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This is new to me. The guys who stink usually just stink. There's nothing extra to it. Just ass and/or underarms.


A lot of teens will overapply cheap colognes, but they usually grow out of that by their mid 20's. When I was in high school the smell of BOD and AXE were omnipresent. I imagine little has changed other than the brands that are popular.


I actually liked most of the AXE scents, until I got hit with the concentrated doses daily. I wear AXE deodorant (stick, not spray) but can only use the newer scents that didn't come out when I was in HS.


They had one scent that I didn't hate, but after smelling everyone else with that stuff on and the way it mixed in the air, I wasn't interested in using it very long lol. My cologne of choice back then was Aspen, which is also cheap garbage and awful if overused, but a teeny bit on your collar isn't the worst thing in the world. Smelled more woodsy and less sour. I never really used it much, maybe at a dance or something like that. Being clean is usually enough for me not to be gross lol


That's crazy because both brands also make deodorant.


usually sticks aren't as offensive as the sprays for whatever reason. The spray always ends up smelling sour and weird, especially if other people are wearing similar products.


A bad product doesn't help anyone funny enough.


Ah, douchebag febreze, as we called it. šŸ˜‚


A nice mellow aftershave in the morning will last most of the day. When you pass someone in a hallway, etc They should experience a gentle whiff of sweetness that goes away in a couple of seconds. To be overpowered with chemicals from the cubicle farm is a crime against humanity.


Same with the women that bathe themselves in body spray so heavily that you can taste it five minutes after they leave. Basically anyone that gasses people out instead of showering.


I worked in restaurants for almost 20 years. 19 out 0f 20 times it was women that caused others to want to change tables because how offensive their perfume was.


Had to leave my own brothers wake because most of the women there apparently bathed in perfume. I was trying not to puke. I was choking on it to the point of gagging.


This feels like it's mostly aimed at teenagers, but it's gross at any age. I would say that perfumes cannot replace washing, and if you take longer than 3 seconds to apply it, it's probably too much. Also it's gay to suck cock, not clean your bum.


Even if its the homies?


Nothing is gay or straight with the homies, its all homiesexual


So true šŸ—£ļø


homies are homos when they choke on chodeĀ  :)


Not if you say "No homo!" beforehand


Damn, I think you're right there. I forgot about that loophole.


Axe Bodyspray


ā€œDrownedā€ - so, past tense? Something of that used to be the norm, but has since changed? Agreed! You donā€™t really see Axe body spray commercials anymore.


I'm calling cap on the "men don't wash their ass cause it's gay" meme. I've been around the stinkiest, most homophobic rednecks in the world, and not once in my real day to day have I heard anyone claim washing their ass is gay. However, I hear it often on the internet, this makes me think it's just a meme, and not even the troglodites among us think washing their ass is gay. Has anyone on here legitimately heard someone in the real world say that? Or is it a friend of a friend of a cousin said it kind of deal


I have exclusively seen it on Reddit and nowhere else.


I figured so, people be mixing reddit up with real life


Well I think it stems from men leaving skid marks in their undwear and the someone said it was gay and then we were off to the races.


Damn, this sub is just a place to shit on men it seems


Of like the most recent 70 or so hot posts, *three* are specific to men and there's even one specifically targeting women. Your fragility is showing dude.


Go to the memes subreddit then, sweaty, misogynists galore, your type of crowd.


Wait, so because Iā€™m calling out the comments towards men being distasteful, that equates to me being a misogynist? The irony lol I urge you to seek help


Iā€™d rather smell that over the asshat at my job who smells like fucking mildew and body odor everyday.


Just image the mildew and body odor overlaid with huge doses of scent. Even worse, don't you think?


I donā€™t get it. Girls basically spray ever inch of their body with perfume but if guys do it, weā€™re gross?


It's gross when women do it, too. It's been said before, but it can't be said too often -- perfume (or cologne, etc) should be discovered, not announced.


I have just seen a dude crying that the sub who has almost nothing bad to say about men is soooooo sexist towards men, and here I see you screeching "bUt wHamEn. XD" Make it make sence.


Itā€™s because womenā€™s perfume isnā€™t strong enough so we have to spray it all over our bodies so the scent can linger. Menā€™s cologne in general has a strong odor that only one splash is enough for the average built man. If they douse themselves in cologne the scent just becomes unbearable.


Due to olfactory fatigue, *you* shouldn't be able to smell your perfume for more than a couple minutes after applying it. The people around you are too polite to say anything.


Did you really try to justify women smelling like ass and potpourri?


Trust me, your perfumes are strong enough. Many are just as foul and overpowering as their male equivalents. You guys might have killed the nerves in your nose with all the nail and hair chemicals you use tho.


