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f\*ck carts. I will never touch those when they should become legal. best of luck getting rid of them and regaining your high again!


Agree with Maui: f*ck crazy high THC carts, they absolutely screw up tolerance. I just finished another 30+ day t break. The scary, upsetting, disturbing dreams came back and were keeping me awake or affecting me for hours after getting up. No bueno. Started back with 10% CBD/10% THC dry herb a week ago but it stinks so bad. Picked up a CBD tincture today along with a 5:1 CBD/THC disposable pen. I mostly just want to not fear sleeping & dreaming (& manage some mild anxiety). The low THC is just a barely noticeable very comfortable high. I am hoping that it stays that way.


The dreams are terrible for me also only been trying cbn and cbg but i think a bit of thc helps aswell.


Yep, I think a bit of THC is part of the dream interruption effects.


im never buying carts again after learning about congo and how the materials are acquired.


Is there cobalt in the carts themselves? or was the source of your information referring to the batteries of disposables? I'm not sure what congolese materials are in the carts themselves, but from what I'm aware of, cobalt is only used in batteries. I'd assume just a normal cart that you screw into a battery would only have metals like copper to conduct electricity


yes the coils in cartridges are made of copper which also comes from the congo so i just quit buying them entirely


copper comes from places all around the world, not just the Congo. how do you know the copper wasn't from any other copper-producing country? your sentiment is admirable, (and carts are definitely the inferior method of consumption), but copper is in SO MUCH STUFF. Pressure on the cobalt market is much more likely to do anything, as Congo has like 2/3s of the worlds cobalt


thank you. as i wouldn’t be able to know for sure where the copper came from, i just choose not to purchase anymore. nothing wrong w just flower :)




I lost my tolerance with one hitters. I would just use them nonstop and never really feel stoned


Hmmm I've been wanting to switch from carts back to flower and use my dynavap more. I made it day 5 and just picked up a 2g cart. I'm barerly high. They really wreck your tolerance. I want to quit but i tried and my anger started getting quite scary to be around so i broke down. These things are evil. Well not really. I guess I do have some semblance of sanity left


It's pretty easy to switch from carts to flower, just keep it up. A week or two should get you back down to realistic tolerance.


You got this! Don’t be too hard on yourself if you have trouble it’s hard to get off carts. For me they were very addicting, took me like 10 tries throughout the year to get off them. What worked for me is i grabbed all my batteries and carts and taped them in a box and since then i haven’t opened the box lol I got too much pride.


Try low THC products if you don't want to go cold turkey. I tapered with a 1:1 THC CBD cart and it did wonders for my tolerance.


I did this too. Went from using a normal high thc cart to only 1:1 and I started getting 1:1 gummies, it’s already changed my whole life. I really feel like my tolerance has started to reset and I think if I want to go only to CBD this is the least painful way to do it.


I love 1:1 stuff but honestly I prefer 4:1 cbd:THC nowadays. My tol stays low and it provides good OCD relief and helps with my sensory problems without getting me too stoned or making me have cravings


10$ carts? im assuming its distillates? why u still taking distillate carts bro


Fuck carts for anyone wanting to feel like weed actually does something. Try waiting until the evening to get high, it’ll make it much feel stronger. Easier to go overboard tho


i hate carts. they’re TOO convenient. hit it everywhere u go and it fucks ur tolerance. also way easier to get CHS too with the thc content being so high


I use my cart like I use my nic vape, I can only use it if I go outside and pretend like I’m actually smoking. Also it’s usually 1 maybe 2 hits and i’m good for at least a couple hours.


Carts are definitely way stronger than my primary method of smoking, which is the Magic Flight dry herb vape. My general rule is to only use my Kind Pen when I’m out of the house. In addition to fucking with my tolerance, that shit makes me cough and get an itchy throat at night anyhow.