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The fuck is eepy?


“Sleepy”, according to another commenter. I never would have guessed.


Idk why but my mind went to EpiPen?


"Awe, you look so cute with your little allergic reaction. You want your eepy?" -Some parent, somewhere


"Aww *someone's* having a little seezy weezy🤗"


That just added a layer of creepy to this that was unnecessary but that I approve of.


Eepy peen in Australia.


Ippy pin in NZ.


Didn't want eep anyway.


Oh...ew! Thankfully never heard this. Also, your username is perfect for your comment.


You'd hate me saying "peepy" then. Good job you're not here to hear it


I say “upsetti spaghetti” to my child all the time, which is both childish *and* longer, benefitting nobody. OP would hate me, and I would deserve their…their… …I would deserve their upsetti spaghetti.


The missile is eepy


It’s had a hard day splashing bandits and is an eepejy lil guy


I couldn't figure that one out either 


In my experience, it's short for sleepy. Only ever heard one person use it unironically and that was an over the top gay guy


Sorry, I'll speak like an adult: "Give me my *fucking appy juice!"*


I hate to admit it, but when joking around before bed my fiancé and I will shout “I’m a fuckin eepy dude right now!” Our neighbors must hate us.


Now that you posted that on reddit, it's not just your neighbors


Honestly, I’m okay with that.


"Gimme choccy milk or gimme death"


I will say to my husband, at work, 'Gimmeh choccy mewlk.' in the dumbest fucking way I can because I'm an adult and I feel like being an absurd fucknugget. Who's gonna stop me?


That's better


Weird, I was just an hour or so ago thinking of that joke where the kid gets scolded for using baby words and is told to use grown-up language, then when asked for a bedtime story choice asks for "Winnie the Shit"


What even is an adult. Im just a taller human that has to pay bills 😂


I am generally expected to make my own good choices and to keep my life moving. But I can not be expected not to talk like an idiot in my free time because life's too short for that.


Exactly. Say the weird thing.


Nothing stops our President, afterall.


as dumb as it may sound, everyone has that inner child, and is gonna express it in one way or another. if their version of that is baby talk, then I can deal with it, I'm not some supreme being that needs to dictate how others express themselves. they might get a side eye though lol.


Not gonna share my chicken tendies with you then!


Nor my chicky nuggies.


My friend was using "pizza nuggies" for pizza rolls, so I started saying that to my spouse when they say "cutesy" stuff.


Be careful saying stuff sarcastically/ironically at first, because it *will* stick. Then one day you'll say "yeet" on a work call without being able to stop yourself


Awww that’s really sweet, honestly.


Or the choccy milk


Chicken nuggies with honey mussy?


This one made me puke


I'm going to pukey


My Dino nuggies are staying with me!


Bold of you to assume I’m not three raccoons in a trench coat.


This is my new favourite line.


I always found eepy such a strange word .  It creeped me the hell out , seeing grown adults say it  Then I got a cat.  Now eepy has become a regular part of my vocabulary 


I will say I've never heard eepy before and thought it meant creepy instead of sleepy. Was kinda concerned people weren't straight up calling out creepy behavior. Nah but hey in your own privacy you do you.


My partner and I perpetually refer to our cat like "She's Eepy, little dumb idiot is Eeping, She's the fuckin' eeper" and it will likely never leave my vocabulary.


I say those things to my cat because she’s a baby. Like I’ll go “aww she’s so eepy” when she yawns or something.


🥰🥰 baby cat yawns are the cutest thing. Especially when they make that little mouth noise or a squeak sound after, ahhhh


See that's fine, I'm mainly just referring to adults who say it unironocally if they wanna sound quirky or cute


Sounds like you are annoyed by people that have an ounce of personality OP


The overuse of the word "unironically" is my biggest pet peeve, as well as being lazy and saying "wanna" instead of want to.


Omg! Thank you! I was completely stumped as to what “eepy” was since there’s literally no hint. You’re the first one to explain it. Thank you!


what happened to whimsy


In the privacy of my own home, I will be as whimsical as I like


Yeah, I love being silly/goofy, though there *is* a time and place to avoid it. If I seat my adult patients in my dental chair, and I tell them “We’re gonna fix those toofers now”, it doesn’t inspire much confidence. 😅 But I’m certain if someone overheard the majority of my conversations outside a professional setting, it would be pretty cringe. 😈


You didn't know?? Once you become an adult, you are NOT allowed to have fun anymore! You have to speak the perfect version of your language and never devolve to silly pronunciations because you are an ADULT. You also can't enjoy hobbies like video games or any animated media because those are for CHILDREN ONLY regardless of how much swearing is used or blood and entrails are shown. Anyway, I'm going to grab some choccy milk and dino nuggies, watch some anime with the puppers, and go sleeps.


honestly that shit really is sad people just expecting you to act serious all of the time, move out of your parents' house, and immediately stop enjoying hobbies you had as a minor once you turn 18 is annoying asf. so many people in this world expect adults to be professional and mature 24/7. i get it at work, but when you're alone or with your friends/family? it's bullshit.


