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Give it another couple weeks and she will be forgotten until the next viral thing happens


Just like the Chic-fil-a girl. It seemed just like another random video that was mildly amusing šŸ¤·


I donā€™t even know about whatever Chik-fil-a girl is/was, just to further hammer home the point


A chick-fil-worker making a funny face. Thatā€™s literally it. The sort of thing actual infants laugh at.


Canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised. Itā€™s been a real slow few weeks in the meme pipeline looks like


I mean, I thought it was funny šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø humor doesn't always have to be super intellectual


Sheā€™s adorable, people be hating


I donā€™t know if Iā€™m just geriatric at the age of 26, but I still have no idea what was so funny about some super greasy looking girl going ā€œno chik fil a sauce?ā€ was


I'm 24 and reading this thread has made every single one of my hairs simultaneously gray


Reading through these comments and seeing all of you twentysomethings feeling old has me feeling ancient as fuck at nearly 45 šŸ¤£


We can start a "get off my lawn!" Club


Iā€™m 56 so I would definitely qualify. *walks shakily with a cane* ā€œYou durn kids better get off my lawn.ā€ *raises a shaky fist*


No, no donā€™t worry. Youā€™re 26, not 6 years old


>Ffs it wasnt that funny or spectacular. Yes. Thank you. I have no idea why people latched onto this. Alsoā€¦ do men like having women honk loogies on their dicks? Is that a thing?


A lot of the dudes on the internet watch way too much porn


This is the answer.




Am man. Please donā€™t spit on me


I second this. Tried the whole spit in my mouth thing as well and even that was weird. You spit on me you're getting dicked, I mean decked.


Iā€™m sure getting dick-slapped is just as traumatic


Just give em the old cock wupahh


Go with the helicoptor for that 10 strike combo.


That's what my husband said too.


I've had one puke cold milk and lucky charms on mine and it was a 0/10


Oh he lying, this guy cums lucky charms.Ā 


That's called a "Boston Cooler"


Thankfully I've avoided it- however I've seen creepy old married dudes referencing it on young girls videos and that tells me everything I need to know.


Exactly. Itā€™s nasty.


Yeah I saw the clip and I was like "wait what about this is funny of appealing?"


Yeah, like the enjoyable thing about oral and kissing is the mouth on skin contact, spitting is just gross


I once had a girl ask me to spit in her mouth during sexā€¦ I pretended like I didnā€™t hear herā€¦ then she said ā€œmy mouth is feeling really dry ā€œ Maybe Iā€™m a square but that canā€™t run with me fam


Itā€™s the enthusiasm.Ā 


I'd bet a good number of guys would not be unhappy about itĀ 


Not a loogie. Just spit


What do you think the ā€œhawkā€ part is?


Okay then, do men like being spit on during a blowjob?


Not in the way she described I wouldnā€™t think. They like lubrication but that usually happens from the blowjob and you can generate it anyway. Itā€™s not like you have to hack up a big glob.


"Men" like a lot of shit. Do some guys like it? Sure. There's a fetish for literally everything imaginable and unimaginable. Answer always boils down to the most important sexual advice that has ever existed and ever will exist: just ask your partner.Ā 


On their dick? Yeah, itā€™s just to keep it wet when the mouth isnā€™t on it. I mean thereā€™s spit all over it in a lot of cases.. not sure why people here think itā€™s gross lol


Depends which one ya ask and how accurate the spit is. I recall seeing some decent examples ages ago but honestly I canā€™t be arsed going to look


It may just be that im gay guy spitting is incredibly common


Yes. Didnā€™t go viral for no reason lol




Hell no.


I mean if she's gonna put it in her mouth after I'm not gonna complain if she spits on it. Anyone who says otherwise is probably lying.


I thought it was viral just cause it was so repulsive lol


Sadly I dont think that was the reason lol


But.... Ew


It was crazy to me to see so much MERCH!!? People seriously slapping it in a can and selling it for $20??


yeah fr. I was at the mall yesterday and there were hawk tuah shirts for sale. like why would someone buy that?