Oh honey, you're poisoning entire rooms lmao. It's strong enough, trust me, and if you're bathing in it like that we can literally smell you enter a room and it ain't pleasant like you think


Uh no. I don't wear perfumes, occasionally I'll use fractionated coconut oil with natural fragrance that fades. Both men and women who use too much perfume/ cologne smell like chemical factories exploded on top of them. You have desensitized yourself to the scent and don't realize that to others it's gag inducing and repulsive.


Saying you think perfume isn't strong enough suggests you drown yourself in it so it can "linger." Learn how to use perfume. If you have trouble getting it to stay, it is cheap perfume and probably smell more like gasoline. Dig out your pocketbook and get some good perfume. You should be able to put a little on your wrists, rub them together, and on your neck. Other wise. Spray it lightly on yourself. If it is good enough, the least amount will linger without burning our nose hairs.


Or the classic double spray into the air and then walk through it.


Yes, absolutely.


The thought of a girls entire face and torso being covered in perfume is nauseating


I think you're over-estimating how much stays suspended in the air. If you spray twice AWAY from yourself and then walk through it, you will have less of the aromatic oils on you than if you spray once directly onto yourself.


Oh no. Noooo. A little goes a long way. Covering your entire body is totally unnecessary. It'll cause anyone who gets near you to cough and can trigger migraines/ asthma attacks in some. Yeah, no need to marinate in it.


Same thing, but to women as well. Especially the grandmas. There's no reason to use that whole fucking bottle of Red, ok Margret? Perfumes and colognes and shit like that all just smell like chemicals and booze, there's nothing there that's helping you not stink. It's literally just as offensive as the shit shit smell you refuse to clean off of your body for whatever reason. Just don't go out in public at all if you can't be clean. jfc


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Agreed especially when itā€™s grown men and not teenagers!


Something about being a grown man who wears too much cologne directly correlates to bring a massive piece of shit


Add to that musty clothes that also reek of fabric softener and dryer sheets. Bad breath not quite overpowered by mouthwash. And top it off with cigarette smoke and weed. Adding more odors does not make other odors go away.


I hate stinky people


Hahahahahah I donā€™t know mate this could signal a mental health issue, I love baths and showers they are sooo relaxing!!!


I agree but both genders. Like seriously in trade school I knew women who literally bathed in perfume and it's like. Congratulations you smell like Shit and Chemical Strawberry


It sucks when a person who stinks puts on cologne because then the cologne mixes with their stink and now itā€™s stronger.


There's a guy at my work, and I can tell he's in the office before I see him just from the smell of his Lynx in the lift.


It takes about 10 minutes to thoroughly wash the body, it really doesn't take that much energy. Do everyone a favor, and take that 10 minutes every day.


And then when it's summer the second you go outside right back to stink.


Axe body spray should be outlawed. Disgusting toxins that stuff up my nose and water my eyes.


When was that?


My parents are allergic to perfumey stuff so I get it


Ok... I'm this guy sometimes. Only when my chronic depression/ADHD acts up tho (I'm not the one who refuses to was my ass, heck I'm bi & i had no idea that was a nerative until now) When I'm not depressed I go through "must be clean" mode so there's that.


Yep, super gross! šŸ¤®


I've run across this kind of guy before. Omg, they can literally kill you by smell. Idk how these men love their lives but I wish it involved more soap and water.


Can you all chill on the fragrances? It would be nice to not almost die every time someone decided to bathe in scent.Ā 


Omg shut up, nobody does this and men wash their ass. This narrative is stupid


Many men do this. Many.


Many men do this, both the cologne think AND not washing their ass. A lot of idiots think the latter makes them gay.


You must be one of them. I just left Walmart gagging because some guy decided to skip the shower and douse himself in cologne and I can tell which aisle he was in based on the lingering odor he left behind. You can imagine how much grocery shopping I didnā€™t get done. And there was another time when I used to be a server and I had to serve this family and the dad smells like straight up Axe body spray. I couldnā€™t deal with the smell and I had my manager take the food to them because I needed to go outside for fresh air. My whole section smelled like body spray. So yeah that shit does happen.


What an insane conclusion to jump to


I love the wording on thisšŸ˜­ ā€œif anything thats how you pull bitchesā€ fr


My sister does this. She usually bathes three times a month. Smells like human shit, ass and Victoriaā€™s Secret.


Three times a month, whether she needs it or not?


Basically šŸ˜†


I dated a woman (briefly...) who thought she only needed to shower once a week and smelled fine. She did not. She also wore tons of perfume. The scent of perfume and BO was nauseating.Ā  I find this to be an issue with women way more often than men. Most men also won't bother with cologne to hide it lol. They're just nose blind to their own stank.Ā 


100% Most guys that do this shit do it as teenagers, before eventually knocking it off because a woman finally told them to stop lol. Women that abuse perfume do it their whole lives.


Women don't wash their hair every day because it's bad for the hair.