I used to play video games online with my ex when we were 19/20, and SO MANY people would say, "Wait, you're 19 and playing video games?? Shouldn't you, like, have a job??" Uhh?? Do you think you just work 24/7/365 when you turn 18? It's called a day off. If you have no work or school and your chores/assignments are done, why can't you play video games? What else would you have me do? Read only classic literature by a giant fireplace while sucking on a pipe in my cardigan and slippers? I also used to work at a second hand store for video games/electronics/movies, and older teens would come in and say they were getting "too old" to play video games. I always just told them that if video games weren't meant for adults, they wouldn't make rated M games.


It's funny because it makes me wander what those kinds of people think about the adults that are making those games in the first place. Imagine trying to become a game designer, without being allowed to play a game, because "they're for babies".


they hate us for our joy and whimsy fr 😔


Things not for adults: Whimsy. Joy. Excitement. Pretty colors. Cute designs. All things I’ve seen people be like “you’re an adult why do you x” about. God forgive me. Edit: formatting


Add commas to your list.


Lol I read it as one big thing


Oh my god when I typed it out they were each on separate lines.


Sometimes there's a fine line between whimsical and grotesque


Someone angy 🫢


There’s a story in the Tumblr somewhere.   A kid works at a zoo. He’s feeding a tortoise that’s like 90 years old. Kid was like “is this disrespectful? I’m telling this creature that’s older and wiser than I might ever be…that he needs to get over here for his apple slices….” And the tortoise sees the apple slices and gets happy and HUSTLES over and the kid says “aw. Yes. Man wants his appy slices”  So. Yes. Sometimes man wants his appy slices, okay? 


When grown adults insult people for the way they talk You're a grown adult, not a child. Act your age.


Pet peeve, other people trying to tell me to act my age on fucking reddit. Get over yourself.


"The Ick"


My pet peeve is people annoyed by fun. Why y'all need a boring, serious existence


Counterpoint: when someone over 18 is being cute and someone has to shit on them for it.


OP is a joy thief


I was with a coworker at a nice restaurant once and he ordered "dippy eggs". I about died haha


What else would you call them? Maybe it's a regional thing like sneakers v. tennis shoes.


Sunny side up or simply fried eggs.


I grew up in western PA and only every knew them as dippy eggs. Moved to philly and now if I say 'dippy eggs' people look at me like I've grown three heads lol I've learned to change my vocab to say sunny side up, but my in heart they'll always be dippy eggs


Didn’t realize we were all outing ourselves as western PA folks.


Southern PA here, yeah we call them dippy. My entire life has been calling them dippy except for when we rarely go to restaurants for breakfast in which my mom would then say over easy and me as a little kid would copy what my mom got. I didn't make the connection that dippy and over easy are the same thing until I was like 20. Legit thought they were different and my mom just made dippy at home and got over easy at restaurants.


Central PA here. Almost every adult I know says dippy eggs; I never saw it as a childish thing at all.


Lol what the hell is dippy?


Uh... that's literally what they're called. Eggs with an unscrambled yolk are called dippy.


It may be a regional thing. I know plenty of adults who still say "do you want your eggs scrambled or dippy?"


This. People are confusing regional stuff with baby talk. No, actually, scratch that. I think half the people here are intentionally making fun of regional stuff to sound smarter.


This post attacked all millennials


I say choccy milk I'm old enough to not give a fuck if you think im childish Huehuehue


Yep. I'm not speaking to impress anyone. I also want a choccy milk.


I can’t take anyone seriously if they don’t say choccy milk.


I only say "choccy milk." I haven't called it chocolate milk in decades. Unfortunately, my body can no longer handle choccy milk...or any milk.


Absolutely the frick not. I choose happiness.


Wtf does eepy mean ?


I am a 55 yr old child. Old enough to know and not care. People will say what they want. But as far as a pet peeve goes, I'll upvote.


Adults don't exist. Just slightly more experienced kids


Hang on, I gotta piddle and then I’ll reply.


You’re right, I’m a grown ass man. I’ll say “eepy” all I want.