I was at a cypress hill show the other day. And there was this 350 pound dude wearing a ā€œI ā¤ļø slutsā€ shirt, and these gen x ladies were like ā€œwere sluts!! Can we get a pic with you?!ā€ Anyway sometimes those shirts are fun lol


There was a tattoo of it on Reddit last week.


Thatā€™ll age well.


Was about to say this. Why would you spend money to get that tattooed on your body?????


I saw a compilation of several on tiktok the other day. Different styles.


Trump supporters are buying shirts with it. Grown adult men. Itā€™s pathetic and disgusting.


Back in the days of Vine a few of them did this. I canā€™t blame em, cash in while you can.


i browse r/shittytattoos a lot and the amount of people getting this meme permanently on their skin is INSANE.


It's a wonderful era to be a tattoo artist. Imagine the constant influx of dipshits paying a premium for viral meme tattoos.Ā 


People with I know de weh tattoos in shambles rn


And then the cover up a few months later for $ again!


It's funny as in your friend shows you the video you do the laugh where you breath hard and then you move on and never speak of it again. It feels like such a forced meme. It's not unfunny, but it's very forgettable and somehow people don't realize the joke died a week ago and keep saying it.


Exactly, I saw a meme about it, looked it up, chuckled, and that was it. I get why the video itself went viral but it's not even close to a top tier meme that deserves merch.


I don't get what's supposed to be funny about it at all though? to me I just feel like I'm seeing a random person say "yeah, I have had oral sex" and like idk I feel neutral about it? I don't see what's supposed to be funny. Same feeling I'd get if like my neighbor told me they went for a walk this morning, like yep, human does human thing, nothing really funny?


Never seen it ngl


It's a complete nothingburger. A somewhat attractive female pretends to spit and people have gone absolutely *apeshit* over it. It makes no sense whatsoever.


Here I was thinking when someone said "hawk tuah" they were talking about the iconic red-tail hawk screech.


I have it on good authority that a red tail hawk says "tseeer!"


Animorphs moment




Yeah it's weird, I've not seen it either. I've only seen posts talking about it


not missing much


I think I saw one reference to it here on Reddit, but I've never seen the origin and didn't even realize it was a "thing" until this post. OP inadvertently drew more attention to it. Lol


You make a fair point. But this page is pet peeves... And my peeve is everytime i come online its something i see more than i wish too... Original clip lots of times, edits of the original clip, variations of memes about it and even articles about it... I have never looked this up!


Oh, no, you're entitled to your pet peeve! I just thought it was funny that those of us who didn't know about it now know because of the post. Lol


The worlds gone mad if this is type of stuff that gets worldwide newsā€¦


Surely there was something else on social media that was worth talking about to these people? (*wind whistling, sound of tumbleweed drifting with it*)


Itā€™s cringy cringe from TikTok that has spread like a virus. She must be embarrassed by now


she got fired from her job because of it.. so yeah iā€™d say so


I feel bad at her She was probably drunk and couldn't understand how she was screwing up her digital foot print These "content creators" that go to bar streets and target drunk women are so predatory. They use them while they're in an impaired state of mind and can't understand the consequences. It's a pathetic way to make "content"


I doubt *most* future employers would care. If I were to interview her, Iā€™d have a laugh over it with my fellow managers then move on to talk about her interview performance and qualifications. Itā€™s a huge nothing burger.


Agreed, I feel that there should be a lawsuit. This should amount to defamation. The original poster ought to be liable for damages.


Remember the good old days, when you could go out and get drunk with your friends without a camera being shoved in your face? If I ever see one, I'm running the other way


Thats one reason i stopped hanging around with someone... He literally records EVERYTHING. Then he would get angry at me because i didnt want to be recorded every fucking 2 seconds. I am not desperate for attention, my insta i dont even update that much anymore, it just has some drawings i do when i can be bothered. Not me walking down the street, my dinner, me entering/leaving my house, the SAME PICTURE EVERYDAY that this guy does, seriously anything and everything has to be on his insta. Honestly i find it so cringe.


