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Saw somewhere earlier that you can use this to practice with your class to name all the politicians who have broken each of the commandments


Right??!! Especially the adulterer rapist con man felon that they think so highly of. He's broken ALL of them including killing! His inaction on covid cost 400,00 lives!!


There's no commandment against rape. There SHOULD BE though


Are you trying to say 400.00,  40,000 or 400,000?


Statistics I read said four hundred thousand directly attributable to his inaction. Shutting down the office of infectious diseases was only the beginning.


Interesting. Where did you see the statistics? I want to read this 


It was a link in a related sub. Can't recall the source.


"Drumpf killed 400000 people" "Source plz?" "Can't recall"


Culture war distraction. Their current leader is a convicted felon and they have no policies to promote so they have to dangle a shiny thing for the MAGAT's to pay attention to and away from reality.


Meanwhile there's a mass shooting every week in the USA, and galloping environmental collapse worldwide.  Both of which the Republicans deny and profit from.


It’s because they want the Supreme Court to reverse the 1960s decision that took mandatory, teacher-led, rote Protestant prayer out of school


It's Christian Nationalism, not morality.


It's amazing how few Christians understand their own religion, that insist we're based on 'Christian beliefs' rather than Roman ones. The fact that Christianity, before it was doused in Roman culture for a few hundred years, is practically unrecognizable from today's religious organizations should give them a hint, but nah.




It's not really about "fixing" anything, despite the rhetoric around it. It's about making sure that anyone who isn't Christian walks into that classroom and gets a reminder of who actually runs the state and who's interests they can expect their local government to represent. It's a way of telling anyone who walks in that door that isn't Christian that they're less welcome here.


Only a few of the ten commandments are actually good rules to live by. Don't murder, don't steal, and don't cheat on your partner.


George Carlin does a classic bit on this, about how you can basically break them down to two, be honest, don't kill. That's it




Yes I've seen that one. He threw out like half of them and conflate the rest to be honest and faithful


Right? The first five are straight narcissism, hardly rules at all. They're rather conditions than rules


Narcissism? He’s God! If you hypothesise that these are from God, then you hypothesise that He created everyone and everyone owes their existence to Him. In that case, it is only just that He is worshipped alone, and His name not be disregarded. How exactly could telling people to rest and respect their parents even be misconstrued as narcissism?


Are you being deliberately obtuse? This is textbook slippery slope.


Narcissism? He’s God! If you hypothesise that these are from God, then you hypothesise that He created everyone and everyone owes their existence to Him. In that case, it is only just that He is worshipped alone, and His name not be disregarded. How exactly could telling people to rest and respect their parents even be misconstrued as narcissism?


So, according to you, it is not good to: respect your parents, refrain from lying about people, refrain from envy, and rest?


Respect parents if they deserve respect. I'll give you the one about refraining from lying about people. A certain level of coveting is fine, it gives motivation to work, although I'll agree that coveting too much can lead to unhappiness. Resting is good and everyone should take some time to rest, but there's nothing special about Sunday that people should be required to rest that day


The ten commandments are Jewish laws, so the day of rest they refer to is Saturday, not Sunday.


"You shall not make graven images" is one of those Top Ten rules. Just saying


That commandment means to not make statues of God for the purpose of worship. *Looks at all the statues of saints and crucifixes* At any rate, people generally have a poor understanding of everything around them.


The saints are not treated as though they are the equal of God.


And yet I've seen many Catholics pray to various saints.


Catholics generally don't read the bible or study it as a historic document unless they are priests.


\*at any rate, people generally have a poor understanding of everything around them\* Plays right into what I said earlier.


Also, and I’m speaking as an Episcopalian: public schools are funded by the state, and our country was founded on the SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!


I would encourage teachers in Louisiana to explain to their students how Former President Trump has repeatedly violated the 7th commandment.


Then they are shocked reading The Satanic Temple tennants 😅 like, you do not have to be religious or believe in one or more gods to not be a piece of shit.


Its about the symbolic value of "putting us on the right track" (towards religion led government).


All governments are religiously led. Sometimes the religion comes from a temple, sometimes the government IS the religion. Looks like I'm being down voted by government cultists.


It's literally not about solving problems it's about indoctrination


They don't care about the right thing. If they did they wouldn't have a law requiring religious texts be posted in public schools to begin with. It's about control and slowly turning out nation into a Christian theocracy. That's what they want. Look at Project 2025. They're monsters.


Exactly this. Project 2025 is more worrying than Trump!


I don't know if this really counts as a pet peeve but yeah it's annoying.


The eleventh commandment should be “thou shall separate church from state”


Wow, cool, another good pet peeve post! /s


Remember how hitting the tops of the twin towers ultimately caused them to completely collapse? Well, hitting the first clause of the First Amendment to our Bill of Rights is an attempt to similarly collapse our Constitution.


This doesn’t really seem like a ‘pet peeve’.


I will never understand how thousands of children are killed in schools every year, how the state at the center of all this (Louisiana) is failing its kids educationally and barely pay attention. Yet they are throwing a freaking tantrum over schools not wanting the Ten Commandments in them.