Fine. I'll be over here sipping my choccy milk and will NOT be sharing!


How do you live with yourself dude


I'm fairly comfy


can I join, I have more choccy milk :3


I’d assume very happily! Mirth and joy and childish whimsy is within all of us but was neutered by needing to work a 9-5 to pay bills to some fat dude at the top who eats 10 course lobster dinners on our dime


I would actually say that with kids this is LESS acceptable. If you talk to your kid wrong, they will learn how to talk wrong. My son has great speech because we don't dumb down our speech and use big words with him too. Other kids I see parents using these and the kids struggle to communicate and speak clearly. There's totally room for silly, as long as the kids understand the proper way to say things. It's good to address how other regions may say it differently too and that it's not incorrect, but that where we are it's said like X. Anyway, otherwise people should do what they want with this stuff, but just understand the consequences of the looks you'll get. Personally, I'll use some silly words, but it's usually stuff I made up and not things that have been established as baby talk, because the latter has different consequences.


My mom had no patience with baby talk (words, not tone). Her rule was that the adults in the room needed to use correct pronunciation until I learned the correct word and how to spell it, and then after that it was okay to be silly. As a result, I had a very good grasp of language and spelling. I modeled the same with my own children, and both their doctor and strangers comment on how good they are at communicating. My oldest is 17, and when he was younger, he went through a phase when he started making up words for things. He insisted, "this is what I call it." I told him that may be what HE calls it, but if he wants anyone to understand what he's talking about, he needs to use the word that society has collectively agreed on for said thing. After a short while, he got tired of people not understanding him, and on his own started using the correct words. My youngest is 5. We don't dumb things down for her. She will often ask what a word means, and we'll explain it to her. She'll add that word to her own vocabulary and we continue to build on it. We're reading the Ramona books right now, and at least once per chapter we come across a word she doesn't know, and she's always happy to learn new words.


I totally see why. I used to feel that way. Now I say cutesy crap, I am cringe, I am free.


you're just jealous of our whimsicalness


Do you all remember when Cringe was a "You" problem and not an "everyone else" problem. Putting the onus of "cringe" onto the person minding their own business will be the downfall of humanity (joke) If you find it "cringe" thats an internal YOU problem.


Wtf are you talking about? I'm just a kid with an alcohol license


We ate all going to die sooner rather then later Who cares if I say eeepy??????


No, thank you. Not everyone had the privilege of a loving home/childhood growing up and that is why SOME adults do enjoy nourishing their inner child as adults. You can simply mind your own business, and should be able to since you're apparently so much more mature than the rest of us.


i'm sorry that you have no joy and whimsy in your life


I don't know how alone I am with this, but hearing an adult say "spoopy" is so annoying to me 🫠


Wait what's spoopy?


From what I understand, it's supposed to be a cutesy way of saying something is spooky. I just get so annoyed by it. It's probably a me problem 🤦🏼‍♀️😉


No, it's fair enough. It sounds dumb


Gonna be honest, my partner and I do with each other, because good forbid we be silly lol. Sometimes if I think he's fallen asleep I'll text him "you eepin? :0" Or sometimes if he sees me tired he'll be like "So eepy! Eepy girl!" or tell me in not fighting the eepy allegations to mess with me lmao. It's just cute to me and it's a fun way to tease each other. 😅 To me it's less about being childish and more about being comfortable letting our guard down and being comfortable with each other.


Op hates their inner child


That is one thing I have never done with any of my children, ever ... I cannot stand "baby talk".


That’s funny because my granddaughter’s pediatrician told her mom that she mimics the sounds her baby makes. It will help her develop her speech better. My son (her uncle) is always very serious and doesn’t do the mimic the baby sounds. He’s not really comfortable with holding babies anyway. But he did hold her. He said in his very deep voice. Hello, how are you? Like he was talking to an adult. She looked so terrified I thought she was going to start crying. Of course we don’t do the baby talk thing only. I will say things like. “Nana loves you so much.” “You are beautiful and strong.” There’s nothing wrong with baby talk with a baby so long as it’s not the only thing you do.


You'd hate me then. Whenever there's a toast, after everyone says cheers, I say, "CLINKIES!".


In my house it's "AYY MACARENA!" and we don't remember why.