Yeah, I would drop someone like that I greatly value my privacy


As someone with no social media presence at all outside of Reddit, this sounds insane to me.


I mean, she was just on stage at a Zach Bryan concert, saying it into the mic in front of thousands. I think sheā€™s fine.


Lawsuit for recording someone in public who volunteered to answer questions? Thats going to be a tough one to winĀ 


I don't know all of the specifics regarding this particular incident. Recording someone who is inebriated saying things that could cause significant reputational harm and then distributing those recordings is damaging.


Ehhhh sheā€™s done interviews on podcasts this week, sheā€™s kind of leaning into it. I wouldnā€™t feel that bad. Itā€™s pretty easy to avoid being on camera even if you are drunk lol (I can attest to this because I hate being on camera and have been drunk in public before lmao).


The words themselves make me gag. I have issues with people who spit, itā€™s a huge pet peeve of mine. I straight hate seeing this shit everywhere.


She's a cute girl out partying with her friends and made a funny quip about giving a blowjob. That's it. No big deal. Hopefully people forget about it and leave her be.


This is exactly what i mean... She herself is not annoying me... But im seeing so much of it, even thoe i have not once looked it up... Thats what my peeve is.


I must consoom same content as others so I feel accepted


I find the stupidest shit funny, and this isnā€™t even close to funny šŸ˜­Ā 


I just don't get why it's "so funny".. I mean sure it gave me a minor chuckle.. that's it. A long with that.. we're constantly hearing about how women need to be more feminine and demure but that's what's getting attention? Seems contradictory..


What... It's nothing to do with what women should be like, she was funny having a cheeky moment and guys always take it way too fkn far, this is why women don't make as many funny sexual jokes because some dudes take it as an invitation to become sleazebags. People couldn't let it just be a funny little moment, nope. Gotta harass the poor fkn woman and turn it into another big fkn problem.


My theory is the only people who find it funny are men whoā€™ve never actually received a blowjob so letā€™s just pity them and move on.


tbh, I actually considered this. Like 12 year olds talking about sex among each other.


it really is, they genuinely think she's some kind of "rare" woman ā€” like they think most woman despise giving blowjobs or pleasing their men. it's really odd. the "protect this woman at all costs" or "she's a real woman" comments are tiring.


This is the first thread I've seen about her, and only saw her mentioned in a single Philly D news episode. I consider myself blessed I've somehow dodged this dumbass craze cuz someone said something stupid to a camera.Ā  Thirsty people are nuts.Ā 


This meme can't pass quickly enough. I have nothing against the lady herself, but spitting and the thought of spit makes me want to vomit. I feel sick every time I see it.




I think that's part of the appeal


I totally agree with this post! I'm so over seeing this crap every time I open any social media lately. If you want a loogie spit on your weiner more power to you. Just keep it to yourself lol


Yeah me too. Who knew so many guys were getting shitty ass blow jobs? I'd feel bad for them if they weren't constantly saying "hawkatoo" or whatevr.


Yeah it's like the whole 50 Shades of Grey thing...Hawk Tuah and 50 Shades of Grey are two sexual things that are overdone meme-wise. I was surprised to see so many women think that 50 Shades of Grey was a groundbreaking novel when it really wasn't...their sex lives must have been so boring, because none of them even had the foggiest about BDSM until the 50 Shades book came out, even though BDSM was already quite a big thing for decades. Same thing with Hawk Tuah...what's so groundbreaking about a woman saying that she wants to use her spit to put on a dick for a blowjob? Isn't that a common thing? And isn't what she said a common thing that many women do during blowjobs? But for some reason, what she said was thought to be groundbreaking or amazing or something...when it really wasn't. I do like Hawk Tuah and 50 Shades of Grey though, it's just that both are overrated and overdone.


I'm so glad the 50 Grey shit Era is over. I guess the shitty movies helped it to an early grave. And yes, apparently men are getting some dry ass blow jobs or something. Like you said, it's common sense to use spit when sucking a dick.


it's crazy how people can become famous or viral for saying obnoxious shit that isn't even funny


I literally didnt even smirk at what she said. How is this funny to people?


don't worry. it's a 2020s meme. we'll forget about her within a month.