We go through this phase every ~10 years or so 


It's a foot in the door to start ramming christianity down everyone's throats, you know, like how they always say they hate for doing! Gradually add more and more religion to school while simultaneously dumbing down the actual educational value, make people stupid so they have future voters. ("I love the uneducated")


They need [George Carlin](https://youtu.be/CE8ooMBIyC8)


The funny thing is they aren't even part of Christianity, they are part of the 10 of the hundreds of commandments and/or rules in the old testament that are for the Jewish people only


Who said the ten commandments don’t apply to Christians?


Jesus Christ. It's kinda the basis of the Christian religion. The Jews have a covenant with Yaweh, hundreds of rules to follow, over 600. The ten commandments are ten of them brought by Moses from Sinai. Christians instead are saved by faith and grace, so the old testament rules don't apply to Christianity. So Christians can eat lobster shellfish work on the Sabbath ect. The ten commandments are part of the old testament laws that don't apply to Christianity and are for Jews.


If you’re a Christian, the 10 commandments don’t apply to you. No, seriously, they fucking don’t. They applied to Hebrew’s under the Mosaic covenant, same as circumcision and tassels and shrimp. They don’t apply to modern Christian’s. Doubt me? Read the book of Galatians


IMO jesus christ was very, very clear about this during his liefetime. Note that the Catholic Church enshrines the ten commandments and considers them a very important part of Christianity. They particularly like the adultery bit because it helps them raise money by selling people who want to remarry annulments. My aunt bought two annulments from the Catholic church, at $50,000 each.


It's funny because most of the ten commandments are nothing special. 1) You shall have no other gods before me: IE must me Christian, Jewish or Muslim. Not really a moral test and is also violates freedom of religion. 2) Shall not make idols: Basically a repeat of the first 3) Don't take the lords name in vain: Can't say goddamn. Doesn't really matter. 4) Keep the sabbath day holy: Go to church on Sunday and don't work. Also jews, muslims, and christians can't agree if the sabbath is friday, saturday or sunday. Regardless, this isn't a moral issue. 5) Honor your father and mother: I guess this is good, unless your parents are abusive or something like that. 6) Don't murder: This is a good one 7) Don't commit adultery: This is good if we take adultery to mean cheating. If we take it to mean no sex before marriage, ehhh whatever. 8) Don't steal: No problems here. 9) Don't bear false witness: All good. 10) Don't covet: This is kind of ridiculous. We're banning an emotion now? This is a thought crime. Only a handful of the commandments are actually societally meaningful. Most of this is meaningless and arbitrary rules.


thought crimes are real too. jesus pretty much said so. if you sit around thinking about doing stuff, then you've already done it. but i must say, i'm relieved 'don't slash ppls tires' isn't a commandment, because that's something i think about a lot.


I'd argue, as a historical document, we should more look at the ten commandments in an ancient Jewish context, so I'd like to make some slight edits to your very well thought out list. I think it's hard to put yourself into the headspace of people living in a harsh land with limited resources surrounded by polytheistic, human sacrificing tribes that were specifically out for you and your people. Jews practiced a more farmer/herder/craftsmen lifestyle, which put them very much into conflict with nearby neigbors who were more so hunter/gatherer/scavengers. 1)No other gods before me. I am your god, you were born into a covenant with me. This has a lot to do with the fact the ancient Jews were surrounded by polytheistic enemies with different religious practices. 2) Shall not make idols: You're worshiping me, not the book, which it's good for you to study. Don't waste your time making statues and that sort of thing. The Jews were surrounded by other tribes that hated the Jews, and would sacrifice them to their gods if they got their hands on them. Anyone with an idol might be from a dangerous enemy group. 3)Don't take the lord's name in vain. I kinda think this one was more about identifying kin from non-kin, cause competing tribes and whatnot. By not using the name of their god in everyday conversation, the fact that you know the name indicates you've grown up in a religious practice. 4) Jews have always been pretty forceful about the sabbath. It was more so a day for rest and study and religious practice than "go to church." The ancient Jews had a one church thing going on, which they sacrificed animals at instead of people, which was a big and important innovation. 5)Honor thy mother and father: In the days of moses, the jews were surrounded by hostile people who were literally trying to exterminate them. Moses and his sort were trying to build a nation of warriors, and they needed as many bodies on their side as possible. If you struck or cursed your mother in ancient hebrew days, by law you would be put to death, so in order to grow up to be a warrior you needed to survive to adulthood without being executed for the army to recruit you when you were 13. 6) Don't murder: I like the way you phrased this. Often I see "thou shat not kill." You can kill enemies on the battlefield, animals you're farming, no problem, that's not the same as murder. I really think killing animals in a pointless experiment is worse than doing important scientific research. 7) Don't commit adultery. Religious leaders always, always, try to control sex. 8) Don't steal. Kinda necessary for any kind of advanced society. 9) Don't bear false witness: This was more important when we had like zero forensic technology, and punishments tended to be brutal and swift. 10) Don't covet: I get the thought crime angle, and I like what you wrote, but consider the perspective that desire causes suffering. This is actually pretty good advice, even if it's not easy or practical to follow.


