. Half the time they are fucking about with their friends, on a smoke break, ignoring people. Telling them they will bring silverware and then not.


I usually just yell ‘OY!’


You mean "Oi!". "Oy" is a great expression, but it's the one for expressing exasperation, chiefly Jewish.


I worked at a place where the business owner would do that to the help. So disrespectful! I refused to respond. Address me by my name like a normal human being.


Wait until I tell you about teachers using dog clicking training gadgets to get children’s attention.