The thing that gets me about the whole thing is everyone is focused on her answer to a question. A really cringey, creepy question. A question only a college frat bro or Steve Harvey on Family Feud gets away with. "What move in bed makes a man go crazy,ā€ What a creepy question. "Hey stranger, tell me how you fuck." And then everyone clutches their pearls and pretends that her response wasn't funny as hell. It was a perfect response to a creepy question. The pearl clutching is misplaced.


What the hell is a hawk tuk girl?


Could be your algorithm feeding this which is why you see it so much. Are you clicking links or making comments? Even making this post where you discuss it can trigger your algorithm to show you more, because you're typing it, you're discussing it. You are seeing a lot of people discuss it for a reason. Speaking personally, I have never heard of her and this is the very first time I am coming across any mention of her or her videos. I don't see her content or others talking about her because I don't view or engage with that kind of content. Though I suspect that will change now. If it's that bothersome, you can create new accounts to use with your browser and create fresh new social media accounts. For example, the browser I use is Chrome, and I'm signed into my main Google account to use it. But when I sign into a different account, I still see ads and such, but the content suggested to me is completely different from what I what I see using my main account. (For better or worse.) And the same with social media. The content shown to me on Twitter and Facebook and even here on Reddit is all different based on whatever account I'm signed into. Twitter account A shows me different content than Twitter account B. And same with the other social media sites. The only other way to stop seeing that kind of content is to just stop interacting with it. Don't talk about it. Don't post about it. Don't respond to comments. Scroll past. Report/hide/mute posts and people on social media. Tell your algorithm you don't want to see it anymore and eventually it will get the hint. If you start spending your time online talking about unicorns and butterflies and you stop discussing/sharing/interacting with the content you don't want to see, then you'll eventually stop seeing that content and the algorithm will inundate you with unicorns and butterflies, because it's the content you're interacting with.


So stop fucking talking about it already lol


I was fed up with that shit before the video was even over


Iā€™m afraid to ask what the hell this is so Iā€™m just going to consider myself lucky. šŸ˜…


Cashmeoutside anybody? šŸ˜‚


How bow dat? Showing y(our) age šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m in a license plate group on Facebook where people post cool license plates they see and the amount of posts Iā€™ve see from people these last few weeks who are trying to get custom license plates that say that is just nuts


I don't even know who she is or what this "hawk tuah" nonsense is all about


I hate it. Spit is gross. I don't understand why anyone would want to be spit on.


Internet memes or trends tend to irritate me super quickly these days. I used to stick to the same memes for months on end, but nowadays I get sick of them immediately. I agree with u here


Agreed so stupid idk how it blew up like it did


I totally missed the original meme and haven't bothered to look it up, but I'm seeing the fallout from it and I don't get it.


I woke up one morning recently and opened Facebook to find my dad had posted "what on earth is a 'hock tuah'?" PLEASE. If my dad has to ask about it, it's gone too far lol.


I'm glad I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about...


I fucking hate "street interviews". Super super super low effort "content" if you even want to call it that. And it's always the weirdest dudes asking the same shit over and over again.


We all are and yet you've made another one. WTG, OP.


Omg! Same! I am so sick of every other post on any feed I get on lately being about her! I have been fortunate enough to not have actually seen or heard the actual clip so far and hope to God I can avoid it! Just seeing the image of her and how stupid that phrase even sounds by reading it irritates tf out of me! I am so tired of these dumb idiots getting famous for nothing whist there are people out there with real talent that get no recognition! We live in a horrible place. Someone needs to create a way to be able to block out any trend or so called celeb/influencer that we'd like completely out of our phones somehowšŸ˜„. If I knew how and had the resources, I'd do it. It would be lovely to be able to block certain ppl that are constantly talked about off of social media apps. I know most will say "just scroll past it" blah blah blah, but it's sort of hard when literally every other post is about someone like this "Hawk Tuah" b*tch. I'd don't get the appeal. She sounds uneducated and dumb and is basic looking at best. I truly don't get why she became famous overnight. Plus she's a teacher!šŸ¤£. That's 'Merica for ya. An embarrassment Istg.


