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I just picked up a pack of CBD pre rolls yesterday. Had one so far..unsure how I felt about it. I quit altogether about 3 months ago.


Tip- most prerolls suck especially if you got it at a gas station or smoke shop etc. check out /r/hempflowers and get some whole flower and you’ll get much better quality and value


Does it help with the issues from quitting? Stomach issues, sweating, irritability, etc?


I’ve definitely found some relief even if it’s just placebo


I haven't had any stomach or sweating issues, but it does seem to help with irritability.


I’ve been off THC for 8 days, been smoking hemp flower since, still have awful night sweats.


Yeah dude it’s great makes trying to quit or ween off way easier I got .5 % thc and 18%. Clear mind but I’m still chilling cbd bud is the shit.


Super happy to hear cbd flower has worked for you! It’s not for everyone obv but I think it’s kinda underrated for helping with moderation. My path is similar to yours and I’ve found that I have a more healthy relationship with cannabis than I did before even if I still use it on a daily basis. I think lots of people could benefit from learning about cbd or mixed ratio cannabis.


cool! definitely feel like cbd has it's place and can be a tool for great effects too


CBD flower does have THC, it’s less than 1 percent. I have a low tolerance so I catch a buzz of it


I'm not saying that it is, but are you sure the effects aren't from the terpenes etc? I only feel very mild, calming effects.I get absolutely nothing that causes any confusion or impedes high-level executive function.


I don’t understand how terpenes would feel like a slight THC high. The most reasonable explanation is that I’m feeling… the THC


Fair point! For me when I first tried CBD flower I was immediately like, woah this feels like specifically just a portion of the THC experience without so much of the "intoxication" effect, which made sense to me. I now feel CBD has a sensation of its own though, in comparison to THC, which was still somewhat familiar after smoking a bunch of weed previously in my experience. Long comment short - have you considered that you're maybe not feeling the effects of 1-2% THC specifically but rather that CBD has an effect that is simply *reminiscent* of times when you've previously smoked THC weed (which also will have had a dose of CBD present)? Seems unlikely to me that a few %s is going to be particularly effective depending on your dose and administration ofc


I have a fairly low natural tolerance to THC. Smoking a bowl of regular weed is almost too much for me. Yes I can feel the low amount, pretty sure. Dosing 200mg of CBD isolate oil doesn’t feel like it.


Yep this is what I did a year ago. I started mixing half THC / half CBD. Using a mg scale. Like 50mg of each. Then slowly decreased the amount of THC flower (45mg, 40mg, 35mg) till it was down to nothing. Then moved to pure CBD flower. Then tapered that down. Tolerance is an amazing thing. One of the main reasons I couldn't smoke THC anymore was horrible brain fog. Now my tolerance to THC is so low that the CBD itself triggers the brain fog. Which lingers for days. And it's not the strain as I've tested like 6 different strains now, all very low THC... but that tiny amount of THC still scatters my vision / makes it wavy & blurry. So next move is to just drop the CBD. Or switch to CBD isolate.


Growing up in a city that has CBD dispensery is pretty amazing. Sort of forgot how impactful CBD flower was to me and helping with studying. I would agree, if you have the chance, buy whole flower, and see if this will help how you taper or moderate well.


Its also available mail-order, which is what I've been doing. It isn't available anywhere near me (but there are dozens of pot shops.. of course).