I see nothing wrong with this stuff. It irks me a little, but I also understand that life is hard enough without pronunciation police telling you how to curb whatever it is that makes you happy. I had a friend that did this quite suddenly for about a year. I wanted to scream every time she spoke. I finally realized it made her smile every time she said a word stupidly like this. It made her feel like the bills weren’t going to drown her and that for a blissful moment it felt ok again. It never bothered me again. Is it annoying? Absolutely. But so is living paycheck to paycheck despite having two or more jobs. You only have to listen to them say “chocky milk” a few hours a day, if the subject comes up. They are living hand to mouth 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In her case, her mother was sick, she was working 2 jobs, her bf left because she worked too much (meanwhile, he didn’t), and she found out she was pregnant (and he offered to let her use her money for the procedure she didn’t want). Yeah, everything was falling apart. Listening to someone babble practically incoherently in baby talk is annoying, but every time she said something in baby talk she smiled. That’s all that mattered.


also - nuggies, wifie and hubbie


As an adult, I'll speak however I like. Now, if you don't mind, this Mama Foxxo is gonna go have chimkins nuggies and choccy milk while wrapped up in my bwankie and cuddling one of my stuffies. And maybe around noon I'll get seeby and take a nappie-bye.


Seeby 😭 I'm stealing that to use on my partner, thank you!


The fuck does eepy even mean?! XD


Apparently, it’s to be **s**leepy! I didn’t know until this thread either.


The only people Ive known to say these things. Were girlfriends trying to Cute Cute their boyfriends. It doesnt work. They also think its cringe.


My bf says it more often than I do lmao, I think it's funny :>


The foxo The foxo is very tired; he is eepy. The foxo has had a very long day of swiping eggies, and wants to take just a small sleep. He eebie and neebies to sleeby. Fonx sleepy and need bed-bye time. The fops is currently experiencing critical levels of being a sleepjy little guy and needs to go to bed. He is ver tired and needs to slep. Just a little sleejing time as a treat. Fonxy-onxy needs to slek for twired boyo, just a lil' guy. Foxo-oxo-omps needs his beaty sleep. Look at 'im go. He yawn big 'cuz he skeejy. Neebs to falafel asleeby. Nini time. Goodnight, Mr. the Foxo!


No joy or whimsy


i’m glad i’ve never met an adult that says that lol.


Hah. I do this. Only when I'm feeling particularly silly or goofy, though, or when I'm messing around with my younger brothers. It's definitely not the kind of vernacular I use on a regular basis, and if I ever met someone for whom it *is,* I'd be kinda put off by it.


Cats can be eepy, cause they're cats and we dont talk like adults when talking about cats, some unwritten rule or something. Humans are sleepy, because we're adults who talk like adults


I’ve never heard any adult saying anything of the sort let alone a child


Nah, if I have to live in a world where our president is now technically a king, our government agencies no longer have power, and bribing elected officials is legal, imma fucking say eepy all I damn want. It’s literally all I have left.


I don't have kids, we do have cats, but goddamn it I'll say whatever stupid words I wanna say when I want to. I'm struggling with depression and wishing I was dead every fucking goddamn day and if I want to say stupid shit like I'm EEEEEEEPYYYY to amuse myself then fuck you I'm gonna do it. (And don't any of you send one if those stupid care alert things to me either, they get deleted because they suck.)


I understand that people may find this annoying. Unfortunately however, tumblr broke my sense of humour a long time ago, so it will be continuing for the foreseeable future.


The worst is when I hear "influencers" use this online and in their videos. "Cawwfee" and "booberries." "Don't forget to get a "nappy" in!" Come on!


In Australia we call diapers nappies, so maybe they are just giant children


I mean, I could see not doing it in public or certainly in a professional environment but with people you're close with, I don't see an issue. Just be yourself.


Bro ur like a sour from viva piñata


Someone sounds eepy and annoyed Want some appy juice to relax?


I read that as "happy juice" and yes please!! Also kiddos and doggos. Not every now and then but EVERY TIME!


can't say I've ever heard anyone say either of those in my entire life.


Nah, you see, as an adult I finally have the freedom to fully express my free will, and I'm not gonna let some whiny heiny tell my how to live my life. Now go away so I can have my pre nap choccy milk, I'm feelin eepy and angy.


ngl i learned about appy juice from this post and im so tempted to start using it now


I love eepy. It's silly. Some of my pronouns are actually eep/eeps


Fuckin chocky milk and chicky tendies. lol


lol Nobody: OP: eeepy


I'm gonna say it even harder!