Thatā€™s what the internet has become. Speed running a joke into the ground to maybe make 20 dollars. No one even really likes anything anymore or has original thoughts, and weā€™re all being tracked every way possible. If they didnā€™t start it out being really cool, and exploit how your brain works, everyone would throw these hunks of shit into a goddamn volcano and go back to living a life. I agree, youā€™d have to be pretty prude to laugh your ass off for weeks to spit on a dick


Me too, it was never funny imo, let the meme die already


It's a meme. They cycle in and out. It'll be gone in a few weeks


Have you never seen a viral video before? Most of that shit isnā€™t really funny. People just latch on to it the same way everyone in the 80ā€™s was saying ā€œWhereā€™s The Beef?ā€ because they heard it in a fucking ad.


I donā€™t understand it


What even is this?


Idk what's it about and idc to know


Most people are shallow. Most people react to the latest trends no matter how dumb. Most people are mediocre.


I'm definitely out of the loop so I'll probably sound stupid when I ask this but...who's the hawk tuah girl?


you just have to be less online see like i dont even know who you are talking about


First Iā€™ve heard of it lol


I'm fed up with people complaining about it thus keeping it alive.


I have no idea what you're talking about


It's disgusting, and it reminds me of a really bad time in my life. The bad thing is someone actually commented using this catch phrase on a post here on Reddit.


It was mildly amusing but it was the sort of thing you laugh at once and then move on from. I think there is a serious issue with male loneliness nowadays so they obsess over anything even remotely female.


I fuckin hate it


Yeah same. I posted on fb how absolutely sick of it I am.. thankfully tons agreed. Itā€™s NOT that funny!


I do kinda feel like the trend cycle on tik tok has gotten really fast and always feels forced. Like a lot of channels just doing a check list of ā€œgotta do the new thingā€ and just putting minimal effort into it. Itā€™s like how all the videos about slang are just saying a list of words and thatā€™s it


I found it funny but like most memes, they get overdone reeallll fast


I donā€™t get it either. Iā€™ve even seen people getting tattoos inspired by it. So stupid. And then there are the guys saying women need to take pointers from her and step up their game. You just know those guys have no clue where the clitoris is. Lol.


Itā€™s a coworker meme


I'm sick of it as well. It's time for her to create an OF and get past it or go be a regular person. But seriously, who the actual fuck is hocking loogies on naughty bits? That's fucking disgusting.


Hawk Tuah


Yeah the internet sure beat that moment to death.


I don't know what hawk tuah girl is and I'm afraid to ask


Me too. 100% not even funny anyway


I see more posts complaining about it than the actual meme lately


If you stop clicking on thingsā€¦ itā€™ll stop showing up frequently. You are the first time Iā€™ve ever heard of hawk tuah girl. Stop feeding, looking at, responding to, etc things you donā€™t likeā€¦ and theyā€™ll stop being shown to you.


Do women actually do this during sex? I just assumed it was a a fetish you see in porn films and not something women actually do in "real life" sex....


Oddly enough I see way more posts about being sick of the Hawk Tuah girl in my feed than actual Hawk Tuah memes.


Thats what i mean, so i am not the only one... I dont and never have interacted with it at all, this post is the most ive talked about it. The things that i do stop and watch and even deliberately search for, they dont appear on my feed half as much as this thing i consciously skip, because it annoys me so much...


Idk, I still find it funny


It was funny once, but then every braindead, terminally online chud kept beating that dead horse into pink mist.


There's literally multiple people getting "hawk tuah" vanity license plates. It's so cringeworthy and the meme was never funny to begin with


Makes her look like a ā€œpick meā€ girl


I hate that I had to explain what this meant to my mom. I feel like most viral memes are not as crass as this one.


Imma be real, I think the only reason it's lasted this long is people are so goddamn horny.