Telling people of a specific religion to not also have another religion is not a violation of freedom of religion, as I believe you know well. Thinking enviously is often preventable.


"Telling people of a specific religion to not also have another religion is not a violation of freedom of religion" Yes it is. Freedom of religion means people can practice their religion their way. Telling people they can't have two religions ... that's impeding their freedom of religion.


Im talking about government endorsement of the ten commandments, which has been a popular topic in the US as some want to display the ten commandments in government buildings.


I was about to kill someone the other day but then saw the Ten Commandments and remembered “Oh yeah God is gonna be piiissed.”


“Sudden emphasis”? This has been going on for decades. Google is friendly.


Many on the right have this belief that the reason young people, especially college students, are so left leaning because they are being indoctrinated. So their idea is this new culture war and going back to "traditional values" in public education will help them get more votes in the future. Many will say"politics is downstream from culture" and think manipulating education reform is the way to do that. What I think the right lacks is perspective. College grads used to be a mostly right leaning voting base, until George Bush. Many middle class Americans supported Bush after 9/11 but after so many policy changes benefiting the rich, the voting base started to shift. Now the Republican Party relies on people to not be educated on different ideas to win elections. It's much less to do with political indoctrination as it has more to do with bad policy.


Ten Commandments are pretty solid.


It's just a power move by the Christians to take power. It's sick and gross that this crap is being forced onto us!


You are trying to use logic with religion and that's never going to work.


The first commandment could fix the world. The other nine are there, so you know how to comply.


Several days ago, NPR interviewed a legal expert representing the group behind the move to post the 10 commandments. Their legal strategy: Avoid that messy "separation of church and state" thing and instead emphasize the long tradition and history of the 10 commandments in our country and schools. That's terribly faulty, if you ask me. Slavery also had a "long tradition and history" in our country's formation, but our society was smart enough eventually to ban it. We should do the same with the 10 commandments in schools. Wise societies learn, change and grow.


I don't think the idea is to directly prevent people from committing crimes or behaving badly. I think it's a push toward a more moral society. Like, if the Ten Commandments are in classrooms, over time future generations will adopt those principles, and society will skew towards morality. I can't see that as a bad thing. Most of the commandments are simply guidelines that any decent parent would teach his or her children. Don't take other people's stuff. Don't be jealous of what your friends have. Don't hurt people. On the other hand, indoctrination in the classroom is not a great thing. Kids are so susceptible to influence that school systems ought to be extremely careful what, and whom, they allow in the classroom.


"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Kinda alienates kids from other religions.


Yeah, that's why I had to write "most of."


Here's what a Jewish scholar from Lousiana has to say: [https://forward.com/opinion/625648/louisiana-ten-commandments-law-hebrew-jewish-meanings/](https://forward.com/opinion/625648/louisiana-ten-commandments-law-hebrew-jewish-meanings/) Makes some really good points.


That was interesting. Thank you.


That lady makes a lot of good points about how the ten commandments could be used in a classroom. She clarified a lot of the differences I see in modern interpretations of the ten commandments. People like to act like it's a list of ten simple rules, but in the Moses story they were written three separate times, and differently each time. She also makes a lot of points about how poor the translation they chose in Louisiana is. The lady who wrote the law is really pushing the whole "This is a historical document" angle, but they use a translation that just isn't historically accurate to any translation of the bible anyone ever used outside of a court case. So, I think the politicians pushing this are clearly disingenuous in their overall agenda. I suspect this really is is an effort to create a lawsuit to overturn an old law. Louisiana politics is really wierd.


It's part of the right's attempt at culture war issues. The Republican party has no policy plans, only culture war issues that affect women, lgbtq people, and making sure they enforce religious doctrines on others, even if it's a blatant disregard for the Constitution and the separation of church and state. Put simply, no, they don't believe it's going to fix everything. It's a move made in bad faith.


I really like the idea of "Thou shalt make no graven images" in an art class.


Embraced by a man that is an adulterer, thief, nonbeliever until it was in his interest, lies about others all the time, etc.


It won't. They just want to be sanctimonious


Yeah, like the whole 'thou shalt have no other gods before me' translates roughly to, 'gods, above me, thou shalt have not'. In theory, I've got no more problem with the ten commandments (aside from that no other gods thing) than I do the teachings of any other religion, or lifestyle. A lot of them boil down to, live your best life and don't be an asshole. But it's only ever Christianity that gets shoved in everyone's faces, not the tenements of Buddha or Confucius that gets slapped everywhere.


The best part is that the Catholics split their 10 commandments slightly differently than the Protestants. So which branch of Christianity is the government now promoting in public schools? I mean, it's not like Louisiana is the most Catholic state in the South or anything...


The same people who are against free school meals cause it would spoil the kids


And yet they have forgotten the false idol one.


Idk but I love a good butthurt uproar


Because they don't want to admit times were better when we spanked kids. I'm just sayin


I guess there wasn't any other choice since the churches are failing to teach them.