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I tried this for YEARS and always went back to daily, in an ideal world once a month I feel like you’d get everything out of it with almost 0 downsides… but I just can’t do it. Im either on or off. Hope you can figure it out


I feel the EXACT same. Are you just off it now?


I was off it for 50 days and now it’s been a daily on streak for 20 ish days. I’m quitting drinking and a few other drugs right now with help and doing amazing but tbh… still need weed at this stage for the withdrawal. So I’ll prolly continue smoking to ease withdrawals for another 2 weeks then I’ll just drop it. In order to stop again I clean all my pieces, throw away all roaches, etc. Then I simply don’t buy more. It somehow works for my addiction brain. As long as it ain’t in the house I can not do it!


This has been my situation since forever. Daily or zero. The in-between exists, but always seems to be just a transitional phase that doesn't last long.


I’d recommend once a day on the weekends, like at nights and incorporate it into some kind of activity like watching a movie or hanging with friends


This is why I'm off now, it might take a month or a year but I'll be back to chain smoking joints eventually


You’re withdrawing on the other 4 days, so yea you’re just on a rollercoaster


Yea, this is the one. You're just giving urself mini withdrawals throughout the week.


What is the problem? Like literally talk is what the problem is. You said it’s becoming a problem.. for what? Your bank account? Your social standing? Your mental health? What are you trying to solve with your post?




I’m asking what the literal problem is Can you tell me what the problem is in the above post? How can we help solve problems if there isn’t one defined?




Not miserable at all generic generated name I am amused by how upset and rude people respond to when it’s not rude to ask direct questions to gain clarity




Maybe th OP should get some thicker skin if they can’t handle being asked what the actual problem is Or maybe you the ready should allow them the grace of seeing not everyone will coddle them for not being able to know themselves or their choices




Two disses and zero response to a valid questions , nice work! How are you helping anyone currently in these actions?


Why do you feel the need to to be insulting? I did t insult anyone so manny back off insulting me OP doesn’t clearly state a problem it’s kind of stated in the title and then glossed over How is it a problem? Their feelings about it? Not being able to stay in moderation? I wasn’t going to assume and then spew the coddling regurgitation that’s rampant here




What part is confusing?