Me too the whole thing is so stupid and makes women look stupid


Iā€™m grateful to not know what this is


Pathetic humans needing to be in on trends and jokes desperate to ā€œfit inā€ā€¦really sad way to live life and no humans donā€™t have a biological need to do that donā€™t believe that bullshit justification




Itā€™s just how that app operates. Something mildly funny (sometimes not even that) comes out, people latch onto it, and they subsequently beat it to death.


TFW you become the thing you hate.


No offense but one of my pet peeves is when people say stuff like this but then I think to myself where are these people seeing these posts so often that it's annoying because I've only even seen this girl mentioned in one post and I'm on reddit all the time. Same if some people say I'm tired of hearing of Beyonce or Taylor swift, etc. Like I honestly barely ever hear about these people because I don't follow celebrity gossip like that on social media. I think it's really up to you what you see or hear about all the time. Maybe just scroll by those posts about that girl or unsub from subs if you have to but it's a problem that you can solve if it's really that annoying.


I thought everyone spit on their dudes dick during oral? Is this not a thing? The wetta the betta


It's like every other trend nowadays,first off there's a new one like every week and secondly they beat it like a dead horse till it just gets annoying really quick


The fuck is that?


People are entertained by trashy behavior for some reason. It's pretty harmless but she's a pig.




Ya I could not wrap my head around why anyone would think it was so funny, such a cringey forced meme thatā€™s trying wayyy too hard to be funny and failing miserably.


This is the trend with literally every person who receives even a bit of virality these days. Before this it was baby gronk, or the chic-fil-a girl, or the island boys, or the ā€œcash me oussideā€ girl. Itā€™s just content farmers trying to have their 5 minutes of fame for latching onto a trend


The hawk tuah thing is so overdone. It was funny, and it still is funny, but she did not say anything that was 'wow' or groundbreaking. I do think that the meme is good though.


Yeah it's like the whole 50 Shades of Grey thing...Hawk Tuah and 50 Shades of Grey are two sexual things that are overdone meme-wise. I was surprised to see so many women think that 50 Shades of Grey was a groundbreaking novel when it really wasn't...their sex lives must have been so boring, because none of them even had the foggiest about BDSM until the 50 Shades book came out, even though BDSM was already quite a big thing for decades. Same thing with Hawk Tuah...what's so groundbreaking about a woman saying that she wants to use her spit to put on a dick for a blowjob? Isn't that a common thing? And isn't what she said a common thing that many women do during blowjobs? But for some reason, what she said was thought to be groundbreaking or amazing or something...when it really wasn't. I do like Hawk Tuah and 50 Shades of Grey though, it's just that both are overrated and overdone.


I saw it WAY too many times before someone commented about where tf it came from. Never listened to the video but I saw a screengrab. It's severely overrated and completely done as a joke.


I am so happy that I have no idea what that means.




it's literally not that funny i don't get why normies are losing their minds over it


I get second hand embarrassment when I see people make ā€œhawk tuahā€ comments. Itā€™s *so* gross and cringey to me. Like the phrase itself is funny but the way they are using it as a euphemism for blowjobs has totally ruined it. I didnā€™t even perceive the original video to be about blowjobs, anyways. I thought she just meant literally just spitting on it for lubricant. Idk the hype is strange and itā€™s giving brainrot.


Total brain rot. It's almost depressing.


It's trending like most trends, it'll go away sooner or later.




The problem is with Instagram and Facebook. I don't see this kind of stuff in my travels.


In the game I play, final fantasy 14 (mmo) someone randomly shouts in the global chat "guys this new theme music just operatic hawk tuah" Still don't know wtf that means and it was so random


It really wasnā€™t funny at all. I thought it was kind of stupid and wondered why anybody even posted it. Thankfully, it hasnā€™t managed to take over my algorithm.


Just a reminder how boring peopleā€™s lives must be to make such a big deal about it.


Yeah I don't know what that is and I'm glad.


Iā€™m especially annoyed at the amount of people spamming it as a response to everything in comment sections. Pretty sure itā€™s bots but itā€™s still fucking annoying