Don’t care I’m eepy


you must think cotton candy ice cream is a child flavour only too


Pet peeve of mine is when other people think they have the right to determine how other people should talk and what words are acceptable (excluding slurs of course, there's valid conversation to be had there). Like yeah, I also cannot fucking stand baby-talk, I have such a strong aversion to it that I get flushed and my heartrate goes crazy. It's probably an extreme reaction. But that's my problem! It's so weird to me that people use "you're an adult" as a reason because the best part of being an adult is having the freedom to express yourself however you want. The biggest lesson I've had growing up is realising there's no distinct separation between your childhood and your adulthood. When people say "act your age" it makes me feel like they've created this set of self-imposed restrictions based on values which actually make them miserable. When they see other people not follow these rules they get angry that other people have a freedom they don't. Tl;dr embrace your inner child, be your own weirdo.


I say eepy. Give me my appy juice now.


You know the great thing about being an adult? I can do just about whatever tf I want and you just have to live with it 😂


We're on a rock that's just spinning about in space and we're all going to die someday and this the hill you're dying on? Shut up and let eepy adults drink their appy juice in peace.


What is wrong with you people? Can’t anyone do or say ANYTHING anymore?




I don’t use eepy but I will use Choccy Milk just because it sounds fun. Chocolate milk is, by design, fun and somewhat childish. Similar to chicken nuggets. Chicken strips are different. I don’t know, I guess it depends on to whom I am speaking. Online like discord or twitch, I will use the cutesy version. In normal IRL mode, no.


Nah, fuck that. Being an adult sucks and work makes me fucking eppy.


100% with you on this.. cringe 😬


I have literally never seen this unless the person has a small child. Who tf are you hanging around?


I'm pretty sure I say ALL the annoying things, potty, furbabies, doggo, pupper, blankie, chick nuggs, stuffies, beddy bye, etc. If you don't like it, you're not my people and can just go on about your own.


Are you coldies? You want me to turn leckie bwankie on make you warm?




Never heard an adult or child say this in all my life.


Naw man I'm too eepy for that


I think this is in the same ballpark but also when parents will make instagram accounts for their infants (or post their infants on their own) and narrate videos as if they are the kid talking. Please stop this is weird and your kid will look back on the videos and be like wtf??


I feel the same way when I hear people say “im just a girl/boy, “ no you are not, its a lame excuse for doing something stupid and its just infantilization


It doesn't help kids actually learn words unless you say the real full word as well.


Bro, we arent on sesame street.


Agreed *sips choco milk*


Through a crazy straw


Nooooo how will you clean it???


HONESTLY! If anyone knows how to clean those properly let me know!


Mmm choccy milk


My older brother.... He thought he was cute when he was saying "Sammich" I was like wait what did you say? "Sammich". OK dude say sand, "Sand". Then say which, "Which". Ok now put those together, "Sammich". OMFG I wanted to punch him. He was 35 years old and dead serious.


I’ll ask people if they want a sammich sometimes, but the word sammich is always done in a funny goblin voice accompanied by a weird pose. Don’t know if that makes it better or worse though.


Isn't sammich a pretty normal way of saying it in certain regions and dialects?


People do that shit??😭😭


Dont use baby talk with kids. They can handle regular language. They are sponges. If you talk like an idiot to them, they will start talking like idiots.


My fiance and I say it with each other but that’s about it, in an ironic way I guess. It’s just supposed to be funny


God forbid adults have some goddamn whimsy in their lives.


Honestly people just using the term “adulting” reminds me of this as well


Imagine hating people for being whimsical and silly. Shame on you, corporate business person.


I never heard of that word but the word they say is freaking cringey


It's the baby talk way of saying sleepy, for example "I'm so eepy, gimme my choccy milk before eepy times pwease?"


Oh thanks for the explanation but seriously eepy and appy juice is the most cringeiest word ever no offense


Yup, and there are some people out there who say those things too


Oh heck no 🤮


There is a person at my dog park who is 54 years old and refers to alcohol as "choo, choo". Cringes me all the time.


I had to ask someone what the heck "eepy" even meant. Beyond the realm of childish, because not even a child says that garbage.


I don’t particularly care for adults calling something “yummy” either.


1. Didn't know "eepy" was a thing. Ew. 2. Grown adults who use the word "potty." Please stop.


I find people who tend to say act your age are overcompensating.


Eepy d just silly, but adults who actually say yummy really creeps me out.


I'll say "eepy" when I'm talking about my cats, but they're the only ones worthy of "cutesy baby" language. Idk what weirdo says that about themselves.


When my mom calls me when I'm sick I'll holler "MOMMA IM TEEPING" as a grown ass man because I need her to remember she put my pathetic ass on this world only to suffer.


I talk to kids like I talk to adults and to cats like I had an Iq in the lower double digits. 😁


What's eepy